Conscious Eating Part 35

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Egg-less Nog

Balances V and K, unbalances P Fall, Winter, and Spring 2 cups almonds, soaked and blanched 1 tsp nutmeg tsp cloves tsp cinnamon tsp cardamom Stevia to taste Blend ingredients until smooth, adding water until reaching milky consistency. For traditional nog consistency, do not strain.

Sesame Milk

Balances V, slightly aggravates P and K All Seasons cup sesame seeds, soaked 4 cups water Blend until liquefied, strain, and serve.

Cardamom-Sesame Milk

Balances V, P, K All Seasons cup sesame seeds, soaked tsp licorice root powder tsp cardamom 4 cups water Blend until liquefied and strain. Try adding a small amount of stevia for a sweeter flavor.

Remarks: May aggravate P if taken in excess. Warming spices such as tsp ginger, cardamom, or cinnamon can make this seed milk more warming in winter. These spices go well with any of the seed milks.

Almondana Milk

Balances V, unbalances P and K Summer 1 cup almonds, soaked and blanched 1 cup date soak water 4 dates 4 frozen bananas 2 cups water Blend soaked almonds and 2 cups water until smooth. Strain and collect the milk. Blend dates and date soak water until smooth.

Blend date mixture, frozen bananas, and almond milk thoroughly.

Serves 3-4.

Cardamom-Almond Milk

Balances V, P, K All Seasons 1 cup almonds, soaked and blanched 1 cup raisin soak water 1 Tbs cardamom 2 cups water Blend all ingredients until smooth and strain. Serves 4.


Balances V, P, K All Seasons 1 cup almonds, soaked and blanched 1 cup raisins, soaked 1 cup raisin soak water tsp cardamom tsp cinnamon tsp fennel tsp clove tsp nutmeg 2 cups water Blend all ingredients until smooth and strain.


Flaxseeds are particularly important because they are the best and safest source on the planet of omega-3 essential fatty acids, as well as being rich in lignands, which boost the immune system. One tablespoon of flaxseeds meets the daily requirement for omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids help to relieve all inflammations, especially joint and skin inflammations. When flaxseeds are combined with sunflower seeds, which supply the omega-6 essential fatty acids, one gets a full supply of all fatty acids. Just adding flax to peoples' live-food diets has rebalanced some vata skin conditions. It is also balancing to the bowel and enhances elimination. Flaxseeds are most easily digested and a.s.similated when ground. One wonderful way to include flaxseeds in your diet is to grind them into a powder in a nut grinder and sprinkle them over fruit and seed sauce or a breakfast porridge. Some recipes that include flaxseeds are offered below. Do not hesitate to experiment and create your own unique combinations.

Sun Squash Soup

Balances V and P, neutral for K All Seasons 1 medium yellow squash 1 cup sunflower sprouts cup sunflower seeds, soaked 2 Tbs raw apple cider vinegar 1 Tbs flaxseeds, soaked 1 tsp basil 1 clove garlic or tsp sun-dried garlic 1 cup water Blend all ingredients until smooth, adding more water if necessary, until reaching desired consistency. Serves 2-4.

Red Top Salad Dressing

Balances V and K, unbalances P All Seasons 1 cup carrot juice red bell pepper 2 Tbs flaxseeds, soaked tsp cayenne Blend until smooth.

Double O-3 Salad Dressing

Balances V, neutral for K, unbalances P All Seasons 1 cup fresh apple juice 2 Tbs raw apple cider vinegar 2 Tbs walnuts, soaked 1 Tbs flaxseeds, soaked Blend until smooth.

Second Love Sauce or Dressing

Balances K and V, slightly unbalances P All Seasons 1 papaya 1 cup fresh carrot juice 1 Tbs flaxseeds, soaked 1 tsp ginger, grated Blend ingredients until smooth.

Curry-Apple Sunflax Drink

Balances V and K, slightly unbalances P All Seasons 1 cup fresh apple juice cup sunflower seeds soaked 1 Tbs flaxseeds, soaked tsp curry Blend until smooth.

Remarks: Adding 1 clove garlic or tsp sun-dried garlic heats this drink up for the winter months, but makes it more aggravating for P.

Omega-36 Smoothie

Balances V, P, K All Seasons 2 bananas cup sunflower seeds, sprouted cup fresh apple juice 1 Tbs flaxseeds 1 tsp cardamom 1 tsp cinnamon Blend all ingredients, adding apple juice slowly until reaching desired consistency.


Grains are essential building blocks for health. They are critical body builders, important in balancing the vata dosha, and supply a grounding, heating, yang effect. In infants, grains strongly support the development of the first, second, and third chakras and supply a nutritive growth energy that supports vegetarian babies. They are also healing and balancing for adults' first three chakras. Grains are particularly good for slow oxidizers and those with sympathetic const.i.tutions because of their high carbohydrate content. They can be eaten very moderately by parasympathetics, and should be eaten minimally by fast oxidizers. In addition, grains, like nuts and seeds, are high in calories and therefore an excellent food for maintaining or gaining weight. They are very high in minerals, B vitamins, and vitamin E. In addition, the high phosphorus content of grains is good for the nervous system and brain.

It is possible to make raw grains edible by soaking or sprouting them without having to cook them. Grains are turned into biogenic foods when prepared in this way. In their biogenic state, the life force in the seed germ is capable of re-creating a new plant. Raw grains, unlike cooked grains, are rich in enzymes. The high-enzyme and high-calorie content makes soaked or sprouted grains particularly good for those who, after years of eating cooked foods, have begun to deplete their enzyme systems.

Soaked and sprouted grains can be very helpful in the transition process from cooked foods to live foods. They are generally more filling for those accustomed to the heavy feeling usually produced by eating cooked foods.

Soaked and sprouted grains have differing effects on doshas. V and P do a little better with grains than K. Each grain, however, will affect the doshas differently. Millet, rye, buckwheat, and corn are hot, light, and dry in effect. These, along with barley, are balancing for K, but neutral for V and slightly unbalancing for P. Wheat is considered cold, heavy, and moist so it unbalances K but is balancing for V and P. Soaking of grains s.h.i.+fts their effect on the doshas by making all the grains slightly more unbalancing for kapha. For example amaranth, barley, buckwheat, corn, millet, and rye are generally balancing for K, but when soaked become more unbalancing for K. If eaten in excess these may potentially unbalance K.

For further information on soaking and sprouting grains, see the Soaking and Sprouting section at the end of Part IV.


Sweet Barley Porridge

Balances V, P, K All Seasons 4 cups barley, soaked 2 cups fig soak water 1 cup figs, soaked 2 tsp coriander Blend ingredients to desired consistency. Add 4 extra figs just before stopping blender to provide chunks of fruit in this wonderful porridge. Serves 4-6.

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