Legends, Traditions, and Laws of the Iroquois Part 15

Legends, Traditions, and Laws of the Iroquois -

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Mr. Levi Jonathan, of Grand River.

Dr. Bombry, of Grand River.

President Josiah Hill, of Grand River.

Mr. Albert Cusick, of Onondaga Castle.

Mr. Abram Hill, of Onondaga Castle.

Rev. Thomas Green, of Lewiston, N. Y.

Mr. John Mt. Pleasant, of Lewiston, N. Y.

Mr. William Patterson, of Lewiston, N. Y.

Mr. Marvin Crows, of Cattaraugus, N. Y.

This forenoon we were favored with music by our temperance cornet band between the speeches.

In the afternoon session we were favored with music by C. C. Lay's orchestra band, of Cattaraugus, N. Y.

President Hill in the chair, business was resumed.

Mr. John C. Lay moved that the next convention be held on the Cattaraugus Reservation, N. Y. This was followed by a motion of Levi Jonathan, that the next convention be held at Grand River, Ontario, who claimed that they had adopted the const.i.tution, while the Senecas had not. After some discussion, A. Sim Logan said, "If you will give us a copy of your const.i.tution, we will accept of it and form a society based on the same."

It was then put to vote and carried that the next convention should be held at Cattaraugus, N. Y., on the 25th day of September, 1877.

The following officers were appointed, viz:

Mr. Elias Johnson. Tuscarora, of Lewiston, N. Y., President.

Mr. Josiah Hill, Tuscarora, of Grand River, Vice-President.

Dr. Bombry, Cayuga, of Grand River, Secretary.

On the evening of October 25th, as aforesaid, the convention duly met, and was called to order by the President, E. Johnson; opened by singing and prayer. Business was then resumed. The Secretary not being present, Prof. Chancy C. Jemison, of Cattaraugus, was appointed to fill the vacancy.

The committee of arrangements was as follows, viz:

Mr. John Canada, Seneca, of Cattaraugus.

Mr. A. Sim Logan, Seneca, of Cattaraugus.

Mr. Job King, Seneca, of Cattaraugus.

Mr. Levi Jonathan, Onondaga, of Grand River.

Mr. James Jemison, Cayuga, of Grand River.

Mr. Josiah Hill, Tuscarora, of Grand River.

Mr. John Mt. Pleasant, Tuscarora, of Lewiston.

Mr. Wm. Chew, Tuscarora, of Lewiston.

Mr. Daniel La Fort, Onondaga, of Syracuse, N. Y.

Mr. Abram Hill, Oneida, of Syracuse, N. Y.

The convention continued three days. Many speeches were made by the leading men of the several nations that were represented. The meetings were unusually interesting. Every speaker seemed to be moved to the utmost of their enthusiasm. The congregations were large, and every face seemed to glow with the interest that was awakened in the great cause of temperance. The order and decorum that prevailed throughout all the meetings was becoming to any Community.

There were also four cornet bands which favored the a.s.semblies with music, in their proper times, which added very much to the interest of the convocation. The bands were as follows, to-wit:

Mr. A. Sim Logan's national cornet band, of Cattaraugus, N. Y.

Mr. Chester C. Lay's silver cornet band, of the same place.

Mr. Levi Jonathan's Tuscarora cornet band, of Grand River, Ontario.

Mr. Enos Johnson's temperance cornet band, of Tuscarora, N. Y.

On the morning of the last day of the convention before the services began, the four cornet bands consolidated in one, which made over fifty members, and played several tunes together outside of the Presbyterian church, in which the convention was held, and made a rousing band of music.

The first article of the const.i.tution, which reads thus: "This society shall be denominated the Temperance Society," was amended so as to read thus: "This society shall be denominated the Six Nations Temperance Society of the United States and Canada."

The a.s.sembly was then called to sign the temperance pledge of this society. There were upwards of two hundred that signed, most of whom resided on the reservation in which the convention was held; but there were some from the Tonawanda, Alleghany and Onondaga reservations, and also one Oneida, from Green Bay, Wis.

The Onondagas and Tonawandas made application for a copy of the const.i.tution to be sent to them, that they might form temperance societies on their respective reservations, which was granted them, and Mr. Josiah Hill was appointed to write the copy and send the same to them.

The convention adjourned on the evening of the third day to meet again the next year at Grand River, Ontario.


Mr. John Canada, Seneca, of Cattarauguh, President.

Mr. Wm. Patterson, Tuscarora, of Lewiston, N. Y., Vice-President.

Mr. Josiah Hill, Tuscarora, of Grand River, Secretary.

Mr. John Mt. Pleasant, Tuscarora, of Lewiston, N. Y., Treasurer.

It will be seen by the above that the Tuscaroras have not been altogether idle on the subject of temperance. The temptations of intemperance surrounding our reservation are great. We hope that the legislature will aid us in enacting more rigid laws, for the temptation is working even in cider, which seems to be more intoxicating now than in former times.

Friends.h.i.+p of the Tuscaroras to the United States.

The Tuscarora Indians have for more than a century been a firm friend to the United States. In the Revolutionary war they took an active part for the declaration of independence; many took part, but few were enrolled, consequently, but few that drew pension from the United States. For instance, Nicholas Cusick, a Tuscarora Indian; where shall you look for another instance of friends.h.i.+p, greater than his, towards the distinguished Marquis de Lafayette, or for christian principle more firm and true than he evinced concerning his pension.

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