Bad Boy's Baby Part 70

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"Your head tried to explode," she said.

"That the technical term?"

"You had an un-ruptured aneurysm. Something that formed after the trauma from your injury. It was...bad."



I wiggled my toes, fingers, and flexed the most important part of me. All in working condition.

"How am I alive?"

Shay looked d.a.m.n proud of herself. "I pulled some strings."

"What kind of strings?"

"I flew in the best neurosurgeon in the country. Private plane even. Got him from Pittsburgh within two hours. He was more than happy to help once I offered my checkbook."

"Wow." I snorted. "Look at you. Using that trust fund."

"I'd have spent every last cent if it kept you..." She looked away. "If it healed you."

It wasn't what she wanted to say, but I was glad that fear left her. I squeezed her hand.


"She knows. She was here. She went to her office this morning, but she's stopping in to check on you. She helped get the neurosurgeon. I dropped her name, said that you were a war vet, and I added an extra zero to his cost estimate. He came running."

I s.h.i.+fted. The drugs, surgery, and bed held me d.a.m.n firm, but I extended my arm. Shay helped to place my hand on her belly. She smiled-a hopeful, gentle smile.

So I had to be an a.s.s.

I tugged on the s.h.i.+rt. "You're wearing my s.h.i.+rt again."

"Oh, stop it."

I pressed against her. She was warm, but I couldn't tell anything else. No No swell. No indication anywhere that she had a little baby inside of her.

I thought we were being careful? Apparently, I was a d.a.m.n miracle machine. My first injury, a baby even with contraception, and now an aneurysm? I used up my nine lives and created more.

Still, I hated myself for not knowing she was pregnant. I should have hauled a.s.s to get her ice-cream, not p.i.s.sed around with my own impatience while waiting for her to come to her senses and f.u.c.king love me.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"You never say that."

"I probably should say it more. Maybe it might have helped."

Shay swallowed. "I didn't tell you."

I didn't want to take my hand away. How the h.e.l.l did something so small affect me so much? "Why?"

"I was just...scared."

"Of what?" I drew my gaze to hers. Those almond eyes were pure elegance.

"Of losing you. Raising a baby alone. That you'd deploy and we'd never see you again." She rubbed my hand, pressing me harder against her belly. "I was afraid of telling you because I didn't understand how I felt."

"Do you understand it now?"


I didn't know if it was the brain surgery, pain meds, or the lingering effects of the anesthesia, but Shay went quiet.

"You didn't tell me you weren't permitted to re-enlist," she whispered.

"You didn't tell me you were pregnant."

"Yeah, but I already told you why I was afraid."

"I wasn't afraid." The drugs made it hard to lie. "I didn't want you to think less of me. I didn't want me to think less of me. I spent my entire life training to serve in the military. Suddenly I couldn't do it. I didn't know what to do. What I had left." She sat too far away from me, but I couldn't pull her any closer. "Now I know exactly what I have."

Shay stilled. "What's that?"

"You. If you let me in." I managed a grin. "If you let me stay."

"That's what you want?"

"Shay, I'm so G.o.dd.a.m.ned in love with you, if I weren't tethered to this f.u.c.king bed, I'd get on my knee and chase you around until you promised to stay with me forever."

"Forever is a long time."

"Forever will never be enough time with you."


"I don't know how to prove my love to you," I said. "I wouldn't even know how to begin. But you have to know that you are the reason I'm staying. Not because some doctor rejected me or my head scrambled. I love you, Shay. I want a life with you."

Her eyes welled with tears-terrified but overjoyed. She couldn't help but touch her belly. I had a feeling we'd be doing a lot of that.

If she let me.

Christ, I hope she'd let me.

"Say it," I said. "Don't fight me anymore. Forget our parents' marriage. Forget the money. Forget the house. Just look at me."

Shay shook her head. "I can't forget those things, Zach. They're what led me to you."

"Will they keep you from me?"

Her smile warmed me. "No. Not anymore."

"You're sure?"

"More certain than I've ever been."

I nestled into my pillows. Shay wasn't the only one who avoided commitment. I never heard anyone say it to me. I wondered if it'd be just as sweet as I imagined.

"Zach, I'm in love with you."

Nope. I was wrong. It was far sweeter. Beautiful. Perfect.

Nothing better in the world, and I was attached to a line of morphine.

She leaned in again for a simple kiss, but there was nothing simple about it, not after speaking those words. Not after nearly dying in her arms. Not after learning our pa.s.sion created the life tucked secret within her belly.

I thought my life fell apart without my job. Instead, I was given a chance for a happiness I didn't know if I f.u.c.king deserved, but I sure as h.e.l.l wasn't blowing.

I brushed her hair behind her ear and kissed her again.

"You and me," I whispered. "We're gonna start a family. We're going to love each other. And we're going to be good to each other. That's the way it'll happen."

"You think so?"

"I know so. The instant I get out of this bed, I'm proving it to you."

She smiled. "You just had surgery. You need to rest. Really rest."

"I'll have plenty of time while I'm taking care of you and the baby."

"I'm supposed to be the one rea.s.suring you."

"Me?" I shrugged. It hurt. I reminded myself not to do that again. "I'm still in one piece. Much better than my last stay in the hospital. This recovery will be easy."


"Because I have you." I pulled her close again. "I love you."

Finally the walls came down. No hesitations. No excuses. Just me and her and absolute honesty.

"I love you too."

Epilogue Shay Five Months Later I smoothed the comforter around us as Zach crashed, the instructions for a tricky mobile still clutched in his hand. The little woodland creatures that belonged over the crib scattered across the room. Defeat never looked so cute.

He tossed an arm over his eyes. "I'll finish it in the morning. Or I'll pay someone to do it for me. That f.u.c.king mobile is harder to crack than the crib."

I snuggled against him. "I think it's great you're trying to build it all."

"I can strip and a.s.semble a rifle in a minute. Can't figure out baby equipment."

"You love it."

He couldn't hide the dimples. "So do you."

I bit my lip. The folded envelope rested on the nightstand. Inside, a card from my doctor with the results of the day's sonogram. I managed to ignore it all day, but I cuddled next to Zach, and the baby heard his voice. The little b.u.t.terfly flutter punted me from the inside. I stared at the sealed card.

"Are you sure you don't want to know if it's a girl or boy?" I asked.

"Thought we wanted it to be a surprise?"

I thought a lot of things over the past few months. I thought of how lucky it was that Zach rested beside me. How amazing it felt to have him there for late night ice-cream and soft pretzel runs. How awesome it was that I found a charity that shared my goals.

I was blessed with both a baby and Zach. Our family grew every day, healthy and together.

But sweet Mary and Joseph I wanted to know who the little trooper was kicking in my belly. I couldn't wait three whole months.

I reached over Zach. He stole my arm and kissed it before I swiped the envelope.

"Nope," he said. "You ordered me to stop you."

"I also told you to leave the estate and get out of my life forever."

He grinned, motioning as if to get out of bed. "A promise is a promise."

"No!" I giggled, pulling him to me. "Don't you dare. A girl can change her mind."

And thank goodness I did.

Zach gave me a scolding glance before he kissed me.

"You wanted." His lips moved from mine to the delicate angle of my chin. "To keep it." I bent my head back as he gently sucked at my throat. "A surprise."

Oh, the things he did to me...most notably the in my belly. The baby was nowhere near done cooking, but the swelling excited both of us. Zach's hand rubbed over my tummy, but his lips and teeth nipped at my teddy for another reason entirely.

I grinned as he tugged the lace away, kissing my dark, satin skin with an unrivaled devotion. I settled into the pillows as he rose over me. After a long day of doctor's visits and charity work, stopping at the gym to check on the underprivileged, teenaged military hopefuls Zach trained, and then unsuccessfully constructing more equipment than a baby could ever use, I was ready for a little R&R.

Besides, my body became so sensitive since entering the second trimester. I practically trembled so near Zach. My nipples darkened, hardened, and teased. My curves softened, my belly swelled, and the crest between my legs wetted for any attention from my husband-to-be.

Zach knew what I wanted. He drew a nipple into his mouth. He suckled hard just to watch the goose b.u.mps tickle over my skin. Every quick dip of his tongue zipped a spark of pure electricity through me. It clenched me from the inside out. I arched, but my belly knocked into his chin. He grinned.

"Liking that?" he asked.

"Don't tease."

"I'm not teasing. I'm savoring."

I tapped my belly. "Savoring is what got me into this predicament in the first place."

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