The Harp of God Part 21

The Harp of God -

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-- 245.

What was the expectation of the disciples with reference to his resurrection? -- 245.

How had the body of Jesus been prepared for burial? and what was the purpose? -- 245.

Give further proof with reference to the expectation of the disciples concerning Jesus' resurrection. -- 245.

Did the disciples understand the Scriptures at that time with reference to the resurrection of Jesus Christ? -- 246.

Is the student now able to understand Scriptures in the Old Testament relative to the resurrection of the Lord that have been heretofore little understood? -- 246.

Give some Scriptural texts of the Old Testament bearing upon the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. -- 247.

Did the Psalmist speak of Jesus going to h.e.l.l? and if so, what was meant? -- 247.

Give the Apostle's interpretation of this statement. -- 247.

What was meant by the statement of the Psalmist in Psalm 17:15? -- 248.

In whose likeness was Jesus awakened? Give the Scriptural proof. -- 248.

Did the Psalmist in Psalm 68:18 refer to Jesus' resurrection? and if so, why? -- 248.

Quote the words of the prophecy of Isaiah (9:6,7) concerning Jesus. -- 249.

Did the Prophet here foreshadow the resurrection of Jesus Christ? -- 249.

How did Jehovah refer to Christ's resurrection in the words of the prophet Isaiah (53:6-11)? -- 250.

Had Jesus told his disciples that he expected to arise from the dead?

and if so, where? -- 251.

Why were the disciples sorry, as stated in Matthew 17:22,23? -- 251.

Why could not the disciples of Jesus understand the prophecies concerning his resurrection? Quote a Scripture from the New Testament in support of this answer. -- 251.

What was the hope uppermost in the minds of the disciples? -- 251.

What had happened just five days before Jesus' death that increased such hopes in the minds of the disciples? -- 251.

What would be the probable effect upon the disciples of the sudden death of the Master? -- 251.

In being put to death as an evil one and buried in the sepulchre of a rich man, what prophecy did Jesus fulfill? -- 252.

On what day was Jesus crucified? and what was the day following? -- 253.

What were Jews expected to do on that day of the sabbath? -- 253.

When did the sabbath day end? -- 253.

What was done by Mary and others on the morning of the first day of the week after Jesus' crucifixion? -- 254.

Who appeared unto them at the tomb? and what did the messenger say? -- 254.

What effect did this message from the angel have upon these women? and what did they do? -- 254.

What proof have we here that the resurrection of Jesus is one of the strings upon the harp of G.o.d? -- 255.

What effect was produced upon the first human being who heard of the resurrection of the Lord? -- 255.

How must this news have been received in heaven? -- 255.

What is the meaning of the word angel? -- 256.

Do these angels have access to Jehovah? Give the Scriptural proof. -- 256.

Is there Scriptural proof that these holy messengers sing praises in heaven? -- 256.

What Scriptural proof have we that G.o.d uses angels for messengers? Give several instances. -- 256.

Is there any Scriptural evidence that these holy angels guarded the interests of Jesus while here on earth? -- 256.

Cite Scriptural proof as to what else the angels did with reference to Jesus the babe. -- 256.

Is it reasonable to suppose that the angels watched the progressive steps of Jesus' course from his birth to his resurrection? -- 257.

Might we expect them to be looking for the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

-- 257.

Who was sent from heaven to roll back the stone from Jesus' tomb? -- 257.

When the triumph of Jesus over death and the grave was marked, what effect must that have produced in heaven? -- 257.

Would the resurrection of Jesus demonstrate his approval by Jehovah?

-- 258.

Would his triumph over death and the grave be reason for his praise in heaven? -- 258.

Give Scriptural proof of the praise of Jesus Christ by the heavenly hosts after his resurrection. -- 258.

What was it that convinced the disciples of the resurrection of Jesus Christ? -- 259.

Being convinced of his resurrection, how did that affect Jesus'

disciples in regard to proclaiming the truth? -- 259.

Why should we have Scriptural proof of the resurrection of Christ Jesus?

-- 260.

Is it reasonable to suppose that Jesus' disciples would concoct a scheme indicating his resurrection, contrary to the facts? -- 260.

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