Renaissance. Part 36

Renaissance. -

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"Yes, but how could you ...? The look of the monk gave intender beginning to understand what happened.

- Who is Girolamo Savonarola? Ezio insisted.

"My cousin, a devout man of G.o.d. What which, as per melimits may ask, who are you? Although I must thank humilityI've rescued insane and I know that you can ask me any favor.

"I ... I have no name, "said Ezio. But let me please tell me yours.

Marcello-Fra Savonarola, the monk replied meekly. Savonarola, the monk replied meekly.

Ezio noted. His head ran at full speed.

- Where is your cousin Girolamo?

Marcello The monk began to think, fighting his withscience.

"True, my cousin ... has a unique vision on how to serve G.o.d ... Preaches his own doctrine ... Now you might inget it in Venice.

- So what are you doing there?

Marcello straightened.

"I think going down the wrong path. He preaches h.e.l.lfire. States see the future. -Marcello looked Ezio with bloodshot eyes, with agonized eyes. If you really want to know my opinion, I think vomit crazy! crazy!

Chapter 25.

Ezio had the feeling of having wasted too much time in what seemed a fruitless search. Chasing Savonarola was like chasing a will-o', a chimera, your own queue. But the search had to continue, inexorably, for that manber G.o.d nine fingers was in possession of the Fruit of Eden, the key to access to much more than I could imagine, and it was a dangerous religious maniac, a true brainless potentially less controllable than the Maestro, Rodrigo Borgia, in person.

It was Theodora who came to greet him when he landed in the gallery in the docks of Venice, from Ravenna.

In 1492, Venice was still relatively straightforward under the rule of the Doge Agostino Barbarigo. The city seethed with the news that Venice had rejected the mad plans of a Genoese sailor named Christoff Corombo of sailing west to cross the Ocean Sea, apparently, the sailor had found the financial support of Spain and was about aboard. Hasbria was Venice which had committed the folly of not eligibleNAR issue? If Corombo it succeeded, there would be a safe sea route to the Indies that you avoid the traditional routetion and topsoil now blocked by the Ottoman Turks. But the head of Ezio was so crowded with other matters that could not pay much attention to those issues and trade policy.

"We received your news," said Theodora. But are you sure? "It's the only track I've got, and I feel good. Isam sure that the Fruit of Eden is back here in your hands of the monk Savonarola. I have been told that preaches to the sober the fire of h.e.l.l to come.

"I've heard of him.

- Do you know where I could find, Theodora?

-No. But in the neighborhood of the crafts I have seen a Herald calling crowds, preaching that pile of nonsense sober the fire of h.e.l.l of which you speak. Maybe he is a discipleabout your monk. Come with me. Be my guest while permanezcas here and once you are installed, go directly to the place where this man preaches his sermons.

Ezio both as Theodora and, indeed, all rational peopletional and intelligent, they knew why people were beginning to fall prey to a kind of violent and uncontrolled hysteria. Was approaching half a millennium year, 1500, and many believed that this year TuesCarian the Second Advent, when the Lord "comes in his gloryria, and the glory of his Father, accompanied by ten thousand saints, includingso myriads of angels, and will sit on His glorious throne. And before him will gather all nations: and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep, the saved to his right, the cawords, the condemned, to the left. "

San Mateo's description had been re Judgementreverberations in the minds of many.

"Both the Herald and his boss are taking advantage of febbre di fine drywhat febbre di fine drywhat Theodora said. From what I know, even they themselves believe in that. Theodora said. From what I know, even they themselves believe in that.

"I guess so," said Ezio. The danger is that with the Fruit of Eden in his power, could cause a disaster that has nothing to do with G.o.d, and everything to do with the Devil. He paused. But have not yet deployed the power they have in their hands, and we should thank G.o.d for it, because I doubt they knew how to control it. For now, at least, seem totempted to prRevelation and that aide laughed bitterly always been an easy sell.

"But the thing is getting worse," said Theodora. In fact, anyra could believe that the Apocalypse is at hand. Have you heard the bad news?

"I have not heard anything since I left Forli.

Lorenzo de Medici, died in his villa at Careggi. Ezio grieved.

"It's a tragedy. Lorenzo was a true friend of my familyily and without his protective hand I fear that I'll never get recoveredcome the most Palazzo Auditore. But this is nothing compared to what his death might mean for peace between the cities managed to maintain-state. Something that was always fragile, inEven in the best of times.

"And there's more," said Theodora. A news worse, if possible, than the death of Lorenzo. He paused. Get ready for what I have to say, Ezio. Spanish, Rodrigo Borgia, was elected pope. GoBierna the Vatican and Rome as Pope Alexander VI!

- What? " "Why prank ...?

Rome-The Caucus has just completed this month. Rumour has it that Rodrigo bought the majority of the votes. Even Ascanio Sforza, who was the most likely challengerble, voted for him! They say they bribed with four mules laden with silver.

- What benefit does the papacy? What are looking for?

- Is not it enough the impact this mean? -Mattdora stared. Now we are under the power of a wolf, Ezio. The most voracious, perhaps, that the world has ever known.

"What you say is true, Teodora. But the power you are looking for is even greater than it could give the papacy. If you control the Vatican, will be much closer to being able to access the vault, and still behind the Fruit of Eden, the "Piece of Eden" that neNeed some to seize power of G.o.d in person.

"Let us pray for you to get it back to the Murderers. RoDrigo, as Pope and Master of the Templars, and is dangerous in itself. If you have also the fruit of Eden ... "He stopped. As you say, it would be indestructible.

"It is strange," said Ezio.

- What?

"Our friend Savonarola not know, but it has two huntedre going after him.

Teodora guided Ezio up the great square of the art districthealthy Venice where the Herald used to deliver sermons and left him there. Ezio, hooded, without lifting your head too much, but alert at all times, melted into the crowd that empezaba to meet in the place. Soon after, the place was packed, the crowd gathered around a small wooden stage that had just climbed a stern-looking man with cool blue eyes, sunken cheeks, dark gray hairro and gnarled hands, wearing a simple wool tunic color gray. He began to speak, stopping only when the mad cheers of the audience forced to do so. Ezio realized the ease with which one man could lead to hundreds of people to a state of blind hysteria.

-Gather, Children, and hear my word! For the End of Days is approaching. Are you ready for what lies ahead? Is itThais prepared to see the light with my brother Savonarola has blessed us? He raised his hands, and Ezio, who knew exactlymind what light is referred to by the Heraldor, he listened with soberDad. Dark days are approaching "said the Herald. But my brother has shown the way to salvation, to the heavenly light that awaits us. But we will only be prepared if we adhere to it. Let Savonarola is our guide, because he alone knows what is coming. He does not lead us astray. -El Heraldo leaned on the lectern. Is itThais prepared for the Final Judgement, brothers and sisters? Who safetywill go when the time comes?He paused to emphtizar his words.In the churches there are many who claim to offercer salvation, requesting, the forgiving, the slaves of superst.i.tion crazy ... But no, my children! All those are enslaved in the Borgia Pope, enslaved the "Pope" Alexander, the sixth and most indebted to that name!

The crowd began to scream. Ezio scowled. He recalled the alleged prophecies I had seen on the fruit of the Eden Project in Leonardo's workshop. In the distant future come a timpo where the h.e.l.l are deployed really really on earth ... unless he could stop. on earth ... unless he could stop.

"The new Pope Alexander is not a spiritual man, it is not a man soul. Men like him buy our prayerstions and sell their goods for profit. The priests of our churches are just merchants church! Only one among us is truly a spiritual man, only one of us has seen the future and has spoken with the Lord! He will lead us!

Ezio wondered if the mad monk would open open also the fruit of Eden. Would it have deployed the same views? WhatBia said Leonardo on the Fruit of Eden? What also the fruit of Eden. Would it have deployed the same views? WhatBia said Leonardo on the Fruit of Eden? What crazy again weaker minds? crazy again weaker minds?

"Savonarola lead us toward the light, the Herald was saying in conclusion. Savonarola tell us what's to come! Savonarola lead us to the very doorTAS heaven! We do not want this new world that has been witnessed Savonarola. Savonarola's brother is the way to G.o.d we've all been looking for!

He raised his hands and the crowd kept on screaming and cheering.

Ezio knew the only way to find the monk was to workInstead of his henchman. But I had to find a way to reach youta him without raising suspicions of the devoted crowd. Is adequateforward with caution, playing the role of submissive man looking for conversation among the flock of the Herald.

It was not easy. Received aggressive pus.h.i.+ng of the people who was aware that he was a stranger, a newcomer, theGillen who look askance. But he dedicated himself to smile, bowing and even as a last resort, throw money, disaying: "I want to give alms to the cause of Savonarola and those who support and believe in him.

And the money ran as usual. In fact, Ezio concluded that money was the best weapon conversion existed. Finally the Herald, who had been watching the progress of Ezio with a combination of fun and satisfaction, he ordered his bodyguards to be made on one side and pointed to signs that come to him, guiding him to a quieter place, a piazzetta piazzetta separated from the main square, where they could hold a conversation in private. Ezio understood that the Herald has believedber made an important and wealthy addition to his flock of followers. separated from the main square, where they could hold a conversation in private. Ezio understood that the Herald has believedber made an important and wealthy addition to his flock of followers.

- Where is Savonarola? Ezio asked.

"It's everywhere, brother," said the Herald. It is in every one of us, and each and every one of usters are with him.

"Listen, friend," said Ezio hastily. I'm looking for menber, not the myth. Tell me please, where is.

The Herald looked at with suspicion, and Ezio was clearly true invent the wastage of madness in his eyes.

"I told you where it is. Look, Savonarola loves you just as you are. He will show you the light. He will show the future! future!

"But I have to talk to him personally. I see the great leader! And I have enormous wealth to contribute to its impressive cross!

The Herald looked slyly to hear that. "I understand," he said. Be patient. The time has come toDavia. But you will join us in our journey, brother.

And Ezio had patience. Was very patient. Then one day, the Herald received a summons inviting him to join him on the docks of Venice at sunset. He arrived early and waited nernerves and impatience, until finally he saw a shadowy figure advancedZande in the mist of dusk.

"I was not sure were to come," he told the Herald in greeting.

The Herald seemed satisfied.

"The search for truth you love, brother. And it's slumberTado over time. But now we are ready and our great leader has a.s.sumed leaders.h.i.+p responsibilities for which he was born. Come!

He walked past him and led to a dock where Ezio was docked a large galley. Next to it expecting a crowd of faithful. The Herald spoke to them: - My children! Finally it's time to leave. Our brother and spiritual leader, Girolamo Savonarola, awaits us in the city has finally taken over!

- Yes, has taken over! The b.a.s.t.a.r.d son of a b.i.t.c.h has humiliateddo my city and my home ... has brought to the brink of insanity!

Ezio The crowd turned to look at the person who had spoken, a long-haired young man dressed in a black cloak, with full lips and a face weak, deformed ahora by rage.

"I just got out of there," he continued. Banned from my dued by that a.s.shole king, Charles of France, whose interference has led me to be replaced by the Dog G.o.d, Savonarola.

The mood among the crowd began to rarefied and good willguro would have ended up taking the boy and throwing him to the lake for not having prevented the Herald.

"Let the man express his opinion," said the IRalda and, turning to the stranger asked, "Why do you utter the name of Savonarola in vain, brother?

- Why? Why? Why? As he has done to Florence! Controls the city! Either the As he has done to Florence! Controls the city! Either the Signoria Signoria supports it, or feel powerless against him. Incite the and even people who should know better, as the supports it, or feel powerless against him. Incite the and even people who should know better, as the teacher teacher Botticelli, followed slavishly. They burn books, artwork, anything that crazy consideredre immoral! Botticelli, followed slavishly. They burn books, artwork, anything that crazy consideredre immoral!

- What is Savonarola now in Florence?He asked with every intention Ezio. Are you sure?

- Where would it be? I wish I were on the moon or in the pit of h.e.l.l! I have a narrow escape alive!

- Who exactly are you, brother? He asked theRaldes, leaving betrayed his impatience.

The young man straightened up.

"I am Pieror Medici. Son of Lorenzo Il Il Magnificent and Magnificent and legitimatethymus ruler of Florence! Ezio shook his hand. legitimatethymus ruler of Florence! Ezio shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Piero. Your father was my true friend. Piero stared.

"Thanks for this, whoever you are. As my father is concerned, was lucky to die before all the madness ragingra our city like a tidal wave. He turned despreocupadamente to the alienated crowd. Do not you support this desthe monk! It is a dangerous lunatic with an ego the size of the Duomo! Should be sacrificed as the mad dog he is!

The crowd, as one voice, roared with rage. The Herald Piero turned back and shouted: - Heretic! Sower of evil ideas! And addressing the crowd shouted: "This is the man to be sacrificed!.. sacrificed!.. Ifviolence! Sent to Ifviolence! Sent to fire!.. fire!..

Both Piero as Ezio, at his side, had already unsheathed their swords and faced the threatening mob.

- Who are you? Asked Piero.

Hearing Officer, "said Ezio.

- Ah! Sono Aiuto pleasure of tuo. Sono Aiuto pleasure of tuo. My father often spoke of you. His eyes danced over his opponents. Will hewe of this? My father often spoke of you. His eyes danced over his opponents. Will hewe of this?

"I hope so. But you have not been what they say very diplomatic.

- How should I know?

"You just destroy an effort and preparation INDECIBLES, but no matter. Now pay attention to your sword!

Was fierce but brief. The two men allowed the crowd pushes them into an abandoned warehouse and there he took up positions. Luckily, the Pilgrims, although angry, isTaban fighters far from being experienced as the most daring loaded withdrew from deep cuts and gashes Provoed by the swords of Ezio and Piero, the rest fleeing back and leftdo. Only the Herald, dark and unrelenting, remained at his post.

- Impostor! "Said Ezio-.Te frozen forever in the ice of the Fourth and the Ninth Circuit. And I who sent you there.

Extracted from his robes a sharp Swiss Army knife and ran towards Ezio raising the gun over his head, ready to attack. Ezio, backwards, tripped and fell at the mercy of the Herald, but went through with his sword Piero legs of the attacker and Ezio, back up, pulled his double-edged knife and stabbed the sharp points on the man's abdomen. The Herald figure shook with the impact, launched a gasp and fell to the ground, writhing and twisting, until at last stand still.

"I hope this will compensate for the play that I've done," said Piero with a regretful smile. Vamos! Go to the palace of Doge Agostino to tell you to send the guard and ensure that the Dream Team has been divided and all return to their kennels.

"Grazie Ezio said. But I will go in the opposite direction. Tengo to go to Florence. Ezio said. But I will go in the opposite direction. Tengo to go to Florence.

Pierre looked at him in disbelief.

- What? To the mouth of h.e.l.l?

"I have my reasons for pursuing a Savonarola. Although perhaps not too late to repair the damage he has done to our hometown.

"Then I wish you luck," said Piero. Whatever the intended purpose.

Chapter 26.

Fra Girolamo Savonarola took actual possession of the government of Florence in 1494, forty-two years of age. He was a manber tormented, twisted genius and a fanatic believer of the worst, but most frightening of all was that the people enabled him not only leaders, but to encourage it to commit the most ridiculous and desstructive acts of madness. All this supported by the terror wasgo to h.e.l.l and preached a doctrine that pleasure, worldly goods and the work product of human hands were negligible, and that only through complete devotion could a person find the true light of faith. Girolamo Savonarola took actual possession of the government of Florence in 1494, forty-two years of age. He was a manber tormented, twisted genius and a fanatic believer of the worst, but most frightening of all was that the people enabled him not only leaders, but to encourage it to commit the most ridiculous and desstructive acts of madness. All this supported by the terror wasgo to h.e.l.l and preached a doctrine that pleasure, worldly goods and the work product of human hands were negligible, and that only through complete devotion could a person find the true light of faith.

No wonder, Ezio thought, reflecting on these issues as he rode toward his hometown of Leonardo stay in Milan. Ezio had learned well, thinking of his friend, that h.o.m.os.e.xuality, about which car to dateauthorities had turned a blind eye or were punished with a multa affordable, Florence was once again a crime punishable by deathte. And no wonder, too, that the great humanist and materialistic school of thinkers and poets who had gathered around the cultivated mind and ill.u.s.trated by Lorenzo, had been dissolved and gone in search of land less intellectually barren deserttual which was rapidly becoming Florence.

As it was approaching the city, Ezio noticed the presence of large groups of monks and lay black robes with sober attire heading in the same direction. They looked solemn, but honest. Everybody was to beza bowed.

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About Renaissance. Part 36 novel

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