Surnames as a Science Part 18

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aegel { aeglesford Aylesford Kent { aegeleswurth Aylesworth Nthmptn.

Agmod Agmodesham Agmondesham Bucks.

aesc aescesbyrig Ashbury Berks.

aescmer aescmeres weorth Ashmansworth Hants.

Amber { Ambresbyrig Amesbury Wilts.

{ Ambresleah Ombersley Worc.

aelfreding aelfredincgtun Alfreton Derby.

Badda Baddanby Badby Nthmptn.

Badhelming Badimyncgtun Badminton Glouc.

Baldher Baldheresberg Baltonsborough Somerset.

Becca Beccanleah Beckley Suss.e.x.

Beda Bedanford Bedford Beds.

Benna Bennanham Beenham Berks.

Benning Benningwurth Bengworth Worc.

Bledda Bleddanhlaew Bledlow Bucks.

Blunt Bluntesham Bluntisham Hunts.

Bodeca Bodecanleah Butleigh Somerset.

Bodek Bodekesham Bottisham Camb.

Bocga Bocganora Bognor Suss.e.x.

Bordel Bordelestun Burleston Dorset.

Brand Brandesburh Bransbury Hants.

Bregen Bregnesford Bransford Worc.

Cada Cadandun Chadlington Oxford.

Caeg Caegesho Keysoe Beds.

Calmund Calmundes den Calmsden Glouc.

Ceadela Ceadelanwurth Chaddleworth Berks.

Ceadel Ceadeleshunt Chadshunt Warw.

Ceader Ceadresleah Chaseley Worc.

Cendel Cendeles funta Chalfont Bucks.

Celta Celtenhom Cheltenham Glouc.

Ceol Ceolesig Cholsey Berks.

Cippa Cippenham Chippenham Wilts.

Ceolbalding Ceolbaldinctun Chilbolton Hants.

Ceort Ceortesege Chertsey Surrey Cinhild (woman) Cinildewyrth Kenilworth Warw.

Cissa Cissanceaster Chichester Suss.e.x.

Coda Codanford Codford Wilts.

Codda Coddanhrycg Cotheridge Worc.

Coling Colingham Collingham Notts.

Crym Crymesham Crimsham Suss.e.x.

Croppa Croppanthorn Cropthorn Worc. c.u.menora c.u.mnor Berks.

Cungar Cungaresbyrig Congressbury Somerset.

Cwichelm Cwichelmes hlaew Cuckamslow hill Berks.

Cyneburging[41] Cyneburgincton Kemerton Glouc.

Cynlaf Kynleveden Kelvedon Ess.e.x.

Ketel (Danish) Kitlebig Kettleby Linc.

Daecca, or } Daccanhaam Dagenham Ess.e.x.

Daegga } Daegel Daeglesford Daylesford Worc.

Deorlaf Deorlafestun Darlaston Staffs.

Dodda Doddanford Dodford Nthmptn.

Dodd Doddesthorp Dogsthorp Nthmptn.

DoG.o.d DoG.o.deswel Dowdswell Glouc.

Domec Domecesige Dauntsey Wilts.

Duceling Duceling dun Ducklington Oxford.

Dunning Dunnincland Donyland Ess.e.x.

Dideling Didelingtun Didlington Dorset.

Eadric Eadricestun Edstone Warw.

Eccing Eccingtun Eckington Worc.

Eccle, or Egil Eccleshale Exhall Warw.

Effing Effingeham Effingham Surrey.

Erping Erpingham Erpingham Norfolk.

Eof, or Eofa Eofesham Evesham Worc.

Fecca Feccanhom f.e.c.kenham Worc.

Flaeda Flaedanburg Fladbury Worc.

Folc Folcesstan Folkstone Kent.

Gidding Giddincford Gidding Suffolk.

Gyseling Gyselingham Gislingham Suffolk.

G.o.dmer G.o.dmeresham G.o.dmersham Kent.

Grim Grimaston Grimstone Norfolk.

Gun or Gund Gunthorpe Gunthorp Nthmptn.

Gyp Gypeswich Ipswich Suffolk.

Hauek Hauekestun Hauxton Camb.

Haefar Haefaresham Haversham Bucks.

Hamela Hamelendun Hambledon Hants.

Haerigeard Haerigeardesham Harrietsham Kent.

Haling Halington Hallington Linc.

Hanekyn Hanekynton Hankerton Wilts.

Hanning Hanningtun Hannington Hants.

Haeda Haedanham Haddenham Camb.

Helming Helmyngton Hemington Nthmptn.

Help Helpestonne Helpstone Nthmptn.

Hemming Hemmingford { Hemingford } Hunts.

{ Abbots } Hengest { Hengesteshricg Henstridge Somerset.

{ Hengestesige Hinksey Berks.

Hild Hildesdun Hillersdon Bucks.

Heorulf Heorelfestun Harleston Staff.

Heorting Heortingtun Hardington Somerset.

Honekyn Honekynton Hankerton Wilts.

Honing Honingtun Honington Linc.

Horning { Horningeseie Horningsea Camb.

{ Horningges haeth Horningsheath Suffolk Hod Hodesac Hodsoak Worc.

Hunewald Hunewaldesham Windlesham Surrey Hunta Huntandun Huntingdon Hants.

Hwiting Hwitingtun Whittington Worc.

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