The Mind of the Child Part 8

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_Imitative Movements._--Imitative impulse seems like ambition; ceremonious movements imitated (291).

_Expressive Movements._--Kiss given as a mark of favor (306). Striking hands together in applause and desire for repet.i.tion (319). Tears of sorrow instead of anger; tries to move chair to table, etc. (324).


Joy at seeing playthings after absence of eleven and a half weeks (8).

Concept of "cup" not sharply defined (16). Use of adjective for the first spoken judgment (96).

_Speech._--_Heiss_ (hot) means "The drink is too hot," and "the stove is hot" (144). _Watja_ and _mimi_; _mimmi_, _momo_, _m[=a]m[=a]_, mean food; _atta_, disappearance; spontaneous articulation, _[(oi]_, _[(eu]_, _ana_, _ida_, _didl_, _dadl_, _dldo-dlda_; in singing-tone, _opojo_, _apojopojum aui_, _heissa_; calls grandparents _e-papa_ and _e-mama_; knows who is meant when these are spoken of. Understands words more easily, as "drink, eat, shut, open" (145). Word-memory becoming firm; imagination. Great progress in reproducing syllables and words (146).

Child's name, "Axel," is called _Aje_, _Eja_. "Bett, Karre, Kuk,"

repeated correctly. Echolalia reappears (147). Words are best p.r.o.nounced by child when he is not called upon to do it (148).

_Feeling of Self._--Child holds biscuit to his toes (190).



SIGHT.--_Interpretation of what is seen._--Moving animals closely observed (64).

HEARING.--Trying to sing, and beating time (90).

ORGANIC SENSATIONS AND EMOTIONS.--Astonishment more seldom apparent (174).


_Instinctive Movements._--Child turns, of himself, dancing in time to music; beats time (280).

_Imitative Movements._--Ceremonious movements imitated, salutation, uncovering head (291).

_Expressive Movements._--Roguish laughing first observed (299).


Understanding of actions and of use of utensils more developed than ability to interpret representations of them (I, 64, 65).

_Speech._--Voluntary sound-imitations gain in frequency and accuracy; genuine echolalia (148). Imperfect imitations (149). Multiplicity of meanings in the same utterance (150). Distinguis.h.i.+ng men from women.

Combination of two words into a sentence, seven hundred and seventh day; words confounded; also gestures and movements; but not in the expression of joy and grief (151, 152).



SIGHT.--_Discrimination of Colors._--Color-tests, red and green; seven hundred and fifty-eighth day, eleven times right, six wrong; seven hundred and fifty-ninth, seven right, five wrong; seven hundred and sixtieth, nine right, five wrong (8). Does not yet _know_ what blue and green signify. Moves and handles himself well in twilight (21).

_Seeing Near and Distant Objects._--One hundred and eighth week, power of accommodation good; small photographic likenesses recognized (56).


_Speech._--Progress is extraordinary. Does not p.r.o.nounce a perfect "u."

All sound-imitations more manifold, etc.; begins saying "_so_" when any object is brought to appointed place (152). Has become more teachable, repeats three words imperfectly. Evidence of progress of memory, understanding and articulation in answers given. No word invented by himself; calls his nurse _wola_, probably from the often-heard "ja wohl." Correct use of single words picked up increases surprisingly (153). Misunderstandings rational; words better understood; reasoning developed (154). Inductive reasoning. Progress in forming sentences.

Sentence of five words. p.r.o.nouns signify objects or qualities (155, 156).



SIGHT.--_Discrimination of Colors._--Seven hundred and sixty-third day, 15 right, 1 wrong. Three colors pointed out; disinclination to continue (8). Seven hundred and sixty-fifth day, green confounded with yellow.

One hundred and tenth week, right 73, wrong 22. Blue added. End of one hundred and tenth week to one hundred and twelfth week, right 124, wrong 36. Yellow more surely recognized than other colors. Violet added (9).

Colors taken separately. One hundred and twelfth week, right 44, wrong 11. Tests in both ways; attention not continuous. Gray is added. One hundred and twelfth and one hundred and thirteenth weeks, right 90, wrong 27 (10, 11). Child does not know what "green" means in one hundred and twelfth week (21).

_Seeing Near and Distant Objects._--One hundred and thirteenth week, articles of furniture recognized in pictures at distance of three inches or three feet (56).


_Instinctive Movements._--First attempts at climbing (331).


Child points out objects in pictures, and repeats names given to them; list of results (156). Points out of his own accord, with certainty, in the picture-book. Appropriates many words not taught him, _tola_ for "Kohlen," _dals_ for "Salz." Others correctly said and used (157). Some of his mutilated words not recognizable; "sch" sometimes left out, sometimes given as _z_ or _ss_. Independent thoughts expressed by words more frequently; "Good-night" said to the Christmas-tree (158). Verb used (in the infinitive) showing growth of intellect; learning of tricks decreases (159). No notion of number; does not understand "Thank you,"

but thanks himself. More names of animals, learned from adults; no onomatopoeia (160).



SIGHT.--_Discrimination of Colors._--Color-tests, from one hundred and fourteenth to one hundred and sixteenth week, four trials, colors mixed; result, 59 right, 22 wrong (11). Blue especially confounded with violet, also with green. Four trials in one hundred and fourteenth and one hundred and fifteenth weeks; result, 58 right, 32 wrong (12). Two trials in one hundred and fifteenth week; result, 25 right, 16 wrong (13).

ORGANIC SENSATIONS AND EMOTIONS.--Uncomfortable feeling through pity; child weeps if human forms cut out of paper are in danger of mutilation (150, 151).


_Instinctive Movements._--Pleasure in climbing begins (280).


_Speech._--Activity of thought. Observation and comparison. Grat.i.tude does not appear (161). Wishes expressed by verbs in the infinitive or by substantives. Adverbs; indefinite p.r.o.nouns. Seven hundred and ninety-sixth day, makes the word _Messen_ (162). _Wola_ and _atta_ have almost disappeared. Independent applications of words (163). Monologues less frequent. Begs apple to give to a puppet. Echolalia prominent.

Tones and noises imitated (164). Laughing when others laugh; fragments of a dialogue repeated. Feeble memory for answers and numbers. Eight hundred and tenth day, gave his own name for first time in answer to a question (165). No question yet asked by the child. The article is not used. p.r.o.nunciation slowly becoming correct (166).



SIGHT.--_Discrimination of Colors._--One hundred and twenty-first week, greater uncertainty (13).

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