Night Huntress - Halfway to the Grave Part 12

Night Huntress - Halfway to the Grave -

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The single word surprised me. "No? Why not? He just got dropped into our lap!"

His expression was ice, and he kept his voice low. "Because he's a b.l.o.o.d.y treacherous sod and I don't want you anywhere near him. You're going straight home as soon as he's away from the door. I'll handle this myself."

My head cleared enough for me to be p.i.s.sed.

"You know, for someone who keeps telling me to trust him, you sure don't extend the same courtesy. I thought tonight was a regular job, so I'm all staked out and ready to roll. I took on vampires before you, remember? All by myself and without someone to hold my hand through it. Now I have training and backup, and you still want me to turn tail and run? Don't kiss me like a woman if you're going to treat me like a child."

Bones stared down at me with frustration. "This isn't about treating you like a child. b.u.g.g.e.r, I clearly don't see you that way!

Look, I told you Hennessey's not just a bloke who goes out and s.n.a.t.c.hes up a girl when his tummy grumbles. He's in another league, Kitten. He's a very bad sort."

"Then quit arguing and let's go get him," I said, softly but firmly. "He sounds just like the kind of person I'd love to take out."

Bones didn't say anything for a moment, then he let out a resigned noise.

"I don't like this, not at all, but...fine. We'll go for him. So much for a night off. If anything goes wrong, anything at all, you hit that panic b.u.t.ton. Now, here's what we'll do...."

He outlined the plan quickly and I picked a place near the bar where Hennessey just sat, keeping myself within eyeshot. Actually, I still felt a little dizzy, not that I'd told Bones. He'd have pulled the plug on this for sure if he knew. G.o.d, had it been so long since I'd been kissed, a few smooches were enough to throw off my equilibrium? Just to be safe, though, I ordered a instead of my usual gin and tonic. Maybe my resistance to alcohol wasn't as strong as I'd thought.

After about five minutes, Hennessey glided over. It amazed me how vampires seemed to be drawn to me. Certainly there were plenty of other pretty human girls milling about with veins just as big and juicy as mine. Bones told me once there was something about my skin that was eye-catching, some glow that still looked human but also a touch vampiric. He said it was like a homing beacon.

"I haven't seen you here before, Red. May I sit down?" Wow, manners. Usually vamps just plunked down next to me, ready or not. After a faint inclination of my head in the affirmative, he sat next to me, regarding me with hooded blue eyes.

"Can I buy you a drink?"

Hmmm, two for two on politeness. With feigned regret, I smiled at him.

"Sorry, but I'm kind of here with someone. Wouldn't want to be rude."

"Ah, I see." He settled back into his chair but made no effort to vacate it. "Husband, perhaps?"

The thought of being married to Bones made me nearly choke on my next swallow of soda. "No. A first date, actually."

Hennessey smiled and spread out his hands in a harmless manner.

"First dates. They can be quite something, can't they? Either perfume or poison, with usually no in between. Tell me, if I may be so bold-which one is it for you?"

With a slightly embarra.s.sed look to my face, I leaned in an inch. "If I had to answer now, I'd say poison. He's a bit...arrogant.

Full of himself. I just hate that, don't you?"

My smile was all innocence as inside I laughed at my chance to disparage the man who was going to kill the vampire opposite me at the earliest opportunity.

Hennessey nodded in agreement.

"That can be bothersome. It is always better to speak less and not more of oneself, don't you agree?"

"I couldn't agree more. What did you say your name was?" This one would have to be handled delicately, no crude potty-mouth with him. Boy, for someone that Bones had described as practically sprouting horns, Hennessey seemed almost...charming.

He smiled. "Call me Hennessey."

"Don't mind if I do, mate. Been a while, hasn't it?"

Bones appeared behind me, leaning down to kiss my cheek. I flinched out of genuine habit and it was perfect. The picture of the bad-first-date syndrome. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Hennessey's mouth tighten.

"Bones. What an unexpected...surprise. This lovely young woman can't be with you. She's far too well mannered."

Well, score one for the bad guy.

Bones gave Hennessey a look laden with threat. "You're in my seat."

"Bones," I chided him as if aghast, "you're being rude. This nice man was just keeping me company while you were away."

"Yes," Hennessey purred, looking at Bones with a gleam. "Can't expect to leave such a pretty thing alone for long, old chap.

Some monster might just...s.n.a.t.c.h her up."

"Funny you should say that." There was an ugly under-current in his voice I hadn't heard before. Whatever had happened between them, Bones really didn't like him. "I hear that's your specialty."

Hennessey's eyes narrowed. The tension between them thickened. "Now, where would you ever hear something like that?"

Bones smiled with coldness. "You'd be amazed at the things people can find if they dig deep enough." I looked at both of them. It seemed like any second, they'd quit the verbal exchange and go right for each other's throats.

Logan leaned across the bar and tapped the edge of my forgotten gla.s.s. He'd apparently picked up on their malevolent vibe as well.

"Not here, gentlemen. You know the rules."

Hennessey looked at Logan and waved an airy hand. "Yes, I know. Pesky ordinance, that, but one must abide by the rules of the house when one visits."

"Cut the fancy talk," Bones said sharply. "It doesn't suit you. That is my chair and she is my date, so back off."

"Excuse me." In a perfect imitation of outrage, I stood up and faced Bones. "I don't know how you're used to talking with other girls, but I will not be referred to in the third person as if I'm not even here! You don't own me, this is our first date. And I wouldn't have even gone out with you if you hadn't kept begging me." I bit back a grin as Bones blanched in indignation at that.

"Our date is over. I'll call a cab. In the meantime, you can get lost."

Hennessey laughed. "You heard the lady. You know the rules. Only willing companions here, and she is clearly not willing. As she said, get lost."

Bones took it with thinly concealed wrath.

"Let's be men about this. Why don't we go outside and settle this, you and me? Been a long time coming."

Hennessey's eyes gleamed. "Oh, we'll settle this, mark my words. Not right now, but soon. You've been meddling where you shouldn't for too long."

What did that mean? I wondered. I'd have to ask later.

"Oohhh, I'm shakin' in me boots," Bones mocked. "Another time, another place, then. Looking forward to it."

With those last threatening words, he stalked off.

Pretending to be shaken, I grabbed for my purse and began to throw money on the table.

Hennessey stopped me with a beseeching hand on my arm. "Please, stay and have a drink with me. I feel responsible for what happened, but I must tell you it was for the best. That is a ruthless man."

As if reluctant, I sat back down.

"Okay, a drink. Maybe I owe it to you anyways for getting rid of that creep for me. My name is Cat, by the way. Bones forgot to introduce us." My smile wobbled for effect.

He kissed my hand.

"A true pleasure, Cat."

Hennessey coaxed me back into ordering alcohol, and so I had another gin and tonic. After three more, I pleaded to be excused to the ladies' room and left him at the bar. That residual dizziness still clung to me. Everything around me looked slightly altered, almost fuzzy around the edges. Time to switch back to

The bathroom was on the other side of the club, and once exiting it I saw Bones on the imitation balcony. His back was against the gla.s.s wall that separated us. I wanted to give him an update while I had the chance, so I quickened my pace and crossed through the people until I came to a door on the opposite side of the balcony he was on.There was a woman in front of him. Her arms hung loosely at her sides and Bones gripped her shoulders. His mouth was on her neck, and the glow of vampire green shone from his eyes. I froze, transfixed, and watched as his throat worked, swallowing occasionally. The girl didn't struggle. In fact, she was half sagged against him.

His eyes suddenly lifted to look straight at me. Helpless to glance away, I stared as he continued to feed. After a few moments, he pulled his mouth from her neck. Surprisingly it was only a little red. He must be a dainty eater. With his gaze still locked to mine, he sliced his thumb on a fang and then held it to her neck. The two holes closed at once, and then vanished.

"Off you go," he instructed her.

With a lethargic smile she obeyed, walking right past me without batting an eye.

"Didn't your mum tell you it's rude to stare at someone when they eat?"

The casual tone to his voice shook me from my stupor.

"That girl...she's okay?" She certainly hadn't looked mortally drained, but then again, I was no expert.

"Of course. She's used to it. That's what most of them are here for, I told you that. They're the menu, with legs."

Bones came closer, but I retreated a step. He saw it and frowned.

"What's wrong? Look, the girl's fine. It's not like you didn't know I was a vampire. Did you just think I never fed?"

The thought was so repellent to me I'd never dwelled on it one way or the other. Witnessing the scene just now had been the bucket of icy water I needed.

"I came to tell you we're hitting it off. Probably be leaving in about twenty minutes." Absently, I began to rub my head. It had started to spin again.

"Are you feeling all right?"

The absurdity of the question made a bark of laughter escape me.

"No, I am not all right. Very far from it, actually. Earlier I kissed you, and now I just watched you make a Slurpee out of a girl's neck. Add to that a headache and it makes me not in the least all right."

He moved closer, and again I backed away. "Don't touch me."

Muttering a curse, he clenched his hands but stayed put.

"Fine. We'll talk about this later. Go on back, before he starts to get antsy."

"We won't talk about it later," I coldly stated while walking back toward the door. "In fact, I never want to speak about it again."

I was still rattled when I sat back down next to Hennessey, but I plastered a smile on my face and promptly ordered another gin and tonic. d.a.m.n the, full speed ahead!

Hennessey reached out and grasped my hand. "What's wrong, Cat? You look distressed."

I debated lying but then thought better of it. He might have glimpsed me speaking to Bones, although he wouldn't have been able to hear us in this racket, so I didn't want to make him suspicious.

"Oh, nothing, really. I ran into Bones on my way back from the bathroom, and he said a few less-than-gentlemanly things. Guess it just upset me, that's all." Hennessey withdrew his hand and stood, a smile of perfect politeness on his face. "Would you excuse me? I suddenly feel the need to renew an acquaintance."

"Please don't," I blurted, not wanting to have started a fight. Well, not yet.

"I'll only be a few minutes, my dear. Just to let him know his rudeness wasn't appreciated." He left me there with my mouth still forming protests. Annoyed, I swallowed the rest of my tonic, and was about to order another one when Ralphie and Martin sidled up.

"Hey, there! Remember us?"

Their smiles were so genuinely artless I felt a reluctant answering tug of the lips.

"h.e.l.lo, boys."

They stood around me, one on either side again.

"Is that your date?" Ralphie asked, goggle-eyed.

"No. Yes. Well, he kind of is now. My other one didn't work out, so this guy is keeping me company." I was as vague as possible on any details that could somehow endanger them later. "He just went off for a little macho s...o...b..ating, probably be gone about ten minutes. When he comes back, you scatter, okay?"

"Sure thing," they chorused.

Martin held out a drink in his hand with a shy smile.

"It's a gin and tonic, like you ordered before. After you had one, I tried them. They're good!"

The boyish delight on his face was infectious, and my smile broadened.

"Here," he said importantly. "It's a fresh one. I'll wait for the bartender for another."

"Why, thank you."

After raising it in salute, I took a long draught. It was slightly more bitter than the other ones I'd had. Maybe it was made by a bartender not as skilled as Logan.

"Delicious." Hiding my grimace, I took another drink so their feelings wouldn't be hurt.

They glanced anxiously at me and back and forth between themselves.

"Do you want to see my car?" Ralphie asked, eyes wide and intent. "It's a new Porsche, totally loaded. It's so cool."

"Yeah," Martin chimed in. "You gotta see it, it's really trick!"

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