The Boy's Playbook of Science Part 2

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[Page 18]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 23.]

Another striking and very simple ill.u.s.tration is to suspend a hemispherical cup by three cords, and having twisted them, by turning round the cup, it may be filled with water, and directly the hand is withdrawn, the torsion of the cord causes the cup to rotate, and the water describes a circle on the floor, flying off at a tangent from the cup, as may be noticed in the accompanying cut.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 24.]

A hoop when trundled would tumble on its side if the force of gravitation was not overcome by the centrifugal force which imparts to it a motion in the direction of a tangent (_tango_, to touch) to a circle. The same principle applies to the spinning-top--this toy cannot be made to stand upon its point until set in rapid motion.

Returning again to the subject of gravitation, we may now consider it in relation to other and more magnificent examples which we discover by studying the science of astronomy.

[Page 19]



In a work of this kind, professedly devoted to a very brief and popular view of the different scientific subjects, much cannot be said on any special branch of science; it will be better, therefore, to take up one subject in astronomy, and by discussing it in a simple manner, our young friends may be stimulated to learn more of those glorious truths which are to be found in the published works of many eminent astronomers, and especially in that of Mr. Hind, called "The Ill.u.s.trated London Astronomy." One of the most interesting subjects is the phenomenon of the eclipse of the sun; and as 1858 is likely to be long remembered for its "annular eclipse," we shall devote some pages and ill.u.s.trations to this subject.

Eclipses of the sun are of three kinds--partial, annular, and total.

Many persons have probably seen large partial eclipses of the sun, and may possibly suppose that a total eclipse is merely an intensified form of a partial one; but astronomers a.s.sert that no degree of partial eclipse, even when the very smallest portion of the sun remains visible, gives the slightest idea of a total one, either in the solemnity and overpowering influence of the spectacle, or the curious appearances which accompany it.

The late Mr. Baily said of an eclipse (usually called that of Thales), which caused the suspension of a battle between the Lydians and Medes, that only a total eclipse could have produced the effect ascribed to it.

Even educated astronomers, when viewing with the naked eye the sun nearly obscured by the moon in an annular eclipse, could not tell that _any part_ of the sun was hidden, and this was remarkably verified in the annular eclipse of the 15th March of this year.

During the continuance of a total eclipse of the sun, we are permitted a hasty glance at some of those secrets of Nature which are not revealed at any other time--glories that hold in tremulous amazement even veteran explorers of the heavens and its starry worlds.

The general meaning of an eclipse may be shown very nicely by lighting a common oil, or oxy-hydrogen lantern in a darkened room, and throwing the rays which proceed from it on a three-feet globe. The lantern may be called the sun, and, of course, it is understood that correct comparative sizes are not attempted in this arrangement; if it were so, the globe representing the earth would have to be a mere speck, for if we make the model of the sun in proportion to a three-feet globe, no ordinary lecture hall would contain it. This being premised, attention is directed to the lantern, which, like the sun, is self-luminous, and is giving out its own rays; these fall upon the globe we have designated the earth, and illuminate one-half, whilst the other is shrouded in darkness, reminding us of the opacity of the earth, and teaching, in a familiar [Page 20] manner, the causes of day and night. Another globe, say six inches in diameter, and supported by a string, may be compared to the moon, and, like the earth, is now luminous, and s.h.i.+nes only by borrowed light: the moon is simply a reflector of light; like a sheet of white cardboard, or a metallic mirror. When, therefore, the small globe is pa.s.sed between the lantern and the large globe, a shadow is cast on the large globe: it is also seen that only the half of the small globe turned towards the lantern is illuminated, while the other half, opposite the large globe, is in shadow or darkness. And here we understand why the moon appears to be black while pa.s.sing before the sun; so also by moving the small globe about in various curves, it is shown why eclipses are only visible at certain parts of the earth's surface; and as it would take (roughly speaking) fifty globes as large as the moon to make one equal in size to our earth, the shadow it casts must necessarily be small, and cannot obscure the whole hemisphere of the earth turned towards it. An eclipse of the sun is, therefore, caused by the opaque ma.s.s of moon pa.s.sing between the sun and the earth. Whilst an eclipse of the moon is caused by the earth moving directly between the sun and the moon: the large shadow cast by the earth renders a total eclipse of the moon visible to a greater number of spectators on that half of the earth turned towards the moon. All these facts can be clearly demonstrated with the arrangement already described, of which we give the following pictorial ill.u.s.tration:--

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 25.]

In using this apparatus, it should be explained that if the moon were as large as the sun, the shadow would be cylindrical like the figure 1, and of an unlimited length. If she were of greater magnitude, it would precisely resemble the shadow cast in the experiment already adduced with the lantern and shown at No. 2. But being so very much smaller than the sun, the moon projects a shadow which converges to a point as shown in the third diagram.

[Page 21]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 26.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 27.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 28.]

In order to comprehend the difference between an annular and a total eclipse of the sun, it is necessary to mention the apparent sizes of the sun and moon: thus, the former is a very large body--viz., eight hundred and eighty-seven thousand miles in diameter; but then, the sun is a very long way off from the earth, and is ninety millions of miles distant from us; therefore, he does not appear to be very large: indeed, the sun seems to be about the same size as the moon; for, although the sun's diameter is (roughly speaking) four hundred times greater than that of the moon, he is four hundred times further away from us, and, consequently, the sun and moon _appear_ to be the same size, and when they come in a straight line with the eye, the nearer and smaller body, the moon, covers the larger and more distant ma.s.s, the sun; and hence, we have either an annular, or a total eclipse, showing how a small body may come between the eye and a larger body, and either partially or completely obscure it.

[Page 22]

With respect to an annular eclipse, it must be remembered, that the paths of all bodies revolving round others are elliptical; _i.e._, they take place in the form of an ellipse, which is a figure easily demonstrated; and is, in fact, one of the conic sections.

If a slice be taken off a cone, parallel with the base, we have a circle thus--

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 29.]

If it be cut obliquely, or slanting, we see at once the figure spoken of, and have the ellipse as shown in this picture.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 30.]

Now, the ellipse has two points within it, called "the foci," and these are easily indicated by drawing an ellipse on a diagram-board, in which two nails have been placed in a straight line, and about twelve inches apart. Having tied a string so as to make a loop, or endless cord, a circle may first be drawn by putting the cord round one of the nails, and holding a piece of chalk in the loop of the string, it may be extended to its full distance, and a circle described; here a figure is produced round one point, and to show the difference between a circle and an ellipse, the endless cord is now placed on the two nails, and the chalk being carried round inside the string, no longer produces the circle, but that familiar form called the oval. As a gardener would say, an oval has been struck; and the two points round which it has been described, [Page 23] are called the _foci_. This explanation enables us to understand the next diagram, showing the motion of the earth round the sun; the latter being placed in one of the foci of a very moderate ellipse, and the various points of the earth's...o...b..t designated by the little round globes marked A, B, C, D, where it is evident that the earth is nearer to the sun at B than at D. In this diagram the ellipse is exaggerated, as it ought, in fact, to be very nearly a circle.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 31.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 32.]

We are about three millions of miles nearer to the sun in the winter than we are in the summer; but from the more oblique or slanting direction of the rays of the sun during the winter season, we do not derive any increased heat from the greater proximity. The sun, therefore, apparently varies in size; but this seeming difference is so trifling that it is of no importance in the discussion: and here we may ask, why does [Page 24] the earth move round the sun? Because it is impelled by _two forces_, one of which has already been fully explained, and is called the _centrifugal_ power, and the other, although termed the _centripetal_ force, is only another name for the "attraction of gravitation."

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 33.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 34.]

To show their mutual relations, let us suppose that, at the creation of the universe, the earth, marked A, was hurled from the hand of its Maker; according to the law of inertia, it would continue in a straight line, A C, for ever through s.p.a.ce, provided it met with no resistance or obstruction. Let us now suppose the earth to have arrived at the point B, and to come within the sphere of the attraction of the sun S; [Page 25] here we have at once contending forces acting at right angles to each other; either the earth must continue in its original direction, A C, or fall gradually to the sun. But, mark the beauty and harmony of the arrangement: like a billiard-ball, struck with equal force at two points at right angles to each other, it takes the mean between the two, or what is termed the diagonal of the parallelogram (as shown in our drawing of a billiard-table), and in the direction of the curved line, B D; having reached D, it is again ready to fly off at a tangent; the centrifugal force would carry it to E, but again the gravitating force controls the centripetal, and the earth pursues its elliptical path, or orbit, till the Almighty Author who bade it move shall please to reverse the command.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 35.]

The mutual relations of the centripetal and centrifugal forces may be ill.u.s.trated by suspending a tin cylindrical vessel by two strings, and having filled it with water, the vessel may be swung round without spilling a single drop; of course, the movement must be commenced carefully, by making it oscillate like a pendulum.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 36.]

The cord which binds it to the finger may be compared to the centripetal force, whilst the centrifugal power is ill.u.s.trated by the water pressing against the sides and remaining in the vessel. Upon the like principles the moon revolves about the earth, but her orbit is more elliptical than that of the earth around the sun; and it is evident from our diagram that the moon is much further from the earth at A than at B. As a natural consequence, the moon appears sometimes a little larger and sometimes smaller than the sun; the apparent mean diameter of the latter being thirty-two minutes, whilst the moon's apparent diameter varies from twenty-nine and a half to thirty-three and a half minutes. Now, if the moon exactly between us and the sun when she is apparently largest, then a total eclipse takes place; whereas, if she glides between the sun and ourselves when smallest--_i.e._, when furthest off from the earth--then she is not sufficiently [Page 26] large to cover the sun entirely, but a ring of sunlight remains visible around her, and what is called an annular eclipse of the sun occurs. This fact may be shown in an effective manner by placing the oxy-hydrogen lantern before a sheet, or other white surface, and throwing a bright circle of light upon it, which may be called the sun; then, if a round disc of wood be pa.s.sed between the lantern and the sheet, at a certain distance from the nozzle of the lantern, all the light is cut off, the circle of light is no longer apparent, and we have a resemblance to a total eclipse.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 37.]

By taking the round disc of wood further from the lantern, and repeating the experiment, it will be found that the whole circle of light is not obscured, but a ring of light appears around the dark centre, corresponding with the phenomenon called the annular (ring-shaped) eclipse.

If a bullet be placed very near to one eye whilst the other remains closed, a large target may be wholly shut out from vision; but if the bullet be adjusted at a greater distance from the eye, then the centre only will be obscured, and the outer edge or ring of the target remains visible.

When the advancing edge, or first _limb_, as it is termed, of the moon approaches very near to the second limb of the sun, the two are joined together for a time by alternations of black and white points, called Baily's beads.

This phenomenon is supposed to be caused partly by the uneven and mountainous edge of the moon, and partly by that inevitable fault of telescopes, and of the nervous system of the eye, which tends to enlarge the images of luminous objects, producing what is called irradiation. It is exceedingly interesting to know that, although the clouds obscured the annular eclipse of 1858, in many parts of England, we are yet [Page 27] left the recorded observations of one fortunate astronomer, Mr. John Yeats, who states that--

"All the phenomena of an annular eclipse were clearly and beautifully visible on the Fotheringay-Castle-mound, which is a locality easily identified. Baily's beads were perfectly plain on the completion of the _annulus_, which occurrence took place, according to my observation, at about seventy seconds after 1 o'clock; it lasted about eighty seconds.

The 'beads,' like drops of water, appeared on the upper and under sides of the moon, occupying fully three-fourths of her circ.u.mference.

"Prior to this, the upper edge of the moon seemed dark and rough, and there were no other changes of colour. At 12.43, the cusps, for a few moments, bore a very black aspect.

"There was nothing like intense darkness during the eclipse, and less gloom than during a thunderstorm. Bystanders prognosticated rain; but it was the shadow of a rapidly-declining day. At 12 o'clock, a lady living on the farm suddenly exclaimed, 'The cows are coming home to be milked!'

and they came, all but one; that followed, however, within the hour.

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