History of Roman Literature from its Earliest Period to the Augustan Volume II Part 21

History of Roman Literature from its Earliest Period to the Augustan -

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*HANKIUS. (MART.)-_De Romanarum Rerum Scriptoribus_. Lips. 1687. 4to.

The first part of this work contains a succinct account of the ancient Roman Annalists and Historians. The latter part relates to modern writers who treated of Roman affairs.

*HARLES. (TH. CHRIST.)-_Introductio in Not.i.tiam Literaturae Romanae, imprimis Scriptorum Latinorum_. Noriberg. 1781. 2 Tom. 8vo.

This work of Harles, as far as it extends, is written on the same plan, and is much of the same description, as the _Bibliotheca_ of Fabricius. It is not continued farther, however, than the Augustan age inclusive.

*HARLES. (TH. CHRIST.)-_Brevior Not.i.tia Literaturae Romanae, imprimis Scriptorum Latinorum_. Lips. 1788. 1 Tom. 8vo.

*HARLES. (TH. CHRIST.)-_Supplementa ad Breviorem Not.i.tiam Literaturae Romanae_. Lips. 1788. 2 Tom. 8vo.

This work, and the preceding, are on the same plan as the _Introductio_; but bring down the history of Roman writers, and the editions of their works, to the latest periods. It is much to be regretted, that these works of Harles had not been incorporated into one; since, taken separately, each is incomplete, and collectively, they abound in repet.i.tions.

*KLuGLING. (C. F.)-_Supplementa ad Breviorem Not.i.tiam Literaturae Romanae_.

Lips. 1817.

This Supplement to Harles, contains an account of the editions of the Cla.s.sics which had appeared chiefly in Germany, subsequent to the publication of the _Brevior Not.i.tia_.

KoNIG.-_De Satira Romanorum_. Oldenburgh, 1796.

KRIEGK.-_Diatribe de Veterum Romanorum Peregrinationibus Academicis_.

Jenae, 1704. 4to.

LEO (ANNIBAL DI).-_Memorie di Pacuvio_. Neapol. 1763.

MEIEROTTO.-_De Praecipuis rerum Romanarum Scriptoribus_. Berlin, 1792.


*MuLLER.-_Einleitung zu nothiger Kentniss und Gebrauche der alten Lateinischen Schriftsteller_. Dresden, 1747. 5 Tom. 8vo.

*MOINE D'ORGEVAL.-_Considerations sur le Progres des Belles Lettres chez les Romains_. Paris, 1749.

*OSANNUS.-_a.n.a.lecta Critica, Poesis Romanorum scaenicae reliquias ill.u.s.trantia_. Berlin, 1717.

This is a work of considerable ingenuity and research. It contains some discussion concerning the date at which regular comedies and tragedies were first exhibited at Rome; but it is chiefly occupied with comparisons between the Fragments of the ancient Latin Dramatists, and the corresponding pa.s.sages in the Greek originals.

*SAGITTARIUS (CASP.)-_Commentatio de Vita et Scriptis Liv. Andronici, Naevii, Ennii, Caecilii, Pacuvii, Attii, Attilii, Lucilii, Afranii, Catonis_. Altenburg, 1672.

This is a small volume of 110 pages, which has now become extremely scarce.

SAGITTARIUS (CASP.)-_De Vita, scriptis, editionibus, interpretibus, lectione, atque imitatione Plauti, Terentii, Ciceronis_. Altenburg, 1671.

*SCHOELL.-_Histoire Abregee de la Litterature Romaine_. Paris, 1815. 4 Tom. 8vo.

See above. Preface, p. xiii.

*TIRABOSCHI.-_Storia della Litteratura Italiana_. Modena, 1787. Tom. I.

and II.

See above. Preface, p. xiii.

*VOSSIUS (GERARD).-_De Historicis Latinis Libri tres_. Lugd. Bat. 1651.

*WALCHIUS.-_Historia Critica Latinae Linguae_. Lips. 1761.

*ZIEGLER.-_De Mimis Romanorum_. Gotting. 1789.

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