Orthodox Daily Prayers Part 10

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9th Prayer, to the Most Holy Theotokos, by Peter, the Studite monk

Before you, the Most Pure Mother of G.o.d, I who am wretched fall down and pray: you know, O Queen that I sin constantly and anger your Son and my G.o.d. No matter how often I repent, I appear a liar before G.o.d, and repent with trembling. Can G.o.d shake me and I do those same things again an hour later? Knowing this, my Mistress, O Lady Theotokos, I pray: have mercy on me, strengthen me and grant that I may do good. You know, my Lady Theotokos, that I abhor my evil deeds and love the Law of my G.o.d with all my mind. But, most pure Lady, I do not know how I can love what I abhor and turn away from what is good. Do not allow my will to be done, Most Pure One, for it is not appropriate. May the will of your Son and my G.o.d be done. May He save and enlighten me, and give me the Grace of His Holy Spirit, in order that I might stop sinning from this time on and live the remainder of my life in obedience to your Son, to Whom belongs all glory, honor and majesty, with His Father Who is without beginning, and His Most Holy, good and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.


10th Prayer, to the Most Holy Theotokos

O Good Mother of the Good King, most pure and blessed Mary the Theotokos: pour out the mercy of your Son and our G.o.d on my pa.s.sionate soul. Direct me towards good deeds through your prayers, that I may pa.s.s through the remainder of my life without stain, and find Paradise through you, O Virgin Theotokos who alone are pure and blessed.

11th Prayer, to the Holy Guardian Angel

Angel of Christ, my holy guardian, the protector of my soul and body: forgive me for all the sins I have committed this day. Deliver me from all the evil of my militant Enemy, that I may not anger my G.o.d by any sin. Pray for me, your sinful and unworthy servant, that you may show me worthy of the goodness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity, the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ and all the Saints. Amen.

Then this Kontakion to the Theotokos

O victorious leader of triumphant hosts! We your servants, delivered from evil, sing our grateful thanks to you, O Theotokos! As you possess invincible might, set us free from every calamity so that we may sing: Rejoice, O unwedded Bride!

Most glorious ever-Virgin Mother of Christ our G.o.d, bear our prayer to your Son and our G.o.d, that through you He may save our souls!

All my hope I place in you, O Mother of G.o.d: keep me under your protection!

Virgin Theotokos, do not despise me a sinner who craves your help and intercession. My soul hopes in you, have mercy on me!

Also the Prayer of St. Ioannikios

My Hope is the Father; my Refuge is the Son; my Protection is the Holy Spirit: O Holy Trinity, glory to Thee!

It is truly meet to bless you, O Theotokos, ever blessed and most pure, and the Mother of our G.o.d. More honorable than the Cherubim, and more glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim: without defilement you gave birth to G.o.d the Word: true Theotokos, we magnify you!

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Lord, have mercy! _(3 times)_

Lord, bless!

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of G.o.d, for the sake of the prayers of Thy most pure Mother, our venerable and G.o.d-bearing fathers and all the saints, save me, a sinner. Amen.

A Prayer of St. John of Damascus, said pointing at the bed

O Master Who lovest mankind, is this bed to be my coffin? Or wilt Thou enlighten my wretched soul with another day? Behold: before me lies the coffin, before me stands death! O Lord, I fear Thy judgment and the endless torments, yet I cease not to do evil. I always anger Thee, my Lord G.o.d, and Thy most pure Mother, all the heavenly hosts and my holy Guardian Angel. I know, Lord, that I am unworthy of Thy love for mankind.

Indeed, I am worthy of every condemnation and torment. Yet, Lord, save me whether I want it or not! When Thou savest the righteous, it is no great thing. When Thou hast mercy on the pure, it causes no wonder, for they are worthy of Thy mercy. Astound us with Thy mercy towards me, a sinner.

Reveal in this manner Thy love for mankind, that my wickedness may not overcome Thine inexpressible goodness and mercy. As Thou wilt, order my life!

_Wis.h.i.+ng to lie down on your bed, say:_

Enlighten my eyes, Christ--G.o.d, that I fall not asleep to death and that my enemy may not say of me: I have overcome him.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:

Be the Helper of my soul, O G.o.d, for I walk among many snares. Deliver me from them, O Good One, and save me, for Thou lovest mankind.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Let us ever hymn the most glorious Mother of G.o.d, who is holier than the Holy Angels. With heart and lips let us confess that she is the Theotokos, for she truly bore G.o.d incarnate for us and prays ceaselessly for our souls.

_Kiss your Cross. Then, make the Sign of the Cross over your bed, from head to foot and either side, saying the Prayer to the Precious Cross:_

Let G.o.d arise and let His enemies be scattered! Let those who hate Him flee from before His face! As smoke vanishes, so let them vanish. As wax melts before the fire, so let sinners perish before the face of those who love G.o.d and sign themselves with the Sign of the Cross and say joyfully: rejoice, most precious and life-creating Cross of the Lord, which chases demons away through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ Who was nailed to you, descended into h.e.l.l and, having trampled down the power of the devil, gave to us His precious Cross for the routing of all enemies. Help me for ever, most precious and life-creating Cross of the Lord, with the Holy Lady Virgin Theotokos and all the Saints. Amen.

Remit, absolve and forgive, O G.o.d, all our voluntary and involuntary sins, in word and in deed, in knowledge and in ignorance, in the day or in the night, in mind and in thought! Forgive us everything, for Thou art good and lovest mankind.

O Lord Who lovest mankind, forgive those who hate and wrong us. Do good to those who do good. Grant to our brethren and relatives all pet.i.tions for salvation and eternal life. Visit the afflicted and heal them. Guide those at sea. Travel with travellers. Join the Orthodox Christians in battle. Grant remission of sins to those who serve us and are kind to us.

Have mercy, according to Thy great mercy, on those who have asked us to pray for them, unworthy though we be. Remember, Lord, our fathers and brethren who have fallen asleep before us, and give them rest under the light of Thy countenance. Remember, Lord, our captive brethren, and deliver them from every misfortune. Remember, Lord, those who bear fruit and do good works in Thy holy churches, and grant them all their pet.i.tions for salvation and eternal life. Remember us also, Lord, Thy humble, sinful, and unworthy servants. Enlighten our minds with the light of Thy reason and direct us onto the path of Thy commandments, through the prayers of our most Pure Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary and all Thy Saints, for blessed art Thou unto ages of ages. Amen.


_A tradition has developed in the Church of reading three (sometimes four) Canons the evening before receiving Holy Communion. Many monastic Rules of Prayer prescribe this reading daily. Many Canons have been composed over the years, and certain Canons are prescribed for specific days of the week. We have not attempted to publish a large selection of Canons in the limited s.p.a.ce of what is, essentially, a "pocket" Prayer Book. We have provided three of the most commonly used Canons and printed them in the order in which they are traditionally read. This order can also serve as a model for combining other Canons. If these Canons are not read during Compline (p. 37), they are preceded by the Opening Prayers and Psalm 50 (pp. 37 to 41)._


Irmos: Treading over the floor of the sea as over dry land, and seeing their pursuer Pharaoh drown, Israel cried out: Let us sing to G.o.d a song of victory!

Canon of Repentance

Have mercy on me, O G.o.d, have mercy on me!

Sinful and burdened, I now approach Thee, my Master and my G.o.d. I dare not look up towards heaven, but simply pray, saying: grant me, Lord, the sense to weep bitterly over my deeds.

Have mercy on me, O G.o.d, have mercy on me!

O woe is me, a sinner! I am the most wretched of men! There is no repentance in me! Grant me tears, Lord, that I may weep bitterly over my deeds.

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