Big Dummy's Guide To The Internet Part 25

Big Dummy's Guide To The Internet -

You're reading novel online at Please use the follow button to get notifications about your favorite novels and its latest chapters so you can come back anytime and won't miss anything. You'll find lots of Macintosh programs in the systems/mac/simtel20 directory.

Available 24 hours a day.

MOVIE REVIEWS Look in the movie-reviews directory.

6 p.m. - 6 a.m.

MS-DOS This carries one of the world's largest collections of MS-DOS software. The files are actually copied, or "mirrored" from a computer at the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range (which uses ftp software that is totally incomprehensible). It also carries large collections of Macintosh, Windows, Atari, Amiga, Unix, OS9, CP/M and Apple II software. Look in the mirrors and systems directories.

The gif directory contains a large number of GIF graphics images.

Accessible 24 hours. Look for MS-DOS programs and files in the systems/msdos/simtel20 directory.

Available 24 hours a day.

MUSIC The pub/music directory has everything from lyrics of contemporary songs to recommended CDs of baroque music. It's a little different - and easier to navigate - than other ftp sites. File and directory names are on the left, while on the right, you'll find a brief description of the file or directory, like this:

SITES 1528 Other music-related FTP archive sites cla.s.sical/ - (dir) Cla.s.sical Buying Guide database/ - (dir) Music Database program discog/ = (dir) Discographies faqs/ = (dir) Music Frequently Asked questions files folk/ - (dir) Folk Music Files and pointers guitar/ = (dir) Guitar TAB files from info/ = (dir) archives interviews/ - (dir) Interviews with musicians/groups lists/ = (dir) Mailing lists archives lyrics/ = (dir) Lyrics Archives misc/ - (dir) Misc files that don't fit anywhere else pictures/ = (dir) GIFS, JPEGs, PBMs and more.

press/ - (dir) Press Releases and misc articles programs/ - (dir) Misc music-related programs for various machines releases/ = (dir) Upcoming USA release listings sounds/ = (dir) Short sound samples 226 Transfer complete.


When you switch to a directory, don't include the /.

7 p.m. - 7 a.m. The Bob Dylan archive. Interviews, notes, year-by-year accounts of his life and more, in the pub/dylan directory.

9 p.m. - 9 a.m. Guitar chords for contemporary songs are in the pub/guitar directory, in subdirectories organized by group or artist.

NATIVE AMERICANS Home of IndianNet, this site contains a variety of directories and files related to Indians and Eskimos, including federal census data, research reports and a tribal profiles database.

Look in the pub and indian directories.

PETS The pub/usenet/rec.pets.dogs and pub/usenet.rec.pets.cats directories have doc.u.ments on the respective animals. See under Books for a caveat in using this ftp site.

6 p.m. - 6 a.m.

PICTURES The graphics/gif directory contains hundreds of GIF photographic and drawing images, from cartoons to cars, s.p.a.ce images to pop stars. These are arranged in a long series of subdirectories.

PHOTOGRAPHY Photolog is an online digest of photography news, in the pub/photo directory.

RELIGION In the pub/e.texts/religion directory, you'll find subdirectories for chapters and books of both the Bible and the Koran.

Available 24 hours.

SCIENCE FICTION In the pub/sfl directory, you'll find plot summaries for various science-fiction TV shows, including Star Trek (not only the original and Next Generation shows, but the cartoon version as well), Lost in s.p.a.ce, Battlestar Galactica, the Twilight Zone, the Prisoner and Doctor Who. There are also lists of various things related to science fiction and an online science-fiction fanzine.

6 p.m. - 6 a.m.

s.e.x Look in the pub/usenet/alt.s.e.x and pub/usenet/alt.s.e.x.wizards directories for doc.u.ments related to all facets of s.e.x. See under Books for a caveat in using this ftp site.

6 p.m. - 6 a.m.

SHAKESPEARE The shakespeare directory contains most of the Bard's works. A number of other sites have his works as well, but generally as one huge mega-file. This site breaks them down into various categories (comedies, poetry, histories, etc.) so that you can download individual plays or sonnets.

s.p.a.cE Stores text files about s.p.a.ce and the history of the NASA s.p.a.ce program in the pub/s.p.a.cE subdirectory. In the pub/GIF and pub/s.p.a.cE/GIF directories, you'll find astronomy- and NASA-related GIF files, including pictures of planets, satellites and other celestial objects.

9 p.m. - 9 a.m.

TV The pub/TV/Guides directory has histories and other information about dozens of TV shows. Only two anonymous-ftp log-ins are allowed at a time, so you might have to try more than once to get in.

8 p.m. - 8 a.m. The pub/simpsons directory has more files than anybody could possibly need about Bart and family. The pub/strek directory has files about the original and Next Generation shows as well as the movies.

See also under Science Fiction.

TRAVEL Before you take that next overseas trip, you might want to see whether the State Department has issued any kind of advisory for the countries on your itinerary. The advisories, which cover everything from hurricane damage to civil war, are in the pub/travel- advisories/advisories directory, arranged by country.

7 p.m. - 7 a.m.

USENET In the usenet directory, you'll find "frequently asked questions" files, copied from The communications directory holds programs that let MS-DOS users connect directly with UUCP sites. In the info directory, you'll find information about ftp and ftp sites. The inet directory contains information about Internet.

Available 24 hours. This site contains all available "frequently asked questions" files for Usenet newsgroups in the pub/usenet directory.

See under Books for a caveat in using this ftp site.

6 p.m. - 6 a.m.


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