Mr. Punch on the Warpath Part 18

Mr. Punch on the Warpath -

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_The Clerk._ The Director-General replies, sir, that in the early days of the British Army, when the Army Clothing Department's sole issue was a supply of woad, a tooth, or indeed a nail, might have reasonably been indented for as a weapon, but that, owing to the introduction and perfection of fire-arms, such weapons are now obsolete and cannot be issued.

_The Officer._ And now the Medical Service refuse to help us.

_The Clerk._ Yes, sir. They cannot bring the fixing of it under the head of surgical operations, and the Surgeon-General points out very justly, if I may be permitted to say so, sir, that a seal-pattern false tooth could hardly be considered a "medical comfort."

_The Officer._ What are we to do? The Colonel of the regiment is evidently furious.

_The Clerk._ We might send the correspondence to the Inspector of Iron Structures. He may be able to do or suggest something.

_The Officer._ Very well; and will you send off this telegram to my wife saying I have a long evening's work before me, and that I shall not be able to get back to dinner to-night? (_Exit the Clerk._) Whenever will they trust a General Commanding a District to spend for the public good on his own responsibility a sum as large as a schoolboy's allowance, and so take some of the unnecessary work off our shoulders?

[_He tackles wearily another file of papers._

[Ill.u.s.tration: UNDER COVER.

"So glad to see you, Mrs. Bamsby! And how is your dear husband? Where _is_ the Colonel? I was only saying the other day, 'I wonder when I shall see Colonel Bamsby!'"

_Mrs. Colonel B._ "You'll see him _now_, my dear if I just step aside, or you walk round me."]

[Ill.u.s.tration: EASTER MANOEUVRES.

_Adjutant._ "Your orders are that when you are attacked, Captain Slasher, you are to fall back slowly."

_Capt. Slasher._ "In which direction am I to retire, sir?"

_Adjutant._ "Well, the proper way, of course, would be over that hill, but--_they intend to have lunch behind that farmhouse in the valley._"]

[Ill.u.s.tration: "SYNONYMOUS."

_Instructor._ "Now, I've explained the different 'sights,' you, Private Dumpy, tell me what a fine 'sight' is. Describe it as well as you can----"

_Private Dumpy._ "A fine sight, sir? A fine sight--(_pondering_)--'s a magnificen' spe'tacle, sir!!"]


_Sergeant._ "Can I do anything for you, captain?"

_Captain._ "Why, thanky, sergeant. If you wouldn't mind giving my other leg a hitch over!"]

[Ill.u.s.tration: MULTUM IN PARVO

_Inspecting Officer._ "How is it your khaki is so much too small?"

_Stout Yeoman._ "It do seem a bit skimpy, sur. But tailor says as how I'm bound to grow a 'eap smaller on hactive service, an' 'e's allowin'

for shrinkage."


LE PANTALON.--Haul upon the starboard tack and let the other craft pa.s.s--then bear up and get your head on the other tack--regain your berth on the port tack--back and fill with your partner and boxhaul her--wear round twice against the sun in company with the opposite craft, then your own--afterwards boxhaul her again and bring her up.

L'ETE.--Shoot ahead about two fathoms till you nearly come stem on with the other craft under weigh--then make a stern board to your berth and side out for a bend, first to starboard, then to port--make sail and pa.s.s the opposite craft--then get your head round on the other tack--another side to starboard and port--then make sail to regain your berth--wear round, back and fill and boxhaul your partner.

LA POULE.--Heave ahead and pa.s.s your adversary yard-arm to yard-arm--regain your berth on the other tack in the same order--take your station in a line with your partner--back and fill--fall on your heel and bring up with your partner--she then manoeuvres ahead and heaves all aback, fills and shoots ahead again and pays off alongside--you then make sail in company, till nearly stem on with the other line--make a stern board and cast her off to s.h.i.+ft for herself--regain your berth in the best means possible, and let go your anchor.

LA TRENISE.--Wear round as before against the sun twice, boxhaul the lady, and range up alongside her, and make sail in company--when half-way across to the other sh.o.r.e drop astern with the tide--shoot ahead again and cast off the tow--now back and fix as before and boxhaul her and yourself into your berth, and bring up.

LA PASTORALE.--Shoot ahead alongside your partner, then make a stern board--again make all sail over to the other coast--let go the hawser, and pay off into your own berth and take a turn--the three craft opposite range up abreast towards you twice, and back astern again--now manoeuvre any rig you like, only under easy sail, as it is always "light winds" (zephyrs) in this pa.s.sage--as soon as you see their helms down, haul round in company with them on port tack--then make all sail with your partner into your own berth, and bring up.

LA FINALE.--Wear round to starboard, pa.s.sing under your partner's bows--sight the catheads of craft on your starboard bow--then make sail into your own berth--your partner pa.s.sing athwart your bows--now proceed according to the second order of sailing--to complete the evolutions shoot ahead and back astern twice, in company with the whole squadron, in the circular order of sailing.


Some talk of Alexander, and some of Pericles, Of Hector and Lysander, and such old guys as these; But of all the horrid objects, the "wust" I do declare, Is the Prusso-Rus...o...b..lgo-Gallo-British Grenadier.

[Ill.u.s.tration: "THE RESERVE FORCES."

_Militia Officer._ "Augh!--a new man. Ah--'ve you been in 'service before?"

_Recruit._ "Yes, sir."

_Officer._ "Augh--what regiment?"

_Recruit._ "Mrs. Wiggins's coachman, sir!!"]



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