The Letters of the Duke of Wellington to Miss J. 1834-1851 Part 19

The Letters of the Duke of Wellington to Miss J. 1834-1851 -

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Apparently the Duke did not feel the need of any spiritual consolation from Miss J., for she did not hear from him again for two months. Even then he only wrote because of her request that he would return a letter she had sent him, announcing the death of her guardian.

Dec. 15th, 1846.

Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington presents his Compliments to Miss J. He a.s.sures her that whenever she has expressed a Desire to have back a paper enclosed to Him, he has invariably complied with her desire immediately on his having perused it. Letters addressed by the Duke to Miss J. have been returned to him: and he has invariably thrown them into the fire, and possibly the enclosed Letter!



The first letter from the Duke for 1847 was not written until the year was nearly two months old.

LONDON, Feb. 22, 1847.

Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington presents His Compliments to Miss J.; and acknowledges the receipt of two letters from her one on last; the other of the 21^st Ins^t this morning.

He writes only for this purpose! He declines to anything [_sic_]

further to Miss J. Being convinced that as usual any correspondence will end in his giving Her Offence, However much he may desire and endeavour to please her.

"I remarked to him in reply to this style of addressing me that I cared no more for his Field Marshals.h.i.+p than his Generals.h.i.+p,--which I dare say amused him. He was well aware of this, knowing it is written, 'If any man will be a pleaser of man then is he not the servant of Christ,' consequently however solicitous to render 'honour to whom honour,' my chief concern then as now consisted in obedience to this Divine enquiry, 'Lord, what wilt THOU have me to do?' delighting in the same accordingly."

LONDON, May 6, 1847.

MY DEAR MISS J.,--I am very much obliged to you for the kind letter which I have this morning received without date! upon the subject of the Misfortune by which I have lately been afflicted in the loss of my Brother! [Endnote 11]

I am very sensible of your kindness in writing to me; for the consolation upon which you suggest my reflection and for your enquiry about my health! I thank you! I am by the Mercy of the Almighty quite well!

Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully


This letter is, as Miss J. states in her Diary, "clad in deep mourning," or in other words, with a black seal, and written on black-edged paper.

"The Duke's next letter is dated May 11th, in which he writes--'I am very much obliged to you for your letter of the 9th. I answered the last which you wrote to me on the day I received it.'

"Having had an objection to the Notice which the Duke's letters, seal, etc., attracted I was in the habit generally of receiving them through my friend Mrs. L.'s hands however aware that the Duke preferred addressing me at my own residence which the following paragraph from his letter dated May 14th implies."

LONDON, May 14, 1847.

MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have received your Letter dated Wednesday night.

I have directed all my Letters lately and covers to Mrs. L.

excepting one to ---- and will direct this under cover to the same Gentleman.

You feel an anxiety respecting my Welfare and write to me accordingly! for which I entertain a grateful Sense: and I am in the habit of returning My thanks; which Letters you are anxious to receive.

This is all very right and proper; and there can be no reason for which you should not send your Letters to me; and for which I should not send you answers directed to _yourself_ at your own _Residence_!

But you desire that my Letters should be sealed with my own Seal!

which having a Coronet; and other usual Marks of Distinction, occasion some observation in your Lodgings and your Neighborhood!

which you do not much like! You therefore desire that the letters addressed to you by me should be sent to one of your friends.

Your friends know nothing about me! and do not like to receive Letters for you from an unknown Person! Of this I am quite a.s.sured and to tell you the truth I don't like to send a letter addressed to you to one of your friends, unless I should be able to cut off part of your Letter directing me to do so, the name of that friend in your hand writing!

I therefore tell you that I will not write to you unless I am enabled to direct to yourself at your own Residence; or I should have in your hand writing the name and address of your friend, which I can include with your Letter.

I will not be guilty of the unpardonable act of writing a letter to a Lady or Gentleman addressed to another; without showing that I have Authority for so doing!

Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully


LONDON, May 19th, 1847.

MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have received your Letter of the 17^th. I have already acknowledged all that I had received from you! at least I believe so!

But you write at great length; with much celerity, in light colored Ink, and much time is required to read one of your Letters! However I am sensible of your Motives for and your kindness in writing them!

I peruse them with attention as soon as I can! and I answer them when in my power.

Believe me Ever Yours most faithfully


"In the Duke's next letter, dated Aug. 3rd, he writes; 'I have received several letters from you the dates of which you will find at the bottom of this. I am very sensible of and grateful for the interest that you feel and express in my welfare.'

"In the Duke's next letter, dated Aug. 14th, he writes--'I am much obliged to you for your letters my dear Miss J., particularly for the last of Thursday afternoon in which you inform me that you are better which I am rejoiced to hear. I trust that you will keep yourself quiet and follow the advice of your Medical Attendant.'

"In the Duke's next letter, dated Aug. 21st, he writes; 'I write to thank you for your letters and to express my congratulations upon the improvement of your Health, which I trust in G.o.d will soon be restored entirely.'

"The Duke's next letter is dated Sept. 9th wherein he writes; 'I am very much concerned to learn that you are again indisposed, but as you tell me that the Medical gentleman who attends you thought well of you I hope that this relapse is only accidental.'

"In the Duke's next letter, dated Sept. 11th, he writes--'Since I last wrote to you I have received your letters of the 8th & 9th and I am much concerned that you are still unwell, suffering from cold.

I hope that you will soon be quite well.' Again in the Duke's next letter he writes, dating it Sept. 22nd; 'I have been very much concerned to learn from the perusal of the several letters which I have received of different dates up to the 20th Inst. that you are still suffering from indisposition, although at times rather better. I trust you will avoid to tire yourself by writing. There is nothing like Rest for ailing remedies, and the bounty of Providence in a recovery from sickness.'

"In the Duke's next letter he again refers to my indisposition, for I had been dangerously ill at that time. It is dated Sept. 28th. 'I am very much concerned to hear that you continue to feel indisposed.'

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