Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon Part 13

Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon -

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~Candle~, _la shan-del'._ ~Carrot~, _la ca-lat'._ ~Carry, to~, _lo' lo._ ~Cart~, _tsik'-tsik; chik'-chik._ ~Cascade~, _tum' wa-ter._ ~Castrate, to~, _mahsh stone._ ~Cat~, _puss'-puss._ ~Cataract~, _tum' wa-ter._ ~Cattle~, _moos'-moos._ ~Certainly~, _na-wit'-ka._ ~Chain~, _la shen; chik'a-min lope._ ~Chair~, _la shase._ ~Cheat, to~, _la-lah._ ~Chicken~, _la pool._ ~Chief~, _ty-ee'._ ~Child~, _ten'-as._ ~Clams~, _o'-na; luk'-ut-chee; la-kwit'-chee._ ~Clams~, the large kind, _smet-ocks._ ~Clear up, to~, _chah-ko klah._ ~Cloth~ (cotton), _sail._ ~Clouds~, _smoke._ ~Coat~, _ca-po'._ ~Coffee~, _kau'-py._ ~Cold~, _cole; ts.h.i.+s._ ~Comb~, _comb._ ~Comb, to~, _mam'-ook comb._ ~Come, to~, _chah-ko._ ~Confess, to~, _yi'-em._ ~Conjuring~, _ta-mah-no-us._ ~Cook, to~, _mam'-ook pi'-ah._ ~Copper~, _pil chik'-a-min._ ~Cord~, _ten'-as lope._ ~Corn~, _e-salt'h', _or _ye-salt'h'._ ~Corral~, _kul-lagh._ ~Cotton goods~, _sail._ ~Cough~, _hoh'-hoh._ ~Count, to~, _mam'-ook kwun'-nun._ ~Cousin~, see brother and sister.

~Coyote~, _tal'-a-pus._ ~Crab apple~, _pow'-itsh._ ~Cranberry~, _so'-le-mie._ ~Crazy~, _pel'-ton._ ~Cream colored~, _le clem._ ~Crooked~, _ki'-wa._ ~Cross~, _la clo-a'._ ~Crow~, _kah-kah._ ~Cry, to~, _cly._ ~Cup~, _oos'-kan._ ~Curly~, _hunl'-kih._ ~Cut, to~, _tl'ko'-pe._


~Dance, to~, _tanse._ ~Dark, darkness~, _po'-lak-lie._ ~Day~, _sun._ ~Dead~, _mem'-a-loost,_ ~Deaf~, _ik-poo'-ie kwil-lan._ ~Dear~, _hy'-as mah-kook._ ~Deep~, _klip._ ~Deer~, _mow'-itsh._ ~Demon~, _skoo'-k.u.m._ ~Devil~, _di-aub'; yaub; le-jaub'._ ~Different~, _hul-o'-i-ma._ ~Difficult~, _kull._ ~Dig, to~, _mam'-ook il'-la-hie._ ~Dime~, _bit,_ or _mit._ ~Do, to~, _mam'-ook._ ~Doctor~, _doc'-tin._ ~Dog~, _kam'-ooks._ ~Dollar~, _dol'-la,_ or _tah-la._ ~Door~, _la po'te._ ~Down stream~, _mi'-mie._ ~Drink, to~, _muck'-a-muck._ ~Drive, to~, _kish'-kish._ ~Drunk~, _paht-lum._ ~Dry~, _de-ly'._ ~Duck~ (Mallard), _kweh-kweh; haht-haht._ ~Dust~, _po'-lal-lie._


~Eagle~, _chak'-chak._ ~Ear~, _kwo-lann'._ ~Early~, _ten'-as sun._ ~Earn, to~, _to'-lo_ ~Earth~, _il'-la-hie._ ~Eat, to~, _muck'-a-muck._ ~Egg~, _le sap'; le zep'._ ~Eight~, _sto'-te-kin._ ~Elk~, _moo'-lock._ ~Enclosure~, _kul-lagh._ ~English~, _king chautsh._ ~Englishman~, _king chautsh._ ~Enough~, _hi-yu'; ko-pet'._ ~Entreiils~, _ki-yagh._ ~Evening~, _ten'-as po'-lak-lie._ ~Every~, _kon'-a-way._ ~Exchange~, _huy-huy._ ~Eyes~, _se-ah-host._


~Face~, _se-ah-host._ ~Faded~, _spo'-oh._ ~Falsehood~, _klim-in'-a-whit._ ~Far~, _si-ah._ ~Fast~ (quick), _hy-ak'._ ~Fast~ (tight), _kwutl._ ~Fasten, to~, _kow._ ~Fat~, _glease._ ~Father~, _pa'-pa._ ~Fathom~, _it'-lan._ ~Fear~, _kwa.s.s._ ~Fell, to~ (as a tree), _mam'-ook whim._ ~Fence~, _kul-lagh._ ~Fetch, to~, _mam'-ook chah-ko._ ~Fever~, _waum sick._ ~Few~, _ten'-as._ ~Fight, to~, _mam'-ook sol'-leks._ ~Fight, with fists~, _mam'-ook puk'-puk._ ~Figured~ (as calico), _tzum._ ~File~, _la leem._ ~Fill, to~, _mam'-ook pahtl._ ~Find, to~, _klap._ ~Fingers~, _le doo._ ~Fire~, _pi'-ah; o-la-pits'-ki._ ~First~, _e'-lip,_ or _el'-ip._ ~Fish~, _pish._ ~Fish-hook~, _ik'-kik._ ~Five~, _kwin'-num._ ~Flea~, _so'-pen e'-na-poo; cho'-tub._ ~Flesh~, _itl'-wil-lie._ ~Flint~, _kil-it'-sut._ ~Flour~, _sap'-o-lill._ ~Fly, to~, _ka-wak'._ ~Fog~, _smoke._ ~Food~, _muck'-a-muck._ ~Fool~, _pel'-ton._ ~Foolish~, _pel'-ton._ ~Foot~, _le-pee'._ ~Forever~, _kwah-ne-sum._ ~Forget, to~, _mah-lie._ ~Fork~, _la poo-shet'._ ~Formerly~, _ahn-kut-te,_ or _ahn-kot-tie._ ~Four~, _lak'-it, _or _lok'-it._ ~Fowl~, _la pool._ ~French~, Frenchman, _pa-si'-ooks._ ~Friend~, _sikhs,_ or _s.h.i.+khs._ ~Frog~, _shwah-kuk._ ~Fry~, to, _mam'-ook la po-el'._ ~Frying-pan~, _la po-el'._ ~Full~, _pahtl._ ~Fundament~, _o'-poots._


~Gallop, to~, _kwa-lal'-kwa-lal'._ ~Gather, to~, _ho'-ku-melh._ ~Get, to~, _is'-k.u.m._ ~Get out~, _mahsh._ ~Get up~, _get-up',-or ket-op'._ ~Ghost~, _skoo'-k.u.m._ ~Gift~, _cul'-tus pot'-latch._ ~Give, to~, _pot'-latch._ ~Glad~, _kwann._ ~Go, to~, _klat'-a-wa._ ~G.o.d~, _sagh-a-lie ty-ee'._ ~Gold~, _pil chik'-a-min._ ~Good~, _klose,_ or _kloshe._ ~Good-bye~, _kla-how'-ya._ ~Goods~, _ik'-tah._ ~Goose~, _whuy'-whuy; kal-ak-a-lah-ma._ ~Grandfather~, _chope._ ~Grandmother~, _chitsh._ ~Grease~, _la-kles'; glease._ ~Green~, _pe-chugh'._ ~Grey; a grey horse~, _le gley._ ~Grizzly bear~, _si-am'._ ~Ground~, _il'-la-hie._ ~Gun; musket~, _suk'-wa-lal._


~Hair~, _yak'-so._ ~Half~, _sit'-k.u.m._ ~Hammer~, _le mah-to._ ~Hand~, _le mah._ ~Hand~ (game of), _it'-lo-k.u.m._ ~Handkerchief~, _hak'-at-shum._ ~Hard~, _kull._ ~Hare~, _kwit'-shad-ie._ ~Harrow, to~, _mam'-ook comb il'-la-hie._ ~Hat~, _se-ah-po; se-ah-pult._ ~Haul~, _haul._ ~Hazel-nuts~, _tuk'-wil-la._ ~He, his~, _yah-ka._ ~Head~, _la tet._ ~Heart~, _tum'-tum._ ~Heaven~, _sagh-il-lie il'-la-hie._ ~Heavy~, _till._ ~Help, to~, _mam'-ook e-lann'._ ~Here~, _yuk'-wa._ ~Hermaphrodite~, _bur'-dash._ ~Hide, to~, _ip'-soot._ ~High~, _sagh-a-lie._ ~Hit, to~, _kwul'h._ ~Hoe~, _la pe-osh'._ ~Hog~, _co'-sho._ ~Hole~, _kla-whap'._ ~Holiday~, _sunday._ ~Horn~, _stone._ ~Horse~, _kiu'-a-tan._ ~House~, _house._ ~How~, _kah-ta._ ~How are you~, _kla-how'-ya._ ~How many~, _kun'-sih; kun'-juk._ ~Hundred~, _tuk-a-mo'-nuk._ ~Hungry~, _o'-lo._ ~Hurry~, _howh; hy-ak'._


~I~, _ni-ka._ ~If~, _spose._ ~In~, _ko'-pa._ ~Indian~, _si'-wash._ ~In sh.o.r.e~, _maht-wil-lie._ ~Iron~, _chik'-a-min._ ~It~, _yah-ka._


~Jealous~, _sick tum'-tum._ ~Jump, to~, _so'-pe-na._


~Kam-a.s.s root~, _la'-ka-ma.s.s._ ~Kettle~, _ket-ling._ ~Kick, to~, _chuk'-kin._ ~Kiss, to kiss~, _be'-be._ ~Knife~, _o'-pit-sah._ ~Knock, to~, _ko'-ko._ ~Knotty~, _hunl'-kih._ ~Know, to~, _k.u.m'-tuks._


~Lame~, _klook te-ah-wit._ ~Lamprey eel~, _skwak'-wal,_ ~Language~, _la lang._ ~Large~, _hy-as'._ ~Lately~, _chee._ ~Laughter~, _hee'-hee._ ~Lazy~, _lazy._ ~Leap, to~, _so'-pe-na._ ~Leaf~, _tup'-so,_ or _tip'-so._ ~Lean, to~, _lagh._ ~Leave, to~, _mahsh._ ~Leave off, to~, _ko-pet'._ ~Leg~, _te-ah-wit._ ~Leggings~, _mi-ta.s.s'._ ~Lend, to~, _a-yah-whul_ ~Lick, to~, _klak'-wun._ ~Lie, to~, _klim-in'-a-whit._ ~Like~, _kah-kwa._ ~Like, to~, _tik-egh._ ~Little~, _ten'-as._ ~Long~, _youtl'-kut._ ~Long ago~, _ahn-kut-te,_ or _ahn-kot-tie._ ~Look, to~, _nan'-itsh._ ~Look here!~ _nah._ ~Look out!~ _klose nan'-itsh._ ~Looking-gla.s.s~, _she-lok'-um._ ~Loose~, _stoh._ ~Lose the way, to~, _tso'-lo; tsee-pie' way-hut._ ~Louse~, _e'-na-poo,_ or _in'-a-poo._ ~Love, to~, _tik-egh._


~Magic~, _ta-mah-no-us._ ~Make, to~, _mam'-ook._ ~Man~, _man._ ~Many~, _hy-iu'._ ~Marry, to~, _mal-i-eh._ ~Ma.s.s~ (Ceremony of), _la messe._ ~Mast~, _s.h.i.+p stick._ ~Mat~, _klis'-kwiss._ ~Mattock~, _la pe-osh'._ ~Measure, to~, _tah'-nim._ ~Meat~, _itl'-wil-lie._ ~Medicine~, _la mes'-tin._ ~Mend, to~, _mam'-ook tip'-s.h.i.+n._ ~Menstruate, to~, _mahsh pil'-pil._ ~Metal, metallic~, _chik'-a-min._ ~Middle, the~, _kat'-suk,_ or _kot'-suk._ ~Midnight~, _sit'-k.u.m po'-lak-lie._ ~Milk~, _to-toosh'._ ~Mill~, _moo'-la._ ~Mind, the~, _tum'-tum._ ~Miss, to~, _tsee'-pie._ ~Mistake, to~, _tsee'-pie._ ~Moccasins~, _skin-shoes._, _mel-a.s.s'._ ~Money~, _chik'-a-min._ ~Month~, _moon._ ~Moon~, _moon._ ~More~, _weght._ ~Mosquito~, _mel'-a-kwa._ ~Mother~, _mama; na'-ah._ ~Mountain~, _la mon'-ti._ ~Mouse~, _hool'-hool._ ~Mouth~, _la boos._ ~Much~, _hy-iu'._ ~Mule~, _le mel._ ~Musical Instrument~, _tin'-tin._ ~Musket~, _musket._ ~Mussels~, _to'-luks._ ~My, mine~, _ni'-ka._


~Nails~, _le cloo._ ~Name~, _nem; yah-hul._ ~Near~, _wake si-ah._ ~Neck~, _le cou._ ~Needle~, _keep'-wot._ ~New~, _chee._ ~Night~, _po'-lak-lie._ ~Nine~, _kwaist,_ or _kweest._ ~No, not~, _wake._ ~Noise~, _la tlah._ ~None~, _ha'-lo._ ~Nonsense~, _cul'-tus wau'-wau._ ~Noon~, _sit-k.u.m sun._ ~Nose~, _nose._ ~Notwithstanding~, _kegh-tchie._ ~Now~, _al'-ta._ ~Numerals--~ 1, _ikt._ 2, _mokst._ 3, _klone._ 4, _lakit._ 5, _kwinnum._ 6, _taghum._ 7, _sinnamokst._ 8, _stotekin._ 9, _kwaist._ 10, _tahtlelum._ 11, _tahtlelum pe ikt_ 20, _mokst tahtlelum._ 100, _ikt takarnonuk._ ~Nuts~, _tuk'-wil-la._


~Oak~, _kull stick._ ~Oar~, _la lahm; la lum._ ~Oats~, _la wen._ ~Off~, _klak._ ~Off sh.o.r.e~, _maht-lin-nie_ ~Oil~, _glease._ ~Old~, _o'-le-man._ ~Old man~, _o'-le-man._ ~Old woman~, _lam'-mi-eh._ ~One~, _ikt._ ~One-eyed~, _ikt se-ah-host._ ~Open~, _hah-lakl._ ~Opposite to~, _in'-a-ti._ ~Or~, _pe._ ~Order, to~, _mahsh tum'-tum._ ~Other~, _hul-o'-i-ma._ ~Otter~ (land), _ne-mam'-ooks._ ~Our~, _ne-si'-ka._ ~Out doors~, _klagh-a-nie._ ~Ox~, _moos'-moos._ ~Oyster~, _chet'-lo,_ or _jet'-lo; klogh-klogh._


~Paddle, a~, _is'-ick._ ~Paddle, to~, _mam'-ook is'-ick._ ~Paint~, _pent._ ~Paint, to~, _mam'-ook pent._ ~Paper~, _peh-pah._ ~Peas~, _le pwau._ ~People~, _til'-i-k.u.m._ ~Perhaps~, _klo-nas'._ ~Petticoat~, _kal-a-kwah'-tie._ ~Piebald~, _le kye._ ~Pin~, _kwek'-wi-ens._ ~Pipe~, _la peep._ ~Pitch~, _la gome._ ~Plate~, _la si-et'._ ~Pleased~, _youtl._ ~Plough~, _le shal-loo'._ ~Plough, to~, _klugh il'-la-hie._ ~Pole~, _la pehsh._ ~Poor~, _kla-how'-yum; ha'-lo ik'-ta._ ~Pork~, _co'-sho._ ~Posteriors~, _o'-poots._ ~Potato~, _wap'-pa-too._ ~Pour, to~, _wagh._ ~Powder~, _po'-lal-lie._ ~Prairie wolf~, _tal'-a-pus._ ~Presently~, _al'-kie; win'-a-pie_ ~Pretty~, _to'ke-tie._ ~Priest~, _le plet._ ~Proud~, _youtl; kwetl'h._ ~Provided that~, _spose._ ~Pull~, _haul._


~Quarter~, _ten'-as sit'-k.u.m._ ~Quarter~ (of a dollar), _kwah-ta._ ~Quick~, _hy-ak'._ ~Quills~, _te-peh._


~Rabbit~, _kwit'-shad-ie._ ~Rain~, _sna.s.s._ ~Rattle~, _shugh._ ~Rattlesnake~, _shugho'-pools._ ~Razor fish~, _o'-na._ ~Reach~, _ko._ ~Red~, _pil._ ~Relate, to~, _yi'-em._ ~Return, to~, _kel'-i-pi._ ~Ribbon~, _le lo'-ba._ ~Rice~, _lice._ ~Rifle~, _cal'-li-peen._ ~Ring, a~, _kweo-kweo._ ~Ripe~, _pi'-ah._ ~River~, _chuck._ ~Road~, _way'-hut._ ~Roan colored~, _san'-de-lie._ ~Roast~, _mam'-ook la pel-lah'._ ~Rock~, _stone._ ~Rope~, _lope._ ~Rotten~, _poo'-lie._ ~Round~, _lo'-lo._ ~Rudder~, _boat o'-poots._ ~Rum~, _lum._


~Sack~, _le sak._ ~Saddle~, _la sell._ ~Saddle housings~, _le pish'-e-mo._ ~Sail~, _sail._ ~Sailor~, _s.h.i.+p'-man._ ~Salmon~, _salmon._ ~Salt~, _salt._ ~Sand~, _po'-lal-lie._ ~Sash~, _la san-jel'._ ~Saw~, _la gwin; la scie._ ~Say, to~, _wau'-wau._ ~Scissors~, _le see'-zo._ ~Sea~, _salt-chuck._ ~Seal~, _ol'-hi-yu si'-wash co'-sho._ ~See, to~, _nan'-itsh._ ~Sell, to~, _mah-kook._ ~Seven~, _sin'-a-moxt._ ~Sew, to~, _mam'-ook tip'-s.h.i.+n._ ~Shake, to~, _to-to; hul'-lel._ ~Shame~, _shem._ ~Sharp~, _yah-kis-ilt'h._ ~Sharpen, to~, _mam'-ook tsish._ ~She, her~, _yah-ka._ ~Sheep~, _le moo'-to._ ~Sh.e.l.l money~ (the small size), _coop-coop;_ (the large), _hy-kwa._ ~s.h.i.+ngle~, _le-bah-do._ ~s.h.i.+ning~, _to-wagh._ ~s.h.i.+p~, _s.h.i.+p._ ~s.h.i.+rt~, _shut._ ~Shoes~, _shoes._ ~Shoot, to~, _mam'-ook poo._ ~Short~, _yutes-kut._ ~Shot~, _shot; ten'-as le bal._ ~Shot pouch~, _ka-li-tan le-sac'; tsole'-pat._ ~Shout, to~, _hy'-as wau'-wau._ ~Shovel~, _la pell._ ~Shut, to~, _ik-poo'-ie._ ~Sick~, _sick._ ~Sift, to~, _to-to._ ~Silk~, _la sway._ ~Silver~, _t'kope chik'-a-min._ ~Similar~, _kah-kwa._ ~Since~, _kim-ta._ ~Sing, to~, _shan'-tie._ ~Sister~, _kahp-ho,_ if older than the speaker; _ats,_ if younger.

~Sit, to~, _mit'-lite._ ~Six~, _togh-um._ ~Skin~, _skin._ ~Skunk~, _hum o'-poots; piu'-piu; skub'-e-you._ ~Sky~, _koo'-sagh._ ~Slave~, _e-li'-te; mist'-s.h.i.+-mus._ ~Sleep~, _moo'-sum._ ~Slowly~, _klah-wa._ ~Small~, _ten'-as._ ~Smell, a~, _humm._ ~Smoke~, _smoke._ ~Snake~, _o'-luk._ ~Snow~, _snow; cole sna.s.s._ ~Soap~, _soap._ ~Soft~, _klim'-min._ ~Sorrel colored~, a sorrel horse, _le blau._ ~Sorry~, _sick tum'-tum._ ~Sour~, _kwates._ ~Spade~, _la pell._ ~Speak, to~, _wau'-wau._ ~Spill, to~, _wagh._ ~Spirits~, _lum._ ~Split~, _tsugh._ ~Split, to~, _mam'-ook tsugh._ ~Spectacles~, _dol'-la se-agh-ost,_ or _lak-it se-agh-ost._ ~Spit, to~, _mam'-ook toh._ ~Split, to become~, _chah-ko tsugh._ ~Spoon~, _spoon._ ~Spotted~, _le kye; tzum._ ~Spurs~, _le see'-blo._ ~Squirrel~, _skwis'-kwis._ ~Stab, to~, _klem'-a-hun._ ~Stand, to~, _mit'-whit._ ~Stars~, _tsil'-tsil._ ~Stay, to~, _mit'-lite._ ~Steal, to~, _kap-su-al-la._ ~Steam~, _smoke._ ~Steamer~, _pi'-ah s.h.i.+p._ ~Stick, a~, _stick._ ~Stink, a~, _piu-piu; humm._ ~Stirrup~, _sit'-lay._ ~Stockings~, _stock'-en; kush-is'._ ~Stone~, _stone._ ~Stop, to~, _ko-pet'._ ~Store~, _mah-kook house._ ~Story~, _eh-kah-nam._ ~Straight~, _de-late,_ or _de-let'; si'-pah._ ~Strawberries~, _a-mo'-te._ ~Strong~, _skoo'-k.u.m._ ~Sturgeon~, _stutch'-un._ ~Sugar~, _le sook; shu'-gah; shu'-kwa._ ~Summer~, _waum il'-la-hie._ ~Sun~, _sun; ote-lagh._ ~Sunday~, _sunday._ ~Sunset~, _klip sun._ ~Suppose~, _spose._ ~Swan~, _kah-loke._ ~Sweep, to~, _mam'-ook bloom._ ~Sweet~, _tsee._ ~Swim~, _sit'-shum._


~Table~, _la tahb._ ~Tail~, _o'-poots._ ~Take, to~, _is'-k.u.m._ ~Take care~! _klose nan'-itsh._ ~Take off~, or ~out~, _mam'-ook klak; mahsh._ ~Tale~, or ~story~, _yi'-em; eh-kah-nam._ ~Talk, to~, _wau'-wau._ ~Tame~, _kwa.s.s._ ~Tea~, _tea._ ~Teach, to~, _mam'-ook k.u.m'-tuks._ ~Tear, to~, _klugh._ ~Teeth~, _le tah._ ~Tell, to~, _wau'-wau._ ~Ten~, _taht-le-lum._, _stone._ ~Thank you~, _mah-sie._ ~That~, _o'-koke._ ~That way~, _yah-wa._ ~There~, _yah-wa; ko-pah._ ~They~, _klas'-ka._ ~Thick~ (as, _pit'-lilh._ ~Thin~ (as a board), _p'chih; pe-what'-tie._ ~Thing~, _ik'-tah._ ~This~, _o'-koke._ ~This way~, _yuk'-wa._ ~Thou, thy, thine~, _mi'-ka._ ~Thread~, _kla-pite._ ~Three~, _klone._ ~Throw away~, _mahsh._ ~Tide~, see _chuck._ ~Tie, to~, _kow._ ~Tight~, _kwutl._ ~Tinware~, _ma-lah._ ~Tip, to~, _lagh._ ~Tired~, _till._ ~To, towards~, _ko'-pa._ ~Tobacco~, _ki'-nootl; ki'-noos._ ~To-morrow~, _to-mol'-la._ ~Tongue~, _la lang._ ~Trail~, _way'-hut._ ~Trap~, _la piege._ ~Tree~, _stick._ ~Tree, fallen~, _whim stick._ ~Trot, to~, _teh-teh._ ~Trowsers~, _sa-kol'-eks._ ~True~, _de-late._ ~Truth~, _de-late wau'-wau._ ~Tub~, _ta-mo'-litsh._ ~Twine~, _ten-as lope; kla-pite._ ~Two, twice~, _mokst._


~Uncle~, _tot._ ~Under~, _kee'-kwil-lie._ ~Understand, to~, _k.u.m'-tuks._ ~Unhappy~, _sick tum'-tum._ ~Untamed~, _le-mo'-lo._ ~Untie, to~, _mam'-ook stoh; mahsh kow._ ~Up~, _sagh-a-lie._ ~Upset, to~, _kel'-i-pi._ ~Us~, _ne-si'-ka._


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