Bad Boy's Baby Part 18

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Leah obeyed though her arms were shaky and her body weak. We both needed to rest. Needed to talk. We spent hours f.u.c.king until we shuddered with fatigue. Our bodies were raw. Consumed.

But I couldn't stop f.u.c.king her.

I used my strength to hold her to me as I pierced back into her heat. My c.o.c.k drenched in her wetness. Before, her own desire coated her thighs. Then, I made a mess out of her and now her clenching p.u.s.s.y slickened with my c.u.m. After we had parted, I had one h.e.l.l of a time pus.h.i.+ng her mouth off my c.o.c.k as she licked away both our juices. She'd nearly drained my b.a.l.l.s again as she'd sucked down my length.

She was ravenous for me.



After a year of highlighters and CC'ed emails, meetings and chastis.e.m.e.nts, Leah let loose.

And f.u.c.k, I wasn't ready for it.

Her trembled from her body into mine. She cried my name with a desperation that hardened my c.o.c.k. Her words drove me to her lips so I could silence her pleas before she tore me apart.

I f.u.c.ked her. I held her. I gave everything to her. And I wasn't prepared for what would happen to my sanity.

I fell over Leah, pinning her to the bed. My hands folded within hers, pressing her harder against the mattress. Her hips angled, letting my c.o.c.k thrust directly to her core. I crashed inside her, so close to her womb.

It wasn't just dangerous now. f.u.c.king her bare wasn't risky.

Every stroke made it G.o.dd.a.m.ned certain that my seed would root in her womb.

G.o.d, I wanted it to happen. Nothing would stop me. I'd f.u.c.k her until she swelled with my child.

And then I'd f.u.c.k her more.

I ground against her hips, dug my fingers into her a.s.s. Leah groaned and pushed back to impale herself harder against my length.

She would belong to me.

She would conceive. She would grow. She would have my baby.

And I would have her for my own.

The first woman I ever wanted was suddenly too dangerous to me. I had no idea what I was feeling. h.e.l.l, I didn't know what she was feeling. It didn't matter. She was mine and mine alone. I'd be d.a.m.ned if I let her off the bed without f.u.c.king my baby into her.

She was about to get into major trouble from her favorite trouble-maker.

She came again. Hard. Quivering. Her heat completely enveloped my c.o.c.k.

"I can't..." She panted for me, her arm stretching out and grasping the blanket. "This is so..."

"Just enjoy it."

"So much..."

"Ever been f.u.c.ked like this?"

"G.o.d, no..."

Yeah, me either. I felt the same way, down to needing to clench something in my fist. My fingers sunk into the pillow because I didn't trust grabbing her fragile, beautiful fingers. I hardly recognized myself or my strength, and the last thing I wanted to do was hurt the woman giving me the most amazing gift of my life.

I had never f.u.c.ked a woman bare before. It was a good thing I did it with her. If I had known how G.o.dd.a.m.ned amazing it felt f.u.c.king a woman without the burden of a rubber barrier...

I never thought it'd feel that good to bury inside a woman when I came.

No. How good it felt to come inside Leah.

My o.r.g.a.s.m was once the only part of s.e.x that mattered. Not anymore. I wanted to watch her come. I needed to see that quake of her shoulders and hear the groan from her lips.

Nothing existed more beautiful than her pleasure.

Except...what would come from tonight.

Her body would change because of me. She'd grow a little life inside of her because of me. We had a connection now...because of me.

I ground harder against her, taking my fill of her body, of her heat, of everything she offered and what she didn't realize she gave. I never felt these sort of things with the women I f.u.c.ked. I never imagined a future where I'd ask one to carry my child.

f.u.c.k, I never considered having a baby before.

And it wasn't some PR stunt. It wasn't just a reason to save my a.s.s. If it made me look responsible, fine. But that little life would be mine.

Same as Leah.

And I wanted it so G.o.dd.a.m.ned bad I f.u.c.ked myself into oblivion and back.


Her voice flooded my thoughts, echoing in my head with the delicious little mew. She sounded almost pained, waiting, wanting me to f.u.c.k her harder and crash her over yet another peak that would render her utterly spent beneath me. "Come with me."

"You sure, Kiss? Want me to stop?"


"Want me to come?"


Leah moaned, s.h.i.+fting her hips as if I wasn't already hitting the deepest part of her. I slammed into her body, knocking the air from her chest in a quick gasp. She clung to the mattress as I rutted. It wasn't fair to use my full strength against her, but this woman conquered me from the moment she first kissed me. She brought me to my knees to taste her. And now? I finally erupted inside her, but she was the one who tore through my heart, beat at my soul, and rent every muscle that made me stronger, bigger, faster than my opponents.

Leah destroyed me from the inside out.

Why didn't it bother me?

Why did it feel so...right?

"Where am I coming?" I grunted in her ear, each syllable punctuated with a deeper, harder thrust. "Where do you want me to come?"

"In...inside me."

"In your p.u.s.s.y?"

"f.u.c.k me, yes. There."

"Why in your p.u.s.s.y?"

She stiffened, but I knew she hadn't forgotten our purpose. We dissolved our willpower and lost our dignity as we f.u.c.ked like animals. We bred. We mated. Every thrust indebted her to me because I gave her that seed and the o.r.g.a.s.m that milked it from me.

And yet I was the one begging. I needed this woman more than anything.

Nothing would ever drive her from my arms.


"Tell me what you want..." I grunted. "Tell me, Leah."

"You. I want you."

"Will you keep that seed inside you?"



"G.o.d, yes, Jack."

"What do you want?"

"I want...I need..." She surrendered. "Please f.u.c.k me. Give me your baby."

At least she was honest.

It broke my mind. I surrendered to that b.e.s.t.i.a.l urge, too f.u.c.king humbled and grateful that this woman let me f.u.c.k her. I'd do anything she wanted, anything, and it wouldn't be enough until I heard her tell me she'd be mine.

And I wouldn't believe her until she proved it.

Until she grew with my child.

Nothing would stop that from happening now.

The tingling began in my c.o.c.k, creeping through my spine. I grunted, pounding into her, using her ravaged body as a little toy to pump a surge of heat inside her. Another load of my seed rushed deep within her womb, and I jammed my c.o.c.k in as far as her body yielded. Our skin touched, bare flesh to bare flesh, and my b.a.l.l.s slapped hard against her slit.

Every wave of my o.r.g.a.s.m drained me.

I couldn't breathe. Couldn't think. I clung to her as the only way to tether me to the world. Leah accepted all of me as she shuddered in weak and exhausted pleasure again. We both collapsed.

Finally done.




I didn't pull out from her. I'd never withdraw my c.o.c.k from her again if I didn't have to. We rolled onto our sides, and my c.o.c.k kept her stuffed full of everything I offered.

She stilled in my arms, but her breathing shuddered as the aftershocks of our f.u.c.king stole her voice. She closed her eyes, her hands gripping my solid arm pinning her to me.

This wasn't like anything I ever experienced.

I never felt this close to anyone. Never had such pleasure. I let her rest against my strength. She had every permission to sleep and enjoy the pure bliss that crashed over us after the s.e.x.



Whatever just happened wasn't normal.

Or maybe it was? Maybe this was how couples actually experienced pa.s.sion and s.e.x?

I wouldn't know. I never had anything but the mindless fun. Straight physical reactions from lips around my c.o.c.k or a p.u.s.s.y separated from me by rubber. h.e.l.l, I never talked to the girls I f.u.c.ked. I never even learned their names.

But I knew this woman. I knew Leah. And that made s.e.x...better.

I f.u.c.ked her naturally, without protection. Christ. The protection I needed wasn't a condom. No one warned me about the insanity that was slipping inside a woman who stirred everything inside me. She got in my head, f.u.c.ked everything up, and left me a mess to sort out.

s.e.x used to clear my mind so I could focus on winning, succeeding, champions.h.i.+ps.

Now I wanted more. This. Closeness. The understanding between the two of us. We f.u.c.ked like animals in heat, and we used each other to get exactly what we had wanted, and we joined to create something amazing...

But it wasn't just s.e.x. I liked it.

I pulled the covers over her trembling form, held her tighter against me, and I watched Leah drift into a peaceful sleep.

Something changed inside me. Something big. Something important.

And it was as f.u.c.king exhilarating as it was terrifying.

Chapter Eleven Leah.

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