The Light of Divine Guidance Volume Ii Part 6

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13 January 1935

Dear Baha'i Friends,

The Guardian has duly received your letter of the fourth of this month, and was delighted to learn, from your detailed report of Baha'i activities in Esslingen, of the growing spirit of devotion, of unity and of cooperation that is animating you all in your labours for the promotion and further establishment of the Cause in your centre.

He feels truly confident, indeed, that through the manifestation of this same spirit and through its fuller embodiment in all your manifold activities, whether teaching or administrative, the Faith in Esslingen will acquire increasing strength, both in number and influence, and will come to play an important and unique role in the administration of the interests of the Cause throughout Germany.

His continued advice to you all is to persevere in your work, and to toil confidently and with one accord for the speedy and complete attainment of this objective....

[From the Guardian:]

May the Almighty keep you under His shadow, bless your devoted, your valued and ceaseless efforts, guide your steps, cheer your hearts, and enable you to widen the range of your historic services.

Your true brother, Shoghi

LETTER OF 15 APRIL 1935(12)

15 April 1935

Dear Baha'i co-workers,

Your secretary's message of the 21st of March last addressed on your behalf to the Guardian has duly reached him, and its perusal has greatly rejoiced his heart.

He has been particularly impressed by the warm sentiments you have been moved to express to him on the occasion of the feast of Naw-Ruz, and wishes me to fully reciprocate your greetings and good wishes. He cherishes the hope that in this new Baha'i year the friends in Esslingen will be specially a.s.sisted in spreading the Cause in their center, and in effectively helping their fellow-believers throughout Germany in their stupendous and weighty task of extending and consolidating the foundations of the Faith in that country.

He is continually praying on behalf of you all at the Holy Shrines that your labours in this connection may be blessed and enriched, and that the results achieved may be such as to stimulate you to redouble your efforts for the wider penetration of the Cause and its firmer establishment in your land.

With loving and sincere greetings to you all

[From the Guardian:]

Dear and valued friends:

Your message filled my heart with joy and grat.i.tude and has served to remind me of your constancy, your devotion, and unsparing efforts for the spread of the Faith and the consolidation of its inst.i.tutions. I will continue to supplicate on your behalf that the Beloved whom you serve so diligently and well may bless, sustain and guide you in your high endeavours.

Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi

LETTER OF 21 MAY 1935(13)

21 May 1935

The increasing evidences of the new fervour, zeal and unity with which the German friends, and particularly those living in Warnemunde, Rostock, Schwerin and other northern German centers, are toiling for the spread of the Cause invariably serve to reinforce his faith in 'Abdu'l-Baha's promises regarding the future of the Faith in Germany. These signs of the new revival that has set in the conditions of the Cause in your country are, indeed, remarkable and highly encouraging to the friends. You should, therefore, persevere in your efforts and not feel discouraged if you encounter some difficulties in your way. The essential thing now is perseverance, courage and faith.

The Guardian has been also much gratified to learn of the steps you have taken for the holding of a North German Baha'i conference this year. He thinks that Berlin, due to its central situation, is a suitable place for the friends to come together. Besides, this may prove also to be a source of great encouragement to the believers in that city, and may serve to stimulate them to take a more active part in the organization of the Cause throughout Northern Germany.

Shoghi Effendi is also hopeful that the study courses which your daughter is preparing for this incoming Northern German Congress will prove to be of an immense benefit to the believers. The subject matter is, no doubt, highly important, and can be thoroughly grasped if it is clearly and adequately presented to them.

With regard to the German translation of Mrs. Bedikian's letters. The Guardian approves of your Contact Committee's suggestion that only extracts from these letters be translated and published. This will, of course, save much time, and will, in addition, make it easier and more interesting for the friends to get acquainted with the full contents of Mrs. Bedikian's communications.

[From the Guardian:]

Dear and valued co-worker:

Your notable share in the revival and extension of Baha'i activity in northern Germany will be ever remembered with joy and grat.i.tude. Your work will no doubt attract the blessings of Baha'u'llah, and will serve as an inspiring example to the generations that will arise to serve after you.

Persevere, and never feel disheartened.


LETTER OF 17 JUNE 1935(14)

17 June 1935

Dear Baha'i co-workers,

Shoghi Effendi has read with much pleasure your welcome message of the 23rd of May last, and has learned with deep satisfaction of the success of the meeting you have held on the occasion of the anniversary of Bab's Declaration. He feels, indeed, so happy to realize how unitedly and harmoniously your community is discharging its activities, and is certain that, as years go by, it will increasingly manifest a zeal and ardour that will enable it to achieve accomplishments that will not only be unique but which will have far-reaching effects upon the progress of the Cause throughout Germany.

In his moments of meditation and prayers he will specially remember you, and will ask Baha'u'llah to continue pouring His blessings upon you all, that your community may daily grow in strength, unity and fervour.

With loving Baha'i greetings and sincere good wishes...

[From the Guardian:]

Dearly-beloved co-workers:

I deeply appreciate your most welcome message, and wish to a.s.sure you of my deepfelt grat.i.tude for the constancy and zeal which characterize your labours in the Divine Vineyard. I am following the progress of your activities with the utmost interest and joy, and feel confident that the blessings of the Beloved, whom you serve with such ardour, steadfastness and loyalty will guide, enrich and reinforce your historic work for the propagation of His glorious and invincible Faith. Persevere in your high endeavours and rest confident.

Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi


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