The Moon Part 2

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The following is a list of lunar objects published in the _Selenographical Journal_, cla.s.sed in accordance with this scale:--

0 deg. Black shadows.

1 deg. Darkest portions of the floors of Grimaldi and Riccioli.

1 1/2 deg. Interiors of Boscovich, Billy, and Zupus.

2 deg. Floors of Endymion, Le Monnier, Julius Caesar, Cruger, and Fourier _a_.

2 1/2 deg. Interiors of Azout, Vitruvius, Pitatus, Hippalus, and Marius.

3 deg. Interiors of Taruntius, Plinius, Theophilus, Parrot, Flamsteed, and Mercator.

3 1/2 deg. Interiors of Hansen, Archimedes, and Mersenius.

4 deg. Interiors of Manilius, Ptolemaeus, and Guerike.

4 1/2 deg. Surface round Aristillus, Sinus Medii.

5 deg. Walls of Arago, Landsberg, and Bullialdus. Surface round Kepler and Archimedes.

5 1/2 deg. Walls of Picard and Timocharis. Rays from Copernicus.

6 deg. Walls of Macrobius, Kant, Bessel, Mosting, and Flamsteed.

6 1/2 deg. Walls of Langrenus, Theaetetus, and Lahire.

7 deg. Theon, Ariadaeus, Bode B, Wichmann, and Kepler.

7 1/2 deg. Ukert, Hortensius, Euclides.

8 deg. Walls of G.o.din, Bode, and Copernicus.

8 1/2 deg. Walls of Proclus, Bode A, and Hipparchus c.

9 deg. Censorinus, Dionysius, Mosting A, and Mersenius B and c.

9 1/2 deg. Interior of Aristarchus, La Peyrouse DELTA.

10 deg. Central peak of Aristarchus.

TEMPERATURE OF THE MOON'S SURFACE.--Till the subject was undertaken some years ago by Lord Rosse, no approach was made to a satisfactory determination of the surface temperature of the moon. From his experiments he inferred that the maximum temperature attained, at or near the equator, about three days after full moon, does not exceed 200 deg.

C., while the minimum is not much under zero C. Subsequent experiments, however, both by himself and Professor Langley, render these results more than doubtful, without it is admitted that the moon has an atmospheric covering. Langley's results make it probable that the temperature never rises above the freezing-point of water, and that at the end of the prolonged lunar night of fourteen days it must sink to at least 200 deg.

below zero. Mr. F.W. Verey of the Alleghany Observatory has recently conducted, by means of the bolometer, similar researches as to the distribution of the moon's heat and its variation with the phase, by which he has deduced the varying radiation from the surface in different localities of the moon under various solar alt.i.tudes.

LUNAR OBSERVATION.--In observing the moon, we enjoy an advantage of which we cannot boast when most other planetary bodies are scrutinised; for we see the actual surface of another world undimmed by palpable clouds or exhalations, except such as exist in the air above us; and can gaze on the marvellous variety of objects it presents much as we contemplate a relief map of our own globe. But inasmuch as the manifold details of the relief map require to be placed in a certain light to be seen to the best advantage, so the ring-mountains, rugged highlands, and wide-extending plains of our satellite, as they pa.s.s in review under the sun, must be observed when suitable conditions of illumination prevail, if we wish to appreciate their true character and significance.

As a general rule, lunar objects are best seen when they are at no great distance from "the terminator," or the line dividing the illumined from the unillumined portion of the spherical surface. This line is constantly changing its position with the sun, advancing slowly onwards towards the east at a rate which, roughly speaking, amounts to about 30.5 min. in an hour, or pa.s.sing over 10 deg. of lunar longitude in about 19 hrs. 40 mins. When an object is situated on this line, the sun is either rising or setting on the neighbouring region, and every inequality of the surface is rendered prominent by its shadow; so that trifling variations in level and minor asperities a.s.sume for the time being an importance to which they have no claim. If we are observing an object at lunar sunrise, a very short time, often only a few minutes, elapses before the confusion caused by the presence of the shadows of these generally unimportant features ceases to interfere with the observation, and we can distinguish between those details which are really noteworthy and others which are trivial and evanescent. Every formation we are studying should be observed, and drawn if possible, under many different conditions of illumination. It ought, in fact, to be examined from the time when its loftiest heights are first illumined by the rising sun till they disappear at sunset. This is, of course, practically impossible in the course of one lunation, but by utilising available opportunities, a number of observations may be obtained under various phases which will be more or less exhaustive. It cannot be said that much is known about any object until an attempt has been made to carry out this plan. Features which a.s.sume a certain appearance at one phase frequently turn out to be altogether different when viewed under another; important details obscured by shadows, craters masked by those of neighbouring objects, or by the shadows of their own rims, are often only revealed when the sun has attained an alt.i.tude of ten degrees or more. In short, there is scarcely a formation on the moon which does not exemplify the necessity of noting its aspect from sunrise to sunset. Regard must also be had to libration, which affects to a greater or less degree every object; carrying out of the range of observation regions near the limb at one time, and at another bringing into view others beyond the limits of the maps, which represent the moon in the mean state of libration. The area, in fact, thus brought into view, or taken out of it, is between 1/12th and 1/13th of the entire area of the moon, or about the 1/6th part of the hemisphere turned away from the earth. It is convenient to bear in mind that we see an object under nearly the same conditions every 59 d. 1 h.

28 m., or still more accurately, after the lapse of fifteen lunations, or 442 d. 23 h. Many observers avoid the observation of objects under a high light. This, however, should never be neglected when practicable, though in some cases it is not easy to carry out, owing to the difficulty in tracing details under these circ.u.mstances.

Although to observe successfully the minuter features, such as the rills and the smaller craterlets, requires instruments of large aperture located in favourable situations, yet work of permanent value may be accomplished with comparatively humble telescopic means. A 4 inch achromatic, or a silver-on-gla.s.s reflector of 6 or 6 1/2 inches aperture, will reveal on a good night many details which have not yet been recorded, and the possessor of instruments of this size will not be long in discovering that the moon, despite of what is often said, has not been so exhaustively surveyed that nothing remains for him to do.

Only experience and actual trial will teach the observer to choose the particular eyepiece suitable for a given night or a given object. It will be found that it is only on very rare occasions that he can accomplish much with powers which, perhaps only on two or three nights in a year in this climate, tell to great advantage; though it sometimes happens that the employment of an eyepiece, otherwise unsuitable for the night, will, during a short spell of good definition, afford a fleeting glimpse of some difficult feature, and thus solve a doubtful point. It has often been said that the efficiency of a telescope depends to a great extent on "the man at the eye end." This is as true in the case of the moon as it is in other branches of observational astronomy.

Observers, especially beginners, frequently fall into great error in failing to appreciate the true character of what they see. In this way a shallow surface depression, possibly only a few feet below the general level of the neighbouring country, is often described as a "vast gorge,"

because, under very oblique light, it is filled with black shadow; or an insignificant hillock is magnified into a mountain when similarly viewed.

Hence the importance, just insisted on, of studying lunar features under as many conditions as possible before finally attempting to describe them.

However indifferent a draughtsman an observer may be, if he endeavours to portray what he sees to the best of his ability, he will ultimately attain sufficient skill to make his work useful for future reference: in any case, it will be of more value than a mere verbal description without a sketch. Doubt and uncertainty invariably attend to a greater or less extent written notes unaccompanied by drawings, as some recent controversies, respecting changes in Linne and elsewhere, testify. Now that photographs are generally available to form the basis of a more complete sketch, much of the difficulty formerly attending the correct representation of the outline and grosser features of a formation has been removed, and the observer can devote his time and attention to the insertion and description of less obvious objects.

PROGRESS OF SELENOGRAPHY.--Till within recent years, the systematic study of the lunar surface may be said to have been confined, in this country at any rate, to a very limited number of observers, and, except in rare instances, those who possessed astronomical telescopes only directed them to the moon as a show object to excite the wonder of casual visitors. The publication of Webb's "Celestial Objects" in 1859, the supposed physical change in the crater Linne, announced in 1866, and the appearance of an unrecorded black spot near Hyginus some ten years later, had the effect of awakening a more lively interest in selenography, and undoubtedly combined to bring about a change in this respect, which ultimately resulted in the number of amateurs devoting much of their time to this branch of observational astronomy being notably increased. Still, large telescopes, as a rule, held aloof for some unexplained reason, or were only employed in a desultory and spasmodic fas.h.i.+on, without any very definite object. When the Council of the British a.s.sociation for the Advancement of Science, stimulated by the Linne controversy, deemed the moon to be worthy of pa.s.sing attention, observations, directed to objects suspected of change (the phenomena on the floor of Plato) were left to three or four observers, under the able direction of Mr. Birt, the largest instruments available being an 8 1/4 inch reflector and the Crossley refractor of 9 inches aperture! During the last decade, however, all this has been changed, and we not only have societies, such as the British Astronomical a.s.sociation, setting apart a distinct section for the systematic investigation of lunar detail, but some of the largest and most perfect instruments in the world, among them the n.o.ble refractor on Mount Hamilton, employed in photographing the moon or in scrutinising her manifold features by direct observation. Hence, it may be said that selenography has taken a new and more promising departure, which, among other results, must lead to a more accurate knowledge of lunar topography, and settle possibly, ere long, the vexed question of change, without any residuum of doubt.

Lunar photography as exemplified by the marvellous and beautiful pictures produced at the Lick Observatory under the auspices of Dr. Holden, and the exquisite enlargements of them by Dr. Weinek of Prague; at Paris by the brothers Henry; and at Brussels by M. Prinz; point to the not far distant time when we shall possess complete photographic maps on a large scale of the whole visible disc under various phases of illumination, which will be of inestimable value as topographical charts. When this is accomplished, the observer will have at his command faithful representations of any formation, or of any given region he may require, to utilise for the study of the smaller details by direct observation.

Desultory and objectless drawings and notes have hitherto been more or less characteristic of the work done, even by those who have given more than ordinary attention to the moon. Though these, if duly recorded, are valuable as ill.u.s.trating the physical structure, the estimated brightness under various phases, and other peculiarities of lunar features, they do not materially forward investigations relating to the discovery of present lunar activity or to the detection of actual change. It is reiterated _ad nauseam_ in many popular books that the moon is a changeless world, and it is implied that, having attained a state when no further manifestations of internal or external forces are possible, it revolves round the earth in the condition, for the most part, of a globular ma.s.s of vesicular lava or slag, possessing no interest except as a notable example of a "burnt-out planet." In answer to these dogmatic a.s.sertions, it may be said that, notwithstanding the multiplication of monographs and photographs, the knowledge we possess, even of the larger and more prominent objects, is far too slight to justify us in maintaining that changes, which on earth we should use a strong adjective to describe, have not taken place in connection with some of them in recent years. Would the most a.s.siduous observer a.s.sert that his knowledge of any one of the great formations, in the south-west quadrant, for example, is so complete that, if a chasm as big as the Val del Bove was blown out from its flanks, or formed by a landslip, he would detect the change in the appearance of an area (some three miles by four) thus brought about, unless he had previously made a very prolonged and exhaustive study of the object? Or, again, among formations of a different cla.s.s, the craters and crater-cones; might not objects as large as Monte Nuovo or Jorullo come into existence in many regions without any one being the wiser? It would certainly have needed a persistent lunar astronomer, and one furnished with a very perfect telescope, to have noted the changes that have occurred within the old crater-ring of Somma or among the Santorin group during the past thirty years, or even to have detected the effects resulting from the great catastrophe in A.D. 79, at Vesuvius; yet these objects are no larger than many which, if they were situated on our satellite, would be termed comparatively small, if not insignificant.

One of the aims of lunar research is to learn as much as possible as to the present condition of the surface. Every one qualified to give an opinion will admit that this cannot be accomplished by roaming at large over the whole visible superficies, but only by confining attention to selected areas of limited extent, and recording and describing every object visible thereon, under various conditions of illumination, with the greatest accuracy attainable. This plan was suggested and inaugurated nearly thirty years ago by Mr. Birt, under the patronage of the British a.s.sociation; but as he proposed to deal with the entire disc in this way, the magnitude and ambitious character of the scheme soon damped the ardour of those who at first supported it, and it was ultimately abandoned. It was, however, based on the only feasible principle which, as it seems to the writer, will not result in doubt and confusion. Now that photography has come to the a.s.sistance of the observer, Mr. Birt's proposal, if confined within narrower limits, would be far less arduous an undertaking than before, and might be easily carried out. A complete photographic survey of a few selected regions, as a basis for an equally thorough and exhaustive scrutiny by direct observation, would, it is believed, lead to a much more satisfactory and hopeful method for ultimately furnis.h.i.+ng irrefragable testimony as to permanency or change than any that has yet been undertaken.



WEST LONGITUDE 90 deg. TO 60 deg.

SCHUBERT.--This ring-plain, about 46 miles in diameter, situated on the N.E. side of the Mare Smythii, is too near the limb to be well observed.

NEPER.--Though still nearer the limb, this walled-plain, 74 miles in diameter, is a much more conspicuous object. It has a lofty border and a prominent central mountain, the highest portion of a range of hills which traverses the interior from N. to S.

APOLLONIUS.--A ring-plain, 30 miles in diameter, standing in the mountainous region S. of the Mare Crisium. There is a large crater on the S.W. wall, and another, somewhat smaller, adjoining it on the N. There are many brilliant craters in the vicinity.

FIRMICUS.--A somewhat larger, more regular, but, in other respects, very similar ring-plain, N.W. of the last. Some distance on the W., Madler noted a number of dark-grey streaks which apparently undergo periodical changes, suggestive of something akin to vegetation. They are situated near a prominent mountain situated in a level region.

AZOUT.--A small ring-plain, connected with the last by a lofty ridge. It is the apparent centre of many other ridges and valleys which radiate from it towards the N.W. and the Mare Crisium. There is a central mountain, not an easy telescopic object, on its dusky floor.

CONDORCET.--A very prominent ring-plain, 45 miles in diameter, situated on the mountainous S.W. margin of the Mare Crisium. It is encircled by a lofty wall about 8000 feet in height. The dark interior of this and of the three preceding formations render them easily traceable under a high angle of illumination.

HANSEN.--A ring-plain, 32 miles in diameter, on the W. border of the Mare Crisium N. of Condorcet. Schmidt shows a central mountain and a terraced wall.

ALHAZEN.--This ring-plain, rather smaller than the last, is the most northerly of the linear chain of formations, a.s.sociated with the highlands bordering the S.W. and the W. flanks of the Mare Crisium. It has a central mountain and other minor elevations on the floor. There is a little ring between Alhazen and Hansen, never very conspicuous in the telescope, which is plainly traceable in good photographs.

EIMMART.--A conspicuous ring-plain with bright walls on the N.W. margin of the Mare Crisium. The E. border attains a height of 10,000 feet above the interior, which, according to Schmidt, has a small central mountain.

There is a rill-like valley on the E. of the formation.

ORIANI.--An irregular object, 32 miles in diameter, somewhat difficult to identify, N.W. of the last. There is a conspicuous crater on the N. of it, with which it is connected by a prominent ridge.

PLUTARCH.--A fine ring-plain W. of Oriani, with regular walls, and, according to Neison, with two central mountains, only one of which I have seen. Both this formation and the last are beautifully shown in a photograph taken August 19, 1891, at the Lick Observatory, when the moon's age was 15 d. 10 hrs.

SENECA.--Rather smaller than Plutarch. Too near the limb for satisfactory observation. Schmidt shows two considerable mountains in the interior.

The position of this object in Schmidt's chart is not accordant with its place in Beer and Madler's map, nor in that of Neison.

HAHN.--A ring-plain, 46 miles in diameter, with a fine central mountain and lofty peaks on the border, which is not continuous on the S. There is a large and prominent crater on the E.

BEROSUS.--A somewhat smaller object of a similar type, N. of Hahn, but with a loftier wall. There is a want of continuity also in the border, the eastern and western sections of which, instead of joining, extend for some distance towards the S., forming a narrow gorge or valley. Outside the S.E. wall there is a small crater, and some irregular depressions on the E. The minute central mountain is only seen with difficulty under a low evening sun. The bright region between Hahn and Berosus and the western flank of Cleomedes is an extensive plain, devoid of prominent detail, and which, according to Neison, includes an area of 40,000 square miles.

GAUSS.--A large, and nearly circular walled-plain, 111 miles in diameter, situated close to the N.W. limb, and consequently always foreshortened into a more or less elongated ellipse. But for this it would be one of the grandest objects in the first quadrant. Under the designation of "Mercurius Falsus" it received great attention from Schroter, who gives several representations of it in his _Selenotopographische Fragmente_, which, though drawn in his usual conventional style, convey a juster idea of its salient features than many subsequent drawings made under far better optical conditions. The border, especially on the W., is very complex, and is discontinuous on the S., where it is intersected by more than one pa.s.s, and is prolonged far beyond the apparent limits of the formation. The most noteworthy feature is the magnificent mountain chain which traverses the floor from N. to S. It is interesting to watch the progress of sunset thereon, and see peak after peak disappear, till only the great central boss and a few minute glittering points of light, representing the loftier portions of the chain, remain to indicate its position. Madler expatiates on the sublime view which would be obtained by any one standing on the highest peak and observing the setting sun on one side of him and the nearly "full" earth on the other; while beneath him would lie a vast plain, shrouded in darkness, surrounded by the brilliantly illuminated peaks on the lofty border, gradually pa.s.sing out of sunlight. In addition to the central mountain range, there are some large rings, craters, hillocks, &c., on the floor; and on the inner slope of the W. border there is a very large circular enclosure resembling a ring-plain, not recorded in the maps. Schmidt shows a row of large craters on the outer slope of the E. border. Of these, one is very conspicuous under a low evening sun, by reason of its brilliant walls and interior. In the region between Gauss and Berosus is a number of narrow steep ridges which follow the curvature of the E. wall.

STRUVE.--A small irregularly-shaped formation, open towards the S., forming one of the curious group of unsymmetrical enclosures a.s.sociated with Messala. Its dark floor and a small dusky area on the N. indicate its position under a high sun.

CARRINGTON.--A small ring-plain, belonging to the Messala group, adjoining Schumacher on the N.W.

MERCURIUS.--This formation is 25 miles in diameter. A small crater stands on the S.E. section of the wall. There is a longitudinal range in the interior, and on the W. and N.W. the remains of two large walled-plains, the more westerly of which is a noteworthy object under suitable conditions. A short distance S. is a large, irregular, and very dark marking. On the N., lies an immense bright plain, extending nearly to the border of Endymion.

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