The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought Part 68

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333. RAND, K. E.: The Childhood of an Affinity. New York, 1893. vi, 304 pp. 8vo.

334. Ra.s.sIER, M: Valeur du temoignage des enfants en justice. Lyons, 1893. 88 pp.

335. RAUBER, A.: h.o.m.o Sapiens Ferus oder die Zustande der Verwilderten in ihrer Bedeutung fur Wissenschaft, Politik und Schule. Biolo-gische Untersuchung. Zweite Aufl. Leipzig, 1888. 134 S. 8vo.

336. RICCARDI, A.: Antropologia e Pedagogia. Introduzione ad una Scienza della Educazione (Osservazioni psioologiche; ricerche statistiche; misure antropologiche, ecc.). Parte Prima. Osservazioni psicologiche; ricerche statistiche e sociologiche. Modena, 1892. 172 pp. 4to.

336a. RILEY, J. W.: Rhymes of Childhood. Indianapolis, 1894. 186 pp.


337. ROBERTSON, E. S.: The Children of the Poets. An Anthology from English and American Writers of Three Centuries. Edited with Introduction by Eric S. Eobertson. London and Neweastle-on-Tyne, 1886.

x.x.xviii, 273 pp. 12mo.

337 a. ROBINSON, L.: The Primitive Child. _N. Amer. Rev._ (N. Y.), 1895. 338. ROMANES, G. J.: Mental Evolution in Man. New York, 1883. 338 a. ROY, RAJ COOMAR: Child Marriage in India. _N. Amer. Rev.,_ Oct., 1888, pp. 415-423.

339. [RUNKLE, K. B.]: A Collection for Christmas. The New Year. Easter.

Boston, 1884. xii, 388 pp.

340. SAUBERT, DR.: Maikafer, Frau Holle's Bote. _Am Urdhs-Brunnen._ VI. Bd. (1888-1889). S. 22-24.

341. SCHALLENBERGER, MARGARET E.: A Study of Children's Rights as seen by themselves. _Pedag. Sem._ Vol. III. (1894-1895), pp. 87-96. 342.

SCHECHTER, S.: The Child in Jewish Literature. _Jewish Quarterly_ (London). Vol. II. (1889).

343. SCh.e.l.l, O.: Woher kommen die Kinder? _Am Ur-Quell._ IV. Bd.

(1893), S. 224-226; V. Bd. (1894), S. 80-81, 162, 254, 255, 287.

344. SCOTT, C. N.: The Child-G.o.d in Art. _Contemp. Bev._ (London).

Vol. L. (1886), pp. 97-111.

345. SCRIPTURE, E. W.: Arithmetical Prodigies. _Amer. Journ.

Psychol._ Vol. IV., pp. 1-59.

346. SCUDDER, H. M.: Childhood in Greek and Roman Literature.

_Atlantic Mo._ (Boston). Vol. LV., pp. 13-23.

347. SCUDDER, H. M.: Childhood in Early Christianity. _Ibid._, pp.


348. SCUDDER, H. M.: Childhood in Medieval Art. _Ibid._, LVI.

(1885), pp. 24-31.

349. SCUDDER, H. M.: Childhood in English Literature and Art. Ibid., pp.

369-380, 471-484.

349 a. SCUDDER, H. M.: Childhood in Modern Literature and Art.

_Ibid._, pp. 751-767.

350. SCUDDER, H. M.: Childhood in Literature and Art, with Some Observations on Literature for Children, Boston, 1894. Cr. 8vo.

351. SESSIONS, F.: The Younger Son (Folk-Lore Topics, No. 5). Eepr. from Gloucester Journal, March 3d, 1894. Gloucester (Engld.), 1894. 8 pp.

352. SESSIONS, F.: Beating the Bounds (Folk-Lore Topics, No. 4). Eepr.

from G-loucester Journ., Feb. 17, 1894.

353. s.h.i.+NN, MILLICENT W.: Some Comments on Babies [of Various Eaces].

Overt. Mo. (San Francisco). Vol. XXIII (1894), pp. 2-19.

354. SOHNKEY, H.: Geburt und Taufe in der Gegend des Sollinger Waldes.

Am Ur-Quell. II. Bd. (1894), S. 197-202.

355. STARR, F.: A Page of Child-Lore. Journ, Amer. Folk-Lore. Vol. IV.

(1891), pp. 55-56.

356. STEEL, F. A., and E. C. TEMPLE: Wide Awake Stories. A Collection of Tales told by Little Children between Sunset and Sunrise, in the Panjab and Kashmir. Bombay, 1884.

357. STEINMETZ, S. E.: De "Fosterage" of Opvoeding in Vreemde Families [Eepr. from Tijdschr. v. Ji. Jconinkl. Nederl. Aardrijksk. Genootsch.].

Leiden, 1893. 92 pp. 8vo.

358. STEVENSON, Mrs. T. E.: The Religious Life of a ZnEi Child. Fifth Ann. Sep. Bur. of Ethnol. (Was.h.i.+ngton), pp. 533-555.

359. STEVENSON, E. L.: A Child's Garden of Verse, 1885.

360. STORK, T.: The Children of the New Testament. Philadelphia, 1856.

xi, 185 pp. 8vo.

361. STRACK, H. C.: Der Blutaberglaube in der Menschheit, Blutmorde und Blutritus. Vierte neu bearb. Aufl. Mlinchen, 1892. xii, 156 S. 8vo.

361a. STRASZBURGER, B.: Geschichte der Erziehung und des Unterrichts bei dea Israeliten. Von der vortalmudischen Zeit his auf die Gegenwart. Mit einem Anhang.: Bibliographie der judischen Padagogie. Stuttgart, 1885.

xv, 210 S.

362. STRETTELL, ALMA: Lullabies of Many Lands. New York, 1894.

363. STRONG, G. D.: Child-Life in Many Lands. Boston, 1870. iv, 210 pp.


364. Studentensprache und Studentenlied in Halle von 100 Jahren.

Neudruck des Idiotikon der Burschensprache von 1795 und der Studentenlieder von 1781. Halle, 189-. xliii, 118 S.; viii, 127 S.

365. SULLY, J.: Studies of Childhood. [Numerous articles in Pop. Sei.

Mo. (New York). Vols. XLVI. and XLVII.].

366. SUNDERMANN, F.: Woher kommen die Kinder? Eine Beantwortung dieser Frage aus Ostfriesland. Am Urdhs-Brunnen. I. Bd. (1881), Heft II., S.

14-18; Heft V., S. 14.

367. "SYLVa.n.u.s URBAN": Infant-Marriages. Gentlm. Mag. (Load.) Vol. 277 (1894), pp. 322-324, 427-428.

368. The Feeble-Minded Child and Adult. A Report on an Investigation of the Physical and Mental Condition of 50,000 School Children, with Suggestions for the Better Education and Care of Feeble-Minded Children and Adults. (Charity Organization). London, 1893. xii, 159 pp. 8vo.

369. The Epileptic and Crippled Child and Adult. London, 1893. xxi, 132 pp. 8vo.

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