The Big Book of Angel Tarot Part 6

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Symbolism Archangel Zadkiel holds two goblets from which he pours water back and forth. He is eternally blending the knowledge gained from his experiences.

He has one foot on the earth and the other in the water. Earth represents our outer perceptions, while the water symbolizes our inner wisdom. This card shows that these two worlds are coming together in order to create something amazing.

The irises are named for the G.o.ddess Iris, who was known as the messenger of the G.o.ds and also the G.o.ddess of the rainbow. In ancient Hebrew, the word for rainbow was the same as the word for Sagittarius, thereby giving us a very visual cue as to the card's astrological a.s.sociation.

Zadkiel wears a triangle within a square on his waist. This represents spirit held within matter, just as we are spirit held within material bodies.

Angel Number The number 14 is another karmic number. It is one of balance and peaceful coexistence with others. It can also be a bit restless, and therefore needs to evaluate choices carefully. It has a very positive connection with angels that helps it keep that hopeful viewpoint that's also indicated by the Balance card's optimistic outlook.

Archangel Archangel Zadkiel's name means "the righteousness of G.o.d." He's known for being helpful to anyone who's in a time of learning (especially students). When we find ourselves at an important juncture in our lives, Zadkiel can help us remember where we've been before and accurately a.s.sess where we'd like to go next.

He's an archangel of healing who comes to us in the color of deep indigo blue.

Astrology This card is represented by Sagittarius, a sign of spiritual understanding and optimism even when it's been through adversity. Sagittarius is blessed with great faith and hope. It's also a mutable sign of the zodiac, which means that it has the ability to easily adapt to any situation and relate to almost any person. It's difficult to feel down when the energy of Sagittarius is present!


The Ego card reflects situations (usually of our own making) where we feel trapped. It seems as though our path has become completely hidden, and it feels like there's no way forward. Of course, this is an illusion. We aren't really as stuck as we think we are, and freedom comes with a change of our thoughts from pessimism to optimism.

Ego can also reveal other significant challenges, such as addiction or dependency, that can hold us back from happiness. As such, this is a very important card in tarot, since it can give us insight into our clients' or family members' challenges with substance use.

This card sometimes refers to someone who's too focused on material or worldly things, and therefore might indicate excessive debt. It can also signify those who aren't taking responsibility for their actions or choices.

The Dreamer's Journey Our next stop on the path of The Dreamer's Journey is the need to deal with our human egos. It's an indicator that we may not have a clear view of ourselves or our motives. We may be confused by what feels like limitations that we can't get past, but in reality, these confinements are our own creations. What makes this card so powerful and helpful is that once we realize that our entrapments are self-made, we can then see that we must also have the power to free ourselves.

When we allow our egos to take over, we often find ourselves making choices that are based on fear or negative thinking. This hinders our progress and can create self-fulfilling prophecies that we'd be better off without. It's also a reminder that our focus on daily life and our acquisition of "things" may not be what really matters right now. Perhaps it's time to review our priorities!

Symbolism The Dreamer has experienced a bit of a detour he didn't mean to take, and finds himself chained and unable to move.

His chains are attached to a pot of gold to represent that he's bound to his material concerns and the worldly fears of those around him.

He wears a mask that blinds his vision, to symbolize that in his current state, he can't really see where he's headed or how very off course he is.

A b.u.t.terfly, a symbol of evolution, zips past to remind us that moving past our current shortcomings is completely within our power.

The crane is a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. This one has followed The Dreamer into his predicament to remind him of his ability to change his life. It's always possible to make course corrections in order to match the life purpose we came to Earth to accomplish.

Archangel Jophiel has come to guide The Dreamer out of his nonspiritual focus and lead him back to a place of happiness and fulfillment.

Angel Number The number 15 can be very fortuitous, drawing in prosperity and abundance. However, it can also be a number that's very sensitive to criticism. Harsh words from others can create a negative self-perception that can be difficult to escape. Of course, anyone can change; we all have free will. Staying positive and taking the steps necessary to improve our lives can help us get free and clear of the Ego card.

Archangel Archangel Jophiel's name means "beauty of G.o.d." When our thoughts have fallen into negativity or pessimism, she can help us rise above it to regain our optimism and see our way clear to freedom. When we've lost our way, Jophiel reminds us just how beautiful life can be.

Her color is a dark pink, and her presence is often a.s.sociated with the scent of roses.

Astrology Astrologically, this card is Capricorn, a very responsible, practical, and competent sign that often deals with business. Because it has a deep desire to build something of importance, it can be a.s.sociated with overworking and/or being very focused on making money.

Life Experience

When this card shows up in a reading, it's trying to tell us that we need to break out of old, outdated, and confining boundaries. This may occur because we've become aware of our situation and therefore choose to break free of our own accord. Or it may happen when a particular life event brings us an awareness that we can't deny.

In traditional tarot, this card was called The Tower and could be misunderstood; therefore, we wanted to rename it Life Experience. Many had a.s.sociated this card with frightening things happening. However, getting married is a life experience. Having a baby is a life experience. Graduating from college is a life experience. All of these events undeniably change the way we live on a daily basis and bring about a new awareness.

Often this card can represent an amazing revelation that helps us understand where we are in life versus where we'd like to be. This epiphany is one of freedom and of seeing things clearly-perhaps for the first time.

The Dreamer's Journey The mask of the Ego card has been removed, and now we can see. However, just because we can see the path laid out before us, that doesn't mean we'll walk down it. Human beings can be incredibly resistant to change. Our angels may wish us to go happily along this path, but sometimes we don't get the message (or pretend we don't). That's when Heaven may step in to give us a little push.

But even when Heaven does lend a hand in sending us down a new path, we must remember that The Dreamer's Journey is one of joy and enlightenment. If Life Experience brings change into our lives, it will inevitably take us in a direction that we'll be glad we followed.

Symbolism In the background of this card is a tower that represents the life we previously created.

We're being led away from it, down a new garden path, by Archangel Chamuel, who's known for being able to see that which may be invisible to us.

The skies are a bit cloudy and dark where we've come from, but we can see the dawn breaking through in the direction we're now headed.

In front of Archangel Chamuel flies a cuckoo bird, which is symbolic of great life changes.

b.u.t.terflies further remind us of our ability to evolve and change no matter what life throws at us.

In the foreground, there's an hourgla.s.s, telling us that the time has come to make the changes we know in our hearts we must make. It's also a reminder that if we don't make these changes, then that Heavenly push we mentioned may be on its way.

Angel Number The number 16 is karmic in nature and speaks of restlessness, or challenges in our lives that compel us to make changes. This number drives us to seek a deep purpose in our lives. While making these changes, it's important that we stay positive.

Archangel Archangel Chamuel's name means "he who sees G.o.d." There's nothing beyond his vision. He can always help us find what we're looking for-whether it's a new career, a romantic partner, or a better understanding of the truth of our situation.

His color is pale green.

Astrology This card is a.s.sociated with Mars, a planet that's bold, courageous, and daring. Mars is always ready to take a chance or head out on a new quest. This pa.s.sionate planet encourages us to be the very best that we can be, to accomplish all we can, and to fulfill our life purpose. If we're feeling confined by our situation, Mars can help us break out of whatever is constraining us.

The Star

The Star card is one of unending hope, pure faith, and true understanding. It indicates that our choices have been such that we can begin to make longer-term plans. We have a sense of purpose that allows us to see that an abundant future is within our reach. If we were to limit this card's definition to just one word, it would be faith.

When we see this card, we also consider it a "make a wish" type of card. Since we're on the right path when it's drawn, and long-term plans seem certain, why not wish for what we want?

The Dreamer's Journey Our journey has taken us through many challenges and opportunities for growth. The Star card tells us that now we can enjoy the happiness that comes from the spiritual work we've done. We've let go of the past, cast off the chains of our egos, and made the changes we needed to make. We're now free to set off on a new level of prosperity and freedom!

However, just as those mountains in the image are far off in the distance, we're also asked to make our plans from the perspective of the big picture. At this point, we should be visualizing our lives as we would like them to be in the long run as opposed to just next week.

Symbolism Archangel Jophiel pours out water from two urns. She has no worries that the water will run out, as the source is eternal and unlimited. She has total faith that her path is perfect.

The water pouring out also symbolizes the power of meditation.

One urn pours out water that falls into five streams, representing the five senses, which are enhanced by meditation.

The water then falls into a pool below that represents the universal consciousness.

In the sky are seven stars, reflecting the seven chakras.

The mountains in the background indicate the great heights that we can aspire to at this time in our lives.

Angel Number The number for The Star is 17, which carries with it good fortune. Much of that comes as a result of the positive energy we've put out into the Universe that has now returned to reward us. Our insights when under the energy of number 17 are accurate and precise.

Archangel Jophiel returns in her very natural role as the archangel who shows us how beautiful life can be. Her positive energy helps us keep the faith that The Star card represents. We can ask her to help us remain in a positive mind-set while we plan our joyful new future.

As stated before, her color is dark pink.

Astrology This card is ruled by friendly, future-minded, and humanitarian-focused Aquarius. This is a visionary sign that can see the possibilities of the future-not just for ourselves, but for all of humankind.

The Moon

The Moon card asks us to be awake to the intuitive insights that present themselves in order to provide clarity with respect to our situation. Psychic visions as well as our nighttime dreams should be given great credence. What is our subconscious trying to tell us? Could there be more going on here than meets the eye?

The Moon card can refer to times in our lives when we feel insecure or uncertain. However, these are usually irrational fears or unnecessary worries. Just as the real Moon reflects light upon us at night, so does this card indicate that the light of truth will be revealed to us.

The Dreamer's Journey Now we come to The Moon card. Archangel Haniel returns after her previous appearance as The High Priestess. Indeed, there are common attributes shared by The High Priestess and The Moon. Both are very intuitive, and both have something to say about what was once unknown but which is now within our grasp.

Under the light of this s.h.i.+ning Moon, things that we thought weren't possible (or even real) suddenly come to life. There are opportunities for enlightenment that are so wondrous we can scarcely believe it. Fears that have previously held us back can now be released. Chances are that these worries and concerns aren't even valid anymore. Perhaps they never were!

Symbolism Archangel Haniel stands with two pillars in the background. These are the same ones she stood in front of in The High Priestess card. We've traveled a long way, so here we see the pillars from the other side.

Archangel Haniel still wears the cross of equal proportions she wore in The High Priestess card. Conscious and subconscious thoughts are balanced.

On one side of her is a wolf, on the other side a dog. They represent the wild and the tame. They're the height of nature and the pinnacle of art, and Haniel is the balance between them.

Two streams flow into a central pond-conscious and subconscious knowledge converging.

The pond of water is the same pool of meditation and inner wisdom that we referenced on The Balance card and The Star card.

In traditional tarot, this card usually indicates a very dark night. But just as it's possible to see the Moon during the day, we chose to show this card with a lighter interpretation. We can face our fears and do so in the light!

Angel Number The Moon is Card 18. Under this number, people may feel compelled to express their concerns or fears. With this number, there's also a connection between the spiritual and material worlds, which may feel at odds with one another. So we must stay positive about our expectations so that our material needs can be met in ways we feel good about.

Archangel Archangel Haniel returns with all her psychic and intuitive powers to show us the truth of our situation. In her pale blue moonlight colors, she's aware of a type of beauty and poignant knowledge we haven't yet seen. But soon-very soon-we will see what she sees.

Astrology This card is ruled by Pisces, a very psychic, sensitive, and spiritual sign. In astrology, Pisces rules the 12th house of the zodiac-the house of unseen or hidden knowledge. However, Pisces is the most intuitive of the signs and can help us come to know that which has been unknowable up until now.

The Sun

Grand epiphanies are possible with The Sun. Incredible ideas with infinite opportunities enter our consciousness where we can act upon them. This card also reflects someone whose self-confidence either has grown or is on the rise.

If we keep our thoughts positive, then there's no way we won't be successful. This card can also represent a return to vibrant physical and emotional health.

The Dreamer's Journey Our time with The Moon brought us further insights, and now we turn around to see The Sun. Great joy and success are inspired by this card. It shows us that we've evolved, we've grown, and we've created the world we wanted!

With The Sun, we can expect to experience the true joy of life and all the wonderful things it has to offer. As a result, we may receive public recognition for our teachings or accomplishments. Our journey is nearly over, and true enlightenment is within our grasp.

Symbolism Archangel Uriel stands on a wall that represents humankind's successful ability to adapt to the difficulties of life.

Uriel is backlit by the Sun rising in a new dawn, a joyful new morning that reflects the direction our lives are headed.

b.u.t.terflies, the symbol of evolution and growth, swirl around Archangel Uriel, proving that we've come a long way on our journey.

Four sunflowers bloom happily at his feet, representing both the four suits of the Minor Arcana, and the four elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air.

Angel Number The number 19 is the last of the karmic numbers. It's where we come to successful endings and therefore create new beginnings for ourselves. Suddenly, everything becomes crystal clear with this number. We discover that we do know our life purpose and that it's time to act upon it. We come to believe in ourselves so that we can move forward with confidence and hope for a beautiful future.

Archangel Archangel Uriel, whose name means "light of G.o.d," heralds the great epiphanies that have brought us to this place of enlightenment and joy. Uriel has the ability to not only bring us great insights, but also bless us with emotional healing.

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