The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought Part 50

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O l'amour d'une mere! amour quo nul n'oublie!

Pain merveilleux, que Dieu partage et multiplie!

Table toujours servie au paternel foyer!

Chacun en a sa part, et tous l'ont tout entier.

[O mother-love! love that none ever forgets!

Wonderful bread, that G.o.d divides and multiplies!

Table always spread beside the paternal hearth!

Each one has his part of it, and each has it all!]

--_Victor Hugo_.

43. One good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters.

44. One scream of fear from a mother may resound through the whole life of her daughter.--_Jean Paul_.


Seem I not as tender to him As any mother?

Ay, but such a one As all day long hath rated at her child, And vext his day, but blesses him asleep.


46. Sind die Kinder klein, so treten sie der Mutter auf den Schooss; sind die Kinder gross, so treten sie der Mutter auf das Herz. [When the children are small they tread upon the mother's breast; when they are large they tread upon the mother's heart.]--_German._

47. So moder, so dogter. [Like mother, like daughter.]--_Frisian_.


Stabat Mater dolorosa Juxta crucem lacrymosa Quo pendebat Filius.

[Sorrow-stricken stood the Mother Weeping by the cross On which hung her Son.]

--_Mediaeval Latin Hymn_.

49. Tendresse maternelle toujours se renouvelle. [A mother's affection is forever new.]--_French_.

50. The child is often kissed for the mother's (nurse's) sake.

51. The elephant does not find his trunk heavy, nor the mother her babe.--_Angolese_ (Africa).

52. The future destiny of the child is always the work of the mother.--_Napoleon_.

53. The good mother says not "Will you?" but gives.--_Italian_.

54. The mother's heart is always with her children.

55. The mother's breath is aye sweet.--_Scotch_.

56. The mother knows best if the child be like the father.

57. The mother makes the house or mars it.

58. The nurse's bread is better than the mother's cake.


59. The prayer of the mother fetches her child out of the bottom of the sea.--_Russian_.

60. The watchful mother tarries nigh, Though sleep has closed her infant's eye.--_Keble_.

61. There is nothing more charming to see than a mother with her child in her arms, and there is nothing more venerable than a mother among a number of her children.--_Goethe_.

62. Though a mother be a wolf, she does not eat her cub's flesh.--_Afghan_.

63. Timidi mater non flet. [The coward's mother need not weep.]--_Latin_.

64. To a child in confinement its mother's knee is a binding-post.


65. Unhappy is the man for whom his own mother has not made all mothers venerable.--_Jean Paul_.

66. Unless the child cries even the mother will not give it suck.--_Telugu_.

67. Wer ein saugendes Kind hat, der hat eine singende Frau. [Whoever has a suckling child, has a singing wife.]--_German_.

68. Wer dem Kinde die Nase wischt, kusst der Mutter den Backen. [Whoever wipes a child's nose kisses the mother's cheek.]--_German_.

69. What a mother sees coils itself up, but does not come out [i.e. the faults of her child].-_Angolese_ (Africa).

70. You desire, O woman, to be loved ardently and forever until death; be the mothers of your children.--_Jean Paul_.

71. Zu solchen Kindern gehort eine solche Mutter. [To such children belongs such a mother.]--_German_.

CHAPTER x.x.x.


1. An dem Kind kennt man den Vater wohl. [The father is known from the child.]--_German_.

2. Bone does not let go flesh, nor father son.--_Angolese_.

3. Bose Kinder machen den Vater fromm. [Bad children make the father good.]--_German_.

4. Chi non ha figluoli non sa qualche cosa sia amore. [Who has not children knows not what love is.]--_Italian_.

5. Child's pig, but father's bacon.

6. Ein Vater ernahrt ehei zehn Kinder, denn zehn Kinder einen Vater.

[One father can better nourish ten children, than ten children one father.]--_German_.

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