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_Drama._--Biographia Dramatica; or a Companion to the Playhouse ... originally compiled in the year 1764 by David Erskine Baker, continued thence to 1782 by Isaac Reed, and brought down to the end of November, 1811 ... by Stephen Jones. London, 1812. 3 vols. 8vo.
---- A Dictionary of Old English Plays existing either in print or in ma.n.u.script, from the earliest times to the close of the seventeenth century; by James O. Halliwell, Esq., F.R.S. London, 1860. 8vo.
_Drugs._--Pharmacographia: a History of the Drugs of Vegetable Origin met with in Great Britain and British India. By Friedrich A. Fluckiger, Ph.D., and Daniel Hanbury, F.R.S. Second edition. London, 1879. 8vo.
_Ecclesiology._--Dictionary of Doctrinal and Historical Theology. Edited by the Rev. J.H. Blunt, M.A. Second edition. London, 1872. Imp. 8vo.
---- Dictionary of Christian Antiquities. By William Smith, LL.D., and Professor S. Cheatham. London, 1876-80. 2 vols.
royal 8vo.
---- Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, Ecclesiastical Parties, and Schools of Religious Thought. Edited by the Rev. John Henry Blunt, M.A. London, 1874. Imp. 8vo.
---- Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume, compiled from Ancient Authorities and Examples. By A. Welby Pugin, Architect.... Enlarged and revised by the Rev.
Bernard Smith, M.A. Third edition. London, 1868. 4to.
---- A Glossary of Liturgical and Ecclesiastical Terms.
Compiled and arranged by the Rev. Frederick George Lee, D.C.L. London, 1877. Sq. 8vo.
---- See _Ritual_.
_Encyclopaedias._--The Encyclopaedia Britannica, or a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and General Literature. Ninth edition. Edinburgh, 1875. 4to. Now in course of publication.
---- Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, or Universal Dictionary of Knowledge.... London, 1815-41. 26 vols. 4to.
---- Chambers's Encyclopaedia. 10 vols. royal 8vo.
---- Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art. By W.T.
Brande. 1842. New edition, edited by the Rev. J.W. c.o.x.
London, 1866-67. 3 vols. 8vo.
_Encyclopaedias._--Rees's Cyclopaedia (39 vols., plates 6 vols. 1820, 4to.) can be bought excessively cheap, and is well worth a place in a library where room can be found for it, as many of its articles have never been superseded.
---- Grand Dictionnaire Universel du XIX^e Siecle Francais, Historique, Geographique, Mythologique, Bibliographique, Litteraire, Artistique, Scientifique, etc.... Par Pierre Larousse. Paris, 1866-76. 15 vols. 4to. Supplement, tome 16, 1878.
---- Dictionnaire Universel des Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts ... redige avec la collaboration d'Auteurs speciaux par M.N. Bouillet ... douzieme edition. Paris, 1877. 8vo.
_Geography._--A General Dictionary of Geography, descriptive, physical, statistical, historical, forming a complete Gazetteer of the World. By A. Keith Johnston. New edition. London, 1877. 8vo.
---- The Library Cyclopaedia of Geography, descriptive, physical, political and historical, forming a New Gazetteer of the World. By James Bryce, M.A. and Keith Johnston.
London, 1880. Royal 8vo.
---- Index Geographicus, being a List alphabetically arranged of the places on the Globe, with the countries and sub-divisions of the countries in which they are situated and their lat.i.tudes and longitudes. Compiled specially with reference to Keith Johnston's Royal Atlas, but applicable to all modern atlases and maps, Edinburgh, 1864. Roy. 8vo.
_Geography._--Etymologisch-Geographisches Lexikon.
Separat-Ausgabe des lexikalischen Theils der Nomina Geographica von Dr. J.J. Egli. Leipzig, 1880. Royal 8vo.
---- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, by various writers, edited by Dr. W. Smith. London, 1852. 2 vols. 8vo.
(_Scotland._)--Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland. A Survey of Scottish Topography, statistical, biographical and historical. Edited by Francis H. Groome. Edinburgh, 1884.
Vol. 1, roy. 8vo.
(_France._)--Santini. Dictionnaire General ... des Communes de France et des Colonies. Paris. 8vo.
---- Dictionnaire des Postes de la Republique Francaise. 6^e edition. Rennes, 1881. Roy. 8vo.
(_Italy._)--Il Libro de Comuni del Regno d'Italia. Compilato sopra elementi officiali da Achille Moltedo. Napoli, 1873.
Roy. 8vo.
(_United States._)--The National Gazetteer, a Geographical Dictionary of the United States.... By L. de Colange, LL.D.
London, 1884. Roy. 8vo.
(_India._)--Cyclopaedia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia, Commercial, Industrial, and Scientific.... Edited by Edward Balfour.... Second edition. Madras, 1871-73. 5 vols.
Roy. 8vo. Third edition. London, 1885. 3 vols. The first edition was published in 1858, and two Supplements in 1862.
_Geology._--A Catalogue of British Fossils: comprising the Genera and Species. .h.i.therto described, with references to their geological distribution.... By John Morris, F.G.S.
Second edition. London, 1854. 8vo.
_Geology._--Principles of Geology. By Sir Charles Lyell.
10th edition. London, 1867-8. 2 vols. 8vo.
---- Manual of Elementary Geology. By Sir Charles Lyell.
London, 1865. 8vo.
_History._--Blair's Chronological and Historical Tables from the Creation to the present times.... [Edited by Sir Henry Ellis.] Imp. 8vo. London, 1844.
---- Atlas Universel d'Histoire et de Geographie contenant 1^e la Chronologie.... 2^e la Geneologie.... 3^e la Geographie.... Par M.N. Bouillet. Deuxieme edition. Paris, 1872. 8vo.
---- Dictionnaire Universel d'Histoire et de Geographie contenant 1^e l'Histoire proprement dite.... 2^e la Biographie Universelle.... 3^e la Mythologie.... 4^e la Geographie ancienne et moderne. Par M.N. Bouillet ...
ouvrage revu et continue par A Cha.s.sang. Nouvelle edition (vingt-cinquieme), avec un Supplement. Paris, 1876. 8vo.
---- The Map of Europe by Treaty, showing the various political and territorial changes which have taken place since the General Peace of 1814, with numerous maps and notes. By Edward Hertslet, C.B. London, 1875. Vol. 1, 1814-1827; vol. 2, 1828-1863; vol. 3, 1864-1875.--This work shows the changes which have taken place in the Map of Europe by Treaty or other International arrangements. It contains a List of Treaties, etc., between Great Britain and Foreign Powers for the maintenance of the Peace of Europe and for the Settlement of European Questions, 1814-75.
_History._--Moniteur des Dates, contenant un million des renseignements biographiques, genealogiques et historiques.
Par Edouard Oettinger. Dresde, 1866-68. 6 thin vols. 4to.
Tomes 7, 8, 9, Supplement commence par E.M. Oettinger considerablement augmente ... par Dr. Hugo Schramm. Leipzig, 1873-1882.
---- Haydn's Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information relating to all Ages. 16th edition, by Benjamin Vincent.
---- The Manual of Dates. A Dictionary of Reference of the most important facts and events in the History of the World.
By George H. Townsend. Fifth edition entirely remodelled and edited by Frederick Martin. London, 1877. 8vo.
---- Encyclopaedia of Chronology, Historical and Biographical. By B.B. Woodward, B.A., and William L.R.
Gates. London, 1872. 8vo.