The Mechanical Properties of Wood Part 23

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House Doc. No. 181, 55th Cong., 3d sess. Report upon the forestry investigations of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1877-1898. By B.E. Fernow, 1899, pp. 401. Contains chapter on The work in timber physics in the Division of Forestry, by Filibert Roth, pp. 330-395.


Cir. 7--The Government timber tests [189-], pp. 4.

Cir. 8--Strength of "boxed" or "turpentine" timber. 1892, pp. 4.

Bul. 6--Timber Physics. Pt. I. Preliminary report. 1. Need of the investigation. 2. Scope and historical development of the science of "timber physics." 3. Organization and methods of timber examinations in the Division of Forestry. By B.E. Fernow, 1892, pp. 57.

Unnumbered Cir.--Instructions for the collection of test pieces of pines for timber investigations [1893], pp. 4.

Cir. 9--Effect of turpentine gathering on the timber of longleaf pine. By B.E. Fernow [1893], p. 1.

Bul. 8--Timber physics. Pt. II. Progress report. Results of investigations on longleaf pine. 1893, pp. 92.

Bul. 10--Timber: an elementary discussion of the characteristics and properties of wood. By Filibert Roth. 1895, pp. 88.

Bul. 12--Economical designing of timber trestle bridges. By A.L.

Johnson, 1896, pp. 57.

Cir. 12--Southern pine, mechanical and physical properties.

1896, pp. 12.

Cir. 15--Summary of mechanical tests on thirty-two species of American woods. 1897, pp. 12.

Cir. 18--Progress in timber physics. 1898, pp. 20.

Cir. 19--Progress in timber physics: Bald cypress (_Taxodium distichum_). By Filibert Roth, 1898, pp. 24.

Y.B. Extr. 288--Tests on the physical properties of woods. By F.E. Olmstead, 1902, pp. 533-538.

Unnumbered Cir.--Timber tests. [1903], pp. 15.

Unnumbered Cir.--Timber preservation and timber testing at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. 1904, pp. 6.

Cir. 32--Progress report on the strength of structural timber.

By W.K. Hatt, 1904, pp. 28.

Bul. 58--The red gum. By Alfred Chittenden. Includes a discussion of The mechanical properties of red gum wood, by W.K.

Hatt. 1905, pp. 56.

Cir. 38--Instructions to engineers of timber tests. By W.K.

Hatt, 1906, pp. 55. Revised edition, 1909, pp. 56.

Cir. 39--Experiments on the strength of treated timber. By W.K.

Hatt, 1906, pp. 31. Revised edition, 1908.

Bul. 70--Effect of moisture upon the strength and stiffness of wood. By H.D. Tiemann, 1906, pp. 144.

Cir. 46--Holding force of railroad spikes in wooden ties. By W.K. Hatt, 1906, pp. 7.

Cir. 47--Strength of packing boxes of various woods. By W.K.

Hatt, 1906, pp. 7.

Cir. 108--The strength of wood as influenced by moisture. By H.D. Tiemann, 1907, pp. 42.

Cir. 115--Second progress report on the strength of structural timber. By W.K. Hatt, 1907, pp. 39.

Cir. 142--Tests of vehicle and implement woods. By H.B. Holroyd and H.S. Betts, 1908, pp. 29.

Cir. 146--Experiments with railway cross-ties. By H.B. Eastman, 1908, pp. 32.

Cir. 179--Utilization of California eucalypts. By H.S. Betts and C. Stowell Smith, 1910, pp. 30.

Bul. 75--California tanbark oak. Part II, Utilization of the wood of tanbark oak, by H.S. Betts, 1911, pp. 24-32.

Bul. 88--Properties and uses of Douglas fir. By McGarvey Cline and J.B. Knapp, 1911, pp. 75.

Cir. 189--Strength values for structural timbers. By McGarvey Cline, 1912, pp. 8.

Cir. 193--Mechanical properties of redwood. By A.L. Heim, 1912, pp. 32.

Bul. 108--Tests of structural timbers. By McGarvey Cline and A.L. Heim, 1912, pp. 1231.

Bul. 112--Fire-killed Douglas fir: a study of its rate of deterioration, usability, and strength. By J.B. Knapp, 1912, pp.


Bul. 115--Mechanical properties of western hemlock. By O.P.M.

Goss, 1913, pp. 45.

Bul. 122--Mechanical properties of western larch. By O.P.M.

Goss, 1913, pp. 45.

Cir. 213--Mechanical properties of woods grown in the United States. 1913, pp. 4.

Cir. 214--Tests of packing boxes of various forms. By John A.

Newlin, 1913, pp. 23.

Review Forest Service Investigations. 1913. [Outline of investigations.] Vol. I, pp. 17-21. A microscopic study of the mechanical failure of wood, by Warren D. Brush. Vol. II, pp.


Bul. 67, U.S.D.A.--Tests of Rocky Mountain woods for telephone poles. By Norman deW. Betts and A.L. Heim, 1914, pp. 28.

Bul. 77, U.S.D.A.--Rocky Mountain mine timbers. By Norman deW.

Betts, 1914, pp. 34.

Bul. 86, U.S.D.A.--Tests of wooden barrels. By J.A. Newlin, 1914, pp. 12.

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