Sanguis Noctis: Bloodlines Part 29

Sanguis Noctis: Bloodlines -

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"I love eating outside," Randall admitted as they started to eat. "There's something about having the stars as your chandelier or a beautiful afternoon as your lamplight." He laughed, poking his fork into the steak. "Probably the most wolfish thing about me."

Victor smiled as he ate. "I think medusas must have lived in caves," he replied. "I'm at my happiest in dimly lit libraries. Then again, it may just have something to do with the fact that I attract mosquitoes by the flock."

"I had my first kiss in a library," Randall informed him, grinning, ducking his head. "I was, uh, sixteen I think. There was this boy in my cla.s.s who I think might have been sent on a dare. I was back doing research in the history section. He came up and gave me a peck on the cheek and then ran away. We never spoke again."

"I have a library at home." Victor was giving Randall a look out of the corner of his eye. "With a far superior collection than you'd normally find in public libraries."

A beat pa.s.sed, and Randall could feel a flush starting on his cheeks. "Oh?" he managed, trying to sound casual. "That sounds very interesting." Darting a quick look over at Victor, he tried to control his smile. "Do you have a history section?"

"An extremely thorough one," Victor replied. "I even have a few books on subjects like Sarah Tarrant."

"Oh, I have recently discovered how thorough you are," Randall murmured. "I think I'd like to see further evidence of that fact."

Victor flushed, though the hesitance he'd once worn didn't make an appearance. "I'd like that too. Would you like to dance some more? You were...." Victor paused, maybe to gather his thoughts. "You were stunning out there."

Taking in a slow breath, Randall stared down at his plate. No one had ever said anything like that to him before. His mind scrambled through every book he'd read, all the stories, trying to think how to respond. Nothing came to mind. No tale he'd ever read, nothing he'd experienced, prepared him for the exquisite jolt of warmth through him, the nervous flutter in his stomach, the way his whole being seemed attuned to the tone of Victor's voice, the slight hitch in his words, the breath he let slide out as Randall remained silent.

Setting the food aside, Randall took a large gulp of his wine-it was stronger than he expected, and he coughed, wincing. But it gave him a little shot of courage, enough to stand, holding out his hand to Victor. Their fingers laced, and Randall pulled him in close, arms sliding around Victor's waist. The music from the celebration was softer now, slower, with a raw throb through each of the notes. Randall rested his forehead against Victor's as they swayed together, the red light of the fire bathing Victor's skin.

"You are so beautiful," Randall murmured. "I don't even know what to say to you half the time. I'm certain you think I'm a complete idiot."

"I think you're the smartest man I've ever met." Victor curled his fingers into the hair at Randall's nape. "I went out to a bar last night. I wound up having a conversation with a brownie half blood. He managed to simplify things, about my feelings for you, for me in a way that I hadn't managed in my own mind."

"You met a brownie?" Pulling back, Randall searched Victor's face. "Really? What was he like? Did you know, I read a theory once that the alleged English and Scottish versions are actually their gender divisions? The English are the females and the Scottish are the males. Well, their equivalent, it's actually not certain how they reproduce, and one book I read heavily implied that they don't actually have two separate genders at all."

Victor laughed lowly and turned them slightly so Randall was looking over Victor's shoulder to the bonfire. "You could ask him yourself. He's right there."

There was a redheaded man talking with Edwin, the two of them laughing and dancing together in a loose-limbed sway around the fire. Randall grinned, shaking his head. "Leave it to my brother," he murmured. "I swear, he'd fall in love with anyone and everyone." His gaze returned to Victor. "I think I'm fine right here, though. I've found a much more interesting topic of study."

"As have I." Victor huffed in amus.e.m.e.nt. "Besides, you wouldn't want to go near him unless you want a secondhand high. Never in my life have I met someone who was that much of a stoner."

c.r.a.p. Randall started to laugh helplessly, watching Edwin and the brownie dance. "Well, then. Oh, Edwin. I hope Anthony stays close by. I shudder to think of Edwin on a munchie bender." But it seemed innocent enough. The two of them collapsed in a heap together, Edwin happily cuddling and staring up at the sky. Randall's attention was caught by Victor's fingers lightly playing through his hair. His eyes half closed and he sighed, rocking into the touch.

"A terrifying thought," Victor agreed in a hum. He sounded distracted. There was more focus in the movement of his fingers than in his words. Every stroke seemed to pull Randall in closer, like the sensation was a hook straight to his gut, and he found he was making a low rumble of noise in approval.

Around them, the music turned into a slow drumbeat, every pulse of it in the air seemingly matching the heartbeats of those around them. Randall could feel it in Victor's chest, pushed close against his, could hear it whenever Victor swayed closer. Some of the wolves around them had turned, playfully chasing one another or slumped over one another in piles of fur.

"What was simplified?" Randall asked, blinking the heavy, languid pleasure away so he could try and focus on words and not the feel of Victor's body pressed tight against his own. "You said... before, you said things were made simpler. What did you mean?"

"I'd be happy to tell you the specifics, if you like. For now, I'm not sure details matter." Victor smoothed a hand down Randall's spine, coming to rest at the small of his back. "I was very confused about how I felt about you. Now I know."

Strange, how so few words could completely stop his heart. Randall wished desperately he could look into Victor's eyes, just for a moment, to search out the meaning without having to hear the almost certain rejection. Victor's hand was like a brand on his back, their breaths all but intermingling, but Randall couldn't let himself believe this was happening. He didn't want to feel the disappointment again. "What do you know?" he finally dared to ask, gaze dropping away. "Or... no, don't tell me. This night, it's perfect. And I don't have many perfect nights. I can just pretend, if you don't say it."

"Now I'm not sure if I should respond." Victor chuckled. "Isn't it obvious, Randall? I'd hardly be dancing with you if I didn't want to, and believe me, I've done some very out-of-my-way things to get out of dancing." Their movements slowed as Victor looked up, his eyes coming so close to meeting Randall's that he must be staring mere millimeters away from Randall's pupil. "I can't say for sure whatever our future would hold. But I do know that I'd like to see what happens."

There was a long beat of silence, and Randall was careful, so very careful, not to move his gaze downward to meet Victor's. Instead he just tried to pa.r.s.e out all Victor's words, sifting through each syllable, each inflection and drop of tone, trying to make sure he understood. Trying to convince himself it was real.

"I've never been, uh, with anyone before," he murmured, voice low and hoa.r.s.e. "I want.... I want to. With you. If you do. I mean to say...." It was a lot harder to say this than Randall had been expecting. "I'd like it if you were my first."

Victor obviously hadn't been expecting that so quickly. He blinked, clearly startled, and had to close his eyes-maybe because he was afraid of instinctively looking into Randall's. "Inexperience doesn't matter," he said, a smile tugging at the edge of his lips. "And I'd like that too."

Relief hit Randall, and he grinned, giddy, so incredibly thankful he hadn't said something horribly wrong. Fingers hooking into the front of Victor's s.h.i.+rt, he lightly tugged Victor in, their lips meeting. The kiss unfolded with an aching slowness, a flame of want slipping in under Randall's skin, hooking down into his gut, shuddering through him with a groan. "Your cabin?" Randall mumbled between kisses, hands sliding down to curl around Victor's hips. "Please, Victor."

"You're sure?" Concern wasn't an emotion immediately evident in Victor's face, but it was there. "It doesn't have to happen immediately, Randall. If you'd rather wait-" He broke off as a howl lifted in the air. "-that's okay with me."

The night was wild around them, the moon dancing with the stars. The fire burned brighter, painting the world in golds and reds. As the howl lingered in the air, Randall felt the surge of it in his blood, the answering sound tickling at his throat. Wolves around him lifted their own response, and Randall tipped his head back, his full, aching howl joining the chorus.

When he dipped his head back down again, Victor was looking rather fl.u.s.tered. "Now is good," Victor agreed hurriedly.

The grin that stretched across Randall's lips was positively feral. Lightly pus.h.i.+ng Victor back against the wall of the cabin, Randall followed quickly, blanketing him, biting his lips, his jaw, nuzzling into his neck. "Now," he murmured, voice a hoa.r.s.e growl. "I like now." The scent of the pack was difficult to ignore, the untamed celebration whispering to him, urging him to give in. To let his instincts run free. Randall was beginning to think that might not be such a bad idea. Victor certainly didn't look like he minded.

"Perhaps my cabin would be the better idea," Victor attempted to suggest. His hands were raised to Randall's s.h.i.+rt, white-knuckled. "Otherwise I'm going to start removing clothes right here."

No matter how much Randall's instincts were pounding in his veins, howling in the back of his mind, he definitely had no desire to be caught out on a porch with Victor taking his clothes off. So he managed a nod, forcing himself to step back and running his hand through his hair. "Quite," he agreed, straightening his sweater, pus.h.i.+ng his back up on his nose. "Please, lead the way."

Randall stooped to pick up the book, cradling it close to his chest while they quickly made their way the short distance to Victor's cabin. Alternating between unrestrained need and his own painful awareness of his inexperience, Randall was practically vibrating with nerves and want.

He needn't have worried that Victor would be put off by that. As soon as they were inside Victor's cabin and the door had been shut, Victor was hauling him close for another kiss, fingers working at Randall's b.u.t.tons. Neither of them had bothered to turn on a light. The flickering glow from the bonfire, streaming in through the windows, served as illumination enough.

"I have to say, you're quite attractive when you're all... wolfish," Victor said lowly. "Not that you're not normally attractive anyway. But there is a certain something when you are so truly yourself."

The book was put down on whatever flat surface they happened on first, Randall fumbled off his, blinking as the world swam into slightly softened edges, and his s.h.i.+rt was half unb.u.t.toned before he could even begin to think. "I'm always myself," he murmured, tugging Victor's sweater off over his head, smoothing his hands down the broad stretch of Victor's shoulders. "And you are truly stunning." There was no point in talking about him, Randall thought. He was awkward, unimpressive. Victor, though, hidden under layers, had an absolutely magnificent form.

It seemed like Victor might be thinking the same thing of him. When Victor managed to get Randall's s.h.i.+rt off, he stared like Randall had recalled he'd done on the night of the full moon. The smile that came over Victor's face was the closest to a pleased grin as Randall had ever seen on him. Victor didn't even seem to notice the vampire-given scars. His gaze skipped right over them as if they were just regular skin. Randall would have covered them up again, his hands were even moving to do so, to pull his s.h.i.+rt back up over them and hide, but Victor was right there, kissing him, smiling, as if there was nothing to be ashamed of.

"Bed's right there," Victor said, his usual thoughtfulness in his grammar and wording completely vanished. He ignored his own words, though, hands drifting down Randall's sides as he kissed him again, the edge of need in their actions heightening with every touch. Randall pulled Victor's T-s.h.i.+rt off of him, sucking in a breath when, at last, he had acres of skin bared for his consideration. Slowly, he dragged his fingers down Victor's chest, b.u.mping over his nipple, down to the dip of his stomach. Randall's mouth followed, slow, sucking kisses mapping his trail. Randall hooked one hand into the belt loops of Victor's trousers and tugged him back toward the bed.

Randall sat on the edge of the mattress, Victor standing between his legs, at the perfect height for Randall to do more exploring. He bit lightly at Victor's side, tracing his tongue back up to the hollow of Victor's throat. He stopped there, though, pulling back, unsure. "Can I?" he murmured, hand absently sweeping up and down Victor's stomach. "Your throat. I.... I don't want to overstep." Because there was s.e.x, yes, but baring a throat? That was something else entirely.

Victor had flushed a pale shade of red, his eyes glazed. He opened his mouth to reply and seemed to be unable to. Instead, he nearly met Randall's eyes again and very deliberately tipped his chin back. "You can do absolutely anything you like," Victor said lowly, his voice more breath than sound.

The permission sent a vicious thrill through him. Randall didn't realize how much he'd feel that desire, how deeply Victor's bared throat would affect him. With a rumbling, possessive growl, Randall wrapped his hands around Victor's hips, yanking him in closer, rising up to stand with Victor, to press closer, stealing his warmth. He nipped at Victor's shoulder, his chest, leading his way to his neck. Taking his time.

When Randall finally closed his teeth around that beautiful, pale arc, he had to stop, all but trembling, the growl deepening in his throat.

His. It was thrumming through him, whole body pulsating with it. Victor had tangled a hand in his hair, his grip tight, almost on the verge of pain, keeping Randall exactly where he was. His. Randall bit down harder, just enough to dimple the skin with his teeth, to send a flush curling along the skin from his action.

With a sharp bark, he turned them, Victor sprawled out on the bed, Randall following. He blanketed Victor's body with his own. Victor clutched his free hand at Randall's back, nails digging into skin. Randall returned to his neck, peppering kisses and soft, sucking bites, marking him. Claiming him.

Until his nose brushed up against the scars. Pulling back with a frown, Randall was panting, eyes blazing yellow, the light of the flames outside flickering across his bared skin. He didn't like that scar.

Victor didn't let him think about it for too long. He rose up to meet Randall, using the hand he still had buried in Randall's hair to pull him back in. "I'm sure there's a more eloquent way to say it, but I was rather enjoying that," Victor panted. His eyes were darker now, his breath shorter. "Forgive my ignorance. Do I do it in return? I'd like to."

Blinking, Randall rubbed his thumb along Victor's cheek, a smile easing across his face. Some of the overwhelming possessive instinct faded, and he nuzzled in soft kisses to Victor's jaw. "If you want. It's a sense of claiming. It means... it means you're mine. Right now, in this moment, you're mine."

Victor nodded slowly. "And do I get to make you mine at this moment in return?"

The surge of heat that rippled through him at that question was utterly surprising. "Yes," he whispered. Begged, almost. He tipped his chin back, baring his throat completely. Giving Victor every intimate part of himself. "Yes, I'm yours. I've been yours." It wasn't a permanent thing. It probably didn't even register to Victor what submitting meant to a wolf. But for this moment, in this place, they were both giving themselves to each other. And that mattered. The marks would fade, the moment would pa.s.s, but for now, they were as vulnerable with each other as a wolf could be.

He felt Victor's hand clap around the right side of his neck, and Randall had a moment of pure panic, of freezing entirely. The mess of scars left by the vampires' bites was low on his throat there, and Randall was sure Victor was going to touch them, to send all this gentle pleasure into remembered pain. But Victor's fingers stayed up by Randall's jaw, far away from the knotted, pale marks. Then the gentle contact of Victor's teeth on the other side made Randall forget them entirely. He felt the blunt pressure of a light bite, teeth barely sinking into the skin, not enough to even ache, but the meaning was clear. He had bared his throat to Victor, and Victor wasn't ripping it out. The shared bites were just a light reinforcement of power, of being equals. Randall moaned softly, fingers threading into Victor's hair, riding the wave of intense, sudden pleasure the bites gave him. "G.o.d," he managed in a shaky exhale. He'd had no idea that it could feel like that.

The pressure of teeth released, much to his disappointment, but Victor made up for it by moving up to kiss him. "I quite like that ritual," Victor said lowly, wrapping a hand around Randall's hip. "It's a shame I don't have one of my own to share with you."

Laughing softly, Randall moved to lie on his side, watching Victor, sharing slow, deep kisses. "You could teach me what to do next?" he suggested. "I'm afraid that there is a rather large gap in my knowledge. I have been told, though-" He lightly sucked on Victor's lower lip. "-I am an excellent student."

"So I've observed," Victor said, rising up to kneel over Randall, hands trailing down his chest. "I must admit I'm spoiled for choice as to where to start." He leaned down, stealing one more kiss before he s.h.i.+fted, hooking his fingers around Randall's belt. "May I?"

Yeah, like he was going to stop now. Randall lifted his hips, helping Victor tug his pants and boxers away, flus.h.i.+ng once he realized how exposed he was. Being unclothed before and after s.h.i.+fting was somehow very, very different than this. He distracted himself by painting curves and whorls against Victor's arms, watching as goose b.u.mps chased his fingers.

Randall had obviously guessed right earlier about contact to the stomach feeling good; Victor did it to him in return, his lips tracing soft paths over Randall's collarbone down to the jut of his hip bones. Eyes fluttering shut, Randall arched up into each press of Victor's lips, a surprised moan torn from his lips.

By the time Victor had gotten to his thighs, Randall was starting to feel a bit short of breath. Victor looked up at him. "Is there anything you'd like me not to do?" he asked, ducking down again to rake his teeth over Randall's left thigh. His next words were murmured against skin. "I want to make sure you enjoy yourself."

"Don't stop," was all Randall could think to say. His legs had spread automatically, heels digging into the mattress. Randall's wide eyes stared down at Victor, completely unsure of what might happen next. His body felt like it was burning from the inside, want a constant pressure, itching under his skin. "Just... please, don't stop."

He felt Victor's lips curve in a smile against his skin. "Stopping is the very last thing on my mind right now." Crouched above him, his eyes dark and a smile on his lips, the firelight flickering over pale skin, Victor looked as wolfish at that moment as any of them dancing outside.

Victor's hand traced a path from Randall's knee upward; he was obviously enjoying taking his time. Every touch was frustrating in the best kind of way, so when Victor's fingers finally smoothed over Randall's c.o.c.k, curling around it, Randall's breath left his lungs like he'd been punched. Victor only glanced up at him briefly before looking back down, heat and need flus.h.i.+ng over his skin.

"I have to admit I did stare quite a bit, on the full moon." Victor's voice had gotten huskier. "I attempted to not be a complete pervert and stare below the belt. I should have. I was missing out on quite a lot." As if to punctuate his point, his fingertips slid lightly from the base of Randall's c.o.c.k to the tip, exploring so gently it almost seemed it shouldn't affect Randall so profoundly. And yet.

m.u.f.fling a stunned whimper, biting his lip, Randall's head fell back. He'd touched himself on occasion, of course, but this was nothing like that. This was so intense that Randall honestly wasn't sure if he should move his hips up, hold still, or just beg for more. He wound up doing some awkward roll upward, a strangled groan lost in his panted breaths. "Please," he managed. He wanted something more, something he couldn't even begin to try to articulate. So he just asked again, "Please, Victor."

He had the presence of mind to note that Victor looked rather pleased by his lack of ability to speak coherently. Victor leaned over him, a forearm braced on the bed next to Randall's head to hold himself up, their lips inches away from each other as they shared breath. Victor's hand on him curled around him properly then, his grip tightening. Randall wasn't even sure what kind of noise he made right then, but the pleased look on Victor's face only grew stronger.

Then, as Victor started moving his hand with long, slow strokes, Randall had to make a conscious effort to not lose it right then and there. Victor ducked down to kiss at Randall's throat again with another gentle bite. Randall wrapped his legs around Victor's hips, eyes glazed as he got lost in the slide of Victor's hand, the friction of his palm, pleasure nearly overwhelming as it tightened in his gut.

"I think...." Randall's voice cracked, a desperate whimper trailing after the words. He moved up into Victor's hand, one hand fisted in Victor's hair, body moving out of pure instinct and need. "I think I might be... close."

In response, Victor slowed the movements of his hand to a standstill. The loss of friction made Randall groan in frustration, but Victor swallowed the noise with a kiss. "My apologies." There was a gentle laugh under Victor's voice, not directed at Randall, but a fond noise. "I did want to do a few more things before you finished. While I'm sure your stamina is excellent, I do like variety."

"What else is there?" Randall said, too stunned to censor himself. Yes, fine, he had some knowledge of other things, but honestly, that had felt perfectly good. He couldn't imagine anything being better.

"Some things I'd like to save for a later date," Victor said. He was just holding Randall now, but even then the contact still felt incredible. "But believe me when I say there are many more options." He moved down again, his teeth catching on Randall's hip for a moment before pressing his lips lightly to the base of Randall's c.o.c.k.

Jerking backward, Randall stared down at Victor, eyes huge. "What... that's not sanitary." Which was probably the most idiotic thing ever said during s.e.x, but Randall was honestly a little too surprised to gather his wits correctly.

Victor lifted his eyebrows at Randall, then very deliberately pushed his tongue against Randall's c.o.c.k, running a path around the head.

The moan that lifted from Randall's chest was so loud, so drawn out, he was quite sure they would hear it over the music outside. Maybe he really didn't care about hygiene right then. Legs spreading wider, back arched, Randall panted, "Fair point."

Victor didn't seem to want to push him over the edge. His touches were light, the contact of his tongue brief but lingering. For far too short a time, Victor wrapped his lips around him and sucked, but backed off a second later, a positively fiendish look in his eye.

Randall was making noises he didn't even know existed. "That," he managed thickly. "That is good. Do that."

His vocabulary had apparently been reduced to caveman speak. Perhaps all that talk about blood flow and two heads was more than a joke. He felt as if his intelligence had been reduced to the way his body moved, the way Victor was touching him, not that he could imagine anything else mattering.

When Victor went back to what he'd been doing before-that incredible suction and the soft pressure of his tongue-Randall had to actively think about not coming. And again, Victor seemed to know just when he should back off, because he did so. Victor dropped his hands to his own belt, frowning as he tried to concentrate enough to undo it. Randall was suddenly obsessed with the idea of getting Victor naked, of touching like Victor had touched him. He sat up, fingers joining Victor's to pull his belt open. Randall eagerly tugged Victor's pants down, biting his lip, eyes wide as he finally freed his c.o.c.k.

"G.o.d, you're perfect," he mumbled, happily wrapping a hand around Victor. He stroked slowly, mimicking Victor's movements, dragging his hand up to the head, thumb lightly tracing over the slit. Randall watched Victor's face to try to study his reactions. Apparently he was right on target. Victor sucked in a sharp breath, and his head fell back, baring his throat once more.

"You certainly are a quick learner," Victor said, watching Randall through heavy-lidded eyes. Randall liked that expression.

"I have a very good teacher," Randall responded, pressing kisses to Victor's throat, tightening his fingers as he stroked faster. "Tell me, professor, is there an advanced move? Because I seem to recall hearing something about, uh, penetration. That sounds very interesting."

"Would it be strange of me to want to save that?" Victor looked oddly hesitant in the jumping light of the fire, as if he wasn't sure that Randall would agree with him. "I'd like to at least make you dinner first."

Laughing, Randall gave in to the impulse to kiss Victor softly. "Are we dating now?"

"I'd like to." Victor gave him a hopeful smile, which clashed oddly with the heat in his eyes and the flex of his fingers over Randall's c.o.c.k.

They were moving together then, stroking each other in matching rhythms. They shared air, kisses, soft little moans. "Yes," Randall agreed. "I would too." He grinned then, sharply, biting Victor's lip hard enough to see it flush. "Now stop teasing me."

"As you wish." A sly smile took over Victor's expression. He leaned his weight on Randall, bearing them both back down onto the mattress, Victor's body pinning him down. They s.h.i.+fted just slightly, Victor burying a pant of breath against Randall's shoulder when their c.o.c.ks came into contact. Victor lifted him, bracing himself above Randall as he pushed his hips down, rubbing them together. "Is this more to your liking?"

"Victor, I am twenty-four and a virgin. Everything is to my liking, you prat." But Randall was moaning over the sound of Victor's quiet noise of amus.e.m.e.nt in reply, hips rocking upward into Victor's, the friction driving him mad. Randall's hand slid down Victor's back to grasp the curve of his a.s.s, hooking him in closer.

Victor apparently wasn't in the mood for slow anymore. They grasped at each other, rocking together, the bed squeaking under them. Randall pressed his heels into the mattress, thrusting upward, every rub of their bodies together sending sparks of beautiful friction through him. The sound of the drums outside had slowed to an intimate beat, seeming to throb in the very air around them.

They kissed once more, softly at first, their urgency growing with every press of movement. Randall dimly noticed the pop and crackle of someone adding new wood to the bonfire. It sent the flame flaring brighter, red and gold and yellow light pulsing in through the window to flash over their skin.

With a shaky breath, Victor reached between them, and Randall bit down on a sharp moan at the feel of Victor's hand wrapping around both of them. Coordination became a thing of the past, both of them driven by blind need. Randall's hand joined his, fingers tangling together, kisses so messy and desperate they became nothing more than sharing pants of air.

He felt it start as if his body were a coil, wound so tight it was vibrating. Randall gasped Victor's name, rocking forward one more time, coming in a sudden flash of release. Randall sagged back, head pressed against the pillow, gasping in low, dragging whimpers. Dazed, he rode the wave of pleasure until all he could do was sprawl out under Victor, completely spent.

Victor went still, nearly trembling with the effort of it. He lifted a hand, trailing his fingertips down Randall's cheek. When he spoke, it wasn't in English, rather in a rolling language that Randall managed to recognize as ancient Sumerian. He wasn't nearly fluent in the language, but he knew enough-particularly the piece of the poem that Victor said right then, a rather dirty few lines about the size of Randall's c.o.c.k and the beauty of his release.

Laughing then, feeling an exalted sense of connection, of bliss that seemed far too big for his body to contain, Randall flipped them over. Victor on his back under him, Randall nudged their foreheads together, hand tightening on Victor's c.o.c.k. "Come for me," he murmured, stroking him faster, twisting his wrist to hear that one beautiful moan. Randall nuzzled kisses down Victor's neck. As Victor lifted his chin to bare his throat, Randall bit him softly, then harder, sucking at the skin to leave it flushed. "My beautiful medusa, I want to see you fly."

Victor grabbed at his arm, squeezing hard-Randall took the action as permission to bite down a little harder on Victor's neck, so that the skin dented under his teeth. Not enough to give a black-and-blue bruise, but hovering just at the edge of marking. Under the skin his teeth was gripping, Randall felt more than heard Victor moan, his muscles trembling, arching up underneath Randall as he came.

He was breathtaking. No one would ever look at Victor like this and think he was anything but magnificent, Randall was sure. He pulled back to watch him, slowly stroking him through the o.r.g.a.s.m until Victor s.h.i.+vered under his touch. "But, like a sad slave, stay and think of nought, save, where you are, how happy you make those. So true a fool is love, that in your will, though you do anything, he thinks no ill." The words came out almost without Randall realizing he'd said them. He paused and smiled, sliding his thumb along Victor's lips. "I once did a paper on that sonnet. I didn't understand it until now. How you could want someone so completely that even the pain doesn't matter as much."

Victor just looked back at him, blankly dazed and still flushed. "Do you expect me to be able to understand Shakespeare when I've just had a frankly phenomenal o.r.g.a.s.m?" he said breathlessly. "You think too highly of me."

The grin Randall had as they kissed was absolutely impossible to restrain. "My poor professor," he murmured, nudging kisses against the marks he'd left on Victor's neck. "You are amazing. And absolutely beautiful. I should tell you that every day."

"You sound rather coherent," Victor said, his voice slow, dragging at the words. "Should I be insulted that I didn't do a good enough job?"

"Am I not supposed to be?" Randall entertained himself by kissing down Victor's body, dragging his lips down the dip in the middle of Victor's chest, the soft expanse of his stomach, the length of his side. "You did incredibly. I have never felt anything that good. Ever." Randall grinned wickedly. "I am very much looking forward to further lessons."

Victor's chest moved with a silent laugh. "We're men, even if we are a half blood and a wolf. There's a stereotype about men, where after we've come we roll over and start snoring." Victor tilted his head in interest at Randall, his eyelids drooped low with contentment. "Perhaps that doesn't apply to wolves?"

"I don't know," Randall admitted, circling his tongue around Victor's belly b.u.t.ton. "I know I want to devour you." He lightly bit at Victor's hip. "But if you'd rather I sleep, I think I can manage that for you."

Victor gave a wordless hum, stroking his hand along Randall's arm. "My body says sleep. My mind says I'm good for another round," he mused, his fingertips reaching Randall's shoulder in slow exploration.

"I wonder if I can change your body's inclination," Randall murmured. He traced his tongue experimentally down the length of Victor's c.o.c.k. Even soft, he was so beautiful and perfectly large. "What do you think?"

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