The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 31

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Thy people, now exiles on many a sh.o.r.e, Shall love and revere thee till time be no more; And the fire thou hast kindled shall ever burn bright, Its warmth undiminished, undying its light.


Ever bless and defend the sweet land of our birth, Where the shamrock still blooms as when thou wert on earth, And our hearts shall yet burn, wheresoever we roam, For G.o.d and Saint Patrick and our native home.

Page 149-150


No. 98

SAINTS, St. Peter

Seek ye a Patron to defend?

Si vis Patronum quaerere

Translated by Father Caswall Nicola A. Montani


Seek ye a patron to defend Your cause? then, one and all, Without delay upon the Prince Of the Apostles call.

Refrain Blest holder of the heav'nly Keys!

Thy pray'rs we all implore; Unlock to us the sacred bars Of Heav'n's eternal door.


By penitential tears thou didst The path of life regain: Teach us with thee to weep our sins And wash away their stain.


The Angel touch'd thee and forthwith Thy chains from off thee fell Oh loose us from the subtle coils That link us close with h.e.l.l.


Firm Rock wheron the Church is based Pillar that cannot bend With strength endue us; and the Faith From heresy defend.

Page 151-152

No. 99

SAINTS, St. Paul

Lead us, great teacher Paul

Translated from the Latin From a Slovak Hymnal



Lead us, great teacher Paul, in wisdom's ways, And lift our hearts with thine to heav'n's high throne, Till faith beholds the clear meridian blaze, And in the soul reigns charity alone.


Praise, blessing, majesty, thro' endless days, Be to the Trinity immortal giv'n, Who in pure unity profoundly sways, Eternally all things in earth and Heav'n.

Page 153

No. 100

SAINTS, St. Anthony of Padua

If great wonders thou desirest (Si quaeris)

Translated by Father Aylward, O. P.

Melody from a Slovak Hymnal

Andante moderato


If great wonders thou desirest, Hopeful to Saint Anthony pray; Error, Satan, wants the direst, Death and pest his will obey, And the sick, who beg his pity, From their couches haste away.


Young and old are ever singing, Praises to Saint Anthony bringing; Stormy ocean calms its pa.s.sion, Bonds and fetters break in twain, Treasures lost and limbs disabled, These his pow'r restores again.


Padua has been the witness Of these deeds six hundred years; Dangers flee and need must perish, Grief and sorrow disappear, Filling all the world with wonder, While the demons quake with fear.


Glory be to G.o.d the Father And to His coequal Son, To the Holy Ghost resplendent; One in Three--Three in One; Praise we Father, Son and Spirit While eternal ages run.

Page 154-155

No. 101

SAINTS, St. John Baptist De La Salle

Glorious Patron

Sr. Mercedes J. Lewis Browne

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