Night Huntress - Halfway to the Grave Part 28

Night Huntress - Halfway to the Grave -

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Bones looked at me and a small, bitter smile twisted his mouth.

"He didn't. Bloke would have done many, many things to her, but killing her straightaway isn't one of them. Her body was dumped within an hour or two at most after I spoke with her. Hennessey would have kept her alive for days at least. Until he'd found out every detail of what she'd relayed to me. There isn't one of Hennessey's sods who would have gone behind his back and done it themselves, either."

He wasn't making sense. "What are you saying? Then who killed her?"

His mouth twisted further. "Francesca did. It's the only logical explanation. She must have been trapped, saw there was no escape, so she killed herself. It would only have taken a second for her to run a silver blade through her heart, and then there's not much they could do about it afterwards. Hennessey's leaving her where I nearly finished him was just his way of saying he knew who she betrayed him to."

I couldn't imagine the ice-cold courage it must have taken for her to do that. It reminded me of the Indian who'd given Bones the cave. Deciding his manner of death was all he'd had left also. One last stand before that final fall. "Your part is done in this, Kitten. Finished."

His uncompromising tone whipped me out of my contemplation. "Bones," I said gently. "I know you're upset-"


He seized me by the shoulders, and his voice was low and resonating.

"I don't care how p.i.s.sed you are or what you threaten me with. End our relations.h.i.+p, don't speak to me again, whatever you fancy, but I will not continue to dangle you out as bait to the kind of people Francesca killed herself rather than be at the mercy of!

I couldn't bear it if it was you I was waiting for a call from that never came, or if it was your body I had to see stretched out on the sodding ground...."

He spun away abruptly, but not before I saw a pink s.h.i.+ne to his eyes. It took away my anger at him telling me what to do.

"Hey." I tugged softly at the back of his s.h.i.+rt. When he still didn't turn around, I leaned against him. "You're not going to lose me.

Francesca was on her own, she didn't have you shadowing her. It's not your fault, but you owe it to her to keep after Hennessey.

She gave it all she had, for her own reasons, maybe, but that doesn't change what she did. You're not giving up and neither am I.

We've got to have faith. Hennessey's going to be scared, wondering what she told you. Scared enough to get sloppy and make some mistakes. You've hunted him for over eleven years; you've never been this close before! There is no turning back, and I'm not running away because I'm afraid. We're going to get him. We're going to stand over him on the ground, and every greedy b.a.s.t.a.r.d on his team, too, and then they'll know they were taken down by you...and your little Grim Reaper, who hasn't met a vampire she didn't try to kill first."

He made a choked noise at my reference to what he'd called me in frustration that morning with Lola. Then he turned around and pulled me into his arms.

"You're my Red Reaper, and I've missed you terribly."

Despite everything going on, in that moment, hearing him say he'd missed me, I was happy.

"Bones, when I called you before-before I found out about was to tell you that I'd finally figured out who I was and what I needed. You told me that once I did, I shouldn't apologize to anyone for it. So I'm not going to."

He drew back, and his gaze was clouded with caution. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying I'm a moody, insecure, narrow-minded, jealous, borderline-homicidal b.i.t.c.h, and I want you to promise me that you're okay with that, because it's who I am and you're what I need. I missed you every minute this week and I don't want to spend another day without you. If my mother disowns me for being with a vampire, then that's her decision, but I've made mine, and I won't apologize or back down from it."

He didn't say anything for such a long moment that I grew worried. Had I been a little too honest in my self-evaluation? Granted, it didn't sound like an ad you'd run in the personals, but I had been trying to make a point....

"Would you mind repeating that?" he said at last, another emotion replacing the strain on his face. "I'm afraid I might have lost my wits altogether and just hallucinated what I've longed to hear."

I kissed him instead, so glad to be back in his arms I couldn't stop touching him. I hadn't realized until this moment how much I'd truly missed him, because even with the horrible circ.u.mstances of Francesca's death, this was the happiest I'd been since he left my apartment five days ago.

Bones ran his hands over me, kissing me so deeply, I was soon out of breath. I tore my mouth away, gulping in air. He slid his mouth to my neck, tonguing my pulse and lightly sucking on it. That throb in my neck seemed to zoom southward with his actions, and I yanked at my collar to give him better access.He drew my s.h.i.+rt over my head, his mouth losing contact with my neck only in the second it took him to do that. His fangs, now fully extended with desire, grazed my neck as he nuzzled me. Bones never broke my skin, no matter how pa.s.sionate things got.

He was so careful to stay within the boundaries I'd set for him, whereas I certainly couldn't say the same thing. I'd drawn his blood in the throes of pa.s.sion more times than I could count, but he never brought up the double standard. I wondered if he was thinking about it now, as he teased my throat the way he knew I liked it. Was he holding himself back? The ache I felt inside, that burning hunger to have him deep within me...was he feeling it also, but in a different way? Smothering it because this was a part of him I'd refused to accept, even though he'd accepted all of me?

Bones slid his mouth lower to my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, but I pulled him back to my neck. "Don't stop," I whispered, and meant it in every way.

He must have heard in my voice that I wasn't talking about foreplay, because he stiffened.

"What are you doing, Kitten?"

"Overcoming my former prejudice. You're a vampire. You drink blood. I've drunk yours and now I want you to have mine."

He stared at me for a long moment, and then shook his head. "No. You don't really want that."

"Your fangs don't scare me," I breathed. "And neither do you. I want my blood inside you, Bones. I want to know it's running through your veins...."

"You can't tempt me like this," he muttered, turning away with his fists clenched. Oh yeah, he wanted this, and I wanted to give it to him, along with everything else I'd held back.

I moved in front of him. "I'm not tempting you. I'm insisting you drink from me. Come on. Tear down this last wall between us."

"You have nothing to prove to me," he argued, still refusing but weakening. I could feel his hunger rise. The air around us seemed to charge, and his eyes glowed a brighter green than I'd ever seen them.

I put my arms around him, brus.h.i.+ng my lips against his throat. "I'm not afraid."

"But I am. I'm very afraid you'll regret it afterwards."

Even as he said it, his arms went around me. I rubbed against him, hearing his hiss at the friction of our skin. My teeth caught his earlobe, biting it firmly, and he shuddered.

"I want this. Show me I shouldn't have waited so long."

His hand brushed through my hair, smoothing it aside, and his mouth dipped to my neck. I gasped at the feel of his tongue circling my pulse in a more predatory manner than ever before. He fastened his mouth over it, sucking. Drawing the artery closer to surface and pressing on it with his sharp teeth. My heart was pounding now. Its throb must have been vibrating against his lips.

"Kitten," he moaned into my skin. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," I whispered. "Yes."

Fangs sank into my throat. I braced for pain, but it didn't come. A long, deep suction froze me with surprise instead. Oh! This wasn't like before when Hennessey bit me. It didn't hurt. On the contrary, I began to feel a delicious warmth spreading through me. It was as if our roles were reversed and the blood spilling into his mouth was feeding me as well. That heat increased, taking me down with it, and I curled my arms around his neck to pull him closer.


He drank deeper, picking me up when my knees buckled. I went limp against him, shocked that every pull of his mouth felt better, until it seemed like I'd melted in his arms. Lost in the unexpected rapture.

My whole universe narrowed, encompa.s.sing only the thumping of my heart, steady panting, and the constant flow of blood connecting every part of me. I felt it like never before, understood how it was integral to each nerve ending, every cell, and contained the very essence of life. I willed it into him, wanting to fill him until he drowned in me. It seemed like I was weightless, floating, and then the warmth coating me turned to a flood of liquid heat.

Yes. Yes!

I didn't know if I said it out loud, because reality was gone. All I could feel was that heat coursing through me, growing stronger, until my blood seemed to boil with it. Then suddenly my senses roared back into clarity. The skin covering me seemed to burst, my blood boiled erotically, and the last thing I felt was Bones tightening his grip as he drank.

When my eyes opened, I was burrowed inside the blankets. Pale arms were wrapped around me, and somehow I knew it was much later despite there being no clock to check.

"Is it dark out?" I asked, instinctively feeling my neck. No b.u.mps, only smooth skin. How amazing that there were no visible traces despite my whole body having residual tingles.

"Yes, it's dark now."

I turned to face him, gasping when his cold feet touched mine. "You're freezing!"

"You took all the covers again."

I glanced down at myself. I was coc.o.o.ned in the entire comforter. Bones only had a few of the blanket as he'd spooned around me. Guess he wasn't exaggerating.

I unwrapped myself and threw half the blanket over him, s.h.i.+vering as his chilled flesh touched my bare skin. "You undressed me while I was asleep? You didn't take advantage, did you?"

"No, I took precautions," he replied, searching my eyes. It was then that I noticed he was so tense, a single blow might have shattered him. "I stripped you and hid your clothes so if you woke up angry about what happened, you wouldn't be able to run out without talking to me first."

Here was a man who learned from experience. I almost smiled at the mental image of him hiding my clothes under various boulders. Then I sobered.

"I'm not angry. I wanted it, and it was-incredible. I didn't know it would be that way."

"I'm so glad to hear you say that," he whispered. "I love you, Kitten. I can't describe how much."

My heart exploded in my chest with a rush of feeling. Tears sprang to my eyes at the ache of emotion silently screaming to be voiced.

He saw the tears. "What's wrong?"

"You won't stop until you have all of me, will you? My body, my blood, my trust...and still you want more."

He knew of what I spoke and his reply was immediate.

"I want your heart the most. Above all else. You're exactly right, I won't stop until I have it." Tears began to slide down my cheeks, because I couldn't hold the truth back anymore. I didn't know how I'd managed to hold it back this long. "You have it already. So now you can stop."

His whole body stilled. "You mean that?"

Uncertainty but also growing emotion filled his eyes as they bore into mine. I nodded, mouth too dry to speak.

"Say it. I need to hear the words. Tell me."

I licked my lips and cleared my throat. It took three times, but finally my voice returned.

"I love you, Bones."

A weight seemed to lift from me I hadn't known was there. Funny how much I'd feared something that shouldn't have frightened me at all.

"Again." He started to smile, and a beautiful, pure joy filled up the emptiness I'd carried my entire life.

"I love you."

He kissed my forehead, cheeks, eyelids, and chin, feather-soft brushes that had the impact of a locomotive.

"Once more." The request was m.u.f.fled by his mouth on mine and I breathed the words into him.

"I love you."

Bones kissed me until my head reeled and everything tilted even though I was lying flat. He only paused long enough to whisper onto my lips, "It was well worth the wait."


C ATHERINE, YOU HAVEN'T BEEN HOME IN FOUR weeks. I know college keeps you busy, but you have to promise you'll come home for Christmas."

Guilt filled me as I switched the phone from one ear to another, waiting for my Pop-Tarts to come flying out of the toaster. The spring inside the machine usually sent them cras.h.i.+ng out onto the counter.

"I told you, Mom, I'll be there for Christmas. But before then, I'll be very busy. I'm studying like mad. Exams are coming up."

That wasn't what had filled most of my time. Oh, I'd been studying, but not for college. No, Bones and I had been poring over any and all paper trails we could find to try and discover who Francesca had meant when she said someone "higher up" than a judge or a police chief. Considering it would have to be a person with authority over the police department, from all the missing or forged reports we'd uncovered, that left the mayor of Columbus as our most probable suspect. We'd been watching him. Tailing him, eavesdropping, checking his background, you name it. So far, nothing, but that didn't mean he wasn't just being careful.

After all, we'd only been monitoring him for nine days.

"Are you still seeing Timmie? Please tell me you're using condoms."

I drew in a deep breath. I'd faced bloodthirsty monsters and been less nervous, but this was a discussion that had been put off long enough.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that. Why don't you come over this weekend? We...we can all sit down together."

"You're not pregnant, are you?" was her instant question. "No." But when you hear this, you'll wish I was.

"All right, Catherine." She sounded less concerned, but still wary. "When?"

I swallowed hard. "Friday, seven o'clock?"

"Fine. I'll bring a pie."

And I'll grind up some Valium and put it in there, because you'll need it. "Okay. I'll see you then. I love you, Mom." Whether or not you'll decide to love me.

"Someone's at the door, Catherine. I have to go."

"Okay. 'Bye."

I hung up. Well, it was done. I'd tell Bones about it later when I saw him. Knowing him, he'd be pleased. Poor man didn't realize what he had coming.

About thirty minutes later a knock sounded at the door, startling me. Timmie was out of town visiting his mother. Bones had left before dawn in his usual routine, so that only left my landlord Mr. Josephs to be considered, especially since I'd just hung up with my mother. When I looked through the peephole to see who was outside, however, I didn't recognize the face. Either of them.

"Who is it?"

The vibe coming from the other side of the door was human, so I didn't grab for my stakes.

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