Early English Meals and Manners Part 29

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And se {a}t ye haue s{er}uytours semely / e disches for to ber{e}, M{ar}chall{es}, Squyers / & s{er}geaunt{es} of armes[182], if {a}t ey be ther{e}, at your{e} lord{es} mete may be brought w{i}t{h}out dowt or der{e}; 684 to sett it surely on e borde / your{e} self nede not feer{e}.


[Sidenote: _A Meat Dinner._]

A dynere of flesche.[183]

[Sidenote: _First Course._]

The Furst Course.

[Sidenote: 1. Mustard and brawn. 2. Potage. 3. Stewed Pheasant and Swan, &c. 4. Baked Venison.]

++Furst set forth{e} mustard / & brawne / of boor{e},[184] e wild swyne, Suche potage / as e cooke hath{e} made / of yerbis / spice / & wyne, Beeff, moton[185] / Stewed feysaund / Swan[186] w{i}t{h} the Chawdwyn,[187] 688 Capou{n}, pigge / vensou{n} bake, leche lombard[188] / frutur{e} viaunt[189] fyne;

+A Sotelte+

[Sidenote: 5. A Device of Gabriel greeting Mary.]

{ And an a Sotelte: { Maydon mary at holy virgyne, { And Gabriell{e} gretyng{e} hur / w{i}t{h} an Ave. 692

[Sidenote: _Second Course._]

The Second Course.

[Sidenote: 1. Blanc Mange (of Meat). 2. Roast Venison, &c.

3. Peac.o.c.ks, heronsew,]

T{w}o potag{es}, blanger manger{e},[190] & Also Iely[191]: For a standard / vensou{n} rost / kyd, favne, or cony, bustard, stork / crane / pec.o.k in hakill{e} ryally,[192]

heiron-sew or / betowr{e}, w{i}t{h}-s{er}ue wit{h} bred, yf at drynk be by; 696

[Sidenote: egrets, sucking rabbits, larks, bream, &c. 4. Dowcets, amber Leche, poached fritters.]

Partrich{e}, wodc.o.k / plover{e} / egret / Rabett{es} sowker{e}[193]; Gret briddes / larkes / gentill{e} breme de mer{e}, dowcett{es},[194] payne puff, w{i}t{h} leche / Ioly[195] Amber{e}, Fretour{e} powche / a sotelte folowyng{e} in fer{e}, 700

[Sidenote: 5. A Device of an Angel appearing to three Shepherds on a hill.]

e course for to fullfylle, An angell{e} goodly kan apper{e}, and syngyng{e} w{i}t{h} a mery cher{e}, Vn-to .iij. shep{er}d{es} vppon an hill{e}. 704


[Sidenote: _Third Course._]

The iij^d Course.

[Sidenote: 1. Almond cream. 2. Curlews, Snipes, &c. 3. Fresh-water crayfish, &c. 4. Baked Quinces, Sage fritters, &c.]

"Creme of almond{es}, & mameny, e iij. course in coost, Curlew / brew / snyt{es} / quayles / sp{ar}ows / m{er}tenett{es} rost, P{er}che in gely / Crevise dewe dou? / pety p{er}ueis[196] w{i}t{h} e moost, Quynces bake / leche dugard / Frutur{e} sage / y speke of cost, 708

[Sidenote: 5. Devices: The Mother of Christ, presented by the Kings of Cologne.]

and soteltees full{e} soleyn: at lady {a}t conseuyd by the holygost hym {a}t distroyed e fend{es} boost, presentid plesauntly by e kyng{es} of coleyn. 712

[Sidenote: _Dessert._ White apples, caraways, wafers and Ypocras.]

Afft{ur} is, delicat{is} mo.

Blaunderell{e}, or pepyns, w{i}t{h} carawey in confite, Waffurs to ete / ypocras to drynk w{i}t{h} delite.

[Sidenote: _Clear the Table._]

now is fest is fynysched / voyd e table quyte 716 Go we to e fysch{e} fest while we haue respite, & an w{i}t{h} G.o.dd{es} g{ra}ce e fest will{e} be do.


[Sidenote: _A Fish Dinner._]

A Dinere of Fische.[197]

[Sidenote: _First Course._]

The Furst Course.

[Sidenote: 1. Minnows, &c. 2. Porpoise and peas. 3. Fresh Millwell. 4. Roast Pike.]

"Musclade or[198] menows // w{i}t{h} e Samou{n} bellows[199]// eles, lampurns in fer{e}; Peson w{i}t{h} e purpose // ar good potage, as y suppose // 720 as falleth{e} for tyme of e yer{e}: Baken herynge// Sugr{e} {er}on strewyng{e} // [Fol. 182.]

grene myllewell{e}, deynteth{e} & not der{e}; pike[200] / lamprey / or Soolis // purpose rosted on coles[201] // 724 g{ur}nard / lamp{ur}nes bake / a leche, & a fritur{e};

[Sidenote: 5. A Divice: A young man piping on a cloud, and called _Sanguineus_, or Spring.]

a semely sotelte folowyng{e} evyn er{e}.

A galaunt yong{e} man, a wanton wight, pypyng{e} & syngyng{e} / lovyng{e} & lyght, 728 Standyng{e} on a clowd, Sang{ui}neus he hight, e begy{n}nyng{e} of e seson {a}t cleped is ver."

[Sidenote: _Second Course._]

The second course.

[Sidenote: 1. Dates and Jelly, 2. Doree in Syrup, 3. Turbot, &c.

4. Eels, Fritters,]

"Dat{es} in confyte // Iely red and white // is is good dewyng{e}[202]; 732 Cong{ur}, somon, dorray // In siripp{e} if ey lay // w{i}t{h} o{er} disches in sewyng{e}.

Brett / turbut[203] / or halybut // Carpe, base / mylet, or trowt // Cheven,[204] breme / renewyng{e}; 736 ?ole / Eles, lampurnes / rost // a leche, a frytur{e}, y make now bost //

[Sidenote: 5. A Device: A Man of War, red and angry called _Estas_, or Summer.]

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