Deductive Logic Part 26

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Rule 2. The conclusion must be negative.

Rule 3. The major premiss must be universal.


Rule 1. The minor premiss must be affirmative.

Rule 2. The conclusion must be particular.


Rule 1. When the major premiss is affirmative, the minor must be universal.

Rule 2. When the minor premiss is particular, the major must be negative.

Rule 3, When the minor premiss is affirmative, the conclusion must be particular.

Rule 4. When the conclusion is negative, the major premiss must be universal.

Rule 5. The conclusion cannot be a universal affirmative.

Rule 6. Neither of the premisses can be a particular negative.

-- 607. The special rules of the first figure are merely a rea.s.sertion in another form of the Dictum de Omni et Nullo. For if the major premiss were particular, we should not have anything affirmed or denied of a whole cla.s.s; and if the minor premiss were negative, we should not have anything declared to be contained in that cla.s.s.

Nevertheless these rules, like the rest, admit of being proved from the position of the terms in the figure, combined with the rules for the distribution of terms (-- 293).

_Proof of the Special Rules of the Four Figures._


-- 608. Proof of Rule 1.--_The minor premiss must be affirmative_.

B--A C--B C--A

If possible, let the minor premiss be negative. Then the major must be affirmative (by Rule 5), [Footnote: This refers to the General Rules of Syllogism.] and the conclusion must be negative (by Rule 6). But the major being affirmative, its predicate is undistributed; and the conclusion being negative, its predicate is distributed. Now the major term is in this figure predicate both in the major premiss and in the conclusion. Hence there results illicit process of the major term. Therefore the minor premiss must be affirmative.

-- 609. Proof of Rule 2.--_The major premiss must be universal._

Since the minor premiss is affirmative, the middle term, which is its predicate, is undistributed there. Therefore it must be distributed in the major premiss, where it is subject. Therefore the major premiss must be universal.


-- 610. Proof of Rule 1,--_One or other premiss must be negative_.

A--B C--B C--A

The middle term being predicate in both premisses, one or other must be negative; else there would be undistributed middle.

-- 611. Proof of Rule 2.--_The conclusion must be negative._

Since one of the premisses is negative, it follows that the conclusion also must be so (by Rule 6).

-- 612. Proof of Rule 3.--_The major premiss must be universal._

The conclusion being negative, the major term will there be distributed. But the major term is subject in the major premiss. Therefore the major premiss must be universal (by Rule 4).


-- 613. Proof of Rule 1.--_The minor premiss must be affirmative._

B--A B--C C--A

The proof of this rule is the same as in the first figure, the two figures being alike so far as the major term is concerned.

-- 614. Proof of Rule 2.--_The conclusion must be particular_.

The minor premiss being affirmative, the minor term, which is its predicate, will be undistributed there. Hence it must be undistributed in the conclusion (by Rule 4). Therefore the conclusion must be particular.


-- 615. Proof of Rule I.--_When the major premiss is affirmative, the minor must be universal_.

If the minor were particular, there would be undistributed middle. [Footnote: Shorter proofs are employed in this figure, as the student is by this time familiar with the method of procedure.]

-- 616. Proof of Rule 2.--_When the minor premiss is particular, the major must be negative._

A--B B--C C--A

This rule is the converse of the preceding, and depends upon the same principle.

-- 617. Proof of Rule 3.--_When the minor premiss is affirmative, the conclusion must be particular._

If the conclusion were universal, there would be illicit process of the minor.

-- 618. Proof of Rule 4.--_When the conclusion is negative, the major premiss must_ be universal.

If the major premiss were particular, there would be illicit process of the major.

-- 619. Proof of Rule 5.--_The conclusion CANNOT be A UNIVERSAL affirmative_.

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