Dr. Allinson's cookery book Part 42

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Of all Allinson Bakers, Grocers, Health Food Stores, etc.

8d. per lb., or 2 lbs. 1/6 post paid direct from--


210 Cambridge Road, LONDON, E.


The Allinson NATURAL FOOD for Babies & Invalids

A Note by Dr. ALLINSON, Ex-L.R.C.P, Edin.

No artificial food, nor the milk of any other animal, is equal to a mother's milk. Usually the milk of the cow is given as a subst.i.tute for mother's milk. It takes the place of mother's milk fairly well, but it has its drawbacks, the chief one is that it curdles in heavy cheese-like, which lie heavy on the stomach, are long in digesting, and cause discomfort. The aim of the scientific and practical physician is to prevent this heavy curdling while allowing cow's milk to be taken.

Some Doctors Advise lime water to be added to the milk; this causes the milk to curdle in flakes, but it hinders digestion, gives rise to constipation, and may lead to stone in the bladder. Some advise barley, wheat, oatmeal or rice Water, etc., to be added to the cow's milk. These often answer the purpose, but they have their drawbacks.

They all are a trouble to make; barley and rice water are constipating, and oatmeal water is heating.

Knowing these Drawbacks I invented Natural Food. This, when added to cow's milk, will prevent it curdling in heavy, is easily prepared, and besides this, it contains all that the growing baby needs, and thus is a valuable addition to the milk; it nourishes all the organs but clogs none. Nine-tenths of the foods made for babies are made on wrong lines. They either contain too much sugar, or they are too starchy, or they are deficient in bone-forming materials, or in laxative principles, or else they contain injurious chemicals.

When Inventing Natural Food I tried to overcome every obstacle and make it the best Food for infants in the market; the success that has followed its use justifies me in saying that it is second to none. I am a practical physician, and it is my boast that I rarely lose a child in illness, and when babies are reared as I advise they are usually the admiration of all, and live to be a source of delight to their parents.

This is the Way to prepare the food for babies. One part of water is added to two parts of fresh milk, and to each half-pint of this mixture is added a fairly heaped-up teaspoonful of Natural Food; mix well, put on the fire, bring to the boil, and when cool the food is ready. All food should be given cool, or not warmer than the temperature of the human blood. In place of a thermometer, the tip of the little finger is a good tester; if the food does not feel hot to this test it will be of the right temperature. Sugar should not be added to the food, nor should tinned or condensed milk be ordinarily used. Only under exceptional circ.u.mstances should tinned milk be used, as on board s.h.i.+p, or when fresh milk cannot be had. Also quite as invaluable for nursing mothers and invalids.

[Ill.u.s.tration: DR. ALLINSON'S Food FOR BABIES]

Mothers should send a post-card for free booklet, "Healthy Babies and how to Rear Them," by T.R. Allinson, Ex-L.R.C.P.


210 Cambridge Road, LONDON, E.



Mankind is eternally searching for the best form of food. The rational man wants something that will satisfy the cravings of hunger, be tasty, nourish every organ and tissue of the body, and not be too bulky. We have many foods that will fulfil one or two of these conditions, but it is rare to find all combined in one, as in "Power."

Power is pleasant to the taste--nutritious and most _sustaining_. It contains everything necessary for supporting the human frame. It combines proteid elements for building up the muscles; hydro-carbons and carbo-hydrates for heating the body and suppyling the requisite energy for work; mineral matters for bone and teeth; and lastly, a certain amount of "filling" material to occupy the stomach and bowels, cause daily laxation, and so carry away the bile and various other digestive juices, the retention of which means disease.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Dr. ALLINSON says: "POWER" is The Food]

It is made in the form of crisp pellets, gives exercise to the teeth, keeps them in good order, and stimulates the salivary glands. Further, Power is a Natural Corrective of inestimable worth. It may form the correct diet for young children and the aged. It is perfectly digestible and will prove a tower of strength and a standby under all conditions of life and work.

Sold in Packets only at 7d by all Health Food Stores, Grocers, Bakers, etc., or 3 lbs. for 2/-direct from--

THE NATURAL FOOD CO., LTD., 210 Cambridge Road, LONDON, E.



"It is as refres.h.i.+ng as TEA, as tasty as COFFEE, as comforting as COCOA, and as harmless as WATER. Is as easily made as either of them, and can be taken at any meal or at supper-time. There is not a headache in a barrel of it, and no nervousness in a ton of it. May be drunk by young and old, weak and strong, the brainy man and the athlete; also by invalids, even in diabetes."


"All who suffer from Nervousness and Palpitation and Headache, Wakefulness, Loss of Memory, Low Spirits, Flus.h.i.+ng, Trembling, and all who cannot or should not take tea, coffee, or cocoa, may take BRUNAK with perfect safety."

Sold by all Stores and Chemists at 1/2 per lb. packet, or direct from--


210 Cambridge Road, LONDON, E.

_The Allinson_ VEGEb.u.t.tER

Not only Vegetarians but many others agree that the Allinson Vegeb.u.t.ter is the ideal fat for cooking purposes.

It does not contain animal fat whatever, being a pure vegetable product both healthful and economical. It is never rancid and is far more digestible than Cow b.u.t.ter or any other animal Fat. For cooking and frying it is used in the same manner as b.u.t.ter or Lard. For Pastry it should be softened slightly before rubbing into the flour, and a little more water used in making the paste than if Lard or b.u.t.ter were being used.


Of Health Stores 1/6 and 7/-per Tin, or a sample 2 lb. tin for 1/6, or 10 lbs. for 7/-post free from--


210 Cambridge Road, LONDON, E.

_The Allinson_ Breakfast Oats

The Allinson Breakfast oats are made solely from finest Oats grown in our own country--and no country can grow Oats equal to ours. Being steam-cooked by a patented process, perfectly digestible, and thoroughly relished by men, women, and children alike, always retain the same delicious flavour. Equally suited to rich or poor, produce healthy skins, good complexions, and form bone and muscle. One pound weight will go as far as three pounds of butcher's meat, and not cost one-sixth of the price.

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