Ten Great Religions Part 50

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VAMBeRY. Travels in Turkistan.

Wa.s.sILJEW (W.). Der Buddhismus, seine Dogmen, Geschichte, und Literatur.

St. Petersburg. 1860.

WEBER (ALBRECHT). Indische Skizzen. Berlin. 1857. (Buddhism.)

WEIL (Dr. G.). Mohammed der Prophet, sein Leben und seine Lehre.

Stuttgart. 1843.

WELCKER (F. G.). Griechische Gotterlehre. 3 Banden. Gottingen. 1857.

WESTCOTT (B. A.). Introduction to the Study of the Gospels. Boston. 1862.

WESTERGAARD (N. L.). Ueber Buddha's Todesjahr. Breslau. 1862.

WHEELER (J. TALBOYS). History of India from the Earliest Times. London.


WILKINS (CHARLES). The Bhagvat-Gheeta. London. 1785.

WILKINSON (Sir J. GARDNER). The Ancient Egyptians. London: Murray. 1854. 5 vols. 8vo. (Egypt.)

WILLIAMS (MONIER). Sakoontala, or the Lost Ring. Hertford. 1856.

WILSON (ANDREW). The ever-victorious Army. Edinburgh. 1868. (China.)

WILSON (HORACE HAYMAN). Select Works of. London. 1861. Containing Essays on the Religion of the Hindoos. 2 vols. Essays on Sanskrit Literature. 3 vols. Vischnu Purana. 3 vols. 1861-1866.

Select Specimens of the Theatre of the Hindoos. 3 vols. 1827.

Rig-Veda-Sanhita. Translated from the original Sanskrit. 4 vols. London.


WINDISCHMANN (FRIEDRICH). Ursagen des Arischen Volker. Munich. 1853.

Zoroastriche Studien. 1863. uber das Bunddehesch.

Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft. Leipzig.

Commenced 1847.

ZELLER (E.). The Stoics. Epicureans, and Sceptics (English translation).

London. 1870.

The End.

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