Common Sense of a Warrior Chapter 60

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CSWH Chapter 60: My Marriage Meeting 2

"I'm the one who wants to know…….why are you here!? Rui……!"

Looking up at him from point-blank range, I stared right at him and demanded an explanation.

"Even if you ask me……this is my own house."

While showing a surprised, yet troubled reaction, he said that.

"Eh, then could it be……you are……"

Hearing our conversation, Romel-ojisan suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hahaha……like I thought, it's like that."

"……huh, what sort of nonsensical things are you saying? Rather, to begin with Melly. How did you come to know Rui-dono?"

Father narrowed his eyes in a glare at Romel-ojisan's words and asked thus.

"What, it's just something on this side…… then, Gazelle. Since it seems like the two of them are already well-acquainted, it would probably be difficult for them to talk with the two of us parents around. Let's head out of the room."

[Oi, wait a moment! Don't change the topic……] -is what Father seemed to have said, but Romel-ojisan quickly dragged Father away as if to override that.

The only ones who remained were me and Rui, as well as the silently standing servant of the Armelia House.

"……did you know? That the one coming today would be me……"

"I didn't know. Father said it was the Head's orders or whatnot, and I thought he had said something unusual, but…….to think that Melly would come."

"Then……were you planning on getting engaged to the daughter of the Anderson Marquis House?"

Even I knew that I was being unfair in asking that.

Because even though I was the one asking that, I was also in the exact same position as him.

"……no. I was ordered to come here, but I was told that it would be fine to decide whether or not I wanted to be engaged after meeting you. That's why I was planning on declining."


When I tried to comprehend the true meaning behind those words, I couldn't help but interpret it in ways that were convenient for me.

Apart from me, he let out a deep sigh as he sat in the chair.

"……he got me again. No doubt that person antic.i.p.ated that things would turn out this way……"

Blatantly displaying his dissatisfaction, he vigorously ruffled his hair while facing downwards.

His bangs became comepletely dishevelled.


Just as he let out another sigh, he raised his head and gazed directly at me.

That powerful gaze startled me and my body started to tremble instinctively.

"I…like you."

Bam, I felt like the inside of my head exploded.

Embarra.s.sment and happiness filled my head, and my thoughts couldn't keep up with reality.

"That is why I was planning on turning down the engagement with the daughter of the Anderson Marquis House."

That was an intense confession of love.

Because based on the meaning of those words, it was the same as him saying that he liked me just as Melly, and not because I was the daughter of the Anderson Marquis House.

"……why? Aren't you the son of the Armelia Ducal House? You said before that you wanted to surpa.s.s your father, so I do think that it would be better if your wife was from a house with power."

Even if I asked that, there wasn't any point in it.

Because I was the sole daughter of the Anderson Marquis House, and that was a fact that would never change.

Up until now I've hardly paid much attention to it, but the blood pulsating through the vessels of this body belonged to a direct inheritor of the famous military family, the Anderson Marquis House.

More importantly, I was the daughter of Father, who was granted the t.i.tle of Hero……amongst aristocratic society, he's likely recognized as someone possessing a considerable amount of clout.

Though it is a question of whether or not I can conduct myself like a n.o.ble in a high society setting.

Leaving that aside, I wanted to make sure of it.

Even though I was aware that nothing would come of it from asking, as it was the truth…….I wanted to confirm his words no matter what.

That's why, I asked the reason why.

"…….it was always my goal to surpa.s.s my father's power. However, that is something I have to fulfill with my own abilities, or there would be no meaning in accomplis.h.i.+ng it. That is why I never had any intentions of relying on my wife's house from the start…….I was planning on searching. For Melly. Because I liked you, and wanted to walk together with you from here on out.


Suddenly, my vision became blurred with tears.

It was not as an accessory to my House, nor was it as an accessory to my hero Father's name…….his words were the same as him saying that he liked me for myself.

"…….the truth is, I was planning on telling you about my status after I had established my own position. Even if I hadn't yet completed my goal, I was going to do it after I had succeeded Father. So that no matter who I brought in as my fiancée, n.o.body would be allowed to complain. However……geez, because of Father's scheme, all of that's been sent flying."

Rui gently extended a hand towards me.

"I like you. From here on out, I would be happy to walk together with you. Please, take my hand."

Dazed, I extended my hand in attempt to take his.

However, as if to stop that, he once again opened his mouth.

"……however, before you take my hand, I would like you to think things through."

At those words, I reflexively twitched in surprise as I stopped my hand.

"I do not plan on changing the path I intend on advancing on. If you are to walk on that path together with me, I will want many things. I will also make you give up on your dream…….even though I know how much you truly wanted to pursue it."

What a selfish thing to say. Depending on the listener, they may think such a thought.

Because he was demanding that the other party change their path without him changing his own.

However, I felt the sincerity behind those words.

Even though it would've been fine for him not to say it aloud, he had left the choice to me.

Since it is he who knows [me] well after all, he probably understands that I am someone with the sort of temper that is willing to elope to get away from an undesirable marriage.

"……just tell me one thing."

"……what is it?"

"If I am to walk together with you, does that mean that I will not be on the side being protected……but will be of use on the side doing the protecting?"

"……as long as you remain as you are."

Hearing Rui's words, the corners of my mouth raised involuntarily.

And then I gently grasped his hand.

"It is true that if I were to become your fiancée, I would have to completely give up on entering the Army. I understand that much. There's no way the fiancée of the Armelia Ducal House's next head would be allowed to aim for the Army, right? She may not even be allowed to possess a sword. However, even so, I will take this hand of my own will."


"I thought about it. What I spoke about at the tower with you on that day……about my dream, and my desire…….it is true that protecting someone with this sword is my dream. But that isn't my goal, but a means to it. My goal, my desire, is that there will no longer be any person who experiences the same sadness of losing a precious person like I did. If it's to fulfill that aim, then any means is okay."

"……I see."

"I want to be by your side. I want to walk together with you from now on in our journey of life. When talks of this engagement came up, I was only unable to sort out my heart with regards to you…….because I like you."


He softly placed his hand on my cheek and brought his face closer.

I became embarra.s.sed at his gradually approaching face and closed my eyes.

And then my lips were touched lightly.

That warm and soft sensation tied up the sense of reality from this current situation, and my tears overflowed from happiness.

"Thank you."

After he separated himself, he said that while making a slightly shy laugh.

"I didn't do anything to be thanked for. I am just doing it of my own will."

"……I'm no match for you."

While we were a short distance from each other, I couldn't hear his quietly murmured words.

Before I could ask what he said, he started walking off.

"Now then, shall we go greet General Gazelle?"


"Yes…….we'll need him to approve my betrothal to Mellice."

"If you're talking about approval, you know that the one who brought me here was Father, right? …….if he wasn't planning on approving, then I don't think he would've brought me here to begin with?"

"Even so, I need to draw a clear line. The father of the woman I fell in love with……isn't it natural to give my greetings to my future father-in-law?"

I was so happy from his words, and my face felt hot.

In order to hide that, I faced downwards and walked quietly while being pulled along by his hand.

And then we arrived at a room.

When he knocked and opened the door……the first thing that I noticed was the scent of alcohol.

That powerful scent caused me to grimace involuntarily.

"……Father, are you drinking in the middle of the afternoon again!?"

Rui demanded an explanation from Romel-ojisan from beside me.

"What, it's an antic.i.p.atory celebration. An-ti-ci-ptory! To celebrate a certain someone's engagement to the cute Melly-chan."

However, Romel-ojisan's words momentarily rendered him speechless out of shyness.

"M-My Melly is…….my Melly is—!"

Wailing loudly, Father threw back another gla.s.s filled with alcohol.

……though I'm a bit happy, this was quite embarra.s.sing.

"……I apologize for my father, Duke Armelia."

"Don't call me in such a stiff manner. Calling me Romel-ojisan like usual is fine. Come on, Gazelle. Calm down. If you cry that much, your voice is going to go hoa.r.s.e~"

"No, but Melly is……!"

"You already knew that this would happened. Didn't you bring her here after resolving yourself?"

Romel-ojisan asked while sighing.

"I-I did but……"

"……General Gazelle."

Inserting himself into their conversation, Rui approached and called out to them.

Unlike Father's pitiful appearance from a second ago, he turned a sharp gaze towards Rui.

His majesty which felt both strong and dreadful was the same as how he was when Father was leading the army as a general.

"……please permit my marriage to your daughter, Mellice Reese Anderson."

"Do you love Melly? Can you swear that you will protect her with that body of yours?!"


When I was about to call out to Father to stop him, Rui instead stopped me from doing so.

"Yes, I love her. I love she who is always earnest in everything…….however, I do believe that it would be difficult to protect her with this body."


"It's simple matter, since your daughter Mellice is probably much more skilled in the military arts. My skill in the sword is only at the level of being a hobby at most. When it comes down to it, I likely will only be capable of using this body as a s.h.i.+eld."

Father looked at Rui with a stern expression.

His eyes were completely still, and he was making a far more frightening face even compared to when he was training with the army.

"……for I, whose military arts are far inferior to hers, to protect her, I will continue to polish my military arts. And then with those arts, I will protect her."

After hearing Rui's words, Father remained silent for a short while, but then suddenly let out a large sigh.

"……I see."

Together with such words of enlightenment.

"……Romel! Join me! It's a pre-celebration!! Let's mix in some breaks and drink until dawn!! On that note, you join as well, Rui-dono."

And then he whirled around and suddenly yelled such words.

"……alright! Let's drink 'til dawn!!"

"F-Father! If you'll be drinking until dawn, what will you do about your work!? ……rather, I have work as well, so……"

"Father! You'll be causing a bother in staying here until dawn! And, will Father's work be alright as well?"

" "Don't say such stiff things! At least when you're celebrating, forget about work!" "

Even when Rui and I tried to stop them, it didn't seem to concern them at all.

In the end, even Rui got dragged in, and the three of them started to drink.

……as for me.

As expected, it would not be proper for a lady to stay in such a place, so I was temporarily brought to another room to wait on my own.

If possible, I was hoping to recover Father after he had become suitably drunk and go home.

……though I am happy that Father was celebrating my betrothal together with Rui, I wonder if Rui will be okay?

It can't be helped, since Father is a heavy drink after all.

Thinking about that, I became absentminded for a short while.

This calm and happy emotion is something that I haven't felt at all lately.

It felt like the corners of my mouth would rise unwittingly.

Seeing myself smiling from my reflection in the tea that a servant made for me while I waited, I felt slightly embarra.s.sed.

"……oh, so you were staying over here."

The moment I thought I heard a knock, a single woman entered the room.

That woman was extremely thin, and as a whole looked quite pale.

Her ephemeral features and atmosphere unconsciously rooted my gaze on her.

She sat down in the seat in front of me.

"Nice to meet you, my future daughter. My name is Aurelia. I am known as Aurelia Lal Armelia. I am Romel's wife, and Rui's mother."

Fascinated by her, I was in a daze, but returned to my senses upon hearing those words.

"N-Nice to meet you! I am Mellice Reese Anderson! P-Please treat me favourably."

Aurelisama giggled at my greeting.

"My, how energetic…….but, I must deduct points for that."

Though she used a gentle tone of voice from start to finish, in the middle of it, her tone chilled to the point where it felt like the air instantly froze over.

"It is improper for a lady to use such a loud voice.  In addition, speaking so rapidly is difficult to listen to, and gives the listener a sense of discomfort."

Even though Aurelisama was still smiling, for some reason chills started to run through my entire body.

However, I could not pull back here and thus put strength into my gut and eyes.

"……that was terribly rude of me. I was far too happy at being able to meet Aurelisama, and mistakenly forgot myself."

When I responded like that, Aurelisama placed her folding fan over her mouth and once again began to giggle.

Unsure of what to do at her unexpected reaction, I could only stare at her in blank amazement.

"Ahh, how funny……I'm sorry, it was just far too enjoyable."

Aurelisama's laughter didn't stop, and tears began to gather in the corners of her eyes.

As she wiped them, Aurelisama once again opened her mouth.

"Your compet.i.tive spirit is very good. But, you mustn't allow your opponent to perceive that so easily. They do say that a look can say more than a thousand words, correct?"

"……please excuse me."

"Mellice-san. I have heard about you from my husband."

In other words, she knew that up until now, I hadn't properly learned manners at all and have instead just been focussing on the military arts……is what that meant.

Was she perhaps going to say that I was not suitable to be married into the Armelia Ducal House?

"I will not ask about what you have been doing up until now. What is important is what you do from now on…….that is why I want to ask a single thing. I was asked by my husband to personally oversee your education but…….will you be able to persist?"

I wonder why.

From start to finish, Aurelisama demeanor has been tender, and she has been making a very gentle smile.

Despite that, to me it was like she was actually saying, "If you are to wed into the Armelia House, then you won't say that you can't, right? You have to at least have that amount of guts, right?" Somehow she gave of a threatening feeling where she wouldn't let me say 'no'.

"Of course. I have many points in which I am lacking, and am quite encouraged by your guidance. Please take care of me."

……however, there was no way I could lose to this.

I probably still haven't been recognized by Armelisama as Rui's fiancée.

That was precisely why there was no way I could run away with my tail between my legs.

"……very well. That being the case, then let us promptly start your lessons tomorrow. Only, it is already quite late today, so please return home. I am sure that Gazelle-sama will probably be staying over, but as expected it would be bad for your reputation to stay over before marriage."

I suppose I'll have to give up on retrieving Father, I sighed internally.

"……I apologize for my Father."

"It is fine. It is likely a result of my husband frolicking in a manner unsuitable for his age. Starting from tomorrow, I will be looking forward to seeing you come."

"……I will also look forward to seeing you. Please treat me favourably."

And thus, I left behind my drunken Father, and followed Aurelisama's directions and returned home to the Anderson House.

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