The Universe a Vast Electric Organism Part 6

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If you cut a nerve or obstruct the electric current, you cut off the electric control of the brain, and there is paralysis in the part of the body where the electric wires are disconnected. Consumption is a disease caused by a failure of the lungs to draw sufficient electricity from the air to supply the normal needs of the body. For lack of this electric energy the whole system becomes enfeebled and finally dissolved.

Indigestion is a failure of the stomach to supply the necessary electric energy to a.s.similate the food. And all sickness, aches and pains are nature crying for electric energy necessary for her to fulfill her natural offices and functions.

Dr. Jacques Loeb, of the Chicago University, announced on February 22nd, 1903, that he had discovered that muscular and nervous diseases, such as St. Vitus' dance, paralysis, agitatus, locomotor ataxia and sleeplessness, can be cured by administering calcium salts because of their electrical effects.

He says the presence of calcium salts in the muscles prevents their twitching; that practically all nervous disease are caused by the absence of the calcium, and "therefore to restore normal conditions and effect a cure a dose of calcium salts should be administered for its _electrical_ effects upon the parts affected."

In recent years many persons have been restored to health and strength by the direct use of electric currents, and many diseases have been cured by electric appliances.

The necessity for an ample supply of electricity, both positive and negative, to sustain and preserve the life of the bodily machine is now acknowledged by all thinking scientists.

We have seen how different kinds of medicine, by furnis.h.i.+ng the positive or negative molecules needed by the body, restore the natural equilibrium and preserve life and health, and how the failure to obtain these needed electrical supplies of life-giving energy, either by food or medicine, results in disease and death. We have seen how toxic and varied poisons have their antidotes in opposite electrical elements and molecules, and how stimulants excite and opiates quiet the electric energy of the body, and it is unnecessary to dwell longer on this subject. The fact that all sickness and death is caused by the electrical derangement of the body I think is now so clearly proven and so generally accepted, that detail and extended argument is unnecessary.

To show that electricity builds up the body. Even at this late period in the world's history there are instances of nature returning to her primitive electric crystalline process even to the extent of converting man's body into stone. Four recent cases are reported in the medical records of man's flesh gradually turning to stone. One case is reported from North Judson, Indiana, where Eli Green is turning to stone. His muscles, skin and flesh are gradually becoming as hard as the bones of his framework. To the touch he is dead. Only the feeble action of heart, lungs and stomach and a fertile and active mind give evidence that there is any life in him whatever.

The physicians declare he is afflicted with a disease that runs its course in seven years; not a day more or less. Green has already dragged out his existence over four of these years; only three of his short span of life remain.

There is a similar case reported of Miss Stella Ewing, the ossified woman of Rome, New York, and one from Sydney, Australia, where Jacques Moritz was afflicted with the same terrible malady. Eight years ago Moritz was seized with sickness that baffled every effort by the physicians to relieve it. From the patient's feet a numbness began to creep upward. That was the first sign of the disease. The numbness steadily ascended, and seven years from the day the malady first displayed itself the sickness had eaten its way into the patient's brain and had hardened it into stone exactly as it had hardened the muscles, flesh and skin of his body. Then death relieved the sufferer. There are several recent cases of a similar kind just reported in the newspapers.

This shows how easily nature can go back to her primitive electric process and in the crystalline formations resume her first step in world building. And humanity is not entirely free from an occasional freak of nature in thus returning to her first processes of electric growth.

Electricity teaches there is no death or need of a resurrection. That which lived never dies.

Electricity demonstrates the resurrection not of the physical body, but rather the continued existence of the real body, which is the electrical and spiritual body. Electricity proves there is no death. I believe man has three bodies--first, the physical body, or organic aggregation of atoms; second, the invisible electric body, which weaves and organizes the atomic body, sometimes called the astral body; and third, the real man, the spiritual body or soul, which controls the atomic body by means of the electric body. These const.i.tute one perfect organism, and in normal health and condition it is under the almost perfect control of the mind or spiritual body, which sends forth its behest through the electric energy of the brain, which is the seat of power having charge of the electric and atomic body.

Death is the separation of the physical and spiritual bodies. The physical body goes into the grave and dissolves back into its natural elements. It fertilizes the soil and appears again in gra.s.s and tree and shrub, and the cattle eat it, and men eat the cattle, and its molecules enter again into other bodies.

But there is no resurrection for the physical body; it never comes out of the grave in organic form. The spiritual and electric bodies never die, never go into the grave. This is the true resurrection--the life everlasting. It is the invisible and secondary form which does not die, cannot die, and when once formed is as eternal as the stars.

The spiritual body and the electric form which surrounds it are incorruptible and start on their journey of endless existence together, never to be separated or destroyed.

Matter in its elemental form is invisible and eternal; electricity and spirit are invisible and eternal. Thus when the real man throws off his overcoat of atoms and steps out of this "mortal coil," he is free from the limitations of matter and can command the electric energy to go where destiny points and draws him, which is to the electric and spiritual center of our planetary system, the self-luminous and perfected world, the all-life-giving sun.

The oxygen of the air keeps alive the fire of physical life, and the body may be compared to a flame being fed unceasingly according to the laws of combustion. A want of oxygen extinguishes the flame of life as it extinguishes the flame of a lamp.

It is said a human being dies every second. In ten thousand years, two hundred thousand millions of human bodies have been formed by means of respiration and alimentation from the earth and atmosphere, and have returned to them again. They have enriched the earth and entered again into atmospheric circulation.

The earth is to-day formed in part of the myriads of brains which have thought and organisms which have lived. We walk over our ancestors as those who come after us will walk over us. It would be difficult to take a step upon the planet without walking over the remains of the dead, or to eat or drink without reabsorbing what has been eaten and drank a thousand times before, or to breathe without using the same air already many times used by the dead.

But this is not all there is of humanity. All the souls that have lived still exist. Souls are the seed of terrestrial population. We have no reason to affirm that man is formed solely of material atoms and that the faculty of thinking is only a property of his organization. This is the mistake of the one-sided physicist. When we a.n.a.lyze matter we find everywhere the invisible atom. Matter disappears like smoke in the atmosphere.

Our bodies at death gradually disappear in the same way. If our eyes had power to see the reality of things they would look through walls formed of separate molecules, through seemingly solid bodies, which are atomic vortices. It is with the eye of the spirit that we must see. We cannot trust to the sole testimony of our senses. There are as many stars above our head in the daytime as at night.

Nature knows neither astronomy, physics nor chemistry; these are subjective methods of study. All things are one--the infinitely great and the infinitely small. Stars and atoms are as one.

"To speak with exactness," says Flammarion, "solidity does not exist. A heavy ball of iron is composed of atoms which do not touch each other; its apparent solidity is pure illusion. In scientific a.n.a.lysis it is a cloud of gnats like those that hover in the air at twilight. Heat this ball which seems so solid and it will flow like water; heat it still more, it will evaporate into invisible s.p.a.ce without changing its nature. It will always continue to be iron. In a house, its walls, floors, carpets and furniture are composed of molecules which do not touch each other. And these molecules which const.i.tute all matter revolve around each other."

It is the same thing with our bodies. They are composed of molecules perpetually rotating around each other, like a flame, constantly consuming and constantly renewing itself. It is like a river on whose banks we sit and fancy we see the same water flowing past, but the current renews each drop perpetually.

Each globule of our blood is a miniature world, and we have five million in the fraction of a cubic inch, flowing incessantly through our arteries, flesh and brain, rus.h.i.+ng in a vortex of life, as rapid relatively as that of the celestial bodies, and continually renewing the molecules of our heart, brain, eyes, nerves and flesh, and every atom of our bodily organism. And this so rapidly that in a few months our body is entirely reconstructed. Electricity, the right hand of Deity, does all this and sustains the earth, the sun and stars of the universe in infinite s.p.a.ce. That which gives man his organism is not his material part; it is vital, invisible, electric force, and mental power. The body disintegrates all at once after death, as it disintegrates slowly, renewing itself perpetually, during life.

In the future there will be no fearful apprehension that the coal deposits of the world will be exhausted. The waters that now run to waste, the ever moving tides of the restless sea, the swift wings of the unused winds that sweep through the tides of the atmosphere will be harnessed to the car of human progress, and furnish all the energy needed to supply the vast activities of the world.

The concentrated heating power, latent in every sunbeam, and the combustible gases hidden in every drop of water will be supplemental sources of boundless energy for all ages on this wonderful magnetic planet. All sickness and ailments of the body are the result of the derangement of the electricity of the body, for which there is a remedy.

The art of longevity will be restored to the human race by supplying the electric energy necessary to maintain its growth and vigor, renew its wasted tissue and preserve its organic power. Then the age of Methuselah may come again in longevity, and the centenarian be in the boyhood of his race. Man will eat less, enjoy more, and get a thousand-fold more pleasure out of life, and be better prepared for his swift translation to the celestial cities of the sun.

In the future he may not eat eleven hundred meals per annum, but a few mouthfuls of concentrated food daily and an electric supply attachment adjusted to his body during sleeping hours may renew and rejuvenate his electric organism. It may be that in the future every residence will contain a chamber supplied with air and gases containing all the elements of the body so adjusted as to give it continual life and vigor by merely breathing in its life-giving elements a few hours each day.

All these things are possible.

Then there will be light and refres.h.i.+ng work of a few hours daily--no real toil or labor--for the electric devices and pliable machinery, subject to the will of man and the electric b.u.t.ton, will do the work of the world. Then the soul will be paramount and soar above the grosser appet.i.tes and pa.s.sions to gather celestial joys in the spirit realm of earth's diviner life.

This is pre-eminently the age of mind and invisible forces, as the past century was the age of matter. Francis Grierson says: "So far as we know, electricity is the soul of form. What we call brain waves have an a.n.a.logy to electric waves. We are being ruled by the seemingly impossible, and the most successful inventors of the present day would have pa.s.sed for madmen twenty years ago. The so-called dreamers are now the men of action who have proven their power and competence, and thinking people turn to them for more miracles of discovery and invention. The day is not far distant when science of the mind will treat material science as a plaything, and the psychic power of intellect will kill Mammon like the stroke of an electric bolt, and brute power will succ.u.mb to soul force. The thinkers of to-day are as far removed from the thinkers of 1870 as electricity is from steam. We know steam is a crude and clumsy thing compared with electricity, and to-morrow we shall awake to the fact that mind is just as superior to the crude electric current."

One of the strong desires of mankind is a long life with a cheerful, vigorous old age. This may be obtained by supplying the necessary electrical energy either in proper food, or by a direct supply of electricity. This will prevent the hardening of the cellular tissues which produces the decrepitude of old age, and help to bless and lengthen human life.

With the divine powers of mind and electricity working for man the millennium of a long life and happiness will soon arrive.



I contend there is no light, heat or physical life except in the magnetic atmosphere of suns and planets. That only in this marvelous electric belt which surrounds the earth, sun and planets is light, heat and life evolved, for there alone is it needed for animal and vegetable life.

There is neither light, heat nor physical life in s.p.a.ce. Physical life cannot exist in the cold, dark ether of s.p.a.ce, and without life, light and heat would be not only useless, but as both are sensations of physical organisms they could have no existence whatever. They only exist as sensations caused by electric currents pa.s.sing either to or through organic bodies. Where those organic bodies do not exist light and heat do not exist, for nature does no useless, nugatory things.

No physical life can be evolved or exist, except in the electric atmosphere of suns and planets where the life-giving electric currents meet and exert their power, and then only by drawing that life as an electric current from the sun constantly into the lungs every minute. In this way only is life and growth generated and all physical organisms created and continued in existence.

Thus all life is preserved and renewed by drawing the wireless electricity from the air just as the electric wire takes it from the dynamo. The vital portion of the air we draw into the electric reservoir of our lungs is simply our daily life drawn each day from the life-giving sun. This life and all that exist on earth or planets could not come from a burning globe or a molten sun. It is a superlative absurdity to think so.

Light, heat and life are the products of electric energy, which is only called into existence by the contact of positive and negative electricity in nature's chosen medium--the atmospheric environment of suns, planets and their satellites. This is nature's chosen theatre for animal and vegetable life. There is no reason or necessity for light, heat or animal and vegetable life elsewhere in the universe.

Here upon the surface of suns and planets are the mighty and varied currents of electric power and magnetic force, weaving forms and substance from invisible atoms and molecules, under the laws of electric attraction and organic affinity. In the economy of nature there are no wasted energies, or useless activities. Light, heat and physical life in s.p.a.ce or transparent ether would be useless and nugatory; therefore nature ignores such folly in all her fruitful processes.

There may be reflected light, or a fluorescent glow, as in the tail of a comet or in the nebula of frigid s.p.a.ce, but nothing we can truly call either heat or light can be evolved outside of the atmospheric sheet surrounding and penetrating the surface of suns, planets and satellites.

We walk on the surface of a revolving magnet and dynamo more perfect in measureless power and efficiency than any man has ever invented or dreamed of, and it generates the power which makes light, heat and life in its own electric environment, where all things "live, move and have their being." It does not get light and heat from the sun; it gets electric currents with which it manufactures light and heat.

Prof. Richard Proctor says: "Profs. Bond and Zollner calculated that Jupiter sends forth more light than he receives from the sun," and he concludes that, "if this be true, Jupiter must be partially self-luminous and s.h.i.+nes in part by his own light."

This sustains my position that there is no such thing as "borrowed light from the sun," any more than borrowed heat from the sun. There are currents of electricity from the sun which burst into light and heat on the earth and planets when they come in contact with their opposite electricity.

But each globe in s.p.a.ce evolves its own light and heat in its own environing atmosphere. If Jupiter s.h.i.+nes by its own light, then the earth and planets all s.h.i.+ne by their own light, the sun furnis.h.i.+ng the electric power to enable them to do so. I think our moon is no exception. It evolves the mild silvery light it displays in our midnight skies from its own attenuated atmosphere, but displays it, like the planets, only on the side exposed to the direct rays of the sun. The greater and denser parts of the moon's atmosphere is in the deep and numerous cavities of its torn and rugged volcanic surface. All planets and satellites s.h.i.+ne by the light evolved in their own atmosphere.

I contend that no reliance can be placed in the spectroscopic evidence of heat in the sun, or any distant globe. This ought to be apparent when all light and heat rays can only be translated into photography as a picture evolved in our own atmosphere. What we see are the electric colors in the atmosphere of a distant sun or planet.

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