The Moon Part 9

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PITATUS.--This remarkable object, 58 miles in diameter, with Hesiodus, its companion on the E., situated at the extreme S. end of the Mare Nubium, afford good examples of a cla.s.s of formations which exhibit undoubted signs of partial destruction, from some unknown cause, on that side of them which faces the Mare. On every side but the N., Pitatus is a walled plain of an especially ma.s.sive type, the border on the S.E.

furnis.h.i.+ng one of the finest examples of terraces to be found on the visible surface. On the S.W., two parallel rows of large crateriform depressions, perhaps the most remarkable of their kind, extend for 60 miles or more to the W. flank of Gauricus. On the N.W., the rampart includes many curious irregular depressions and craters, and gradually diminishes in height, till, for a s.p.a.ce of about 12 miles on the N., there can hardly be said to be any border at all, its site being marked by some inconsiderable mounds and shallow hollows. There is a small bright central mountain on the floor, and, S. of it, two larger but lower elevations. A distinct straight cleft traverses the N.W. side of the interior very near the wall, to which it forms an apparent chord, and a second cleft occupies a similar position with respect to the bright N.E.

border. A narrow pa.s.s forms a communication with the interior of Hesiodus.

HESIODUS.--This walled-plain, little more than half the diameter of the last, has an irregular outline, and for the most part linear walls, which on the S. are ma.s.sive and lofty (4000 feet), but on the N. very low, and broken by gaps. There is a fine deep crater on the S. border, and a small but distinct crater on the floor, nearly central, the only object thereon which I have seen, though Schmidt draws a smaller one on the W. of it.

A mountain ab.u.t.ting on the N.E. side of Hesiodus is the W. origin of one of the longest clefts on the moon. Running in an E.S.E. direction, it traverses the Mare to a crater near the W. face of the Cichus mountain arm, reappears on the E. side of this object, and is finally lost amid the hills on the N. of Capua.n.u.s. The W. section of this cleft is and much more distinct than that lying E. of the mountain arm.

GAURICUS.--A large walled-plain S. of Pitatus, about 40 miles in diameter. The border is very irregular, and, according to Neison, consists on the E. of a precipitous cliff more than 9000 feet high. It is surrounded by a number of large rings on the S., and has several considerable small depressions on its N. border. There is apparently no prominent detail on the floor. Schmidt shows some ridges and craterlets.

WURZELBAUER.--Another irregular walled-plain, about 50 miles in diameter, on the S.E. of Pitatus, with a very complex border, in connection with which, on the S.W., is a group of fine depressions, and on the S.E. a large crater. There is much detail on the very uneven floor.

MILLER.--One of a group of three moderately large ring-plains, of which Nasireddin is a member, near the central meridian in S. lat.i.tude 39 deg.

Its ma.s.sive border rises nearly 11,000 feet above the floor, on which stands a central peak. Miller is about 36 miles in diameter.

NASIREDDIN.--A somewhat smaller ring-plain on the S. of the last, and of a very similar type. It contains a central peak and several minor elevations. Between its N.W. border and the S.W. flank of Miller is a smaller ring-plain of about half the size of Nasireddin, and on the S.E.

a large enclosure named HUGGINS.

ORONTIUS.--Huggins has encroached on the W. side of this irregular ring- plain and overlaps it. It is of considerable size. The floor includes much detail and a prominent crater.

Sa.s.sERIDES.--A formation of irregular shape, with very lofty walls, situated amid the confusion of ring-plains, craters, crater-pits, &c., in the region N. of Tycho, some of which are fully as deserving of a distinct name.

HEINSIUS.--A very curious formation on the N.E. of Tycho: a fine telescopic object under oblique illumination. It has an irregular but continuous border, except on the S., where two large ring-plains have encroached upon it, and a third, N. of a line joining their centres, occupies no inconsiderable portion of the floor. Heinsius is nearly 50 miles across, and the border on the W., is nearly 9000 feet above the interior, which includes, at least, three small craters. The walls of the intrusive ring-plains have craters on their summits; the more westerly has two on the W., and its companion, one on the S.W. The ring-plain on the floor has a crater on its E. wall. Schmidt shows a small crater between the ring-plains on the S. border.

SAUSSURE.--A ring-plain W. of Tycho, 28 miles in diameter, with bright lofty terraced walls and a somewhat dark interior, on which there is a crater, W. of the centre, and some crater-pits. There are several large depressions on the S.W. wall. It is surrounded by formations which, though nearly as prominent as itself, have not, with the exception of Pictet on the E., and one on the N.W., called Huggins by Schmidt, received distinctive names. The region W. of Saussure abounds in craterlets, some of which are of the minutest type. One of the Tycho streaks is manifestly deflected from its course by this formation, and another is faintly traceable on the floor.

PICTET.--A walled-plain of irregular shape, about 30 miles across, between Saussure and Tycho, with a border broken on the S. by a large conspicuous ring-plain, which is at least 10 miles in diameter, and, according to Schmidt, has a central mountain. Schmidt draws the S.E.

border of Pictet as broken by ridges extending on to the floor. He also shows several craters and minor elevations thereon.

TYCHO.--As the centre from which the bright ray-system of the moon radiates, and the most conspicuous object in the southern hemisphere, this n.o.ble ring-plain may justly claim the pre-eminent t.i.tle of "the Metropolitan crater." It is more than 54 miles in diameter, and its ma.s.sive border, everywhere traversed by terraces and variegated by depressions within and without, is surmounted by peaks rising both on the E. and W. to a height of about 17,000 feet above the bright interior, on which stands a magnificent central mountain at least 5000 feet in alt.i.tude. Were it not somewhat foreshortened, Tycho would be seen to deviate considerably from what is deemed to be the normal shape. On the S. and W. especially, the wall approximates to the linear type, no signs of curvature being apparent where these sections meet. The crest on the S. and S.E. exhibits many breaks and irregularities; and it is through a narrow gap on the S. that a rill-like valley, originating at a small depression near the foot of the S.W. _glacis_,, and, descending the inner slope of the S.E. wall obliquely, terminates near its foot.

There is a distinct crater on the summit ridge on the S.E., and another below the crest on the outer S.W. slope. On the S. inner slope I have often remarked a number of bright oval objects, which, for the lack of a better word, may be termed "mounds" though they represent of material many miles in length and breadth. The outer slope of Tycho, exhibiting under a high light a grey nimbus encircling the wall, includes--craters, crater-pits, shallow valleys, spurs and b.u.t.tresses--in short, almost every variety of lunar feature is represented. Excepting the central mountain and a crater on the W. of it, I have not seen any object on the floor, which, for some unexplained reason, is never very distinct. Schmidt shows several low ridges on the N.E. side. In a paper recently published in the _Astronomische Nachrichten_, Professor W.H.

Pickering, describing his observations of the Tycho streaks made at Arequipa, Peru, with a 13 inch achromatic, a.s.serts that they do not radiate from the centre of Tycho, but from a mult.i.tude of minute craters on its S.E. or N. rim. (See Introduction.)

MAGINUS.--An immense partially ruined enclosure, at least 100 miles from side to side, on the S.W. of Tycho, from which it is separated by a region covered with a confused ma.s.s of ring-plains and craters. On almost every part of its broken border stand large ring-plains, many of which, if they were isolated, or situated in a less disturbed region, would rank as objects of importance; but among such a mult.i.tude of features they pa.s.s unnoticed. The largest of them occupies no inconsiderable part of the S.E. wall, and is quite 30 miles in diameter, its own border being also much broken by depressions, as, indeed, are those of almost all the six or more large ring-plains which define the N. limits of Maginus. The loftiest portion of what remains of a true border rises at one place to more than 14,000 feet. On the floor, which is traversed by some of the Tycho rays, there is a mountain group a.s.sociated with a crater, nearly central, and several large rings on the N. side. Though the formation is very difficult to detect under a high sun, Madler's dictum that "the full moon knows no Maginus" is not strictly true.

STREET.--A walled-plain between Tycho and Maginus, about 28 miles in diameter, with a border of moderate height, broken by depressions on the N. There are some small craters and ridges within; but the surrounding region, with its almost endless variety of abnormally shaped formations, is far more worthy of the observer's attention.

DELUC.--The largest and most prominent member of a curious group of ring- plains on the S.W. of Maginus. It is about 28 miles in diameter, and is encircled by a wall some 7000 feet above the interior, which includes a crater. A large ring with a central mountain encroaches on the N. wall, and a smaller object of the same cla.s.s on the S. wall.

CLAVIUS.--There are few lunar observers who have not devoted more or less attention to this beautiful formation, one of the most striking of telescopic objects. However familiar we may consider ourselves to be with its features, there is always something fresh to note and to admire as often as we examine its apparently inexhaustible details. It is 142 miles from side to side, and includes an area of at least 16,000 square miles within its irregular circ.u.mvallation, which is only comparatively slightly elevated above the bright plateau on the W., though it stands at least 12,000 feet above the depressed floor. At a point on the S.W. a peak rises nearly 17,000 feet above the interior, while on the E. the cliffs are almost as lofty. There are two remarkable ring-plains, each about 25 miles in diameter, a.s.sociated, one with the N., and the other with the S. wall, the floors of both abounding in detail. The latter, however, is the most noteworthy on account of the curious corrugations visible soon after sunrise on the outer N. slope of its wall, resembling the ribbed flanks of some of the Java volcanoes. There are five large craters on the floor of Clavius, following a curve convex to the N., and diminis.h.i.+ng in size from W. to E. The most westerly stands nearly midway between the two large ring-plains on the walls, the second (about two- thirds its area) is a.s.sociated with a complex group of hills and smaller craters. Both these objects have central mountains. In addition to this prominent chain, there are innumerable craters of a smaller type on the floor, but they are more plentiful on the S. half than elsewhere. On the S.E. wall are three very large depressions. On the broad ma.s.sive N.E.

border, the bright summit ridge and the many transverse valleys running down from it to the floor, are especially interesting features. There are very clear indications of "faulting" on a vast scale where this broad section of the wall abuts on the N. side of the formation.

CYSATUS.--A regular walled-plain, apparently about 28 miles in diameter, forming the most northerly member of a chain of formations, of which Newton, Short, and Moretus, extending towards the S. limb, form a part.

Its border rises nearly 13,000 feet above a floor devoid of prominent detail.

GRUEMBERGER.--A much larger and more irregular ring-plain, nearly 40 miles from wall to wall, on the E. side of Cysatus. Its W. border rises nearly 14,000 feet above the interior, which includes an abnormally deep crater, the bottom of which is 20,000 feet below the crest of the W.

wall, and several small depressions and ridges. The inner E. slope is finely terraced.

MORETUS.--A magnificent object, 78 miles in diameter, but foreshortened into a flat ellipse. Its beautifully terraced walls and magnificent central mountain, nearly 7000 feet high, are very conspicuous under suitable conditions. The rampart on the E. is more than 15,000 feet above the floor, while on the opposite side it is about 5000 feet lower.

SHORT.--A fine but foreshortened ring-plain of oblong shape, squeezed in between Moretus and Newton. It is about 30 miles in diameter, and on the S.E., where its border and that of Newton are in common, it rises nearly 17,000 feet above the interior, which includes, according to Neison, a small central hill. Schmidt shows a crater on the N. side of the floor.

NEWTON.--Is situated on the S.E. side of Short, and is the deepest walled-plain on the visible surface. It is of irregular form and about 143 miles in extreme length. One gigantic peak on the E. rises to nearly 24,000 feet above the floor, the greater part of which is always immersed in shadow, so that neither the earth or sun can at any time be seen from it.

MALAPERT.--A ring-plain situated far too near the limb for useful observation. Between it and Newton is a number of abnormally shaped enclosures.

CABEUS.--Another object out of the range of satisfactory scrutiny. Madler considered that it is as deep as Newton. According to Neison, a central peak and two craters can be seen within under favourable conditions.

Schmidt draws a long row of great depressions on the N. side of it.

EAST LONGITUDE 20 deg. TO 40 deg.

LANDSBERG.--A ring-plain, about 28 miles in diameter, situated in Mare Nubium, S.E. of Reinhold, which in many respects it resembles. Its regular ma.s.sive border is everywhere continuous. Only a solitary crater breaks the uniformity of its crest, that rises on the W. to nearly 10,000 feet, and on the E. to about 7000 feet above the floor, which is depressed about 7000 feet below the surrounding surface. The inner slopes exhibit some fine terraces, and on the broad W. _glacis_ is a curious winding valley, which runs up the slope from the S.W. side to the crater just mentioned, then, bending downwards, joins the plain at the foot of the N. wall. Neither this nor the crater is shown in the maps. The large compound central peak is apparently the sole object in the interior. At 8 h. 25 m. on January 23, 1888, when observing the progress of sunrise on this formation with a 8 1/2 inch Calver-reflector charged with different eyepieces, I noticed, when about three-fourths of the floor was in shadow, that the illuminated portion of it was of a dark chocolate hue, strongly contrasting with the grey tone of the surrounding district. This appearance lasted till the interior was more than half illuminated, gradually becoming less p.r.o.nounced as the sun rose higher on the ring. E.

and S.E. of Landsberg is a number of ring-plains and craters well worthy of careful examination. Five of the largest are surrounded by a glistening halo, and one (that nearest to the formation) and another (the largest of the group) have each a minute crater on their N. wall.

EUCLIDES.--One of the most brilliant objects on the moon; a crater 7 miles in diameter, standing on a large bright area in the Mare Procellarum, E. of the Riphaean Mountains. Its E. rim rises nearly 2000 feet above the bright depressed floor; on the W. there is a bright little unrecorded crater.

WICHMANN.--This bright crater, about 5 miles in diameter, stands on a light area in Ocea.n.u.s Procellarum, N.N.W. of Letronne and nearly due E.

of Euclides. Some distance on the N.E. are the relics of what appears once to have been a large enclosure, represented now by a few isolated mountains.

HERIGONIUS.--A ring-plain, about 7 miles in diameter, in the Mare Procellarum, N.W. of Ga.s.sendi. There is a small crater a few miles S.E.

of it, among the bright little mountains which flank this formation.

Herigonius has a small central mountain, which is a good test for moderate apertures.

Ga.s.sENDI.--One of the most beautiful telescopic objects on the moon's visible surface, and structurally one of the most interesting and suggestive. It is a walled-plain, 55 miles in diameter, of a distinctly polygonal type, the N.W. and S.W. sections being practically straight, while the intermediate W. section exhibits a slightly convex curvature, or bulging in towards the interior. There is also much angularity about the E. side, which is evident at an early stage of sunrise. The wall on the N. is broken through and almost completely wrecked by the great ring- plain Ga.s.sendi A. The bright eastern section of the border is in places very lofty, rising at one peak, N. of the well-known triangular depression upon it, to 9000 feet, and at other peaks on the same side still higher. It is very low on the S., being only about 500 feet above the surface. The floor, however, on the N. stands 2000 feet above the Mare Humorum. On the W. there is a peak towering 4000 feet above the wall, which is here about 5000 feet above the floor, and 8000 feet above the Mare Nubium. A very notable feature in connection with this formation is the little bright plain bounding it on the N.W., and separated from it by merely a narrow strip of wall. This enclosure is flanked on the N.E.

by Ga.s.sendi A, and on the S.W. and N.W. by a coa.r.s.e winding ridge, running from the W. wall and terminating at a large irregular dusky depression. Gaudibert has detected a crater near the S.E. edge of this bright plain, which includes also some oval mounds. The interior of Ga.s.sendi is without question unrivalled for the variety of its details, and, after Plato, has perhaps received more attention from observers than any other object. The bright central mountain, or rather mountains, for it consists of a number of grouped crowned by peaks, of which the loftiest is about 4000 feet, is one of the finest on the moon. It was carefully studied with a 6 1/4 inch Cooke-achromatic by the late Professor Phillips, the geologist, who compared it to the dolomitic or trachytic mountains of the earth. The b.u.t.tresses and spurs which it throws out give its base a digitated outline, easily seen under suitable illumination. There are between 30 and 40 clefts in the interior, the majority being confined to the S.W. quarter of the floor. Those most easily seen pertain to the group which radiates from the central mountain towards the S.W. wall. They are all more or less difficult objects, requiring exceptionally favourable weather and high powers. A fine mountain range, the Percy Mountains, is connected with the E. flank of Ga.s.sendi, extending in a S.E. direction towards Mersenius, and defining the N.E. side of the Mare Humorum.

BULLIALDUS.--A n.o.ble object, 38 miles in diameter, forming with its surroundings by far the most notable formation on the surface of the Mare Nubium, and one of the most characteristic ring-plains on the moon. It should be observed about the time when the morning terminator lies on the W. border of the Mare Humorum, as at this phase the best view is obtained of the two deep parallel terrace valleys which run round the bright inner slope of the E. wall, of the crater-row against which they abut on the S.E., and of the ma.s.sive W. _glacis_, with its spurs and depressions. The S. border of Bullialdus has been manifestly modified by the presence of the great ring-plain A, a deep irregular formation with linear walls, which is connected with it by a shallow valley. The rampart of Bullialdus rises about 8000 feet above a concave floor, which sinks some 4000 feet below the Mare on the E. With the exception of the fine compound central mountain, 3000 feet high, there are few details in the interior. On the S., is the fine ring-plain B, connected with the S.E. wall near the crater-row by a well-marked valley, and nearly due E. of B is another, a square-shaped enclosure, C, with a very lofty little mountain on the E.

side of it, and a crater on its S. wall. In addition to these features, there are many ridges and surface inequalities, very prominent under oblique illumination.

LUBINIEZKY.--A regular enclosure, about 23 miles in diameter, N.E. of Bullialdus, with a low attenuated border, which is nowhere more than 1000 feet in height. It is tolerably continuous, except on the S., where there are two or three breaks. Its level dark interior presents no details to vary its monotony. Close under the N.W. wall is a small crater connected with it by a ridge, and E. of this a very rugged area, traversed in every direction by narrow shallow valleys, which are well worth looking at when close to the morning terminator. A bright spur projects from the N. wall of Lubiniezky.

KIES.--A somewhat similar formation, S. of Bullialdus, about 25 miles in diameter, also encircled by a border of insignificant dimensions, attaining an alt.i.tude of 2400 feet at only one point on the S.E., while elsewhere it is scarcely higher than that of Lubiniezky. It is clearly polygonal, approximating to the hexagonal type. On the more distinct S.

section a bright spur projects from it. On the N. its continuity is broken by a distinct little crater. It is traversed by a remarkable white streak, extending in a S.W. direction from Bullialdus C (where it is very wide), across the interior, to the more westerly of two craters S.W. of Mercator. Another streak branches out from it near the centre of the floor, and runs to the W. wall. The streak, so far as the portion within Kies is concerned, represents a cleft. On the Mare E. of Kies is a curious circular mound, and farther towards Campa.n.u.s two prominent little mountains. On the N.W. is a large obscure ring and a wide shallow valley bordered by ridges.

AGATHARCHIDES.--A very irregular complex ring-plain, about 28 miles in diameter, forming part of the N.W. side of the Mare Humorum. It must be observed under many phases before one can clearly comprehend its distinctive features. The wall is very deficient on the N., but is represented in places by bright mountain The formation is flanked on the E. by a double rampart, which is at one place more than 5000 feet in height, with a deep intervening valley. The S. wall is traversed by a number of parallel valleys, all trending towards Hippalus. These are included in a much wider and longer chasm, which, gradually diminis.h.i.+ng in breadth, extends up to the N. wall of the latter.

HIPPALUS.--A partially ruined walled-plain, about 38 miles in diameter, on the W. side of the Mare Humorum, S. of Agatharchides. At least one- third of the border is wanting on the S.E., but under a low sun its site can be distinguished by a faint marking and the obvious difference in tone between the dark interior and the lighter-coloured plain. The rest of the wall is bright and continuous, except at a place on the W., where what appears to be the segment of a large ring has encroached upon it.

There are two craters in the interior of Hippalus, and a row of parallel ridges, running obliquely from the S.W. wall up to a cleft which traverses the floor from N. to S. W. of Hippalus stands a bright crater, Hippalus A, with an incomplete little ring-plain adjoining it on the N.W.; and N.E. of it a much larger obscure ring containing two little hills. The Hippalus rill-system is a very interesting one, and the greater part of it can, moreover, be easily traced in a good 4 inch achromatic. It originates in the rugged region E. of Campa.n.u.s, from which five nearly parallel curved clefts extend up to the rocky barrier, connecting the N. side of this formation with the S.W. side of Hippalus.

The most westerly of these furrows is interrupted by a crater on this wall, but reappears on the N. side of it, and, after making a detour towards the W. to avoid a little mountain in its path, runs partially round the E. flank of Hippalus A, and then, continuing its northerly course, terminates amid the mountains W. of Agatharchides. (A short parallel cleft runs E. of this from the little mountain to the E. side of A.) The most easterly member of the system, originating N. of Ramsden, enters Hippalus at the S. side of the great gap in the border, and, after traversing the floor at the W. foot of a ridge thereon, also extends towards the mountains W. of Agatharchides. Between these clefts are three intermediate furrows, one of which runs N. from the N. side of the encroaching ring already referred to, on the W. wall of Hippalus.

CAMPa.n.u.s.--A ring-plain, 30 miles in diameter, on the rocky barrier, extending in nearly a straight line from Hippalus to Cichus. Its terraced walls, which rise on the E. more than 6000 feet above the floor, are broken on the S. by a narrow valley, and on the E. by a small crater. A small central mountain is apparently the only object on a very dark interior.

MERCATOR.--A more irregular ring-plain of about the same area, adjoining Campa.n.u.s on the S.W. Its rampart is somewhat lower, and is partially broken on the N. by two semi-rings, and on the S. by a gap. The E. wall extends on the S. far beyond the limits of the formation, and terminates in a brilliant mountain ma.s.s 6000 feet in height. There is a bright crater on the crest of both the E. and W. border. On the plain E. of Mercator is a remarkable little crater standing on a light area, and, just under the wall, a dusky pit connected with it by a rill-like marking. These objects are of a very doubtful nature, and should be carefully observed. The floor of Mercator is much lighter than that of Campa.n.u.s, and appears to be devoid of detail.

CICHUS.--A conspicuous ring-plain, about 20 miles in diameter, with a prominent deep crater about 6 miles across on its E. rim. It is situated on a curious boot-shaped plateau, near the S. end of the rocky mountain barrier a.s.sociated with the last two formations. Its walls rise about 9000 feet above a sunken floor, on which there is some faint detail, but apparently nothing deserving the distinction of a central mountain. The plateau on the N. is cut through by a fine broad valley, which has obviously interfered with a large crateriform depression on its southern edge. A cleft runs from a small crater W. of the plateau up to this valley, and extends beyond to the W. wall of Capua.n.u.s. There is also a delicate cleft crossing the region S. of Cichus to the group of complicated formations S.W. of Capua.n.u.s. As already mentioned, the great Hesiodus cleft is a.s.sociated with the Cichus plateau.

CAPUa.n.u.s.--A large ring-plain, about 34 miles in diameter, E. of Cichus, with a border especially remarkable on the E., where it rises more than 8000 feet above the outside country, and includes a large brilliant shallow crater. It is broken on the N.W. by a small but noteworthy double crater; and on the S. its continuity is destroyed for many miles by a number of big circular and sub-circular depressions and prominent deep valleys, far too numerous and complicated to describe. The level dusky interior contains only a low mound on the S., but is crossed by some light streaks running from N. to S.

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