The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 6

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Come take thy stand beneath the Cross And let the blood from out that Side Fall gently on thee, drop by drop, Jesus, our Love, is crucified!

Page 30

No. 22


Sacred Head Surrounded "O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden"

St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153) Melody by H. L. Ha.s.sler (1600) Adaptation as given by J. S. Bach in his "St. Matthew's Pa.s.sion"



O Sacred Head, surrounded, By crown of piercing thorn!

O bleeding Head, so wounded, Reviled and put to scorn!

Death's pallid hue come o'er Thee The glow of life decays, Yet angel hosts adore Thee, And tremble as they gaze.


I see Thy strength and vigor All fading in the strife, And death, with cruel rigor, Bereaving Thee of life; O agony and dying!

O love to sinners free!

Jesus, all grace supplying, O turn Thy face on me!


In this Thy bitter pa.s.sion, Good Shepherd, think of me, With Thy most sweet compa.s.sion, Unworthy though I be; Beneath Thy Cross abiding, Forever would I rest, In Thy dear love confiding, And with Thy presence blest.

Copyright 1920 by N. A. M.

Page 31-32

No. 23


At the Cross her station keeping Stabat Mater

Jacopone da Todi. XIV Cent.

Traditional Melody from the Maintzesch Gesangbuch 1661 Harmonized by N. A. M.

Not too slow


At the Cross her station keeping, Stood the mournful Mother weeping, Close to Jesus to the last.


Through her heart, His sorrow sharing, All His bitter anguish bearing, Now at length the sword has pa.s.sed.


O that blessed one, grief laden, Blessed Mother, Blessed Maiden, Mother of the All-blest one.


How she stood in desolation Upward gazing on the pa.s.sion Of that deathless dying Son.


Who could see, from tears refraining, Christ's dear Mother uncomplaining In so great a sorrow bowed?


Who, unmoved, beheld her languish Underneath His Cross of anguish, 'Mid the fierce unpitying crowd?


For His people's sin th'All Holy She beheld, the victim lowly, Bleed in torments, bleed and die.


Saw her well-beloved taken, Saw her Child in death forsaken, Heard his last expiring cry.


Fount of love and sacred sorrow, Mother! May my spirit borrow Sadness from thy holy woe.


May my spirit burn within me, Love my G.o.d, and great love win me Grace to please Him here below.


Those five Wounds on Jesus smitten, Mother, in my heart be written, Deep as in thine own they be.


Thou, my Savior's Cross who bearest, Thou, Thy Son's rebuke who sharest, Let me share them both with thee.


In the Pa.s.sion of my Maker Be my sinful soul partaker, Weep till death, and weep with thee.


Mine with thee be that sad station, There to watch the great Salvation, Wrought upon th'atoning Tree.


Virgin, thou of virgins fairest, May the bitter woe thou sharest Make on me impression deep.


Thus Christ's dying may I carry, With Him in His pa.s.sion tarry, And His wounds in mem'ry keep.


May His wounds transfix me wholly, May His Cross and Life Blood holy Embriate my heart and mind.

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