Handbook of Medical Entomology Part 43

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oo. M_{1+2} bent, hence cell R_5 narrowed in the margin; sternopleurals rarely wanting, usually 1:1 or 0:1; facial plate strongly produced below vibrissal angle like the bridge of the nose; antennal arista bare. Parasitic on Hemiptera and Coleoptera. _Allophora_, _Cistogaster_, _Clytia_, _Phasia_, etc.

(PHASIINae) TACHINIDae in part.

mm. Conjunctiva of the ventral sclerites invisible (fig. 161a).

n. Second ventral sclerite of the abdomen lying with its edges either upon or in contact with the ventral edges of the corresponding dorsal sclerite.

o. Outermost posthumeral almost always lower (more ventrad) in position than the presutural macrochaeta; fifth ventral abdominal sclerite of the male cleft beyond the middle, often strongly developed; body color very frequently metallic green or blue, or yellow; arista plumose. (CALLIPHORINae) MUSCIDae in part.

See page 303 for generic synopsis.

oo. Outermost posthumeral macrochaeta on level or higher (more dorsad) than the presutural macrochaeta; arista bare, p.u.b.escent, or plumose only on the basal two-thirds; body coloring usually grayish (fig. 106). SARCOPHAGIDae

p. Fifth ventral sclerite of the male either wanting or with the caudal margin straight; presutural intraalar rarely present. (SARCOPHAGINae)

q. Fifth ventral abdominal sclerite of the male much reduced, the remaining segments with straight posterior margin, overlapping scale-like; in the female only segment one and two scale-like, the others wholly or in part covered; sternopleurals usually three or more. SARCOPHAGA and related genera.

qq. Fifth ventral sclerite of the male plainly visible; sternopleurals usually two. SARCOPHILA, WOHLFAHRTIA, _Brachycoma_, _Hilarella_, _Miltogramma_, _Metopia_, _Macronychia_, _Nyctia_, _Paramacronychia_, _Pachyphthalmus_, etc.

pp. Fifth ventral abdominal sclerite of the male cleft to beyond the middle; ventral sclerites usually visible, s.h.i.+eld-like. _Rhinophora_, _Phyto_, _Melanophora_ RHINOPHORINae

[Ill.u.s.tration: 164. Glossina palpalis. (4.) After Austen.]

nn. Second ventral abdominal sclerite as well as the others more or less covered, sometimes wholly, by the edges of the dorsal sclerite.

o. The presutural intraalar wanting; ventral sclerites two to five nearly or quite covered by the edges of the corresponding dorsal sclerites; base of the antennae usually at or below the middle of the eye; arista usually plumose; legs usually elongate; abdominal segments with marginal and often discal macrochaetae. DEXIIDae

oo. Presutural intraalar present, if absent, then the ventral sclerites broadly exposed or the fifth ventral sclerite vestigial; base of the antennae usually above the middle of the eye; arista bare; at least two posthumerals and three posterior intraalars present.

Parasitic on caterpillars, etc.



a. Proboscis long, directed forward, adapted for piercing, or oral margin much produced, snout-like.

b. Oral margin produced snout-like; vibrissa placed high above the oral margin; antennal arista either pectinate or more or less plumose.

c. Antennal arista short or long-plumose; neither s.e.x with distinct orbital bristles.

d. No facial carina between the antennae. RHYNCHOMYIINae

e. Arista short-plumose. _R. speciosa._ Europe. _Rhynchomyia_ R.


ee. Arista long-plumose. _I. phasina_. Europe and Egypt.

_Idiopsis_. B. B.

dd. With flattened carina, the bases of the antennae separated; no abdominal macrochaetae. COSMININae _C. fuscipennis_. South Africa. _Cosmina_

cc. Antennal arista pectinate; bases of the antennae separated by a flattened carina. RHINIINae R. D.

d. Cell R_5 open, or closed at the margin.

e. Third segment of the antenna twice as long as the second; claws of both s.e.xes short; cell R_5 open. _I. lunata._ Eastern Hemisphere. _Idia_ Meigen

ee. Third segment of the antenna three times as long as the second; cell R_5 open or closed; claws of the male long and slender, of the female shorter than the last tarsal joint.

_I. mandarina_, China. _Idiella_ B. B.

dd. Cell R_5 petiolate. _Rhinia_; and _Beccarimyia_ Rdi.

bb. Proboscis long, directed forward, adapted for piercing. STOMOXINae

c. Arista flat, pectinate above with plumose rays; sternopleurals 1:2; bases of the veins R_1 and R_{4+5} without setae; base of the media bowed down; apical cell opens before the apex of the wing. African species. GLOSSINA Wied.

d. Species measuring over twelve mm. in length. _G. longipennis_ and FUSCA.

dd. Species less than twelve mm. in length.

e. All segments of the hind tarsi black.

f. The fourth and fifth segments of the fore tarsi black; antennae black (fig. 164). G. PALPALIS R. D.

ff. Otherwise marked. _G. bocagei_, _tachinoides_, _pallicera_.

ee. First three segments of the hind tarsi are yellow, the fourth and fifth segments are black.

f. Fourth and fifth segments of the first and second pair of tarsi are black.

g. The yellow bands of the abdominal segments occupy a third of the segment (fig. 165). G. MORSITANS Westw.

gg. The yellow band on each segment of the abdomen occupies a sixth of the segment. G. LONGIPALPIS Wied.

ff. Tarsi of the first and second pairs of legs wholly yellow.

_G. pallidipes_ Austen

cc. Rays of the arista not plumose; only one or two sternopleurals; base of the media not strongly bowed down; apical cell opens at or very near the apex of the wing.

d. Vein R_{4+5} without setae at the base; palpi about as long as the proboscis.

e. Arista pectinate (i.e. rays on one side only), the rays often undulate; two yellow sternopleurals often difficult to detect; vein M_{1+2} only slightly bent, the apical cell hence wide open. The horn fly, H. IRRITANS (= _Lyperosia serrata_) and related species. Widely distributed (figs.

167, 168). HaeMATOBIA R. D. not B. B.

[Ill.u.s.tration: 165. Glossina morsitans. (4.) After Austen.]

ee. Arista also with rays below; vein M_{1+2} more strongly bent, the apical cell hence less widely open.

f. Palpi strongly spatulate at the tips, lower rays of the arista about six in number, B. SANGUINOLENTUS. South Asia.


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