Deductive Logic Part 51

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horse husband London free lump empty liberty rational capital impotent reason Capitol impetuosity irrationality grave impulsive double calf.

5. Give six instances each of proper names and designations.

6. Give six instances each of connotative and non-connotative terms.

7. Give the extension and intension of--

sermon animal sky clock square gold sport fish element bird student fluid art river line gas servant language


Arrange the following terms in order of extension--carnivorous, thing, matter, mammal, organism, vertebrate, cat, substance, animal.



Give a name to each of the following sentences:--

(1) Oh, that I had wings like a dove!

(2) The more, the merrier.

(3) Come rest in this bosom, my own stricken deer.

(4) Is there balm in Gilead?

(5) Hearts may be trumps.


a.n.a.lyse the following propositions into subject, copula and predicate:--

(1) He being dead yet speaketh.

(2) There are foolish politicians.

(3) Little does he care.

(4) There is a land of pure delight.

(5) All's well that ends well.

(6) Sweet is the breath of morn.

(7) Now it came to pa.s.s that the beggar died.

(8) Who runs may read.

(9) Great is Diana of the Ephesians.

(10) Such things are.

(11) Not more than others I deserve.

(12) The day will come when Ilium's towers shall perish.


1. Express in logical form, affixing the proper symbol:--

(1) Some swans are not white.

(2) All things are possible to them that believe.

(3) No politicians are unprincipled.

(4) Some stones float on water.

(5) The snow has melted.

(6) Eggs are edible.

(7) All kings are not wise.

(8) Moths are not b.u.t.terflies.

(9) Some men are born great.

(10) Not all who are called are chosen.

(11) It is not good for man to be alone.

(12) Men of talents have been known to fail in life.

(13) 'Tis none but a madman would throw about fire.

(14) Every bullet does not kill.

(15) Amongst Unionists are Whigs.

(16) Not all truths are to be told.

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