The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 40

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Father Faber Nicola A. Montani



Dear little One! How sweet Thou art, Thine eyes, how bright they s.h.i.+ne; So bright, they almost seem to speak When Mary's look meets Thine!


How faint and feeble is Thy cry, Like plaint of harmless dove, When Thou dost murmur in Thy Sleep Of sorrow and of love.


When Mary bids Thee sleep Thou sleep'st, Thou wakest when she calls; Thou art content upon her lap, Or in the rugged stalls.


Saint Joseph takes Thee in his arms, And smoothes Thy little cheek, Thou lookest up in to his face So helpless and so meek.


Yes! Thou art what Thou seem'st to be, A thing of smiles ands tears; Yet Thou art G.o.d, and Heav'n and earth Adore Thee with their fears.

Page 198

No. 128

HOLY COMMUNION Acts of Faith, Hope and Contrition

Great G.o.d, whatever through Thy Church

From a Slovak Hymnal


1. Faith Great G.o.d, whatever thro' Thy Church Thou teachest to be true, I firmly do believe it all, And will confess it, too.

Thou never canst deceived be, Thou never canst deceive, For Thou art truth itself, and Thou Dost tell me to believe.

2. Hope My G.o.d, I firmly hope in Thee, For Thou art great and good; Thou gavest us Thine only Son To die upon the Rood.

I hope thro' Him for grace to live As Thy commandments teach, And thro' Thy mercy, when I die The joys of Heav'n to reach.

3. Love With all my heart and soul and strength, I love Thee, O my Lord, For Thou art perfect, and all things Were made by Thy blest Word.

Like me to Thine own image made, My neighbor Thou didst make, And as I love myself, I love My neighbor for Thy sake.

4. Contrition Most Holy G.o.d, my very soul With grief sincere is mov'd, Because I have offended Thee, Whom I should e'er have lov'd.

Forgive me, Father; I am now Resolved to sin no more, And by Thy holy grace to shun What made me sin before.

Page 199-200

No. 129


O Lord, I am not worthy

Nicola A. Montani

Lento con espressione


O Lord, I am not worthy That Thou shoud'st come to me; But speak the words of comfort, My spirit healed shall be.


And humbly I'll receive Thee, The Bridegroom of my soul, No more by sin to grieve Thee, Or fly Thy sweet control.


O Mighty Eternal Spirit Unworthy tho' I be Prepare me to receive Him And trust the Word to me.

Page 201

No. 130


Jesus, Thou art coming

Acts before Communion From a Slovak Hymnal



Jesus Thou art coming, Holy as Thou art Thou the G.o.d who made me, To my sinful heart.

Jesus, I believe it On Thy only word; Kneeling I adore Thee As my King and Lord.


Who am I, my Jesus, That Thou com'st to me?

I have sinned against Thee, Often, grievously; I am very sorry I have caused Thee pain; I will never, never, Wound Thy Heart again.

3. Trust

Put Thy kind arms round me, Feeble as I am; Thou art my Good Shepherd, I, Thy little lamb; Since Thou comest, Jesus, Now to be my Guest, I can trust Thee always, Lord, for all the rest.

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