The Light of Divine Guidance Volume Ii Part 3

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White. Anyhow, Shoghi Effendi hopes that as time the truth that the Master's will encloses will more and more dawn upon him and make him repent for his past deeds.

[From the Guardian:]

Convey to the friends in Berlin the expression of my loving appreciation of their devoted endeavours for the promotion of our beloved Cause. May the Beloved bless richly their efforts and enable them to fulfil their heart's desire.


10 September 1931

In regard to your father's spiritual testament, which betrays on the part of the author an inadequate knowledge of the Baha'i Faith, the Guardian feels that you should make it clear to all the inquirers that the late Dr.

Forel, as many other persons who have embraced the Cause, did not have a complete understanding of the fundamentals of the Baha'i religion. He was particularly interested in the social aspect of the Movement and owing to some psychological reasons he did not lay much emphasis on its doctrinal side. This can be explained by the fact that our lamented doctor being advanced in age at the time of his acquaintance with the Baha'i teachings was not able to devote all his time to a deep study of the tenets of the Faith.

Shoghi Effendi, however, in his letter addressed personally to your father explained to him that the Baha'is should firmly believe in the existence of G.o.d and in the immortality of the soul and in many other fundamental teachings which the Baha'is share with the adherents of many other religions. Our lamented doctor may have most probably considered it unwise to declare openly that he had rejected all his previous conceptions in regard to the existence of G.o.d and such similar ideas and preferred to express in an indirect way the many changes which the knowledge of the Faith had brought in his mind by declaring that he had become a Baha'i.

At any rate there is no doubt whatever that the well-known Tablet revealed by 'Abdu'l-Baha for him had brought a tremendous change in his monistic theories and induced him to accept the Message openly.

However great the contradictions in Dr. Forel's testament in regard to his att.i.tude towards the Cause we cannot fail but to recognize him as a Baha'i who had but a partial glimpse of the Baha'i Revelation. No one can claim that his knowledge of this Revelation is adequate, especially at this time when the Baha'i Faith is still in the embryonic stage of its development.

Dr. Forel was sincere in his convictions but like every human being his comprehension was limited and this was not in his power to change.

These are the ideas which came to Shoghi Effendi's mind when he read a 'resume of Dr. Forel's testament in one of the well-known Swiss journals and he wishes you to share them with all those who are interested to know of the Doctor's att.i.tude towards this Movement....

[From the Guardian:]

Dear and valued co-worker:

The pa.s.sing of your distinguished father has indeed grieved me profoundly and I wish to a.s.sure you of my heartfelt sympathy in your irreparable loss. I would deeply appreciate a written account of his eventful life and of the meritorious services he rendered humanity, either from your pen or any other friend in Germany, for publication in the next issue of the Baha'i World. I feel that his reference to the Cause in the codicil of this testament indicates the perceptible change in his mental outlook since he penned the earlier pa.s.sages of his will, for he must have known from the Tablet he received as well as from the letters I wrote him and from many other Baha'i publications the fundamental and distinguis.h.i.+ng features of the Cause. That is why I feel that with your consent and approval, the publication of his references to the Cause in his testament could very well be published in the Baha'i World. With my best wishes and deepest sympathy,



17 September 1931

He was particularly gratified to learn of your interesting visits to the different Baha'i centres in Germany and he wishes me to a.s.sure you of their great importance for the unity of the Cause in that land.

The German believers have undoubtedly experienced a very severe trial and their faith has been tested in an unprecedented way. Their staunchness, however, has been admirable and their sincerity deeply rooted. With the exception of a few they have proven that their conversion to the Faith had a solid foundation and that it withstood all the violent storms of recent years.

Shoghi Effendi wishes you to persevere in your work and he fervently prays that the Almighty may a.s.sist you and sustain your efforts and to enable you to render great services to the Cause.

[From the Guardian:]

Dear and valued co-worker:

Your letter has indeed rejoiced my heart. I strongly feel that you should, if convenient and feasible, concentrate your efforts on Germany and help to consolidate the foundations of the Cause and increase the unity and understanding of the friends. This, I feel, is your great and special mission.


14 January 1932

Shoghi Effendi was very glad to learn that you devote a considerable amount of your time to the study of the teachings. It is absolutely essential for those who desire to spread the movement to be quite familiar with the writings of Baha'u'llah and the Master. Without that knowledge we may be spreading our own views and wrongly attributing to them things that are the result of our imaginings.

Concerning cremation I have not seen anything in the writings. But as Baha'u'llah in the book of Aqdas directs the friends to bury their dead, he indirectly discourages cremation. Whether there is some basic reason for such a preference he does not say, but we may try and find it.

'Abdu'l-Baha does often state that the medical science will much improve.

With the appearance of every Revelation a new insight is created in man and this in turn expresses itself in the growth of science. This has happened in past dispensations and we find its earliest fruits in our present day. What we see however is only the beginning. With the spiritual awakening of man this force will develop and marvelous results will become manifest. Among other phases of human learning the medical science will have a place. There is a Tablet of Medicine that Baha'u'llah has revealed and which is translated into English. That does not contain much of scientific informations but has some interesting advices for keeping healthy.

Shoghi Effendi was very glad to hear that you are planning to study Persian very seriously. Should you do it you will obtain ample reward for your labours, for you will then be able to go straight to the writings themselves.


6 December 1932

To the Baha'is of Esslingen

Dear Baha'i Brothers and Sisters:

Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated November 28th 1932 written on the occasion of the commemoration of the pa.s.sing away of our beloved Master 'Abdu'l-Baha.

The Guardian is very glad to see that at such celebrations the friends come together and with a true spirit of service and devotion renew their determination to consecrate their life to the service of the Faith. It is only through such methods that the fire of enthusiasm can be kept burning in our hearts, and that we can keep the goal of our very being upon this earth ever present before our minds.

In his moments of prayer at the blessed Shrines, Shoghi Effendi will think of you all and ask G.o.d to guide you and sustain your efforts. He trusts that through your constant efforts and G.o.d's infinite grace the Cause will spread throughout that city and the neighbouring regions and your group become a center of attraction for those sincere souls who seek the spiritual life and desire the resuscitation of mankind....

[From the Guardian:]

Dear co-workers:

Your welcome message brought cheer and comfort to me in my great sorrow. I value your sentiments, your collaboration, your a.s.surances of undying loyalty to the Cause of G.o.d. I will continue to supplicate for you all the Beloved's blessings.

Your true and affectionate brother, Shoghi

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