Historical Introduction to Studies Among the Sedentary Indians of New Mexico Part 11

Historical Introduction to Studies Among the Sedentary Indians of New Mexico -

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The painted pottery is scattered in wagon-loads of fragments over the ruins. There are two places, however, where, as already stated, the surface is utterly devoid of them. Whether or not this deficiency extends to the soil, I cannot tell. I doubt it, however. These localities are, again, the ap.r.o.n along the _mesa_ and the ruins south of the church. For the rest, it is very equally distributed everywhere.

Still there are two distinct kinds at least. One is exactly similar to the kind now made and sold: it is coa.r.s.e, soft; the ground is painted gray or yellow; the ornaments show, in few instances, traces of animal shapes (they are either black or brown); and the vessels must have been thick, and with a thicker coa.r.s.e rim. Out of the grave in the mound _V_, the pottery was more perfect. There are pieces of a _tinaja_ (bowl) with a vertical rim, yellow outside, white inside, with black geometrical ornamentation, not vitrified. This kind of pottery is still made by the Indians of Nambe, of Tezuque, and of Cochiti. (The former two are Tehuas, the latter is Queres.) But there I also found fragments of a plain black pottery, of dark red, and of dark red with black ornaments, which are thinner and much superior in "ring," and therefore in quality, to any now made. This pottery is older in date, and appears to be almost a lost art. There was, however, no distinction in distribution. Both kinds have one point in common, namely, the varnis.h.i.+ng of the ornamental surfaces. I say varnis.h.i.+ng,[185] and not "glazing;" for, although I believe the appearance of the painted lines to be due to some admixture of the coloring material, and not to a separate glossy exterior coating, I do not as yet find a reason for admitting that the Indians knew the process of vitrification.

Of the military manufactures of the Pecos, a small arrow-head of obsidian found near the church is the only trace. It is even too small for a war-arrow. They had stone hatchets, and may have had the dart, and, later on, the spear. Pebbles convenient for hurling are promiscuously observed on the _mesilla_, but they are not numerous; and nowhere along the circ.u.mvallation did I notice any trace of heaps.[186]

The military constructions, however, become very interesting through their connection with the system of drainage and a comparison with the ancient Mexicans. Around the ancient pueblo of Mexico ("Tenucht.i.tlan") the water formed the protective circ.u.mvallation; at Pecos, the defensive wall collected the water and conducted it where it was needed for subsistence for the irrigation of crops.

That this great circ.u.mvallation, 983 m.--3,225 ft.--in circuit, was a wall for protection also there is no doubt, although the main strength of the pueblo lay in the construction of its houses, where the inhabitants could simply shut themselves in and await quietly until the enemy was tired of prowling around it. By Indians it could only be carried by surprise or treachery.[187] Hence it was customary for the young men to leave the pueblo at times in a body, abandoning it to the old men and women, etc., without concern.[188] As long as these kept good watch they were safe, even if the Comanches should appear. Roaming Indians cannot break open a pueblo house if well guarded. For that purpose alone the mounds near the great gate, and the mound _H_, Pl.

IV., were erected. They were watch-towers for special purposes, for particular sections, where the lookouts from the wall-tops were not sufficient.[189] These two mounds--one on each side of the gateway--overlooked the fields and the creek-bank: in the morning, when the people went out to work, or to carry drinking water from the spring opposite; during the day, while they attended to their simple labor of tillage.

The mound and tower _H_ performed a similar office towards the steep ledge of rocks there descending, among whose fragments Indians could hide for hours from the scouts on the house tops. Thus the great enclosure with its details served a triple purpose. It was the reservoir which held and conducted the waters precipitated on the _mesilla_ to the useful purpose of irrigation. It was a preliminary defensive line,--a first obstruction to a storming foe, and a shelter for its defenders.

But it was also in places an admirable post of observation. It formed the necessary complement to the houses themselves,[190] and both together composed a system of defences which, inadequate against the military science of civilization, was still wonderfully adapted for protection against the stealthy, lurking approach, the impetuous but "short-winded" dash, of Indian warfare.

In conclusion of this lengthy report, I may be permitted to add a few lines concerning the great houses themselves. Their mode and manner of construction and occupation I have already discussed; it is their abandonment and decay to which I wish to refer. This decay is the same in both houses; the path of ruin from S.S.E. to N.N.W. indicates its progress. It shows clearly that, as section after section had been originally added as the tribe increased in number, so cell after cell (or section after section) was successively vacated and left to ruin as their numbers waned, till at last the northern end of the building alone sheltered the poor survivors. They receded from south to north; for the church, despoiled and partly destroyed in 1680, was no protection to them. Its own ruin kept pace with that of the tribe.[191] The northern extremity of the pueblo was their best stronghold, and thither they retired step by step in the face of inevitable doom.


SANTA Fe, Sept. 17, 1880.

To PROFESSOR C. E. NORTON, _President of the Archaeological Inst.i.tute of America, Cambridge, Ma.s.s._


The following is a literal copy of the original grant, now (Sept. 25, 1880) on file at the United States Surveyor-General's office at Santa Fe, made to the inhabitants of the Indian pueblo of Pecos in New Mexico.

The language of the doc.u.ment is not altogether clear, but the essential terms are distinct:--

[Sidenote: Ano de 1689]


En el Pueblo de nu. S.^a de Guadalupe del Paso del Rio del Norte en veinte y cinco dias del mes de Sep.^te de mil seiscientos y ochenta y nueve anos el Senor Gov.^or y Cap.^n Gen.^l D.^a Domingo Jironza Petroz de Cruzate dijo que por quanto en el alcanze que se dio en los de la Nueva Mex.^co de los Yndios Queres y los Apostatas y los Teguas y de la nacion Thanos y despues de haber peleado con todos los demas Yndios de todos Pueblos un Yndio del Pueblo de Zia llamado Bartolome de Ojeda que fue el que mas se senalo en la vatalla acudiendo a todas partes se rindio viendose herido de un balazo y un flechaso lo cual como dicho es mando que debajo de juram.^to declare como se halla el Pu.^o de Pecos aunque queda muy metido a donde el sol sale y fueron unos Yndios Apostatas de aquel Reyno de la Nueva Mexico.

Preguntado que si este Pu.^o volvera en algun tiempo como ha sido constumbre en ellos y dice el confesante que no que ya esta muy metido en terror que aunque estaban abilantados con lo que les habia susedido a los de el Pu.^o de Zia el ano pasado juzgaba que era un imposible que dejaran de dar la obediencia; por lo cual se concedieron por el Senor Governador y Capitan General D.^a Domingo Jironza Petroz de Cruzate los linderos que aqui anoto; para el. Norte una legua; y para el Oriente una legua; y para el Poniente una legua; y para el Sur una legua; y medidas estas cuatro lineas de las cuatro esquinas del Pu.^o dejando a salvo el templo que queda al medio dia del Pu.^o y asi lo proveyo mando y firmo susc^a [?] a mi el presente Secretario de Gov.^on y Guerra que de ello doy fe.

D.^a Domingo Jironza Petroz de Cruzate.

Ante mi Don Pedro Ladron de Guitara Sc.^o de G.^n y Gu.^a


[Sidenote: In the year 1689.]


In the Pueblo of Our Lady of Guadalupe of El Paso del Rio del Norte, on the twenty-fifth day of the month of September, in the year sixteen hundred and eighty nine, the Governor and Captain-General, Don Domingo Jironza Petroz de Cruzate, said that inasmuch as during the pursuit of the men of New Mexico, [namely], of the Queres Indians, and the Renegades, and the Teguas, and those of the Thanos nation, and after the fight with all the rest of the Indians of all the Pueblos--an Indian of the Pueblo of Zia, named Bartholome de Ojeda, who had greatly distinguished himself in the fight, a.s.sisting at every point, surrendered, having been wounded by a bullet and by an arrow; he [the Governor] ordered that he should declare, under oath, how the Pueblo of Pecos is disposed, although it lies far off toward the sunrise, and [its people] are renegade Indians of that kingdom of New Mexico.

Being asked whether [the inhabitants of] this Pueblo will ever return to their old ways, he, the deponent, says that they will not, since they are now in great terror, and though they were very much emboldened by what had happened to those of the Pueblo of Zia the year before, he thought it was impossible that they should fail to give in their submission. Wherefore there were granted by the Governor and Captain-General, Don Domingo Jironza Petroz de Cruzate, the boundaries here noted: to the north a league, and to the east a league, and to the west a league, and to the south a league; and these four lines measured from the four corners of the Pueblo, reserving the temple, which lies to the south of the Pueblo; and thus did his Excellency provide, command, and sign before me, the present Secretary of the Interior and of War, who attest it.


Before me, Don Pedro Ladron de Guitara, Secretary of the Interior and of War.

[87] Lieut.-Col. W. H. Emory, _Notes of a Military Reconnoissance from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, Executive Doc.u.ment_ 41, Was.h.i.+ngton, 1848. _Meteorological Observations_, p. 163.

Camp 44, half-mile south of the Pecos, Aug. 17, 1846, alt.i.tude six thousand three hundred and forty-six feet. Camp 45, on the Pecos, near Pecos village, August 18, six thousand three hundred and sixty-six feet.

[88] This is the lowest height of the peaks seen from the valley. Some of the other tops are much higher yet. The alt.i.tude of Santa Fe Baldy, for instance, exceeds twelve thousand feet.

[89] Not to be confounded with the Rio de Pecos proper. The _arroyo_ is not found on most of the maps. Its width is about 100 m.--330 ft.--but there is scarcely ever more than a mere fillet of very clear, limpid water in it.

[90] This is, however, only accidental, and exclusively due to nine months of consecutive drouth. Generally the strips of bottom-land have a rich soil, and grow fine corn, wheat, and oats.

[91] They are very picturesque objects, and stand out boldly, appearing to rise directly from the plain. Their height is stated to be about thirteen thousand feet. In this vicinity are the Placitas, now famous for mineral wealth (gold and silver), and the Cerrillos, also rich in ore, and containing beautiful green and blue turquoises, of which I saw excellent specimens in possession of His Excellency Governor L. Wallace.

[92] Baughl's Sidings is a switch and large storing-place for ties. Even the Spaniards call it La Switcha. It is about 800 m.--2,620 ft.--from the foot of the _mesa_, in a belt of fine large pine timber, very high, and gives glimpses of splendid views over the valley of Pecos to the Sierras beyond. Climate fine, but nights very cold. The buildings are as yet nearly all temporary; it is more a camp than a place as is it now. I spent ten very happy days here, from the 28th of August to the 6th of September,--or rather nights, since the days were, with two exceptions (5th and 6th of September, when I visited Pecos town and explored the high _mesa_), devoted to the study of the ruins. I shall always gratefully remember the uniform kindness and attention with which its inhabitants and transient guests have treated me, and a.s.sisted me in my work. Aside of those whom I shall have occasion to name in the body of my report, I take occasion to express my thanks here to Messrs.

McPherson & Co., and to their obliging manager, Mr. Wright; also to the station agent.

[93] On the right side of the Arroyo de Pecos, there is a wide amphitheatre bottom, which was filled with red clay, like that of which the adobe at the church is made, and which appears to have been partly dug out. The place is to the right of the road also, which there crosses the creek. The only objection to the surmise is in the fact that along this entire bottom I found not the slightest trace of obsidian. Pottery, however, is scattered everywhere. On the left side of the creek, unless more than a mile below, there is no place where the soil is sufficiently thick or sufficiently free from ruins and scattered stones, to permit the enormous quant.i.ty of clay needed for the church to be secured.

[94] Lieut.-Col. Emory, _Notes of a Military Reconnoissance_, p. 30, and two plates.

[95] The walls, or foundations rather, appear as follows:--The interstices are often filled with tufts of _grama_, and the stones themselves look very old and worn, covered with lichens and moss.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Stone Wall]

[96] According to Mariano Ruiz and to Mrs. Kozlowski. The former has lived in Pecos since 1837. But few, if any, of the dead are buried there; the majority were entombed within the church itself.

[97] P. Jose Amando Niel, _Apuntamientos que sobre el Terreno hizo el ... Annotations to the history of_ Fray Geronimo Zarate Salmeron, in _Doc.u.mentos para la Historia de Mexico_, 3 series, vol. i. p. 99.

[98] Called by the Spaniards Plaza de Pecos. It is a comparatively new place, the only church-book still in possession of Rev. Father Leon Mailluchet, the present priest, commences in 1862. Including the scattered _casitas_ several miles around, its population is not over five hundred souls. It is situated in a narrow vale or hollow, not far west from the Rio Pecos itself, and has a modest but clean and tidy church, with a small belfry. All the houses are of adobe.

Lieutenant-Colonel Emory (_Notes, Executive Doc.u.ment_ 41, p. 30) speaks of it in 1846 as "the modern village of Pecos, ... with a very inconsiderable population." As yet there are but very few Americans in the plaza. My recollections of Pecos are highly pleasant (5th September), owing to the friendly reception tendered me by Mr. E. K.

Walters, Sr. Juan Bacay Salazar, and Father L. Mailluchet. According to Colonel Emory, its alt.i.tude is nearly 6,366 ft. (p. 163). Lat. about 35 30' N.

[99] See Plate I.

[100] See Plate IX.

[101] See Plate I., Fig. 5.

[102] When Mr. Louis Felsenthal of Santa-Fe came to New Mexico in 1855, and still later, in 1858, the time of the arrival of Mrs. Kozlowski, the roofs were still perfect in part.

[103] Pl. II., Fig. 6.

[104] Pedro de Castaneda de Nagera, _Relation du Voyage de Cibola_, French translation, by Ternaux-Compans, 1838. Original written about 1560. Introduction, p. ix; part ii. cap. v. p. 176.

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