The Harp of God Part 26

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Who is the chief corner-stone in the building of G.o.d? -- 317.

What great building on earth pictures this building of G.o.d? -- 317.

Who const.i.tute the royal priesthood? Give Scriptural proof. -- 318.

Why are the members of the church called footstep followers of Jesus?

-- 319.

What are these followers called upon to do? -- 319.

Define the term "Christian". -- 319.

Is every church member a Christian? and if not, why not? -- 319.

What promises are given to the Christian? Give Scriptural proof. -- 319.

What particular reward is promised to the ones who are faithful unto death? -- 319.

Can everybody understand these great truths? and if not, why not? -- 320.

What is essential in order to understand the mystery of G.o.d? -- 320.

What is meant by the prophet Joel's statement, 'the Servants and handmaidens of G.o.d'? -- 320.

How was the mystery ill.u.s.trated in the tabernacle furnis.h.i.+ngs? -- 321.

Could the priest be seen by the people while ministering in the tabernacle? -- 321.

What did this concealing of the priest in the holy ill.u.s.trate relative to the mystery? -- 321.

What is the ant.i.typical atonement day? -- 322.

How often did the atonement day occur with the Jews? -- 322.

On that day, who was in the holy and the most holy of the tabernacle?

-- 322.

What does this picture in the ant.i.type? -- 322.

Why have the followers of Jesus been despised by the world? -- 322.

What counterfeit of the mystery of G.o.d has Satan organized? Give Scriptural proof. -- 323.

What will be the ultimate end of the mystery of iniquity? -- 323.

Is it important to know how one becomes a member of the mystery cla.s.s?

-- 323.

An understanding of the mystery involves what? -- 324.

In what condition have all the human race been born? -- 325.

Whom has Jehovah drawn to Jesus during the gospel age? -- 325.

What const.i.tutes the beginning of wisdom? Give Scriptural proof. -- 325.

What is the first essential to one's becoming a Christian? -- 325.

What const.i.tutes repentance? -- 325.

How is one drawn to Jesus? -- 326.

When may it be said of one that he is converted? -- 326.

Define the difference between repentance and conversion. -- 326.

Do repentance and conversion bring one into relations.h.i.+p with G.o.d? and if not, why not? -- 326.

Define faith. -- 326.

What is necessary to increase faith? -- 327.

What does Jesus say to those who are seeking after G.o.d and who are weary? -- 327.

What is meant by being weary and heavy laden? -- 327.

How can one come to the Father? Give Scriptural proof. -- 328.

What does Jesus say to the truth-seeker concerning the cost? -- 328.

What is the meaning of consecration? and how may one consecrate himself to the Lord? -- 328.

Is it proper to compel consecration to the Lord? -- 329.

What does Jesus say in reference to becoming his follower? -- 329.

Define the meaning of self-denial. -- 329.

Why is any one justified during the gospel age? -- 330.

In connection with the tabernacle, when the high priest slew the Lord's goat, what did that picture? -- 330.

The fact that the goat must be without blemish foreshadowed what? -- 330.

What is the meaning-of the term "justification"? -- 330.

When must justification for the purpose of sacrifice take place? Give Scriptural proof. -- 330.

What a.s.surance has one that his consecration will be accepted? -- 330.

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