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As a result it underwent numerous amendments in details, and tho it remained in most essentials as it was first proposed, it was at last accepted even by its critics as on the whole a beneficent act of legislation. Indeed, its strongest critics had been the friends of the Aldrich plan, and the Federal Reserve Act embodies, in a greater degree than its authors were ready to admit, the main features of the Aldrich plan. In one important respect, however, it is different; it provides for more decentralization of control and of reserves than did the Aldrich plan. It created not one central banking reserve, but, in the end, twelve regional, or district, banks each to keep the reserves of its district. The Jacksonian tradition of opposition to a central bank[1] in part helps to explain this; in part the contemporary congressional investigation and discussion of the so-called "money-trust" and the consequent desire to decrease the importance of "Wall Street" and of New York city banking power.
On the accompanying map are given the outlines of the districts as const.i.tuted and altered down to 1916.[2]
-- 2. #The Federal Reserve Board#. At the head of the banking system stands the Federal Reserve Board of seven members, five of them appointed by the President and Senate of the United States for this purpose, and two serving _ex-officio_--the Secretary of the Treasury and the Comptroller of the Currency. One of the five shall be designated by the President as Governor and one as Vice-Governor of the Board, but the Secretary of the Treasury is _ex-officio_ chairman.
The term of the appointive members is ten years and the salary is $12,000 a year.
The powers of the board are numerous and important. The board is made the head of a real _system_ of banking, the twelve parts of which can, in times of emergency, and at the board's discretion, be compelled to combine their reserves by means of lending to each other (rediscounting), to the very limit of their resources, at rates fixed by the board. By this means the reserves of the several district banks may be "piped together" and thus be practically made into one central bank under governmental control, altho centralization was in outward form avoided by the bill. Alongside of the Reserve Board, is placed a Federal Advisory Council, consisting of one member from the board of directors of each of the twelve district banks. This council has only the power to confer with, make representations and recommendations to, and call for information from, the Federal Reserve Board.
-- 3. #Federal reserve banks#. The twelve Federal reserve banks which opened for business November 16, 1914, are of a type of inst.i.tution new in our financial history. They are "banks for banks" belonging to the system in their respective districts. Every national bank must, and any state bank or trust company may,[3] subscribe for stock to the amount of 6 per cent of its capital and surplus, and thus become a "member bank." The capital of each Federal reserve bank was to be at least $4,000,000; in fact only two of those organized (Atlanta and Minneapolis) had at their opening less than $5,000,000 capital; the largest (New York) had $21,000,000, and the average was $9,000,000.
The member banks are to receive dividends of 6 per cent, c.u.mulative, on this stock, and net earnings above that amount are to be paid to the Government as a franchise tax.[4]
Each reserve bank has nine directors, consisting of three of three men each. A and B are elected by the member banks by a system of group and preferential voting designed to prevent the large banks from outvoting the smaller ones. Directors of cla.s.s A are chosen by the banks to represent them, and are expected to be bankers; those of cla.s.s B, tho chosen by the banks and tho they may be stockholders, shall not be officers of any bank, and shall at the time of their election be actively engaged within the district in commerce, agriculture, or some other industrial pursuit. Directors in cla.s.s C are appointed by the Federal Reserve Board, one of them being designated as chairman of the board of directors and as Federal reserve agent. They represent the public particularly, and may not be stockholders of any bank.
Any Federal reserve bank may:
a. Receive deposits from member banks and from the United States.
b. Discount upon the indors.e.m.e.nt of any of its member banks negotiable papers, with maturity not more than ninety days, that have arisen out of actual business transactions, but not drawn for the purpose of trading in stock and other investment securities.
c. Purchase in the open market anywhere various kinds of negotiable paper.
d. Deal anywhere in gold coin and bullion.
e. Buy and sell anywhere bills, notes, revenue bonds, and warrants of the states and subdivisions in the continental United States.
f. Fix the rate of discount it shall charge on each cla.s.s of paper (subject to review by the Federal Reserve Board).
g. Establish accounts with other Federal reserve banks and with banks in foreign countries or establish foreign branches.
h. Apply to the Federal Reserve Board for Federal reserve notes to be issued in the manner below indicated.
-- 4. #Federal reserve notes#. In 1914 there were outstanding about $750,000,000 of what we may now call the old-style bank notes (bond-secured). These were by the new act not forcibly retired at once; but, as the law is shaped, they probably will be retired at the rate of about $25,000,000 a year, and will all disappear from circulation in thirty years.[5]
Whenever the banks having old-style bank notes outstanding desire to retire any of their circulating notes, the Federal reserve banks are required[6] to purchase the bonds in due quota (not to exceed $25,000,000 in any one year). On the deposit of these bonds with the Treasurer of the United States, the Federal reserve banks may receive other circulating notes (essentially of the old style) called Federal reserve bank notes, or may receive 3 per cent bonds not bearing the circulating privilege.
The new kind of notes provided by the act are called Federal reserve notes. They are not secured by the deposit of government bonds, but they are secured beyond all question in other ways. First, they are obligations of the United States receivable for all taxes, customs, and other public dues, and are redeemable in gold on demand at the Treasury of the United States. Secondly they are receivable by all member banks in the twelve districts and by all Federal reserve banks, and redeemable by the latter in gold or lawful money (which includes greenbacks and gold and silver certificates). Thirdly, their credit and prompt redemption is insured by certain elastic rules as to reserves in gold which must be kept for the redemption of outstanding notes. Fourthly, they are secured by collateral, consisting of notes and bills accepted for rediscount from member banks, which must be deposited by a Federal reserve bank with the Federal reserve agent of its district, dollar for dollar for every note it receives. Fifthly, the notes become "a first and paramount lien on all the a.s.sets of the bank." This is what gives the notes their character of a.s.set currency.
It is evident that the notes unite in a manner without example the characteristic of a.s.set bank notes with the characteristics of political paper money.[7]
No notes, it will be observed, are issued by or on request of the member banks, but only on request of a Federal reserve bank. After the notes have been issued, the bank may reduce its liability any day by depositing lawful money with the Federal reserve agent who is right there in the bank. The Federal reserve banks and the United States Treasury must promptly return to the banks through which they were issued all notes as fast as they are received, and "no Federal reserve bank shall pay out notes issued through another on penalty of a tax of ten per centum." The regulations do not apply to the member banks, but their effect must be to keep notes from circulating long in any district except that for which they were issued.
-- 5. #Reserves against Federal reserve notes.# The rule applying in normal times to reserves against note issues is that each bank must provide a reserve in gold equal to 40 per cent "against the Federal reserve notes in actual circulation, and not offset by gold or lawful money deposited with the Federal reserve agent." At least 5 per cent is to be on deposit in the Treasury of the United States. The proportion of reserves to the liability for note issues by any bank, however, may be allowed to fall below 40 per cent, on condition that the Federal Reserve Board shall establish a graduated tax of not more than 1 per cent per annum (it evidently might be made less if the board chose) upon such deficiency, until the reserves fall to 32-1/2 per cent and thereafter a graduated tax of not less than 1-1/2 per cent on each additional 2-1/2 per cent deficiency or fraction thereof.[8]
This tax must be paid by the reserve bank, but it must add an amount equal to the tax to the rates of interest and discount charged to member banks. The effect of these rules is to give a power of note issue in time of emergency without compelling the reserve banks to lock up their reserves held against notes. Suppose for example that the circulating notes were in normal times $1,000,000,000 and the reserves, therefore, were $400,000,000 and the rate of discount 5 per cent. Then the circulation might be doubled with the same reserves, the proportion thus falling to 20 per cent of outstanding notes, and the rate of discount to customers rising to 13.5 per cent (5 plus 8.5). Or, to take a most extreme supposition, suppose that the withdrawal of gold had been so great as to reduce the reserves against notes to $50,000,000; yet outstanding notes might be doubled (becoming $2,000,000,000,) the proportion falling to 2.5 per cent, the rate of discount rising to 24 (5 plus 19).
-- 6. #Reserves against Federal reserve bank deposits.# Every Federal reserve bank shall, under normal conditions, maintain reserves in lawful money of not less than 35 per cent against its deposits. But the Federal Reserve Board may suspend any reserve requirement in the Act for a period not exceeding 30 days and from time to time renew the suspension for periods not exceeding 15 days; but in that case it must establish a graduated tax upon the amounts by which the reserve requirements may be permitted to fall below the levels specified as to note issues. Altho the amount of the tax on the deficiency of reserves against deposits is not indicated in the act (as it is in respect to excess note issues) it is plainly the thought that the Board, to which discretion is left, will follow somewhat the same rule in both cases.
The great discretionary power as to reserve requirements thus lodged in the hands of the Board makes possible at times of emergency the use of the reserves both of the reserve banks and of the member banks, down to the last dollar, if need be, without violation of law. This gives practically unlimited opportunity to expand credit both by the issue of bank notes and by discount and deposit in periods of financial crises.
-- 7. #Reserves in member banks.# A fundamental change is made in the rules as to the reserves against deposits that must be maintained by the member banks. A new distinction is made between time and demand deposits. Time deposits are defined as those payable after thirty days or subject to not less than thirty days' notice; and demand deposits as those payable within thirty days. In every case the reserve requirement against time deposits is only 5 per cent. This gives encouragement to banks to maintain savings departments.
The requirements as to reserves against demand deposits are not uniform, being the lowest for banks in smaller cities (the great majority), larger for banks in the reserve cities, and largest for banks in the three central reserve cities (New York, Chicago, St.
Louis). The act subst.i.tutes the new Federal reserve banks for the banks in reserve and central reserve cities as the depositories of funds that may[9] be counted as a part of the reserves of member banks. The new rule requires that one-third must be in the bank's own possession, a fraction slightly over a third must be in the Federal reserve bank, and the remainder may be kept in either place. This may be tabulated as follows:
_Not in In reserve In central reserve cities cities reserve cities_
Total reserves, per cent 12 15 18 Must be in its own vaults 4/12 5/15 6/18 May be either place 3/12 4/15 5/18 Must be in a Federal reserve bank 5/12 6/15 7/18
These requirements as to total reserves are, as compared with requirements of national banks under the old law, a reduction respectively of 20 per cent, 40 per cent, and 28 per cent. The total decrease in the amount of reserves required for all three of national banks was about $400,000,000 on the amount of deposits held in September, 1914.
-- 8. #Rediscounts by Federal reserve banks.# More important than any other single feature of the act is, however, that by which each Federal reserve bank is to rediscount notes, drafts, and bills of exchange arising out of actual commercial transactions, when indorsed and presented by any of its member banks. This, quite apart from the note issues, gives a power to the banks collectively, under the general supervision and control of the board, to expand credits indefinitely at any time for real business purposes. Any business man able to offer any commercial paper of sound quality should now be able to borrow on it at some rate of discount, even in the most stringent times. And, in turn, every member bank will now be able at such times to rediscount such paper and thus secure credit toward its reserve requirement on the books of its Federal reserve bank. Suppose, for example, that a member bank (in a central reserve city) saw its reserve in the Federal bank fall below 7 per cent of its deposits. It could by rediscounting $7000 worth of notes increase by $38,888 the amount to which it might legally extend credit to its customers (i.e., $7000 is 18 per cent of that sum). The deposits of the Federal reserve bank would then be increased $7000, against which it must have a reserve of 35 per cent, or $2450. If the reserves of any Federal reserve bank fall too low, it can in turn rediscount its paper with the other Federal reserve banks.[10] If the time comes when no one of the twelve banks can longer maintain a 35 per cent reserve, the board may reduce or suspend the requirement, levying a tax graduated according to the deficiency. The provision here for elasticity of credit combined with union and solidarity of all the central banking reserves of the country to meet unusual demands in emergencies, exceeds any needs which can be expected to arise.
-- 9. #Changes in national banks.# There is here created a national system of reserves, but it will be observed that members.h.i.+p in the new system of the Federal reserve banks is not limited to national banks, but is open on equal terms to banks organized under state laws. While in most respects the general banking law remains as it was, certain changes are of importance. The percentage of reserves henceforth required of all member banks (as above indicated) is a substantial reduction of the former requirement for national banks. In some other respects the powers of national banks are enlarged. One with a capital and surplus of $1,000,000 may with the approval of the Board establish foreign branches, and one not situated in a central reserve city may loan on farm lands for a term not longer than five years, but not to exceed one third of its time deposits or 25 per cent of its capital and surplus. National banks may now be granted permission by the board to act as trustee, executor, administrator, or registrar of stocks and bonds, thus having the rights that have proved in many cases to be of advantage to trust companies organized under state laws.
-- 10. #Operation of the Act#. It was fortunate that this act was nearly ready to be put into operation when, August 1, 1914, the great European war broke out. The able appointees to the Federal Reserve Board commanded the confidence of the bankers and of the public. The knowledge that the reserve banks would early begin operations was rea.s.suring during the grave financial stress of the next three months, and the opening of the district banks in November, 1914, at once made possible the release for commercial uses of cash reserves and credits to meet the needs of reviving business.[11] Only an extended experience can show how this enormous new banking organization will operate as a whole and in its details.
Because of the very wide discretionary powers given to the board in the administration of the act much depends on the character and ability of the members of the board as well as on a sound public opinion that will keep this great power from use in partisan and selfish ways. No doubt amendments of the act will appear necessary, but there can be no question that the Federal Reserve Act has inaugurated a new epoch in the banking and financial history of our country.[12]
[Footnote 1: See ch. 8, sec. 1.]
[Footnote 2: The law provided that an organization committee should designate not less than eight nor more than twelve cities as Federal reserve cities and should divide the continental United States, excluding Alaska, into districts each containing one such city. Twelve districts were designated. Wherever, therefore, the act speaks of "not less than eight nor more than twelve," or of "as many as there are Federal reserve districts," we may, for convenience, speak of twelve.]
[Footnote 3: On agreeing to comply with reserve and capital requirements of national banks and to submit to Federal examination.]
[Footnote 4: Except that until the surplus of any reserve bank amounts to 40 per cent of its paid-in capital stock, one half of its net earnings shall be paid into a surplus fund.]
[Footnote 5: These notes are all secured by the deposit of bonds of the United States, a large share of them bearing interest at the very low rate of 2 per cent. Two per cent is less than the market rate for government loans, for 3 per cent bonds without this privilege sell above par. Therefore these 2 per cent bonds were held almost exclusively by banks, and would have lost a good share of their value had the note-deposit privilege been withdrawn.]
[Footnote 6: Through the Federal Reserve Board or they may do it voluntarily, sec. 4.]
[Footnote 7: The Act does not explicitly say by whom the notes are issued: it says that they are "to be issued at the discretion of the Federal Reserve Board"; that "the said notes shall be obligations of the United States." Further on the notes are spoken of as "issued to" a Federal reserve bank, and again as "issued through" a Federal reserve bank, but not _by_ it. But the phrase occurs (sec. 16) "its [i.e., the Federal reserve bank's] Federal reserve notes." The notes thus are technically issued by the United States, but not as ordinary political (fiat) money, for they are not given a forced circulation by the Government in paying its indebtedness. But the banks "shall pay such rate of interest on" the amounts of notes outstanding as may be established by the Federal Reserve Board (i.e., to the Government of the United States). Practically the notes (as respects choice of time of issue, amounts, profits from them, commercial a.s.sets to secure them and to redeem them) are a.s.set currency issued by the several Federal reserve banks.]
[Footnote 8: This may be shown in the following table:
When reserves against notes are the tax rate upon the total are-- deficiency shall be--
Below 40.0 to 32.5 per cent 1.0 per cent " 35.5 to 30.0 " " 2.5 " "
" 30.0 to 27.5 " " 4.0 " "
" 27.5 to 25.0 " " 5.5 " "
" 25.0 to 22.5 " " 7.0 " "
" 22.5 to 20.0 " " 8.5 " "
" 20.0 to 17.5 " " 10.0 " "
" 17.5 to 15.0 " " 11.5 " "
" 15.0 to 12.5 " " 13.0 " "
" 12.5 to 10.0 " " 14.5 " "
" 10.0 to 7.5 " " 16.0 " "
" 7.5 to 5.0 " " 17.5 " "
" 5.0 to 2.5 " " 19.0 " "