Early English Meals and Manners Part 92

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l. 53: [[Cam. _for_ at _read_ all]]

[[Cam. _omit_ loke ou]]

l. 54: [[Cam. _for_ Loke ou rownde not _read_ And loke ye]]

W{i}t{h} thy fyngerys {o}u towche and taste Thy mete; And loke {o}u doo noo waste. 56 Loke {o}u laughe not, nor grenne; And w{i}t{h} moche speche {o}u mayste do synne.

l. 55: [[Cam. _omit_ thy]]

l. 56: [[Cam. _for_ and _read_ ne]]

[[Cam. _for_ doo _read_ make]]

l. 57: [[Cam. _for_ laughe not _read_ noer laughe]]

l. 58: [[Cam. _for_ with moche speche _read_ thow meche speke]]

[[Cam. _for_ mayst _read_ may]]

Mete ne drynke loke {o}u ne spylle, But sette hit downe fayre and stylle.] 60 l. 59: [[Cam. _for_ first ne _read_ ner]]

[[Cam. _for the second_ ne _read_ not]]

l. 60: [[Cam. _for_ fayre and stylle _read_ stere het not]]

[Sidenote: [Fol. 207.]]

Kepe thy cloth clene the byforn{e}, And bere the so[24] thow haue no scorn{e}.

Byte not i mete, but kerve it[25] clene, Be well{e} war{e} no[26] drop be sene. 64 Whan {o}u etyst, gape not to wyde That i mouth be sene on ych{e} a[27] syde.

l. 61: [[Cam. _for_ thy _read_ the]]

l. 62: [24: that]

l. 63: [25: cut hit]

l. 64: [26: that noo]

l. 66: [27: be in euery]

[[Cam. _omit_ a]]

And son, bewar{e}, I rede, of[28] on thyng, Blow ne{er}[29] yn thi mete nor yn i[30] drynk. 68 And yif thi lord drynk at at tyde, Drynk {o}u not, but hym abyde; Be it at Evyn{e}, be it at noone,[31]

Drynk {o}u not tyll{e} he haue done. 72 l. 67: [28: be ware of]

[[Cam. _for_ I rede of _read_ of j redde e of]]

l. 68: [29: {o}u not]

[30: mete not]

[[Cam. _for_ neer _read_ neuer]]

[[Cam. _omit_ yn i _before_ drynk]]

l. 69: [[Cam. _for_ at _read_ they]]

l. 71: [31: morowe, (and omits next line.)]

Vpon i trencher no fyllth{e} {o}u see,[32]

It is not honest, as I telle the; Ne drynk[33] behynd{e} no mannes bakke, For yf {o}u do, thow art to lakke.[34] 76 l. 73: [32: be sene]

[[Cam. _for_ ou see _read_ be saye]]

[[Cam. _for_ ou _read_ yow]]

l. 75: [33: Drynke {o}u not]

l. 76: [34: blame]

[[Cam. _for_ thow art _read_ yow ar]]

And chese com{e} forthe,[35] be not to gredy,[36]

Ne cutte ow not therof to hastely.[37]

Caste not i bones ynto the flore, But ley em[38] fayre on i trenchor{e}. 80 l. 77: [35: by-fore the]

[36: redy]

[[Cam. _for_ forthe _read_ before yow]]

l. 78: [37: To cut there-of be not to gredy.]

[[Cam. _omit_ ow not]]

l. 79: [[Cam. _for_ ynto _read_ yn]]

l. 80: [38: hem]

Kepe clene i cloth byfor{e} e[39] alle; And sit {o}u stylle, what so be-falle,[40]

Tyll{e} grace be said vnto e ende, And tyll{e} {o}u haue wa.s.shen w{i}t{h} i frend. 84 l. 81: [39: _e_ omitted.]

l. 82: [40: stylle w{i}t{h}alle]

l. 83: [[Cam. _for_ ende _read_ hendyng]]

l. 84: [[Cam. _for_ wa.s.shen _read_ was]]

Let the more worthy an[41] thow to-fore[42] e, & that is i prow; And spitte not yn[43] i basyn{e}, My swete son, {a}t ow wa.s.s.h.i.+st yn{e}; 88 l. 85: [41: thenne]

[[Cam. _for_ worthy _read_ wortheyor]]

l. 86: [42: by-for{e}]

[[Cam. _for_ to- _read_ be-]]

[[Cam. _omit_ &]]

[[Cam. _for_ i prow _read_ gentyll cortesey]]

l. 87: [43: Spete not on (and omits next line.)]

And aryse up soft & stylle,[44]

And iangyll{e} nether with Iak ne Iylle, l. 89: [[Cam. 88, 89, are omitted.]]

[44: And ryse w{i}t{h} hym that sate w{i}t{h} the stylle, And thanke hym fayre and welle: Aftyr, Iangely not w{i}t{h} Iacke ne gylle.]

l. 90: [[Cam. _for_ nether _read_ not]]

[[Cam. _for_ ne _read_ ne with]]

[Sidenote: [Fol. 207, back.]]

But take i leve of the hede[45] lowly, And ank hym w{i}t{h} thyn{e} hert hyghly, 92 And all{e} e gentyll{is}[46] togydr{e} yn same, And bare the so[47] thow haue no blame; Than men wyll{e}[48] say therafter That a gentyll{e}man was heere. 96 l. 91: [45: lorde]

[[Cam. _omit_ i]]

[[Cam. _for_ the hede _read_ they lorde]]

l. 92: [[Cam. _for_ hyghly _read_ mekeley]]

l. 93: [46: _e gentylles_ omitted.]

[[Cam. _for_ togydre ynsame _read_ yn the same manere]]

l. 94: [47: soo that]

[[Cam. _for_ no blame _read_ the same]]

l. 95: [48: wylle they sey]

[[Cam. _for_ therafter _read_ hereafter]]

l. 96: [[Cam. _after_ that _add_ he ys]]

[[Cam. _for_ was heere _read_ ere aftyr]]

And he {a}t dispiseth this techyng, He is not worthy, w{i}t{h}oute lesyng, Nether at[49] good mannes tabull{e} to[50] sitte, Ner[51] of no wors.h.i.+p{e} for to wytte. 100 l. 97: [[Cam. _omit_ And]]

[[Cam. _for_ dispiseth _read_ dispise]]

l. 99: [49: Neuyr at a]

[50: for to]

[[Cam. _for_ Nether _read_ neuer]]

l. 100: [51: Nothyr]

[[Cam. _for_ Ner _read_ ne]]

[[Cam. _after_ for _add_ sent]]

And therfor{e}, chyldren, for[52] charyte, Louyth this boke though yt lytil be![53]

l. 101: [52: pur]

l. 102: [53: Lernythe thys boke that ys callyd Edyllys be]

[[Cam. _for_ Louyth this boke _read_ Loren this lesen]]

And pray for hym {a}t made it thus,[54]

That hym may helpe swete Ih{esus} 104 To lyve & dye among his frendes, [55] And neu{er} to be combred w{i}t{h} no fendes; And geve vs grace yn Ioy to be; Amen, Amen, for charytee![55] 108 l. 103: [54: made thys]

[[Cam. _omit_ and]]

[[Cam. _for_ made _read_ wret]]

l. 106: [[Cam. is omitted.]]

l. 107: [[Cam. _before_ vs _put_ hem and]]

l. 108: [[Cam. _for the first_ Amen _read_ Sey all]]

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