Sign Language Among North American Indians Compared With That Among Other Peoples Part 42

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(98) Motion of _paddling--in canoe_.

(99) Right arm and hand extended in N.E. direction, gradually curved back until index touches speaker--_came to me from the northeast_.

(100) Sign for _together_ as above (No. 30)--_together_.

(101) Motion of _paddling--paddled_.

(102) Pointing to ground--_to this place_.

(103) _K_. Motion of drinking water out of hand--_water_.

(104) Describing circle with right index on palm of left hand extended horizontally--_lake_.

(105) Left hand raised to height of eye, palm to front, fingers leaning slightly backward. Fingers of left hand closed alternately--_how many?_

(106) _T_. Holding up right hand back to front, showing four fingers, eyes looking at them as if counting--_four_.

(107) Sign for packing with wooden breast-brace as above; three fingers of right hand shown as above--_three portages_.

(108) _K_. Right hand pointing to gun of stranger--_gun_. Left hand raised height of eye, palm to front, and moved rapidly several times to right and left--_interrogation_.

(109) Sign for _trade_ as before (No. 22)--_trade_; i.e., _where did you buy the gun?_

(110) _T_. Sign for _Mountain-river_ as above (No. 2). Pointing eastward--_from the eastward_.

(111) Pointing to sun and then raising both hands, backs to front, fingers spread--_ten days_.

(112) Pointing to me--_white man_.

(113) Left hand held up vertically, palm outward, fingers joined.

Right index placed horizontally across fingers of left hand in front, about the middle joint--_pallisaded_.

(114) Describing square with right index on flat palm of left hand--_building_.

(115) Pointing to his gun, powder-horn, blanket, and beads--_trading goods_.

(116) Both hands horizontal, brought forward and upward from chest and then downward--_plenty_.

In giving this narrative I have observed the original sequence, but there were frequent interruptions, caused by consultation between Chatidoolts and his sons, and before the strangers departed again they had obtained a knowledge of some words of the Kenaitze language.

[Footnote 1: Chatidoolts explained this to his sons as well as to me, saying that the mountain men had a peculiar mode of catching beavers with long sticks.]

[Footnote 2: They never occupy a house in which one of the other Indians died.]



The following short dialogue forms part of the scanty tradition the civilized Ojibwas possess regarding their ancestors' sign language:

Two Indians of different tongue meet on a journey. First Indian points to second Indian with the outstretched forefinger of the right hand, bringing it within a few inches of his breast; next he extends both forearms horizontally, clinches all but the forefingers, and bends the hands inward; then he brings them slowly and in a straight line together, until the tips of the outstretched forefingers meet. This gesture is accompanied with a look of inquiry--_You met somebody?_

Second Indian, facing the south, points to the east, and with the outstretched hand forms a half-circle from east to west (corresponding to the daily course of the sun); then he raises the arm and points to a certain height above the southern horizon. Then the sign for _meeting_ (as above) may be made, or omitted. After this he bends the right hand downward, and repeatedly moves the outstretched forefinger and middle finger in opposite directions (in imitation of the motion of the legs in the act of walking). Finally he raises the right hand and stretches up the forefinger (or several fingers).

_To-day, when the sun stood at such a height, I met one (or several) persons traveling on foot_. If the travelers met were on horseback he makes the sign for _horse_ as described by (_Dakota_ III), see EXTRACTS FROM DICTIONARY, or the identical one for _going_ given by (_Ojibwa_ I), which is as follows: To describe a journey on horseback the first two fingers of the right hand are placed astride of the forefinger of the left hand, and both represent the galloping movement of a horse. If it is a foot journey, wave the two fingers several times through the air.


The following, which is presented as a good descriptive model, was obtained by Dr. W.J. HOFFMAN, of the Bureau of Ethnology, from Natci, a Pai-Ute chief connected with the delegation of that tribe to Was.h.i.+ngton in January, 1880, and refers to an expedition made by him by direction of his father, Winnimukka, Head Chief of the Pai-Utes, to the northern camp of his tribe, partly for the purpose of preventing the hostile outbreak of the Banaks which occurred in 1878, and more particularly to prevent those Pai-Utes from being drawn into any difficulty with the United States by being leagued with the Banaks.


(1) Close the right hand, leaving the index extended, pointed westward at arm's length a little above the horizon, head thrown back with the eyes partly closed and following the direction--_Away to the west_, (2) indicate a large circle on the ground with the forefinger of the right hand pointing downward--_place_ (locative), (3) the tips of the spread fingers of both hands placed against one another, pointing upward before the body, leaving a s.p.a.ce of four or five inches between the wrists--_house_ (brush tent or wik'-i-up), see Fig. 257, p. 431, (4) with the right hand closed, index extended or slightly bent, tap the breast several times--_mine_. (5) Draw an imaginary line, with the right index toward the ground, from some distance in front of the body to a position nearer to it--_from there I came_, (6) indicate a spot on the ground by quickly raising and depressing the right hand with the index pointing downward--_to a stopping place_, (7) grasp the forelock with the right hand, palm to the forehead, and raise it about six inches, still holding the hair upward--_the chief of the tribe_ (Winnimukka), see Fig. 245, p. 418, (8) touch the breast with the index--_me_, (9) the right hand held forward from the hip at the level of the elbow, closed, palm downward, with the middle finger extended and quickly moved up and down a short distance--_telegraphed_, (10) head inclined toward the right, at the same time making movement toward and from the ear with the extended index pointing toward it--_I heard_, i.e., understood.

(11) An imaginary line indicated with the extended and inverted index from a short distance before the body to a place on the right--_I went_, (12) repeat gesture No. 6--_a stopping place_, (13) inclining the head, with eyes closed, toward the right, bring the extended right hand, palm up, to within six inches of the right ear--_where I slept_.

(14) Place the spread and extended index and thumb of the right hand, palm downward, across the right side of the forehead--_white man_ (American), (15) elevating both hands before the breast, palms forward, thumbs touching, the little finger of the right hand closed--_nine_, (16) touch the breast with the right forefinger suddenly--_and myself_, (17) lowering the hand, and pointing downward and forward with the index still extended (the remaining fingers and thumb being loosely closed) indicate an imaginary line along the ground toward the extreme right--_went_, (18) extend the forefinger of the closed left hand, and place the separated fore and second fingers of the right astraddle the forefinger of the left, and make a series of arched or curved movements toward the right--_rode horseback_, (19) keeping the hands in their relative position, place them a short distance below the right ear, the head being inclined toward that side--_sleep_, (20) repeat the signs for _riding_ (No. 18) and _sleeping_ (No. 19) three times--_four days and nights_, (21) make sign No. 18, and stopping suddenly point toward the east with the extended index-finger of the right (others being closed) and follow the course of the sun until it reaches the zenith--_arrived at noon of the fifth day_.

(22) Indicate a circle as in No. 2--_a camp_, (23) the hands then placed together as in No. 3, and in this position, both moved in short irregular upward and downward jerks from side to side--_many wik'-i-ups_, (24) then indicate the chief of the tribe as in No.

7--meaning that _it was one of the camps of the chief of the tribe_.

(25) Make a peculiar whistling sound of "phew" and draw the extended index of the right hand across the throat from left to right--_Banak_, (26) draw an imaginary line with the same extended index, pointing toward the ground, from the right to the body--_came from the north_, (27) again make gesture No. 2--_camp_, (28) and follow it twice by sign given as No. 18 (forward from the body, but a short distance)--_two rode_. (29) Rub the back of the right hand with the extended index of the left--_Indian_, i.e., the narrator's own tribe, Pai-Ute, (30) elevate both hands side by side before the breast, palms forward, thumbs touching, then, after a short pause, close all the fingers and thumbs except the two outer fingers of the right hand--_twelve_, (31) again place the hands side by side with fingers all spread or separated, and move them in a horizontal curve toward the right--_went out of camp_, (32) and make the sign given as No.

25--_Banak_, (33) that of No. 2--_camp_, (34) then join the hands as in No. 31, from the right toward the front--_Pai-Utes returned_, (35) close the right hand, leaving the index only extended, move it forward and downward from the mouth three or four times, pointing forward, each time ending the movement at a different point--_I talked to them_, (36) both hands pointing upward, fingers and thumbs separated, palms facing and about four inches apart, held in front of the body as far as possible in that position--_the men in council_, (37) point toward the east with the index apparently curving downward over the horizon, then gradually elevate it to an alt.i.tude of 45--_talked all night and until nine o'clock next morning_, (38) bring the closed hands, with forefingers extended, upward and forward from their respective sides, and place them side by side, palms forward, in front--_my brother_, Fig. 317, (39) (see also pp. 385, 386) followed by the gesture, No. 18, directed toward the left and front--_rode_, (40) by No. 7--_the head chief_, (41) and No. 2--_camp_.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 317.]

(42) Continue by placing the hands, slightly curved, palm to palm, holding them about six inches below the right ear, the head being inclined considerably in that direction--_one sleep (night)_, (43) make sign No. 14--_white man_, (44) raise the left hand to the level of the elbow forward from the left hip, fingers pointing upward, thumb and forefinger closed--_three_, (45) and in this position draw them toward the body and slightly to the right--_came_, (46) then make gesture So. 42--_sleep_; (47) point with the right index to the eastern horizon--_in the morning_, (48) make sign No. 14--_white man_, (49) hold the left hand nearly at arm's length before the body, back up, thumb and forefinger closed, the remaining fingers pointing downward--_three_, (50) with the right index finger make gesture No.

35, the movement being directed towards the left hand--_talked to them_, (51) motion along the ground with the left hand, from the body toward the left and front, retaining the position of the fingers just stated (in No. 49)--_they went_, (52) tap toward the ground, as in gesture No. 6, with the left hand nearly at arm's length--_to their camp_.

(53) Make gesture No. 18 toward the front--_I rode_, (54) extend the right hand to the left and front, and tap towards the earth several times as in sign No. 6, having the fingers and thumb collected to a point--_camp of the white men_. (55) Close both hands, with the forefingers of each partly extended and crooked, and place one on either side of the forehead, palms forward--_cattle_ (a steer), (56) hold the left hand loosely extended, back forward, about twenty inches before the breast, and strike the back of the partly extended right hand into the left--_shot_, (57) make a short upward curved movement with both hands, their position unchanged, over and downward toward the right--_fell over, killed_, (58) then hold the left hand a short distance before the body at the height of the elbow, palm downward, fingers closed, with the thumb lying over the second joint of the forefinger, extend the flattened right hand, edge down, before the body, just by the knuckles of the left, and draw the hand towards the body, repeating the movement--_skinned_, (59) make the sign given in No. 25--_Banak_, (60) place both hands with spread fingers upward and palms forward, thumb to thumb, before the right shoulder, moving them with a tremulous motion toward the left and front--_came in_, (61) make three short movements toward the ground in front, with the left hand, fingers loosely curved, and pointing downward--_camp of the three white men_, (62) then with the right hand open and flattened, edge down, cut towards the body as well as to the right and left--_cut up the meat_, (63) and make the pantomimic gesture of _handing it around to the visitors_.

(64) Make sign No. 35, the movement being directed to the left hand, as held in No. 49--_told the white men_, (65) grasping the hair on the right side of the head with the left hand, and drawing the extended right hand with the edge towards and across the side of the head from behind forward--_to scalp_; (66) close the right hand, leaving the index partly extended, and wave it several times quickly from side to side a short distance before the face, slightly shaking the head at the same time--_no_, Fig. 318, (67) make gesture No. 4--_me_, (68) repeat No. 65--_scalp_, (69) and raising the forelock high with the left hand, straighten the whole frame with a triumphant air--_make me a great chief_. (70) Close the right hand with the index fully extended, place the tip to the mouth and direct it firmly forward and downward toward the ground--_stop_, (71) then placing the hands, pointing upward, side by side, thumbs touching, and all the fingers separated, move them from near the breast outward toward the right, palms facing that direction at termination of movement--_the Banaks went to one side_, (72) with the right hand closed, index curved, palm downward, point toward the western horizon, and at arm's length dip the finger downward--_after sunset_, (73) make the gesture given as No. 14--_white men_, (74) pointing to the heart as in No. 4--_and I_, (75) conclude by making gesture No. 18 from near body toward the left, four times, at the end of each movement the hands remaining in the same position, thrown slightly upward--_we four escaped on horseback_.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 318.]

The above was paraphrased orally by the narrator as follows: "Hearing of the trouble in the north, I started eastward from my camp in Western Nevada, when, upon arriving at Winnemucca Station, I received telegraphic orders from the head chief to go north to induce our bands in that region to escape the approaching difficulties with the Banaks.

I started for Camp McDermit, where I remained one night. Leaving next morning in company with nine others, we rode on for four days and a half. Soon after our arrival at the Pai-Ute camp, two Banaks came in, when I sent twelve Pai-Utes to their camp to ask them all to come in to hold council. These messengers soon returned, when I collected all the Pai-Utes ands talked to them all night regarding the dangers of an alliance with the Banaks and of their continuance in that locality.

Next morning I sent my brother to the chief, Winnimukka, with a report of proceedings.

"On the following day three white men rode into camp, who had come up to aid in persuading the Pai-Utes to move away from the border. Next morning I consulted with them respecting future operations, after which they went away a short distance to their camp. I then followed them, where I shot and killed a steer, and while skinning it the Banaks came in, when the meat was distributed. The Banaks being disposed to become violent at any moment, the white men became alarmed, when I told them that rather than allow them to be scalped I would be scalped myself in defending them, for which action I would be considered as great a chief as Winnemukka by my people. When I told the Banaks to cease threatening the white men they all moved to one side a short distance to hold a war council, and after the sun went down the white men and I mounted our horses and fled toward the south, whence we came."

Some of the above signs seem to require explanation. Natci was facing the west during the whole of this narration, and by the right he signified the north; this will explain the significance of his gesture to the right in Nos. 11 and 17, and to the left in No. 75.

No. 2 (repeated in Nos. 22,27,33, and 41) designates an Indian brush lodge, and although Natci has not occupied one for some years, the gesture ill.u.s.trates the original conception in the round form of the foundation of poles, branches, and brush, the interlacing of which in the construction of the _wik'-i-up_ has survived in gestures Nos. 3 and 23 (the latter referring to more than one, i.e., an encampment).

The sign for Banak, No. 25 (also 32 and 59), has its origin from the tradition among the Pai-Utes that the Banaks were in the habit of cutting the throats of their victims. This sign is made with the index instead of the similar gesture with the flat hand, which among several tribes denotes the Sioux, but the Pai-Utes examined had no specific sign for that body of Indians, not having been in sufficient contact with them.

"A stopping place," referred to in Nos. 6, 12, 52, and 54, represents the temporary station, or camp of white men, and is contradistinguished from a village, or perhaps from any permanent encampment of a number of persons, by merely dotting toward the ground instead of indicating a circle.

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