Orthodox Daily Prayers Part 21

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I know, O Lord, that I have communion unworthily of Thy most pure Body and Thy most precious Blood, and that I am guilty and drink condemnation to myself not discerning Thy Body and Blood, O my Christ and G.o.d. But daring upon Thy generous loving-kindness I come to Thee Who hast said: "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him." Be merciful, therefore, O Lord, and do not rebuke me, a sinner, but deal with me according to Thy mercy, and let Thy holy things be for my purification and healing, for enlightenment and protection, for the repulsion of every tempting thought and action of the devil which works spiritually in my fleshly members. Let them be for boldness and love for Thee, for the correction and grounding of my life, for the increase of virtue and perfection, for the fulfillment of Thy commandments, for the communion of the Holy Spirit, for the journey of eternal life, for a good and acceptable answer at Thy dread judgment, but not for judgment or condemnation. Amen.

6th Prayer, of St. Simeon the New Theologian

From lips defiled and a vile heart, from an impure tongue and a soul defiled, receive my prayer, O my Christ, and do not despise my words, my appearance, nor my shamelessness.

Grant me the boldness, my Christ, to say what I desire Even more--teach me what to do and say.

I have sinned more than the harlot who, on learning where Thou wast, bought myrrh and came boldly to anoint thy feet, my G.o.d, my Master and my Christ.

As Thou didst not turn her away when she came with her heart, so, O Word, turn me not away, but give me Thy feet to hold, to kiss, and to anoint boldly with a stream of tears as a precious ointment.

Wash me with my tears, O Word, and cleanse me with them!

Remit my transgressions and grant me forgiveness.

Thou knowest the mult.i.tude of my evil: Thou knowest also my wounds!

Thou seest my scars: Thou knowest also my faith!

Thou seest my intentions and hearest my sighs.

Nothing is hidden from Thee, my G.o.d, my Maker, my Redeemer-- not even a tear-drop or part of that drop.

Thine eyes have seen that which I have not yet done.

Thou hast inscribed in Thy book things yet to happen.

See my humility!

See each of my labors and all of my sins!

Absolve me, O G.o.d of all, that with a pure heart, trembling thoughts and a contrite soul I may partake of Thine undefiled and most holy Mysteries which enliven and deify all who partake of them with a pure heart.

Thou hast said, O Master: "Whoever eats my Body and drinks my Blood abides in me and I in him!"

True is every word of my Master and G.o.d!

When I partake of Thy divine and deifying Grace, I am no longer alone-- I am with Thee, my Christ, the Light of the Triple Sun which enlightens the world.

May I not remain alone-- without Thee, O Life-Giver, My Breath, my Life and my Joy, the salvation of the world.

I approach Thee, therefore, with tears, as Thou seest, and a contrite soul.

I beg to receive deliverance from my sins.

May I partake uncondemned of Thy life-giving and spotless Mysteries, that Thou mayest abide, as Thou hast said, with me, the thrice-wretched.

May the Tempter not find me without Thy Grace and seize me deceitfully and lead me, deceived, from Thy deifying words.

Therefore, I fall down before Thee and fervently cry: as Thou didst receive the Prodigal and the harlot who came to Thee, O Gracious One, receive me, prodigal and defiled.

With a contrite soul I approach Thee now: I know, O Savior, that no-one has sinned against Thee as I have, nor done the deeds that I have done.

But I also know that neither the greatness of my transgressions nor the mult.i.tude of my sins surpa.s.s the great patience of my G.o.d and His extreme love for mankind.

Through Thy merciful compa.s.sion Thou dost cleanse and brighten those who repent with fervor, making them partakers of Light and full communicants of Thy Divinity.

To the astonishment of angels and human minds, Thou dost converse with them often as with Thy true friends.

This makes me bold, my Christ, this gives me wings!

Emboldened by the wealth of Thy generosity towards us, with both joy and trepidation, I who am gra.s.s partake of fire.

O strange wonder!

I am sprinkled with dew and am not burned, as the bush burned of old without being consumed.

With grateful thoughts and a grateful heart, with my grateful members, my soul and my body, I now fall down and wors.h.i.+p and glorify Thee, my G.o.d, for blessed art Thou, now and for ever.

7th Prayer, of St. John Chrysostom

O G.o.d, absolve, remit and pardon me my transgressions--as many sins as I have committed by word or action or thought, willingly or unwillingly, consciously or unconsciously; forgive me everything since Thou art good and lovest mankind. And by the prayers of Thy most pure Mother, of Thy spiritual servants, the holy angelic powers and all the saints, who from all ages have been well-pleasing to Thee, be pleased to allow me to receive Thy most pure Body and Thy most precious Blood for the healing of my soul and body, and the purification of my evil thoughts. For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

8th Prayer, of St. John Chrysostom

I am not worthy, Master and Lord, that Thou shouldst enter under the roof of my soul; yet inasmuch as Thou desirest to live in me as the Lover of mankind, I approach with boldness. Thou hast commanded: Let the doors be opened which Thou alone hast made and Thou shalt enter with Thy love for mankind just as Thou art. Thou shalt enter and enlighten my darkened reasoning. I believe that Thou wilt do this. For Thou didst not cast away the prost.i.tute who came to Thee with tears, neither didst Thou turn away the tax-collector who repented, nor didst Thou reject the thief who acknowledged Thy Kingdom, nor didst Thou forsake the repentant persecutor, the Apostle Paul, even as he was. But all who came to Thee in repentance Thou didst unite to the ranks of Thy friends, Who alone art blessed forever, now and unto the endless ages. Amen.

9th Prayer, of St. John Chrysostom

O Lord Jesus Christ my G.o.d, absolve, loose, cleanse and forgive me Thy sinful and useless and unworthy servant my errors, transgressions and sinful failing as many as I have committed from my youth up to this present day and hour, consciously and unconsciously, in words or actions or reasonings, thoughts, pursuits and in all my senses. By the prayers of Thy Mother the most pure and ever-virgin Mary who gave birth to Thee without human seed, my only hope which will not put me to shame, my intercessor and salvation, grant me to have communion without condemnation of Thy most pure, immortal, life-creating and awesome mysteries; for the remission of sins and unto life everlasting; for sanctification, enlightenment, strength, healing and health of soul and body; for the most perfect removal and destruction of my evil thoughts and reasonings and intentions, fantasies by night, brought by dark and evil spirits; for Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory and the honor and the wors.h.i.+p with the Father and Thy Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

10th Prayer, of St. John of Damascus

I stand before the doors of Thy temple, and I do not forsake my wicked thoughts. But, O Christ my G.o.d, as Thou hast justified the tax-collector, and hast had mercy on the woman of Canaan and hast opened the gates of paradise to the thief, open to me the interior depths of Thy love for mankind and receive me as I come and repent before Thee. Receive me as Thou didst receive the sinful woman and the woman with the flow of blood.

For the first embraced Thy most pure feet and received the forgiveness of her sins, and the second just touched the hem of Thy garment and received healing. But I who am lost, daring to receive Thy whole Body, may I not be burned; but receive me as Thou hast received them, and enlighten my spiritual senses, burning up my spiritual faults by the prayers of her who gave birth to Thee without human seed, and of the heavenly angelic powers, for Thou art blessed unto ages of ages. Amen.

Another Prayer of St. John Chrysostom

I believe, O Lord, and I confess that Thou art truly the Christ, the Son of the living G.o.d Who earnest into the world to save sinners, of whom I am first. I believe also that this is truly Thine own most pure Body, and that this is truly Thine own precious Blood. Therefore, I pray Thee: have mercy upon me and forgive my transgressions both voluntary and involuntary, of word and of deed, committed in knowledge or in ignorance.

And make me worthy to partake without condemnation of Thy most pure Mysteries, for the remission of my sins, and unto life everlasting. Amen.

_As you approach to partake, say silently the following verses of Metaphrastes:_

Behold: I draw near to the Divine Communion.

Burn me not as I partake, O Creator, For Thou art a Fire which burns the unworthy.

Rather, cleanse me of all defilement.

_Then say:_

Of Thy Mystical Supper, O Son of G.o.d, accept me this day as a communicant; for I will not speak of Thy Mystery to Thine enemies, neither like Judas will I give Thee a kiss; but like the thief will I confess Thee: Remember me, O Lord, in Thy Kingdom.

_And the following verses:_

Be awed, O man, when you see the deifying Blood!

It is a fire which burns the unworthy!

The Divine Body both deifies and nourishes me.

It deifies the spirit and wondrously nourishes the mind.

_Then, the following Troparia:_

With love hast Thou drawn me, O Christ, and with Thy divine love hast Thou changed me. Burn away my sins with a spiritual fire and satisfy me with joy in Thee, that I may joyfully magnify Thy two comings, O Good One.

How shall I, who am unworthy, enter into the radiance of Thy saints? If I dare to enter the bridal-chamber, my garment accuses me, for it is not a wedding garment, and the angels will bind me and cast me out. Cleanse, O Lord, the filth of my soul and save me, for Thou lovest mankind.

_And this prayer:_

O Master Who lovest mankind! O Lord Jesus Christ my G.o.d! May these holy things not be to my condemnation, though I am unworthy of them. May they be for the cleansing and sanctification of my soul and body and a pledge of the life and Kingdom that are to come.

It is good for me to cleave to G.o.d and to place in the Lord the hope of my salvation

_Then repeat:_

Of Thy Mystical Supper, O Son of G.o.d, accept me this day as a communicant; for I will not speak of Thy Mystery to Thine enemies, neither like Judas will I give Thee a kiss; but like the thief will I confess Thee: remember me, O Lord, in Thy Kingdom.

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