The Book of Religions Part 43

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Moravian Missions.

The Moravians trace their origin to the ninth century, when the king of Moravia united with the Greek church.

WEST INDIAN MISSION.-The Moravians commenced their mission on the Island of St. Thomas in 1732. Its commencement was occasioned by a conversation between a negro, named Anthony, and some servants of Count Zinzendorf. The negro said he had a sister at St. Thomas, who was deeply anxious to be instructed about religion. This remark was repeated to one of "the _brethren_," named Leonard Dober. He determined to visit St. Thomas, "even," as he said, "if he were obliged to sell himself for a slave to effect his purpose." Dober went; and though, for a time, little good was effected, yet, in 1736, the Lord poured out his spirit, and many of the slaves were awakened. There are now two stations on this island.

In 1734, they began their mission on the Island of St. Croix. It was soon abandoned, but was reestablished in 1740. In 1754, missions were commenced on the Islands of St. Jan and Jamaica; in 1756, at Antigua; in 1765, at Barbadoes; in 1777, at St. Christopher's; and at Tobago in 1790.

GREENLAND MISSION.-This was commenced in 1733, at New Herrnhut, or Lusatia, by Matthew and Christian Stach, when the congregation of the brethren at home amounted to but six hundred members. They persevered through cold, hunger, and discouragement, though for five years they had no conversions. Greenland is _now_ a Christian country.

NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN MISSIONS.-These were begun in Georgia, 1735, among the Creeks, at the instigation of Count Zinzendorf. It was followed by numerous other stations, many of which have since become extinct.

SOUTH AMERICAN MISSIONS.-Surinam, a Dutch settlement in Guiana, was the scene of their first operations here, about 1735 or 1738. They began on the invitation of a planter. Several other settlements were attempted, but were subsequently abandoned, for various causes. In 1767, they commenced a prosperous station at Paramaribo.

LABRADOR MISSIONS.-Supposing that a natural affinity subsisted between this people and the Greenlanders, the brethren commenced their labors here in 1752. This attempt failed; but, in 1770, a settlement was effected at Nain, by the agency of Messrs. Haven, Drachart, and Jensen.

SOUTH AFRICAN MISSION.-George Schmidt was the father of this mission. He commenced it in 1737; but it was afterwards abandoned for about fifty years, until, in 1792, a permanent settlement was effected at Gnadenthal, one hundred and thirty-five miles east of Cape Town.

NOTE.-The brethren have also had missions, at different periods, in Asiatic Russia, Egypt, Persia, Lapland, Guinea, Algiers, Ceylon and the Nicobar Islands; all of which, for various causes, have been abandoned.


In the year 1840, the Moravians had, in the afore-mentioned places and in South Africa, forty-seven stations and out-stations, one hundred and ninety-seven missionaries and a.s.sistants, seventeen thousand seven hundred and three communicants, and fifty-seven thousand two hundred and fifty-five souls under their care.

London Missionary Society.

The extensive and splendid missions of this board originated with the Rev.

David Bogue, while on a visit to London. From his suggestions, the society was formed, in 1795, by several ministers of various denominations.

SOUTH SEA ISLANDS.-The society commenced their labors among these isles by sending out thirty-six missionaries, in 1796, who arrived safely, and commenced their duties at Otaheite, Tongataboo, and St. Christina, in March, 1797. Subsequently, they spread their influence over nearly all the islands of the Pacific Ocean. These missions have been eminently successful.

NEW SOUTH WALES.-This mission was begun by the labors of Mr. Threlkeld, in 1826, in Bahtabee, on Lake Macquaire.

SOUTH AFRICAN MISSIONS.-The success of the missions in the islands of the Pacific and South Seas, turned their attention to this dark land. Dr.

Vanderkemp, who was their first laborer, began his labors on the River Keis Kamma, in Caffraria, in 1799. In 1801, he removed to Graff Reinet, and preached to the Hottentots in that vicinity. These missions afterwards spread very widely among the Caffres and Hottentots.

EAST INDIAN MISSIONS.-The society's missions in this most interesting quarter of the globe were commenced at Calcutta and Chinsura, by the Rev.

Mr. Forsyth, in 1798. Subsequently, their stations spread over Northern and Peninsular India, India beyond the Ganges, into China, Siam, and some of the Asiatic Isles.

GUIANA AND WEST INDIES.-At the request of a pious Dutch planter, Mr. Wray was sent to Demerara, in Guiana, in 1807. This was the beginning of the society's operations in South America.

OTHER MISSIONS.-Beside these, are the European and Mediterranean islands missions, which, though of recent date, are promising in their aspects.

EDUCATION.-This society has several presses distributed over the vast field occupied by their agents, by means of which millions of pages are annually scattered among the people. They publish tracts parts of the Scriptures, &c. &c. They have also upwards of four hundred native a.s.sistants, which are not mentioned in the following summary.


From the best accounts we can obtain, this society had, in 1840, in Asia, the South Sea Islands, Africa, Guiana, and in Europe, about five hundred and fifty missionary stations and out-stations, one hundred and sixty-four missionaries, five thousand communicants, and about twenty-five thousand scholars.

American Board Of Foreign Missions.

MISSIONS IN ASIA.-The news of the success of English missionary enterprise, seconded by the zeal and influence of S. J. Mills, originated the germ of the invaluable labors of this board, which was organized in 1810. Their first missions were in Asia. Bombay was the scene of their first labors, in the year 1813, and Messrs. Nott, Newell, and Hall, their first missionaries. From Bombay they extended their influence to Ceylon, in 1816; to China, and South-eastern Asia, and to Siam, in 1830.

MEDITERRANEAN MISSIONS.-These missions were begun by sending out Messrs.

Parsons and Fisk on a voyage of research. The first station occupied was Beyroot, in Syria, in 1823. To this, stations at Malta, in Greece, at Constantinople, &c., have been added.

MISSIONS AT THE SANDWICH ISLANDS.-A special providence marked the commencement of these missions. Two boys, named Obookiah and Hopu, were, at their own request, brought to America. This gave rise to a train of interesting circ.u.mstances, which led to the commencement of the mission, in 1820, by Messrs. Bingham, Thurston, and others. Vast success has attended this mission, especially of late.

NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN MISSIONS.-These were commenced in 1816, among the Cherokees, by the Rev. C. Kingsbury. The Choctaws, the Chickasaws, the Osages, and other tribes, have since shared the labors of the board. The late unhappy removal of the Cherokee nation has done much towards the prostration of missionary success among that interesting but deeply-injured tribe.

MISSIONS IN AFRICA.-The efforts of the board in this quarter of the globe are of recent date. Only seven years have elapsed since their commencement. Some native towns on the western coast, and a numerous aboriginal tribe called the Zulus, on the south-east sh.o.r.e, are the chief objects of their labors at present. This field is considered very promising, and it is confidently believed that its occupation will be one effectual aid in the great work of regenerating that darkened, enslaved, and degraded continent.

In 1841, this board had missions to the Zulus in South Africa, the Grebos in West Africa, to Greece, to Turkey, Syria, the Nestorians of Persia, the Independent Nestorians, the Persian Mahometans, to the Mahrattas in Western India, to Madras and Madura in Southern India, to Ceylon, Siam, China Singapore, Borneo, and to the Sandwich Islands.

They have missions to the Cherokee Indians, the Choctaws, p.a.w.nees, to the Oregon Indians, the Sioux, Ojibwas, Stockbridge Indians, New York Indians, and to the Abenaquis.

Summary Of Foreign Missions.

The number of missions in this department is seventeen; of stations, sixty-one; of ordained missionaries, one hundred and eleven, five of whom are also physicians; of physicians, seven; of teachers, eight; of secular superintendents, two; of printers, eleven; of bookbinders, one; of female helpers, married and unmarried, one hundred and thirty-nine;-making a total of laborers beyond sea from this country of two hundred and eighty.

To these add four native preachers, and one hundred and thirty-five other native helpers, and the number of laborers who are employed and supported by the board in the missions beyond sea, is four hundred and nineteen.

Summary Of Indian Missions.

Among the Indian nations, there are twenty-five stations; twenty-five missionaries, two of whom are physicians; two other physicians, five teachers; ten other male, and fifty-nine female, a.s.sistant missionaries; three native preachers; and three other native a.s.sistants;-total, one hundred and seven.

General Summary.

The number of the missions in 1841 was twenty-six; stations, eighty-five; and ordained missionaries, one hundred and thirty-six, ten of whom were physicians. There were nine physicians not preachers, thirteen teachers, twelve printers and bookbinders, and twelve other male and one hundred and ninety-eight female a.s.sistant missionaries. The whole number of laborers from this country was three hundred and eighty-one, or sixteen more than were reported in 1840. To these we must add seven native preachers, and one hundred and thirty-eight native helpers, which made the whole number five hundred and twenty-six, thirty-nine more than in 1840. Nine ordained missionaries, three male and seventeen female a.s.sistant missionaries, have been sent forth during the year.

The number of mission churches was fifty-nine, containing nineteen thousand eight hundred and forty-two members, of whom four thousand three hundred and fifty were received the year before.

There were fifteen printing establishments, twenty-nine presses, five type-founderies, and fifty founts of type in the native languages. The printing for the year was about fifty million pages; the amount of printing from the beginning is about two hundred and ninety million pages.

Twenty-four thousand copies of the _Missionary Herald_ are now published monthly, and sixty-five thousand copies of the _Day-spring_, a monthly paper, are also issued.

Seven of the thirty-four boarding-schools have received the name of seminaries, and these contain four hundred and ninety-nine boys; the other twenty-seven contain two hundred and fifty three boys and three hundred and seventy-eight girls;-making a total of boarding scholars of one thousand one hundred and thirty. The number of free schools was four hundred and ninety, containing about twenty-three thousand pupils.

The receipts have been two hundred and thirty-five thousand one hundred and eighty-nine dollars, and the expenditures two hundred and sixty eight thousand, nine hundred and fifteen dollars.

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