The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 3

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Silent night, holy night!

Bethlehem sleeps yet what light Floats around the holy pair; Songs of Angels fill the air Strains of heavenly peace, Strains of heavenly peace.


Silent night, holy night!

Shepherds first see the light, Hear the Alleluias ring Which the Angel chorus sing "Christ the Savior has come Christ the Savior has come!"


Silent night, holy night!

Son of G.o.d! Oh, what light Radiates from Thy manger bed Over realms with darkness spread, Thou in Bethlehem born, Thou in Bethlehem born.

Page 15 Copyright 1920 by N. A. M.

No. 12


A Virgin most pure, as the Prophets did tell Ancient Carol

Traditional Melody Arr. by N. A. M.



A Virgin most pure, as the Prophets did tell, Hath brought forth a Saviour, as it hath befell, To be our Redeemer from death, h.e.l.l and sin, Which Adam's transgression had wrapped us in.

Chorus Rejoice and be merry, Set sorrow aside Jesus our Saviour was born on this tide.


In Bethlehem city in Jewry it was, Where Joseph and Mary together did pa.s.s, And there to be taxed with many one more.

For Caesar commanded the same should be so.


But when they had entered the city so fair, A number of people so mighty was there That Mary and Joseph, whose substance was small, Could procure in the Inn no lodging at all.


Then they were constrained in a stable to lie, Where oxen and they used there to tie; Their lodging so simple they held it no scorn, But against the next morning a Saviour was born.


The King of glory to this world being brought Small store of fine linen to wrap him was sought; When Mary had swaddled her young Son so sweet, Within an ox manger she laid Him to sleep.


Then G.o.d sent an angel from heaven so high, To certain poor shepherds in fields where they lie, And charged them no longer in sorrow to stay, Because that our Saviour was born on this day.


Then presently after the shepherds did spy A number of angels appear in the sky; Who joyfully talked and sweetly did sing, "To G.o.d be all glory, our heavenly King."

Page 16 Copyright 1920 by N. A. M.

No. 13


Hark! the Herald Host is singing

E. Humperdinck Joyously


Hark! The herald host is singing, Thro' the silent holy night, Tidings of great joy they're bringing, From yon starry azure height.

And each heart is filled with gladness, At the message which they bring; "Christ is born, forget all sadness, Trust in Him, your Saviour King!"


And behold the stars bright glowing, Shed o'er earth their radiant light, While from Angels' lips are flowing Anthems thro' the holy night.

Bright each window now is glowing, Lighted by the Christmas tree; And each cheek with joy is glowing, And each heart is filled with glee.


Soft the messengers from heaven Wing their flight from home to home; Bearing lessons G.o.d hath given Unto all the earth that roam.

"Welcome, welcome Christmas evening Bringing peace and love to earth!"

Show your grat.i.tude, rejoicing, Christians in your Saviour's birth!

Page 18-19

No. 14


Sleep, Holy Babe (For additional Christmas Hymns see Hymns Nos. 126 $ 127 and Latin Hymns).

Tr. Rev. E. Caswall Traditional Melody



Sleep, Holy Babe, Upon Thy Mothers breast!

Great Lord of earth and sea and sky, How sweet it is to see Thee lie In such a place of rest!


Sleep, Holy Babe, Thine Angels watch around; All bending low with folded wings Before th'Incarnate King of Kings, In rev'rent awe profound.


Sleep, Holy Babe, While I with Mary gaze In joy upon that Face awhile, Upon the loving Infant smile, Which there divinely plays.

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