The Harp of God Part 46

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How will the restoration string of the harp affect the world? -- 535.

What does the tenth string of the harp represent? -- 535.

What two great doctrines were lost sight of for a long time by Christians? -- 535.

What did the harp with eight strings, sometimes used by the Jews, represent? -- 535.

Define restoration. -- 536.

What did Adam lose for himself and his offspring? -- 536.

Give the Scriptural proof as to the nature of the first man. -- 536.

What was G.o.d's purpose in creating the earth and putting man upon it?

-- 536.

Is any one warranted in denying the doctrine of the restoration of mankind? -- 537.

If there is to be no restoration of man, what effect would that have upon the purpose, for which G.o.d created man and the earth? -- 537.

Can the purposes of G.o.d fail? Give Scriptural reason for answer. -- 537.

If there is to be no restoration of man, then the manifestation of divine justice meant what? -- 538.

What is the meaning of G.o.d's promise to Abraham to bless all the families of the earth if there is to be no restoration? -- 539.

How did Jehovah bind this promise? and what a.s.surance does that give concerning its fulfillment? -- 539.

Why did Jesus come to earth? -- 540.

Would his coming, death, and resurrection accomplish anything if there is no such thing as restoration of the human race? Give Scriptural reason for answer. ---- 541, 542.

Does the ransom-sacrifice guarantee an opportunity for restoration to all? Give Scriptural reasons for answer. -- 543.

What guarantee is given to man by the resurrection of Jesus? Give Scriptural proof. -- 543.

If the doctrine of restoration is not true, then what shall we say about the words of the Apostle as recorded in 1 Corinthians 15:20-26? -- 543.

The mystery being the seed of promise, what, then, is the work of the mystery cla.s.s when glorified? -- 544.

If there be no restoration of the human race, why would Jehovah devote so much time to the development of the mystery cla.s.s? -- 544.

What relations.h.i.+p has the second coming of Christ to restoration? Give Scriptural statement relating to this point. -- 545.

Did the prophets foretell the days of restoration? Give Scriptural proof. ---- 546, 547.

Would it be reasonable to suppose that G.o.d would provide a new creation and not give it some specific work to do relative to man? -- 548.

What do the Scriptures say about the judging and blessing of the families of the earth? -- 548.

Could there be a judgment without a trial? -- 548.

What did Jesus say about the regeneration of the human race, and those who would partic.i.p.ate in this work? Give Scriptural proof. -- 548.

Define regeneration. -- 548.

What promise is given to the church with reference to reigning with Christ? -- 549.

What is the purpose of the thousand-year reign with Christ Jesus? -- 549.

What did St. Paul say about the saints judging the world? -- 550.

What did Jesus say about the gathering the nations before him at his second appearing? -- 550.

Would not the purpose of G.o.d concerning the new creation fail if there is no restoration of mankind? -- 550.

What did G.o.d's Prophet say concerning the bringing out of the dead from the prison-house of death? -- 551.

What did the prophet Isaiah state with reference to the church establis.h.i.+ng the earth and causing the people to inherit it? -- 551.

To what does every vital doctrine of the divine plan point? -- 552.

With what do all the other strings of the harp harmonize? -- 552.

Why could not the Jews get life under the law covenant? -- 553.

For what purpose was the law covenant made? -- 553.

Is there to be a new covenant made for the benefit of man? Give Scriptural proof. -- 553.

When will the new covenant be sealed? -- 554.

State the terms of the new covenant as set forth by St. Paul. -- 554.

What opportunity will be granted to the human race under the terms of the new covenant? -- 555.

What do the Scriptures say that G.o.d will put into their minds and hearts under the terms of this covenant? -- 555.

What prominent characters will be resurrected immediately following the making of the new covenant? -- 556.

What official positions will these prominent characters occupy in the Messianic kingdom? -- 556.

What will the Lord do for the people in the way of instructing them and leading them under the terms of the new covenant, as indicated by the prophets? Give Scriptural proof. -- 557.

What does the Apostle say about whom the Lord will judge when he comes?

-- 558.

What is meant by the word "quick" as used in the Scriptures above referred to? -- 558.

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