The Canon of the Bible Part 14

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363 See Tholuck's _Kommentar zum Briefe an die Hebraer, zweite Auflage_, pp. 55, 86.

364 Carlstadt's treatise is reprinted in Credner's _Zur Geschichte des Kanons_.

365 Werke, edited by Schuler and Schulthess, vol. ii. p. 169.

_ 366 Ep. ad. Valdenses_, 1530, _apud. Sculteti annal. evang. renovat decas secunda_, pp. 313, 314.

_ 367 Ibid._

368 Hug says that his copy of Widmanstad's edition had the Acts immediately following the Gospels.

369 Epist. ad Paulinum.

370 Hom. vii. in Josua.

371 De Bibliorum textibus originalibus, &c., p. 654.

_ 372 Ibid._, p. 664.

373 See Zacagni's _Collectanea monumentorum veterum Praefat_, p. lxxi., &c.

374 See Volkmar's _Anhang_ to _Crednet's Geschichte des N. T. Kanon_, p.

341, &c.; and Hody _De Bibliorum textibus originalibus_, p. 644, &c.

_ 375 Niemeyer's Collectio Confessionum_, p. 468.

_ 376 Ibid._, p. 330.

_ 377 Ibid._, pp. 361, 362.

378 See Herzog's _Die Romanischen Waldenser_, p. 55, &c.; and his programm _De origine et pristino statu Waldensium_, &c., pp. 17, 40, 41.

379 Leger's _Histoire des Eglises Vaudoises_, vol. i., p. 112, &c.

380 The reason given for their being added as a separate appendix is that they are cited by some fathers and found in some Latin Bibles.

381 Kimmel's _Monumenta fidei eccles. orient_, part i. p. 467.

382 Died 791 A.D.

_ 383 Abhandlung von freier Untersuchung des Canons_, 4 parts, Halle, 1771-1775.

384 See Toland's _Nazarenus_, p. 25, &c., second edition; and Morgan's _Moral Philosopher_, vol. i. p. 56, &c.

385 For example, "Moses is dead; his rule went out when Christ came-he is of no further service here.... We are willing to regard him as a teacher, but we will not regard him as our lawgiver, _unless he agree with the New Testament and the law of nature_." _Sammtliche Schriften_, ed. Walch. dritter Theil., pp. 7, 8.

386 Such as Calovius, Chemnitz, John Gerhard, W. Lyser, Quenstedt, Brochmand, Hollaz, &c. Melancthon also makes no important distinction between the two Testaments in his _Loci theologici_.

Calvin's theology was derived from the Old Testament more than the New.

387 His full sayings are collected in Bretschneider's _Luther an unsere Zeit_, pp. 186-224; and in Krause's _Opuscula theologica_, pp.


_ 388 Loci Theologici_ Tom. i. pp. 186, 187, ed. Cotta, 1762.

_ 389 Theologia Didactico-polemica_, p. 340.

390 See Jones's new and full method of settling the canonical authority of the New Testament, Vol. I., Part i., chap. 5. page 52, ed. 1726.

391 Ecclesia sua autoritate nullum librum facit canonic.u.m, quippe canonica scripturae autoritas est a solo Deo, &c. Gerhard's _Loci Theologici_, tom. i. p. 4, ed. Cotta. Autoritas scripturae quoad nos nihil allud est, quam manifestatio et cognitio unicae illius divinae et summae autoritatis, quae scriptum est interna et insita. Ecclesia igitur non confert scripturae novam aliquam autoritatem quoad nos, sed testificatione sua ad agnitionem illius; veritatis nos deducit.

Concedimus, ecclesiam esse scripturae sacrae _testem, custodem, vindicem, praeconem, et interpretem_; sed negarnus, ex eo effici, quod autoritas scripturae sive simpliciter sive quoad nos ab ecclesia pendeat et quidem unice, pendeat.-_Ibid._, tomus secundus, p. 39, ed. Cotta.

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