The Harp of God Part 36

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Why would Jesus admonish his followers to watch for his second coming?

-- 442.

Suppose it were true that 'no man knows the day nor the hour' of the Lord's appearing, what difference would it now make? -- 443.

Is there any reason why a Christian should be in darkness concerning the times and seasons of the Lord's presence? -- 443.

Should we waste our time to quibble about dates, or days, or hours? -- 443.

What do fulfilled prophecy and the physical facts establish relative to this question? -- 443.

What words are upon the lips of the true watchers in view of this overwhelming evidence? -- 443.

How does the prophet Isaiah describe this cla.s.s of faithful watchers?

Quote his words. -- 443.

Describe those who now have the harp of G.o.d; and what are they singing?

-- 444.

Give the three primary purposes of the Lord's presence. -- 445.

Some have thought that the Lord's second presence would be for the purpose of destroying the earth. What proof have we that this is erroneous? -- 446.

What is the proper explanation of St. Peter's words in 2 Peter 3:10-12?

-- 447.

What did the Apostle mean when he said that 'we look for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness'? -- 448.

What evidence is there that the fire is now burning? -- 449.

How long will it continue to burn? -- 449.

What bearing has this on the presence of the Lord? -- 449.

What Scriptural explanation is given for the distress of nations and perplexity of business men on earth at this time? Quote the Scripture and a.n.a.lyze it. -- 450.

Describe the actions of the employing and the laboring -- 451.

How are all these perplexed? -- 451.

To what is this disturbed condition leading? -- 452.

Is there greater trouble just ahead? and if so, what proof have we?

Quote the Scriptures. -- 453.

What will follow this general shaking of the nations? -- 453.

How is the Lord's presence revealing the hidden things? Quote the Scriptural authority for your answer. -- 453.

What effect is this light having upon Satan and his kingdom? -- 454.

What effect is the Lord's presence having upon the nations of the earth?

-- 454.

Quote the prophecies of Isaiah 34:1-4 and 51:6, and explain. -- 454.

How will this trouble bring to the minds of the people the presence of the Lord? -- 454.

What is meant by the "day of G.o.d's vengeance"? and what did the Lord say he would do with the nations at this time? -- 454.

What is meant by the Bridegroom and bride? Give the Scriptural proof.

-- 455.

Give the picture of Abraham, Isaac, and Rebekah, stating what each typified, and what the whole picture shows. -- 455.

In this picture, what did Eliezer represent? -- 456.

Quote the words of the Master with reference to sending a comforter to his followers. -- 456.

What was pictured by the ten camels which Eliezer took with him? -- 456.

What was pictured by the golden ornaments presented to Rebekah? -- 456.

Quote the words of the Psalmist inviting the church to become the bride of Christ. -- 457.

What do the ones called do, in response to the call? -- 457.

What did Sarah picture with respect to the covenants? and what did her death represent? -- 457.

What is pictured by Isaac receiving Rebekah and making her his wife after the death of his mother Sarah? -- 457.

During what period of time has the Lord been preparing the bride of Christ? -- 458.

What did Jesus say about preparing a special place for these, and his return to receive his bride? Quote his words. -- 458.

What do his words show with reference to one of the reasons for his second coming? -- 459.

Explain the parable of the virgins.--Matthew 25:1-13. -- 460.

Explain the meaning of the lamp and the oil in the lamp. -- 460.

Define virgin; and what does a virgin picture here? -- 460.

What is meant by keeping their lamps trimmed and burning? -- 460.

How has knowledge of the Lord's presence affected the wise virgin cla.s.s?

-- 460.

What proof is this that his presence is one of the strings of the harp of G.o.d? -- 460.

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