The Forme of Cury Part 12

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erwith. and make erof dyuerse colours. If ou wolt have zelow, do erto safroun and no pa.r.s.el. If ou wolt have it white; noner pa.r.s.el ne safroun but do erto amydoun. If ou wilt have rede do erto sandres. If ou wilt have pownas [4] do erto turnesole [5]. If ou wilt have blak do erto blode ysode and fryed. and set on the fyre in as many vessels as ou hast colours erto and see it wel and lay ise colours in a cloth first oon. and sithen anoer upon him. and sithen the ridde and the ferthe. and presse it harde til it be all out clene. And whan it is al colde, lesh it thynne, put it in a panne and fry it wel. and serue it forth.

[1] Lete Lardes. _Lards_ in form of Dice are noticed in the process.

See Lel. Coll. VI. p. 5. _Lete_ is the Fr. _Lait_, milk. V. No. 81.

or Brit. _Llaeth_. Hence, perhaps, _Lethe Cpyrus_ and _Lethe Rube_.

Lel. Coll. IV. p. 227. But VI. p. 5, it is _Leche_.

[2] to done, i. e. done.

[3] myng. mix.

[4] pownas. Qu.

[5] turnesole. Not the flower _Heliotrope_, but a drug. Northumb.

Book, p. 3. 19. I suppose it to be _Turmeric_. V. Brooke's Nat. Hist.

of Vegetables, p. 9. where it is used both in victuals and for dying.


Take Almandes blanched. bray hem and drawe hem up with faire water, make furmente as before [2] and cast er furmente erto. & messe it with Porpays.

[1] Porpays. _Porpeys_, Contents, and so No. 116. Porpus.

[2] as before. This is the first mention of it.


Take pesoun and see hem fast and covere hem til ei berst. enne take up hem and cole hem thurgh a cloth. take oynouns and mynce hem and see hem in the same sewe and oile erwith, cast erto sugur, salt and safroun, and see hem wel eratt erafter and serue hem forth.

[1] Perrey of Pesoun, i.e. Peas. _Perrey_ seems to mean pulp: vide No.

73. Mr. Ozell in Rabelais, IV. c. 60. renders _Puree de pois_ by _Peas soup_.


Take white pesoun, waisshe hem see hem a grete while, take hem and cole hem thurgh a cloth, waisshe hem in colde water til the hulles go off, cast hem in a pot and couere at no breth [2] go out. and boile hem right wel. and cast erinne mylke of allmandes and a pertye of flour of Rys wi powdour gynger safroun. and salt.

[1] Almayne. Germany; called Almony No. 47.

[2] breth. Breath, air, steam. Ms. Ed. No. 2.


Take chiches and wry hem [2] in ashes all nyzt, oer lay hem in hoot aymers [3], at morrowe [4], waisshe hem in clene water and do hem ouer the fire with clene water. see hem up and do erto oyle, garlec, hole safroun. powdour fort and salt, see it and messe it forth.

[1] Chyches. _Viciae_, vetches. In Fr. _Chiches_.

[2] Wry hem. _Dry hem_, or _cover hem_. Chaucer, v. wrey.

[3] Aymers. Embers; of which it is evidently a corruption.

[4] at morrowe. Next Morning.


Take and see white peson and take oute e perrey [2] & parboile erbis & hewe hem grete & cast hem in a pot with the perrey pulle oynouns & see hem hole wel in water & do hem to e Perrey with oile & salt, colour it with safroun & messe it and cast eron powdour douce.

[1] Frenche. Contents have it more fully, _Frenche Owtes_. V. ad No. 6.

[2] Perrey. Pulp. V. ad No. 70.


Take drawen benes and see hem wel. take hem up of the water and cast hem in a morter grynde hem al to doust til ei be white as eny mylk, chawf [2] a litell rede wyne, cast eramong in e gryndyng, do erto salt, leshe it in disshes. anne take Oynouns and mynce hem smale and see hem in oile til ey be al broun [3]. and florissh the disshes therwith. and serue it forth.

[1] Makke. _Ignotum_.

[2] Chawf. Warm.

[3] broun. Brown.


Pill garlec and cast it in a pot with water and oile. and see it, do erto safroun, salt, and powdour fort and dresse it forth hool.

[1] Aquapatys. _Aquapates_, Contents. Perhaps named from the water used in it.


Take persel, sawge, garlec, chibolles, oynouns, leek, borage, myntes, porrectes [1], fenel and ton tressis [2], rew, rosemarye, purslarye [3], laue and waische hem clene, pike hem, pluk hem small wi yn [4]

honde and myng hem wel with rawe oile. lay on vynegur and salt, and serue it forth.

[1] Porrectes. Fr. _Porrette_.

[2] Ton tressis. Cresses. V. Gloss.

[3] Purslarye. Purslain.

[4] yn. thine.


Take blades of Fenkel. shrede hem not to smale, do hem to see in water and oile and oynouns mynced erwith. do erto safroun and salt and powdour douce, serue it forth, take brede ytosted and lay the sewe onoward.


Take elena campana and see it water [2]. take it up and grynde it wel in a morter. temper it up with ayrenn safroun and salt and do it ouer the fire and lat it not boile. cast above powdour douce and serue it forth.

[1] Clat. Qu.

[2] water; r. _in water_, as in No. 79.


Take Apples and see hem in water, drawe hem thurgh a straynour.

take almaunde mylke & hony and flour of Rys, safroun and powdour fort and salt. and see it stondyng [2].

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